16#ifndef ALICEO2_TPC_HwClustererParam_H_
17#define ALICEO2_TPC_HwClustererParam_H_
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...
unsigned lastTimeBin
Last time bin to process.
unsigned peakChargeThreshold
Charge threshold for the central peak in ADC counts.
unsigned contributionChargeThreshold
Charge threshold for the contributing pads in ADC counts.
bool rejectLaterTimebin
Switch to reject peaks in later timebins of the same pad.
bool isContinuousReadout
Switch for continuous readout.
unsigned firstTimeBin
First time bin to process.
bool rejectSingleTimeClusters
Switch to reject single time clusters, sigmaTime2Pre == 0.
short splittingMode
cluster splitting mode, 0 no splitting, 1 for minimum contributes half to both, 2 for miminum corresp...
bool rejectSinglePadClusters
Switch to reject single pad clusters, sigmaPad2Pre == 0.
O2ParamDef(HwClustererParam, "TPCHwClusterer")