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TPCReconstruction Directory Reference


 Class to monitor the ADC smapling clock contained in the GBT frame.
 Container class for TPC clusters.
 Base class for TPC clusterer.
 TPC Clusterer Task.
 class for entropy encoding/decoding of TPC compressed clusters data
 Decoder to convert TPC ClusterHardware to ClusterNative.
 GBT Frame object.
 Container class for the GBT Frames.
 Class for data from one half SAMPA.
 Decoder to convert TPC ClusterHardware to ClusterNative.
 Class for TPC HW cluster finding.
 Implementation of the parameter class for the hardware clusterer.
 Implementation of the ion tail correction from TPC digits.
 Parameter class for the Kr box cluster finder.
 Class to monitor the data stream and detect synchronization patterns.
 class to create TPC fast transformation
 Wrapper class for TPC CA Tracker algorithm.