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namespace | o2 |
| a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete objects
namespace | o2::tpc |
| Global TPC definitions and constants.
enum | o2::tpc::Side { o2::tpc::A = 0
, o2::tpc::C = 1
, o2::tpc::UNDEFINED = 2
} |
| TPC readout sidE. More...
enum | o2::tpc::RocType { o2::tpc::IROC = 0
, o2::tpc::OROC = 1
} |
| TPC ROC types. More...
enum | o2::tpc::GEMstack { o2::tpc::IROCgem = 0
, o2::tpc::OROC1gem = 1
, o2::tpc::OROC2gem = 2
, o2::tpc::OROC3gem = 3
} |
| TPC GEM stack types. More...
enum class | o2::tpc::PadSubset : char { o2::tpc::ROC
, o2::tpc::Partition
, o2::tpc::Region
} |
| Definition of the different pad subsets. More...
enum | o2::tpc::ChargeType { o2::tpc::Max = 0
, o2::tpc::Tot = 1
} |
enum class | o2::tpc::StatisticsType { o2::tpc::GausFit
, o2::tpc::GausFitFast
, o2::tpc::MeanStdDev
} |
| Statistics type. More...
enum class | o2::tpc::PadFlags : unsigned short {
o2::tpc::flagGoodPad = 1 << 0
, o2::tpc::flagDeadPad = 1 << 1
, o2::tpc::flagUnknownPad = 1 << 2
, o2::tpc::flagSaturatedPad = 1 << 3
o2::tpc::flagHighPad = 1 << 4
, o2::tpc::flagLowPad = 1 << 5
, o2::tpc::flagSkip = 1 << 6
, o2::tpc::flagFEC = 1 << 7
o2::tpc::flagNeighbour = 1 << 8
, o2::tpc::flagAllNoneGood = flagDeadPad | flagUnknownPad | flagSaturatedPad | flagHighPad | flagLowPad | flagSkip | flagFEC | flagNeighbour
} |