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o2::gpu::SplineSpec< DataT, XdimT, YdimT, SpecT > Class Template Reference

Inherited by o2::gpu::Spline< float, 3, 1 >, and o2::gpu::Spline< DataT, XdimT, YdimT >.

Detailed Description

template<typename DataT, int32_t XdimT, int32_t YdimT, int32_t SpecT>
class o2::gpu::SplineSpec< DataT, XdimT, YdimT, SpecT >


SplineSpec class declares different specializations of the Spline class. (See Spline.h for the description.)

The specializations depend on the value of Spline's template parameters XdimT and YdimT. specializations have different constructors and slightly different declarations of methods.

The meaning of the template parameters:

DataTdata type: float or double
XdimTXdimT > 0 : the number of X dimensions is known at the compile time and is equal to XdimT XdimT = 0 : the number of X dimensions will be set in the runtime XdimT < 0 : the number of X dimensions will be set in the runtime, and it will not exceed abs(XdimT)
YdimTsame for the X dimensions
SpecTspecialisation number: 0 - a parent class for all other specializations 1 - nXdim>0, nYdim>0: both nXdim and nYdim are set at the compile time 2 - at least one of the dimensions must be set during runtime 3 - specialization where nYdim==1 (a small add-on on top of the other specs)

Definition at line 252 of file SplineSpec.h.

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