No Matches
o2::gpu Namespace Reference


namespace  cfconsts
namespace  gpu_common_constants
namespace  gpu_reconstruction_kernels
namespace  gpu_rtc
namespace  gpurecoworkflow_internals
namespace  gpustd
namespace  gputpcgmmergertypes
namespace  internal
namespace  tpccf


class  AbstractArray2D
class  BandMatrixSolver
struct  cahit2
struct  CfFragment
class  CfUtils
struct  ChargePos
class  ChebyshevFit1D
class  ClusterAccumulator
struct  ConstPtr
class  CorrectionMapsHelper
struct  DefaultPtr
class  FlatObject
class  genEvents
struct  GLfb
struct  GPUCalibObjectsTemplate
class  GPUChain
class  GPUChainITS
class  GPUChainTracking
struct  GPUChainTrackingFinalContext
class  GPUCommonAlgorithm
class  GPUCommonMath
class  GPUConfigDump
struct  GPUConstantMem
union  GPUConstantMemCopyable
class  GPUDataTypes
class  GPUDebugTiming
class  GPUdEdx
class  GPUDisplay
class  GPUDisplayBackend
class  GPUDisplayBackendOpenGL
class  GPUDisplayBackendVulkan
class  GPUDisplayFrontend
class  GPUDisplayFrontendGlfw
class  GPUDisplayFrontendGlut
class  GPUDisplayFrontendInterface
class  GPUDisplayFrontendNone
class  GPUDisplayFrontendWayland
class  GPUDisplayFrontendWindows
class  GPUDisplayFrontendX11
class  GPUDisplayGUI
class  GPUDisplayGUIWrapper
class  GPUDisplayInterface
class  GPUDisplayMagneticField
struct  GPUDisplayShaders
class  GPUErrors
struct  GPUInterfaceInputUpdate
struct  GPUInterfaceOutputs
struct  GPUInterfaceQAOutputs
class  GPUitoa
class  GPUITSFitter
class  GPUITSFitterKernels
class  GPUITSTrack
class  GPUKernelTemplate
class  GPUMemClean16
class  GPUMemoryResource
struct  GPUMemoryReuse
struct  GPUMemorySizeScalers
struct  GPUNewCalibValues
class  GPUO2Interface
struct  GPUO2Interface_Internals
struct  GPUO2Interface_processingContext
struct  GPUO2InterfaceConfiguration
class  GPUO2InterfaceDisplay
class  GPUO2InterfaceQA
class  GPUO2InterfaceRefit
class  GPUO2InterfaceUtils
struct  GPUOutputControl
struct  GPUParam
struct  GPUParamRTC
struct  GPUParamSector
class  GPUProcessor
class  GPUQA
class  GPUReconstruction
class  GPUReconstructionConvert
class  GPUReconstructionCPU
class  GPUReconstructionCPUBackend
class  GPUReconstructionCUDA
class  GPUReconstructionCUDABackend
struct  GPUReconstructionCUDAInternals
class  GPUReconstructionDeviceBase
class  GPUReconstructionKernels
class  GPUReconstructionOCLBackend
struct  GPUReconstructionOCLInternals
struct  GPUReconstructionPipelineContext
class  GPUReconstructionProcessing
struct  GPUReconstructionThreading
class  GPUReconstructionTimeframe
struct  GPURecoStepConfiguration
class  GPURecoWorkflowSpec
class  GPUROOTDump
class  GPUROOTDump< T >
class  GPUROOTDump< TNtuple >
class  GPUROOTDumpBase
class  GPUROOTDumpCore
class  GPUSettings
struct  GPUSettingsDeviceBackend
struct  GPUSettingsGRP
struct  GPUSettingsTF
class  GPUTPCBaseTrackParam
struct  GPUTPCCFChainContext
class  GPUTPCCFChargeMapFiller
class  GPUTPCCFCheckPadBaseline
class  GPUTPCCFClusterizer
class  GPUTPCCFDecodeZS
class  GPUTPCCFDecodeZSDenseLink
class  GPUTPCCFDecodeZSLink
class  GPUTPCCFDecodeZSLinkBase
class  GPUTPCCFDeconvolution
class  GPUTPCCFGather
class  GPUTPCCFMCLabelFlattener
class  GPUTPCCFNoiseSuppression
class  GPUTPCCFPeakFinder
class  GPUTPCCFStreamCompaction
struct  GPUTPCClusterData
class  GPUTPCClusterFilter
class  GPUTPCClusterFinder
struct  GPUTPCClusterMCInterim
struct  GPUTPCClusterMCInterimArray
struct  GPUTPCClusterOccupancyMapBin
struct  GPUTPCClusterRejection
class  GPUTPCClusterStatistics
class  GPUTPCCompression
class  GPUTPCCompressionGatherKernels
class  GPUTPCCompressionKernels
class  GPUTPCCompressionTrackModel
class  GPUTPCConvert
class  GPUTPCConvertImpl
class  GPUTPCConvertKernel
class  GPUTPCCreateOccupancyMap
class  GPUTPCCreateTrackingData
class  GPUTPCDecompression
class  GPUTPCDecompressionKernels
class  GPUTPCDecompressionUtilKernels
struct  GPUTPCDigitsMCInput
class  GPUTPCExtrapolationTracking
class  GPUTPCExtrapolationTrackingCopyNumbers
class  GPUTPCGeometry
class  GPUTPCGlobalDebugSortKernels
class  GPUTPCGMBorderTrack
struct  GPUTPCGMLoopData
class  GPUTPCGMMergedTrack
struct  GPUTPCGMMergedTrackHit
struct  GPUTPCGMMergedTrackHitXYZ
class  GPUTPCGMMerger
class  GPUTPCGMMergerClearLinks
class  GPUTPCGMMergerCollect
class  GPUTPCGMMergerFinalize
class  GPUTPCGMMergerFollowLoopers
class  GPUTPCGMMergerGeneral
class  GPUTPCGMMergerLinkExtrapolatedTracks
class  GPUTPCGMMergerMergeBorders
class  GPUTPCGMMergerMergeCE
class  GPUTPCGMMergerMergeLoopers
class  GPUTPCGMMergerMergeSectorsPrepare
class  GPUTPCGMMergerMergeWithinPrepare
class  GPUTPCGMMergerPrepareClusters
class  GPUTPCGMMergerResolve
class  GPUTPCGMMergerSectorRefit
class  GPUTPCGMMergerSortTracks
class  GPUTPCGMMergerSortTracksPrepare
class  GPUTPCGMMergerSortTracksQPt
class  GPUTPCGMMergerTrackFit
class  GPUTPCGMMergerUnpackGlobal
class  GPUTPCGMMergerUnpackResetIds
class  GPUTPCGMMergerUnpackSaveNumber
class  GPUTPCGMO2Output
class  GPUTPCGMPhysicalTrackModel
class  GPUTPCGMPolynomialField
class  GPUTPCGMPropagator
class  GPUTPCGMSectorTrack
class  GPUTPCGMTrackParam
class  GPUTPCGrid
class  GPUTPCHit
class  GPUTPCHitId
struct  GPUTPCLinearLabels
struct  GPUTPCMCInfo
struct  GPUTPCMCInfoCol
class  GPUTPCNeighboursCleaner
class  GPUTPCNeighboursFinder
class  GPUTPCRow
class  GPUTPCSectorDebugSortKernels
class  GPUTPCSectorOutCluster
class  GPUTPCSectorOutput
class  GPUTPCStartHitsFinder
class  GPUTPCStartHitsSorter
class  GPUTPCTrack
class  GPUTPCTracker
class  GPUTPCTrackingData
class  GPUTPCTracklet
class  GPUTPCTrackletConstructor
class  GPUTPCTrackletSelector
class  GPUTPCTrackLinearisation
class  GPUTPCTrackParam
struct  GPUTPCTrkLbl_ret
struct  GPUTrackingInOutDigits
struct  GPUTrackingInOutPointers
struct  GPUTrackingInOutZS
class  GPUTrackingInputProvider
struct  GPUTrackingOutputs
class  GPUTrackingRefit
class  GPUTrackingRefitKernel
class  GPUTrackingRefitProcessor
class  GPUTRDGeometry
class  GPUTRDpadPlane
class  GPUTRDSpacePoint
class  GPUTRDTrack_t
class  GPUTRDTracker_t
class  GPUTRDTrackerDebug
class  GPUTRDTrackerKernels
struct  GPUTRDTrackletLabels
class  GPUTRDTrackletWord
struct  GPUTriggerOutputs
class  GPUWorkflowHelper
struct  GridSize
struct  GridSize< 1 >
struct  GridSize< 2 >
struct  GridSize< 4 >
class  IrregularSpline1D
class  IrregularSpline2D3D
class  IrregularSpline2D3DCalibrator
class  LinearLayout
class  MCLabelAccumulator
class  MultivariatePolynomial
struct  MultivariatePolynomialContainer
 simple struct to enable writing the MultivariatePolynomial to file More...
class  MultivariatePolynomialHelper
class  MultivariatePolynomialHelper< 0, 0, false >
 Helper struct for evaluating a multidimensional polynomial using run time evaluated formula. More...
class  MultivariatePolynomialParametersHelper
 Helper class for calculating the number of parameters for a multidimensional polynomial. More...
struct  NDPiecewisePolynomialContainer
 simple struct to enable writing the NDPiecewisePolynomials to file More...
class  NDPiecewisePolynomials
class  O2GPUDPLDisplaySpec
class  PackedCharge
struct  pipelinePrepareMessage
class  propagatorInterface
class  propagatorInterface< GPUTPCGMPropagator >
class  propagatorInterface< o2::base::Propagator >
class  RegularSpline1D
class  SemiregularSpline2D3D
class  Spline
class  Spline1D
class  Spline1DContainer
class  Spline1DHelper
class  Spline1DHelperOld
class  Spline1DSpec
class  Spline1DSpec< DataT, 1, 3 >
class  Spline1DSpec< DataT, YdimT, 0 >
class  Spline1DSpec< DataT, YdimT, 1 >
class  Spline1DSpec< DataT, YdimT, 2 >
class  Spline2D
class  Spline2DContainer
class  Spline2DHelper
class  Spline2DSpec
class  Spline2DSpec< DataT, 1, 3 >
class  Spline2DSpec< DataT, YdimT, 0 >
class  Spline2DSpec< DataT, YdimT, 1 >
class  Spline2DSpec< DataT, YdimT, 2 >
class  SplineContainer
class  SplineHelper
class  SplineSpec
class  SplineSpec< DataT, XdimT, 1, 3 >
class  SplineSpec< DataT, XdimT, YdimT, 0 >
class  SplineSpec< DataT, XdimT, YdimT, 1 >
class  SplineSpec< DataT, XdimT, YdimT, 2 >
class  SplineUtil
class  SymMatrixSolver
class  ThrustVolatileAsyncAllocator
class  TilingLayout
class  TPCClusterDecompressor
class  TPCFastSpaceChargeCorrection
class  TPCFastSpaceChargeCorrectionMap
class  TPCFastTransform
class  TPCFastTransformGeo
class  TPCFastTransformManager
class  TPCFastTransformQA
struct  TPCPadBitMap
struct  TPCPadGainCalib
struct  TPCPadGainCorrectionStepNum
struct  TPCPadGainCorrectionStepNum< uint16_t >
struct  TPCPadGainCorrectionStepNum< uint8_t >
struct  TPCSlowSpaceChargeCorrection
 simple struct to hold the space charge object which can be used for CPU reconstruction only More...
struct  TPCZSLinkMapping
class  trackInterface
class  trackInterface< GPUTPCGMTrackParam >
class  trackInterface< o2::track::TrackParCov >
class  Transform3D


typedef GPUCommonMath CAMath
using GPUReconstructionOCL = GPUReconstructionKernels< GPUReconstructionOCLBackend >
typedef GPUCalibObjectsTemplate< DefaultPtrGPUCalibObjects
typedef GPUCalibObjectsTemplate< ConstPtrGPUCalibObjectsConst
using GPUdEdxInfo = o2::tpc::dEdxInfo
typedef o2::track::TrackParametrizationWithError< float > TRDBaseTrack
typedef GPUTPCGMTrackParam TRDBaseTrackGPU
typedef o2::base::PropagatorImpl< float > TRDBasePropagator
typedef GPUTPCGMPropagator TRDBasePropagatorGPU
typedef GPUTRDTrack_t< trackInterface< TRDBaseTrack > > GPUTRDTrack
typedef GPUTRDTrack_t< trackInterface< TRDBaseTrackGPU > > GPUTRDTrackGPU
typedef propagatorInterface< TRDBasePropagatorGPUTRDPropagator
typedef propagatorInterface< TRDBasePropagatorGPUGPUTRDPropagatorGPU
typedef GPUTRDTracker_t< GPUTRDTrack, GPUTRDPropagatorGPUTRDTracker
typedef GPUTRDTracker_t< GPUTRDTrackGPU, GPUTRDPropagatorGPUGPUTRDTrackerGPU
typedef uint32_t calink
typedef uint32_t cahit
template<typename T >
using TPCMapMemoryLayout = LinearLayout
template<typename T >
using Array2D = AbstractArray2D< T, TPCMapMemoryLayout< T > >


 GPUdi () o2
 GPUhdi () float GPUCommonMath
template<typename T >
 GPUd () void _swap(T &a
template<typename T >
 GPUhdi () void GPUCommonMath
template<class T , class S , class R >
 GPUdi () T GPUCommonMath
 GPUhdi () float GPUCommonMath
 GPUhdi () double GPUCommonMath
 GPUhdi () int32_t GPUCommonMath
 GPUdi () auto &GPUConstantMem
 GPUdi () auto &GPUConstantMem
 GPUdnii () void GPUdEdx
template<uint32_t Dim, uint32_t Degree, bool InteractionOnly>
 GPUd () const expr uint32_t MultivariatePolynomialHelper< Dim
template<uint32_t DegreePol>
 GPUd () const expr float MultivariatePolynomialHelper< Dim
float evalPol4_5D (const float *x, const float *par)
float evalPol5_5D_interactionOnly (const float *x, const float *par)
float genRand ()
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (Polynomials5D_InteractionOnly)
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (Piecewise_polynomials)
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (Spline_test1)
 Basic test if we can create the interface.
template<typename T >
T * resizeArray (T *&ptr, int32_t oldSize, int32_t newSize, T *newPtr=nullptr)
template<typename T >
T ** resizeArray (T **&ptr, int32_t oldSize, int32_t newSize, T **newPtr=nullptr)


T & b
 a = b
GPUSettingsStandalone configStandalone
constexpr float MaxSinPhi = 0.999f
const o2::track::TrackParCovtrkX
constexpr ChargePos INVALID_CHARGE_POS {255, 255, INVALID_TIME_BIN}

Detailed Description

Ole Schmidt

Typedef Documentation

◆ Array2D

template<typename T >
using o2::gpu::Array2D = typedef AbstractArray2D<T, TPCMapMemoryLayout<T> >

Definition at line 122 of file Array2D.h.

◆ cahit

typedef uint32_t o2::gpu::cahit

Definition at line 31 of file GPUTPCDef.h.

◆ calink

typedef uint32_t o2::gpu::calink

Definition at line 30 of file GPUTPCDef.h.

◆ CAMath

Definition at line 172 of file GPUCommonMath.h.

◆ GPUCalibObjects

◆ GPUCalibObjectsConst

◆ GPUdEdxInfo

Definition at line 22 of file GPUdEdxInfo.h.

◆ GPUReconstructionOCL

◆ GPUTRDPropagator

◆ GPUTRDPropagatorGPU


◆ GPUTRDTracker



◆ TPCMapMemoryLayout

template<typename T >
using o2::gpu::TPCMapMemoryLayout = typedef LinearLayout

Definition at line 118 of file Array2D.h.

◆ TRDBasePropagator

Definition at line 39 of file GPUTRDDef.h.

◆ TRDBasePropagatorGPU

Definition at line 41 of file GPUTRDDef.h.

◆ TRDBaseTrack

◆ TRDBaseTrackGPU

Definition at line 37 of file GPUTRDDef.h.

Function Documentation


o2::gpu::BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( Piecewise_polynomials  )

Definition at line 139 of file testMultivarPolynomials.cxx.


o2::gpu::BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( Polynomials5D  )

Definition at line 46 of file testMultivarPolynomials.cxx.


o2::gpu::BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( Polynomials5D_InteractionOnly  )

Definition at line 92 of file testMultivarPolynomials.cxx.


o2::gpu::BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( Spline_test1  )

Basic test if we can create the interface.

Definition at line 27 of file testSplines.cxx.

◆ evalPol4_5D()

float o2::gpu::evalPol4_5D ( const float *  x,
const float *  par 

Definition at line 28 of file testMultivarPolynomials.cxx.

◆ evalPol5_5D_interactionOnly()

float o2::gpu::evalPol5_5D_interactionOnly ( const float *  x,
const float *  par 

Definition at line 33 of file testMultivarPolynomials.cxx.

◆ genRand()

float o2::gpu::genRand ( )

Definition at line 38 of file testMultivarPolynomials.cxx.

◆ GPUd() [1/3]

template<uint32_t DegreePol>
o2::gpu::GPUd ( ) const

◆ GPUd() [2/3]

template<uint32_t Dim, uint32_t Degree, bool InteractionOnly>
o2::gpu::GPUd ( ) const

◆ GPUd() [3/3]

template<typename T >
o2::gpu::GPUd ( ) &

◆ GPUdi() [1/4]

o2::gpu::GPUdi ( ) &

Definition at line 64 of file GPUConstantMem.h.

◆ GPUdi() [2/4]

o2::gpu::GPUdi ( ) &

Definition at line 69 of file GPUConstantMem.h.

◆ GPUdi() [3/4]

o2::gpu::GPUdi ( ) const


Inline implementations of some methods

Gives pointer to spline

Gives pointer to spline data

Gives pointer to spline

Gives pointer to spline data

Definition at line 38 of file TrackTRD.h.

◆ GPUdi() [4/4]

template<class T , class S , class R >
o2::gpu::GPUdi ( )

Definition at line 349 of file GPUCommonMath.h.

◆ GPUdnii()

o2::gpu::GPUdnii ( )

Definition at line 95 of file GPUdEdx.h.

◆ GPUhdi() [1/5]

o2::gpu::GPUhdi ( )

Definition at line 419 of file GPUCommonMath.h.

◆ GPUhdi() [2/5]

o2::gpu::GPUhdi ( )

Definition at line 243 of file GPUCommonMath.h.

◆ GPUhdi() [3/5]

o2::gpu::GPUhdi ( )

Definition at line 412 of file GPUCommonMath.h.

◆ GPUhdi() [4/5]

o2::gpu::GPUhdi ( )

Definition at line 426 of file GPUCommonMath.h.

◆ GPUhdi() [5/5]

template<typename T >
o2::gpu::GPUhdi ( )

Definition at line 331 of file GPUCommonMath.h.

◆ resizeArray() [1/2]

template<typename T >
T * o2::gpu::resizeArray ( T *&  ptr,
int32_t  oldSize,
int32_t  newSize,
T *  newPtr = nullptr 

The FlatObject class represents base class for flat objects. Objects may contain variable-size data, stored in a buffer. The data may contain pointers to the buffer inside. The buffer can be internal, placed in mFlatBufferContainer, or external.

Important: All methods of the FlatObject are marked "protected" in order to not let users to call them directly. They all should be reimplemented in daughter classes, because only daughter class knows how to reset all pointers in the data buffer. This is an unusual decision. Normally, to avoid confusion one should just mark methods of a base class virtual or abstract. But this right solution invokes use of a virtual table and complicates porting objects to other machines. Therefore: no virtual functions but protected methods.

== Object construction.

This base class performs some basic operations, like setting initialisation flags, allocating / releasing memory etc. As no virtual methods are involved, the rest should be done manually in daughter classes.

It is assumed, that a daughter object may be complicated and can not be constructed by just a call of its c++ constructor. May be it needs to wait for something else to be initialized first. Like a database or so.

Therefore the object may find itself in some intermediate half-constructed state, where its data stays in private temporary arrays and can not be yet copied to the flat buffer.

To deal with it, some extra control on the initialization flow is provided.

The object can be constructed either a) by calling void startConstruction(); ... do something .. void finishConstruction( int32_t flatBufferSize );

b) or by cloning from another constructed(!) object: obj.CloneFromObject(..)

A new obect is by default in "Not Constructed" state, operations with its buffer will cause an error.

== Making an internal buffer external option a) std::unique_ptr<char[]> p = obj.releaseInternalBuffer(); ..taking care on p..

option b) std::unique_ptr<char[]> p( new char[obj.GetBufferSize()] ); obj.moveBufferTo( p.get() ); ..taking care on p..

option c) std::unique_ptr<char[]> p( new char[obj.GetBufferSize()] ); obj.cloneFromObject(obj, p.get() ); ..taking care on p..

=== Making an external buffer internal

option a) obj.cloneFromObject( obj, nullptr );

option b) obj.moveBufferTo( nullptr );

== Moving an object to other machine.

This only works when the buffer is external. The object and its buffer are supposed to be bit-wise ported to a new place. And they need to find each other there. There are 2 options:

option a) The new buffer location is only known after the transport. In this case call: obj.setActualBufferAddress( new buffer address ) from the new place.

option b) The new buffer location is known before the transport (case of porting to GPU). In this case call: obj.setFutureBufferAddress( char* futureFlatBufferPtr ); before the transport. The object will be ready-to-use right after the porting.

Definition at line 121 of file FlatObject.h.

◆ resizeArray() [2/2]

template<typename T >
T ** o2::gpu::resizeArray ( T **&  ptr,
int32_t  oldSize,
int32_t  newSize,
T **  newPtr = nullptr 

Definition at line 149 of file FlatObject.h.

Variable Documentation

◆ a

o2::gpu::a = b

Definition at line 326 of file GPUCommonMath.h.

◆ b

Initial value:
T tmp = a
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean a
Definition glcorearb.h:1233

Definition at line 323 of file GPUCommonMath.h.

◆ configStandalone

GPUSettingsStandalone o2::gpu::configStandalone

Definition at line 47 of file genEvents.cxx.

◆ Degree


Definition at line 239 of file MultivariatePolynomialHelper.h.


constexpr ChargePos o2::gpu::INVALID_CHARGE_POS {255, 255, INVALID_TIME_BIN}

Definition at line 58 of file ChargePos.h.

◆ MaxSinPhi

constexpr float o2::gpu::MaxSinPhi = 0.999f

Definition at line 42 of file GPUTPCCompressionTrackModel.h.

◆ trkX

const o2::track::TrackParCov& o2::gpu::trkX
Initial value:
for (int32_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
trk.Par()[i] = trkX.getParams()[i];
for (int32_t i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
trk.Cov()[i] = trkX.getCov()[i];
trk.X() = trkX.getX()
int32_t i
const o2::track::TrackParCov & trkX

Definition at line 29 of file GPUTrackParamConvert.h.