No Matches
o2::gpu::GPUCalibObjectsTemplate< S > Struct Template Reference

#include <GPUDataTypes.h>

Public Attributes

S< TPCFastTransform >::typefastTransform = nullptr
S< TPCFastTransform >::typefastTransformRef = nullptr
S< TPCFastTransform >::typefastTransformMShape = nullptr
S< CorrectionMapsHelper >::typefastTransformHelper = nullptr
S< o2::base::MatLayerCylSet >::typematLUT = nullptr
S< o2::trd::GeometryFlat >::typetrdGeometry = nullptr
S< TPCPadGainCalib >::typetpcPadGain = nullptr
S< TPCZSLinkMapping >::typetpcZSLinkMapping = nullptr
S< o2::tpc::CalibdEdxContainer >::typedEdxCalibContainer = nullptr
S< o2::base::PropagatorImpl< float > >::typeo2Propagator = nullptr
S< o2::itsmft::TopologyDictionary >::typeitsPatternDict = nullptr

Detailed Description

template<template< typename T > class S>
struct o2::gpu::GPUCalibObjectsTemplate< S >

Definition at line 180 of file GPUDataTypes.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ dEdxCalibContainer

template<template< typename T > class S>
S<o2::tpc::CalibdEdxContainer>::type* o2::gpu::GPUCalibObjectsTemplate< S >::dEdxCalibContainer = nullptr

Definition at line 189 of file GPUDataTypes.h.

◆ fastTransform

template<template< typename T > class S>
S<TPCFastTransform>::type* o2::gpu::GPUCalibObjectsTemplate< S >::fastTransform = nullptr

Definition at line 181 of file GPUDataTypes.h.

◆ fastTransformHelper

template<template< typename T > class S>
S<CorrectionMapsHelper>::type* o2::gpu::GPUCalibObjectsTemplate< S >::fastTransformHelper = nullptr

Definition at line 184 of file GPUDataTypes.h.

◆ fastTransformMShape

template<template< typename T > class S>
S<TPCFastTransform>::type* o2::gpu::GPUCalibObjectsTemplate< S >::fastTransformMShape = nullptr

Definition at line 183 of file GPUDataTypes.h.

◆ fastTransformRef

template<template< typename T > class S>
S<TPCFastTransform>::type* o2::gpu::GPUCalibObjectsTemplate< S >::fastTransformRef = nullptr

Definition at line 182 of file GPUDataTypes.h.

◆ itsPatternDict

template<template< typename T > class S>
S<o2::itsmft::TopologyDictionary>::type* o2::gpu::GPUCalibObjectsTemplate< S >::itsPatternDict = nullptr

Definition at line 191 of file GPUDataTypes.h.

◆ matLUT

template<template< typename T > class S>
S<o2::base::MatLayerCylSet>::type* o2::gpu::GPUCalibObjectsTemplate< S >::matLUT = nullptr

Definition at line 185 of file GPUDataTypes.h.

◆ o2Propagator

template<template< typename T > class S>
S<o2::base::PropagatorImpl<float>>::type* o2::gpu::GPUCalibObjectsTemplate< S >::o2Propagator = nullptr

Definition at line 190 of file GPUDataTypes.h.

◆ tpcPadGain

template<template< typename T > class S>
S<TPCPadGainCalib>::type* o2::gpu::GPUCalibObjectsTemplate< S >::tpcPadGain = nullptr

Definition at line 187 of file GPUDataTypes.h.

◆ tpcZSLinkMapping

template<template< typename T > class S>
S<TPCZSLinkMapping>::type* o2::gpu::GPUCalibObjectsTemplate< S >::tpcZSLinkMapping = nullptr

Definition at line 188 of file GPUDataTypes.h.

◆ trdGeometry

template<template< typename T > class S>
S<o2::trd::GeometryFlat>::type* o2::gpu::GPUCalibObjectsTemplate< S >::trdGeometry = nullptr

Definition at line 186 of file GPUDataTypes.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: