32struct ClusterNativeAccess;
33struct CompressedClustersFlat;
54template <
typename value_T>
55class TrackParametrizationWithError;
56using TrackParCov = TrackParametrizationWithError<float>;
69class ConstMCTruthContainerView;
75class TopologyDictionary;
87class CalibdEdxContainer;
93class CorrectionMapsHelper;
94class TPCFastTransform;
95struct TPCPadGainCalib;
96struct TPCZSLinkMapping;
99#define ENUM_CLASS class
100#define ENUM_UINT : uint32_t
101#define GPUCA_RECO_STEP GPUDataTypes::RecoStep
105class GPUTPCGMMergedTrack;
106struct GPUTPCGMMergedTrackHit;
107struct GPUTPCGMMergedTrackHitXYZ;
108class GPUTRDTrackletWord;
109class GPUTRDSpacePoint;
111struct GPUTPCMCInfoCol;
112struct GPUTPCClusterData;
113struct GPUTRDTrackletLabels;
114struct GPUTPCDigitsMCInput;
151 static constexpr const char*
152 static constexpr const char*
const RECO_STEP_NAMES[] = {
"TPC Transformation",
"TPC Sector Tracking",
"TPC Track Merging and Fit",
"TPC Compression",
"TRD Tracking",
"ITS Tracking",
"TPC dEdx Computation",
"TPC Cluster Finding",
"TPC Decompression",
"Global Refit"};
179template <
template <
typename T>
class S>
o2::track::TrackParCov TrackParCov
static DeviceType GetDeviceType(const char *type)
static constexpr const char *const GENERAL_STEP_NAMES[]
static constexpr const char *const RECO_STEP_NAMES[]
static constexpr const char *const DEVICE_TYPE_NAMES[]
static constexpr int32_t N_RECO_STEPS
static constexpr uint32_t NSECTORS
static constexpr int32_t N_GENERAL_STEPS
bitfield< RecoStep, uint32_t > RecoStepField
bitfield< InOutType, uint32_t > InOutTypeField
HMPID cluster implementation.
GLint GLint GLsizei GLint GLenum GLenum type
GPUCalibObjectsTemplate< ConstPtr > GPUCalibObjectsConst
GPUCalibObjectsTemplate< DefaultPtr > GPUCalibObjects
Global TPC definitions and constants.
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...
S< o2::trd::GeometryFlat >::type * trdGeometry
S< o2::itsmft::TopologyDictionary >::type * itsPatternDict
S< o2::tpc::CalibdEdxContainer >::type * dEdxCalibContainer
S< TPCZSLinkMapping >::type * tpcZSLinkMapping
S< TPCFastTransform >::type * fastTransform
S< TPCPadGainCalib >::type * tpcPadGain
S< o2::base::PropagatorImpl< float > >::type * o2Propagator
S< o2::base::MatLayerCylSet >::type * matLUT
S< CorrectionMapsHelper >::type * fastTransformHelper
S< TPCFastTransform >::type * fastTransformRef
S< TPCFastTransform >::type * fastTransformMShape
GPUDataTypes::RecoStepField stepsGPUMask
GPUDataTypes::InOutTypeField outputs
GPUDataTypes::RecoStepField steps
GPUDataTypes::InOutTypeField inputs
const o2::tpc::Digit * tpcDigits[NSECTORS]
size_t nTPCDigits[NSECTORS]
const GPUTPCDigitsMCInput * tpcDigitsMC
static constexpr uint32_t NSECTORS
const int32_t * trdTrackletIdxFirst
const GPUTPCGMMergedTrackHitXYZ * mergedTrackHitsXYZ
const o2::itsmft::CompClusterExt * itsCompClusters
const GPUTPCHitId * sectorClusters[NSECTORS]
const o2::tpc::ClusterNativeAccess * clustersNative
const GPUTPCMCInfo * mcInfosTPC
uint32_t nClusterData[NSECTORS]
const o2::dataformats::MCTruthContainer< o2::MCCompLabel > * itsClusterMC
const o2::dataformats::MatchInfoTOF * tpctofMatches
const o2::dataformats::MatchInfoTOF * tpctrdtofMatches
uint32_t nRawClusters[NSECTORS]
const o2::MCCompLabel * itsTrackMC
const o2::dataformats::MatchInfoTOF * itstpctrdtofMatches
const GPUTRDTrack * trdTracksTPCTRD
const o2::tpc::CompressedClustersFlat * tpcCompressedClusters
const uint32_t * outputClusRefsTPCO2
const AliHLTTPCClusterMCLabel * mcLabelsTPC
uint32_t nSectorClusters[NSECTORS]
const GPUTRDSpacePoint * trdSpacePoints
uint32_t nITSTPCTRDTOFMatches
const o2::tof::Cluster * tofClusters
const int32_t * itsTrackClusIdx
const o2::BaseCluster< float > * itsClusters
const GPUTPCTrack * sectorTracks[NSECTORS]
const o2::itsmft::ROFRecord * itsClusterROF
const o2::dataformats::MatchInfoTOF * itstpctofMatches
const uint32_t * mergedTrackHitAttachment
const GPUTRDTrackGPU * trdTracks
uint32_t nTRDTracksTPCTRD
const GPUSettingsTF * settingsTF
const GPUTRDTrackletWord * trdTracklets
const GPUTrackingInOutZS * tpcZS
const GPUTRDTrack * trdTracksO2
const AliHLTTPCRawCluster * rawClusters[NSECTORS]
const GPUTPCClusterData * clusterData[NSECTORS]
const o2::its::TrackITS * itsTracks
const o2::dataformats::TrackTPCITS * tracksTPCITSO2
const o2::MCCompLabel * outputTracksTPCO2MC
static constexpr uint32_t NSECTORS
const o2::itsmft::ROFRecord * itsTrackROF
uint32_t nSectorTracks[NSECTORS]
uint32_t nOutputTracksTPCO2
uint32_t nMergedTrackHits
uint32_t nOutputClusRefsTPCO2
const o2::tpc::TrackTPC * outputTracksTPCO2
const float * trdTriggerTimes
const uint8_t * trdTrigRecMask
const uint8_t * mergedTrackHitStates
const GPUTPCGMMergedTrackHit * mergedTrackHits
const GPUTrackingInOutDigits * tpcPackedDigits
const GPUTRDTrack * trdTracksITSTPCTRD
uint32_t nTRDTriggerRecords
uint32_t nTRDTracksITSTPCTRD
uint32_t nITSTPCTOFMatches
const o2::track::TrackParCov ** globalTracks
uint32_t nTPCTRDTOFMatches
const GPUTPCMCInfoCol * mcInfosTPCCol
const GPUTPCGMMergedTrack * mergedTracks
const void *const * zsPtr[NENDPOINTS]
const uint32_t * nZSPtr[NENDPOINTS]
GPUTrackingInOutZSSector sector[NSECTORS]
static constexpr uint32_t NSECTORS
static constexpr uint32_t NENDPOINTS