No Matches
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1// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
2// See for details of the copyright holders.
3// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
5// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
6// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
8// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
9// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
10// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
22namespace o2
24namespace dataformats
30 public:
31 MatchInfoTOF(int idLocal, int idxTOFCl, double time, float chi2, o2::track::TrackLTIntegral trkIntLT, GTrackID idxTrack, float dt = 0, float z = 0, float dx = 0, float dz = 0, float dy = 0, float geanttime = 0.0, double t0 = 0.0) : mIdLocal(idLocal), mIdxTOFCl(idxTOFCl), mSignal(time), mChi2(chi2), mIntLT(trkIntLT), mIdxTrack(idxTrack), mDeltaT(dt), mZatTOF(z), mDXatTOF(dx), mDZatTOF(dz), mDYatTOF(dy), mTgeant(geanttime), mT0true(t0){};
32 MatchInfoTOF() = default;
33 void setIdxTOFCl(int index) { mIdxTOFCl = index; }
34 void setIdxTrack(GTrackID index) { mIdxTrack = index; }
35 int getIdxTOFCl() const { return mIdxTOFCl; }
36 GTrackID getTrackRef() const { return mIdxTrack; }
37 int getEventTOFClIndex() const { return mIdxTOFCl; }
38 int getTOFClIndex() const { return mIdxTOFCl; }
39 int getTrackIndex() const { return mIdxTrack.getIndex(); }
41 void setChi2(float chi2) { mChi2 = chi2; }
42 float getChi2() const { return mChi2; }
44 void setHitPatternUpDown(bool v) { mHitUpDown = v; }
45 bool getHitPatternUpDown() const { return mHitUpDown; }
47 void setHitPatternLeftRight(bool v) { mHitLeftRight = v; }
48 bool getHitPatternLeftRight() const { return mHitLeftRight; }
51 const o2::track::TrackLTIntegral& getLTIntegralOut() const { return mIntLT; }
52 void print() const;
54 void setDeltaT(float val) { mDeltaT = val; }
55 float getDeltaT() const { return mDeltaT; }
56 void setZatTOF(float val) { mZatTOF = val; }
57 float getZatTOF() const { return mZatTOF; }
58 void setDZatTOF(float val) { mDZatTOF = val; }
59 float getDZatTOF() const { return mDZatTOF; }
60 void setDXatTOF(float val) { mDXatTOF = val; }
61 float getDXatTOF() const { return mDXatTOF; }
62 void setDYatTOF(float val) { mDYatTOF = val; }
63 float getDYatTOF() const { return mDYatTOF; }
64 void setSignal(double time) { mSignal = time; }
65 double getSignal() const { return mSignal; }
67 int getIdLocal() const { return mIdLocal; }
69 float getVz() const { return mVz; }
70 void setVz(float val) { mVz = val; }
71 int getChannel() const { return mChannel; }
72 void setChannel(int val) { mChannel = val; }
73 float getTgeant() const { return mTgeant; }
74 void setTgeant(float val) { mTgeant = val; }
75 double getT0true() const { return mT0true; }
76 void setT0true(double val) { mT0true = val; }
78 enum QualityFlags { isMultiHitX = 0x1 << 0,
79 isMultiHitZ = 0x1 << 1,
80 badDy = 0x1 << 2,
81 isMultiStrip = 0x1 << 3,
82 isNotInPad = 0x1 << 4,
83 chiGT3 = 0x1 << 5,
84 chiGT5 = 0x1 << 6,
85 hasT0sameBC = 0x1 << 7,
86 hasT0_1BCbefore = 0x1 << 8,
87 hasT0_2BCbefore = 0x1 << 9 };
89 private:
90 int mIdLocal; // track id in sector of the pair track-TOFcluster
91 float mChi2; // chi2 of the pair track-TOFcluster
93 int mIdxTOFCl;
94 GTrackID mIdxTrack;
95 float mZatTOF = 0.0;
96 float mDXatTOF = 0.0;
97 float mDZatTOF = 0.0;
98 float mDYatTOF = 0.0;
99 float mDeltaT = 0.0;
100 double mSignal = 0.0;
101 float mVz = 0.0;
102 int mChannel = -1;
103 // Hit pattern information
104 bool mHitUpDown = false;
105 bool mHitLeftRight = false;
106 float mTgeant = 0.0;
107 double mT0true = 0.0;
109 ClassDefNV(MatchInfoTOF, 8);
111} // namespace dataformats
112} // namespace o2
Class to store event ID and index in the event for objects like track, cluster...
int16_t time
Definition RawEventData.h:4
Global index for barrel track: provides provenance (detectors combination), index in respective array...
Track Length and TOF integral.
const o2::track::TrackLTIntegral & getLTIntegralOut() const
void setSignal(double time)
MatchInfoTOF(int idLocal, int idxTOFCl, double time, float chi2, o2::track::TrackLTIntegral trkIntLT, GTrackID idxTrack, float dt=0, float z=0, float dx=0, float dz=0, float dy=0, float geanttime=0.0, double t0=0.0)
o2::track::TrackLTIntegral & getLTIntegralOut()
void setIdxTrack(GTrackID index)
const GLdouble * v
Definition glcorearb.h:832
GLuint index
Definition glcorearb.h:781
GLuint GLfloat * val
Definition glcorearb.h:1582
GLuint GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat t0
Definition glcorearb.h:5034
GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble z
Definition glcorearb.h:843
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...