| BaseCluster.h |
| BCRange.h |
| Cascade.h |
| DCA.h |
| Decay3Body.h |
| DecayNBodyIndex.h |
| GlobalFwdTrack.h |
| Global Forward Muon tracks.
| GlobalTrackAccessor.h |
| Accessor for TrackParCov derived objects from multiple containers.
| GlobalTrackID.h |
| Global index for barrel track: provides provenance (detectors combination), index in respective array and some number of bits.
| MatchInfoFwd.h |
| MatchInfoHMP.h |
| Class to store the output of the matching to HMPID.
| MatchInfoTOF.h |
| Class to store the output of the matching to TOF.
| MatchInfoTOFReco.h |
| Class to temporary store the output of the matching to TOF in reconstruction.
| MatchingType.h |
| Defintions for the inter-detector matching type.
| PID.h |
| particle ids, masses, names class definition
| PrimaryVertex.h |
| PrimaryVertexExt.h |
| StrangeTrack.h |
| Track.h |
| Base track model for the Barrel, params only, w/o covariance.
| TrackCosmics.h |
| Result of top-bottom cosmic tracks leg matching.
| TrackFwd.h |
| Base forward track model, params only, w/o covariance.
| TrackHMP.h |
| TrackLTIntegral.h |
| Track Length and TOF integral.
| TrackMCHMID.h |
| Definition of the MUON track.
| TrackParametrization.h |
| TrackParametrizationWithError.h |
| TrackTPCITS.h |
| Result of refitting TPC-ITS matched track.
| TrackTPCTOF.h |
| Result of refitting TPC with TOF match constraint.
| TrackUtils.h |
| V0.h |
| Vertex.h |
| VtxTrackIndex.h |
| Extention of GlobalTrackID by flags relevant for verter-track association.
| VtxTrackRef.h |
| Referenc on track indices contributing to the vertex, with possibility chose tracks from specific source (global, ITS, TPC...)