31 MatchInfoHMP(
int idxHMPClus,
GTrackID idxTrack,
float xmip = 0,
float ymip = 0,
float xtrk = 0,
float ytrk = 0,
float theta = 0,
float phi = 0,
float angle = 0,
float size = 0,
int idxPhotClus = 0,
int hmpqn = 0,
float hmpMom = 0) : mIdxHMPClus(idxHMPClus), mIdxTrack(idxTrack), mCkovAngle(
angle), mMipX(xmip), mMipY(ymip), mTrkX(xtrk), mTrkY(ytrk), mTrkTheta(theta), mTrkPhi(phi), mMipCluSize(
size), mIdxPhotClus(idxPhotClus), mHMPqn(hmpqn), mHmpMom(hmpMom)
33 for (
int i = 0;
i < 10;
i++) {
39 void setIdxHMPClus(
int ch,
int idx) { mIdxHMPClus = ch * 1000000 + idx; }
63 return mCkovAngle - (Int_t)mCkovAngle;
100 mHMPqn = 1000000 * nph + q;
107 q = mHMPqn % 1000000;
108 nph = mHMPqn / 1000000;
116 for (
int i = 0;
i < 10;
i++) {
117 mPhotCharge[
i] = chargeArray[
135 int mMipCluSize = 0.0;
140 float mPhotCharge[10] = {};
Class to store event ID and index in the event for objects like track, cluster...
Global index for barrel track: provides provenance (detectors combination), index in respective array...
Track Length and TOF integral.
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...