No Matches
o2::track Namespace Reference


namespace  pid_constants


struct  CrossInfo
class  PID
struct  TrackAuxPar
class  TrackLTIntegral
class  TrackParametrization
class  TrackParametrizationWithError
class  TrackParCovFwd
class  TrackParFwd


using TrackParF = TrackParametrization< float >
using TrackParD = TrackParametrization< double >
using TrackPar = TrackParF
using TrackParCovF = TrackParametrizationWithError< float >
using TrackParCovD = TrackParametrizationWithError< double >
using TrackParCov = TrackParCovF
using SMatrix55Sym = ROOT::Math::SMatrix< double, 5, 5, ROOT::Math::MatRepSym< double, 5 > >
using SMatrix55Std = ROOT::Math::SMatrix< double, 5 >
using SMatrix5 = ROOT::Math::SVector< Double_t, 5 >


enum  ParLabels : int {
  kY , kZ , kSnp , kTgl ,
enum  CovLabels : int {
  kSigY2 , kSigZY , kSigZ2 , kSigSnpY ,
  kSigSnpZ , kSigSnp2 , kSigTglY , kSigTglZ ,
  kSigTglSnp , kSigTgl2 , kSigQ2PtY , kSigQ2PtZ ,
  kSigQ2PtSnp , kSigQ2PtTgl , kSigQ2Pt2
enum  DirType : int { DirInward = -1 , DirAuto = 0 , DirOutward = 1 }


 GPUconstexpr () int CovarMap[kNParams][kNParams] = {0, 2, 5, 9, 14}
template<typename value_T >
 GPUdi () TrackParametrization< value_T >
template<typename value_T >
 GPUhdi () uint16_t TrackParametrization< value_T >
template<typename value_T = float>
 GPUd () value_T BetheBlochSolid(value_T bg
 if (gpu::CAMath::Abs(tet) > 0.03f)
 if (x > kp2)
else if (x > kp1)
 GPUd () void TrackLTIntegral


constexpr int kNParams = 5
constexpr int kCovMatSize = 15
constexpr int kLabCovMatSize = 21
constexpr float kCY2max = 100 * 100
constexpr float kCZ2max = 100 * 100
constexpr float kCSnp2max = 1 * 1
constexpr float kCTgl2max = 1 * 1
constexpr float kC1Pt2max = 100 * 100
constexpr float kMostProbablePt = 0.6f
constexpr float kCalcdEdxAuto = -999.f
constexpr float HugeF = o2::constants::math::VeryBig
constexpr float MaxPT = 100000.
constexpr float MinPTInv = 1. / MaxPT
constexpr float ELoss2EKinThreshInv = 1. / 0.025
constexpr int MaxELossIter = 50
value_T rho = 2.33
value_T value_T kp1 = 0.20
value_T value_T value_T kp2 = 3.00
value_T value_T value_T value_T meanI = 173e-9
value_T value_T value_T value_T value_T meanZA = 0.49848)
value_T step
value_T gpu::gpustd::array< value_T, 7 > & vect
const int ix = 0
const int iy = 1
const int iz = 2
const int ipx = 3
const int ipy = 4
const int ipz = 5
const int ipp = 6
constexpr value_T kOvSqSix = 0.408248f
value_T cosx = vect[ipx]
value_T cosy = vect[ipy]
value_T cosz = vect[ipz]
value_T tet = rho * step
value_T tsint
value_T sintt = (1.f - tet * kOvSqSix) * (1.f + tet * kOvSqSix)
value_T sint = tet * sintt
value_T cos1t = 0.5f * tet
value_T f1 = step * sintt
value_T f2 = step * cos1t
value_T f3 = step * tsint * cosz
value_T f4 = -tet * cos1t
value_T f5 = sint
constexpr value_T mK = 0.307075e-3
constexpr value_T me = 0.511e-3
kp1 *kp2 *value_T bg2 = bg * bg
kp1 *kp2 *value_T beta2 = bg2 / (1 + bg2)
value_T maxT = 2.f * me * bg2
value_T d2 = 0.
const value_T x = gpu::CAMath::Log(bg)
const value_T lhwI = gpu::CAMath::Log(28.816f * 1e-9f * gpu::CAMath::Sqrt(rho * meanZA) / meanI)
auto dedx = mK * meanZA / beta2 * (0.5f * gpu::CAMath::Log(2 * me * bg2 * maxT / (meanI * meanI)) - beta2 - d2)
value_T bg
auto t1 = 1 + bg2
auto derH = (mK * meanZA * (t1 + 1. / bg2) - dedx) / (bg * t1)

Typedef Documentation

◆ SMatrix5

using o2::track::SMatrix5 = typedef ROOT::Math::SVector<Double_t, 5>

Definition at line 32 of file TrackFwd.h.

◆ SMatrix55Std

using o2::track::SMatrix55Std = typedef ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double, 5>

Definition at line 31 of file TrackFwd.h.

◆ SMatrix55Sym

using o2::track::SMatrix55Sym = typedef ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double, 5, 5, ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double, 5> >

Definition at line 30 of file TrackFwd.h.

◆ TrackPar

using o2::track::TrackPar = typedef TrackParF

Definition at line 29 of file Track.h.

◆ TrackParCov

Definition at line 33 of file Track.h.

◆ TrackParCovD

Definition at line 32 of file Track.h.

◆ TrackParCovF

Definition at line 31 of file Track.h.

◆ TrackParD

using o2::track::TrackParD = typedef TrackParametrization<double>

Definition at line 28 of file Track.h.

◆ TrackParF

Definition at line 27 of file Track.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ CovLabels


Definition at line 75 of file TrackParametrization.h.

◆ DirType


Definition at line 93 of file TrackParametrization.h.

◆ ParLabels


Definition at line 70 of file TrackParametrization.h.

Function Documentation

◆ GPUconstexpr()

o2::track::GPUconstexpr ( ) = {0, 2, 5, 9, 14}

◆ GPUd() [1/2]

template<typename value_T = float>
GPUd ( )

Definition at line 150 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ GPUd() [2/2]

o2::track::GPUd ( )

< add step in cm to integrals

Definition at line 26 of file TrackLTIntegral.cxx.

◆ GPUdi()

template<typename value_T >
o2::track::GPUdi ( )

Definition at line 273 of file TrackParametrization.h.

◆ GPUhdi()

template<typename value_T >
o2::track::GPUhdi ( )

Definition at line 702 of file TrackParametrization.h.

◆ if() [1/3]

o2::track::if ( gpu::CAMath::Abs(tet ,
0.  03f 

Definition at line 78 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ if() [2/3]

else o2::track::if ( x  ,

Definition at line 140 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ if() [3/3]

o2::track::if ( x  ,

Definition at line 138 of file TrackUtils.h.

Variable Documentation

◆ beta2

kp1* kp2* value_T o2::track::beta2 = bg2 / (1 + bg2)

Definition at line 131 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ bg

value_T o2::track::bg
Initial value:
constexpr value_T mK = 0.307075e-3
constexpr value_T mK
Definition TrackUtils.h:127

Definition at line 193 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ bg2

auto o2::track::bg2 = bg * bg

Definition at line 131 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ cos1t

o2::track::cos1t = 0.5f * tet

Definition at line 77 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ cosx

value_T o2::track::cosx = vect[ipx]

Definition at line 72 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ cosy

value_T o2::track::cosy = vect[ipy]

Definition at line 72 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ cosz

value_T o2::track::cosz = vect[ipz]

Definition at line 72 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ d2

value_T o2::track::d2 = 0.

Definition at line 135 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ dedx

return dedx o2::track::dedx = mK * meanZA / beta2 * (0.5f * gpu::CAMath::Log(2 * me * bg2 * maxT / (meanI * meanI)) - beta2 - d2)

Definition at line 144 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ derH

return derH o2::track::derH = (mK * meanZA * (t1 + 1. / bg2) - dedx) / (bg * t1)

Definition at line 211 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ ELoss2EKinThreshInv

constexpr float o2::track::ELoss2EKinThreshInv = 1. / 0.025

Definition at line 120 of file TrackParametrization.h.

◆ else

Initial value:
tsint = tet * tet / 6.f
value_T tet
Definition TrackUtils.h:75
value_T tsint
Definition TrackUtils.h:77

Definition at line 84 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ f1

value_T o2::track::f1 = step * sintt

Definition at line 91 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ f2

value_T o2::track::f2 = step * cos1t

Definition at line 92 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ f3

value_T o2::track::f3 = step * tsint * cosz

Definition at line 93 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ f4

value_T o2::track::f4 = -tet * cos1t

Definition at line 94 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ f5

value_T o2::track::f5 = sint

Definition at line 95 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ HugeF

constexpr float o2::track::HugeF = o2::constants::math::VeryBig

Definition at line 117 of file TrackParametrization.h.

◆ ipp

const int o2::track::ipp = 6

Definition at line 69 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ ipx

const int o2::track::ipx = 3

Definition at line 69 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ ipy

const int o2::track::ipy = 4

Definition at line 69 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ ipz

const int o2::track::ipz = 5

Definition at line 69 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ ix

const int o2::track::ix = 0

Definition at line 69 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ iy

const int o2::track::iy = 1

Definition at line 69 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ iz

const int o2::track::iz = 2

Definition at line 69 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ kC1Pt2max

constexpr float o2::track::kC1Pt2max = 100 * 100

Definition at line 103 of file TrackParametrization.h.

◆ kCalcdEdxAuto

constexpr float o2::track::kCalcdEdxAuto = -999.f

Definition at line 105 of file TrackParametrization.h.

◆ kCovMatSize

constexpr int o2::track::kCovMatSize = 15

Definition at line 97 of file TrackParametrization.h.

◆ kCSnp2max

constexpr float o2::track::kCSnp2max = 1 * 1

Definition at line 101 of file TrackParametrization.h.

◆ kCTgl2max

constexpr float o2::track::kCTgl2max = 1 * 1

Definition at line 102 of file TrackParametrization.h.

◆ kCY2max

constexpr float o2::track::kCY2max = 100 * 100

Definition at line 99 of file TrackParametrization.h.

◆ kCZ2max

constexpr float o2::track::kCZ2max = 100 * 100

Definition at line 100 of file TrackParametrization.h.

◆ kLabCovMatSize

constexpr int o2::track::kLabCovMatSize = 21

Definition at line 97 of file TrackParametrization.h.

◆ kMostProbablePt

constexpr float o2::track::kMostProbablePt = 0.6f

Definition at line 104 of file TrackParametrization.h.

◆ kNParams

constexpr int o2::track::kNParams = 5

Definition at line 97 of file TrackParametrization.h.

◆ kOvSqSix

constexpr value_T o2::track::kOvSqSix = 0.408248f

Definition at line 70 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ kp1

value_T value_T o2::track::kp1 = 0.20

Definition at line 36 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ kp2

value_T value_T value_T o2::track::kp2 = 3.00

Definition at line 36 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ lhwI

const value_T o2::track::lhwI = gpu::CAMath::Log(28.816f * 1e-9f * gpu::CAMath::Sqrt(rho * meanZA) / meanI)

Definition at line 137 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ MaxELossIter

constexpr int o2::track::MaxELossIter = 50

Definition at line 121 of file TrackParametrization.h.

◆ MaxPT

constexpr float o2::track::MaxPT = 100000.

Definition at line 118 of file TrackParametrization.h.

◆ maxT

value_T o2::track::maxT = 2.f * me * bg2

Definition at line 132 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ me

constexpr value_T o2::track::me = 0.511e-3

Definition at line 128 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ meanI

value_T value_T value_T value_T o2::track::meanI = 173e-9

Definition at line 36 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ meanZA

constexpr value_T o2::track::meanZA = 0.49848)

Definition at line 36 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ MinPTInv

constexpr float o2::track::MinPTInv = 1. / MaxPT

Definition at line 119 of file TrackParametrization.h.

◆ mK

constexpr value_T o2::track::mK = 0.307075e-3

Definition at line 127 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ rho

value_T o2::track::rho = 2.33

Definition at line 36 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ sint

o2::track::sint = tet * sintt

Definition at line 77 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ sintt

o2::track::sintt = (1.f - tet * kOvSqSix) * (1.f + tet * kOvSqSix)

Definition at line 77 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ step

value_T o2::track::step

Definition at line 42 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ t1

auto o2::track::t1 = 1 + bg2

Definition at line 209 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ tet

value_T o2::track::tet = rho * step

Definition at line 75 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ tsint

value_T o2::track::tsint

Definition at line 77 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ vect

value_T gpu::gpustd::array< value_T, 7 > & o2::track::vect
Initial value:

Definition at line 42 of file TrackUtils.h.

◆ x

const value_T o2::track::x = gpu::CAMath::Log(bg)

Definition at line 136 of file TrackUtils.h.