23class AliHLTExternalTrackParam;
64 GPUd() int32_t getNlayersFindable() const;
68 GPUd()
o2::dataformats::GlobalTrackID getRefGlobalTrackId() const;
70 GPUd() int32_t getNtracklets()
74 for (int32_t iLy = 0; iLy <
kNLayers; ++iLy) {
88 GPUd() float getReducedChi2()
const {
return getNlayersFindable() == 0 ?
mChi2 :
mChi2 / getNlayersFindable(); }
91 GPUd() bool getIsFindable(int32_t iLayer)
const {
return (
mFlags >> iLayer) & 0x1; }
92 GPUd() int32_t getNmissingConsecLayers(int32_t iLayer) const;
93 GPUd() int32_t getIsPenaltyAdded(int32_t iLayer)
const {
return getIsFindable(iLayer) && getTrackletIndex(iLayer) < 0; }
98 GPUd()
void setRefGlobalTrackId(
120#if !defined(GPUCA_STANDALONE)
GPUd() bool getIsStopped() const
GPUd() bool getIsFindable(int32_t iLayer) const
GPUd() float getChi2() const
GPUd() void setIsCrossingNeighbor(int32_t iLayer)
GPUd() void setRefGlobalTrackIdRaw(uint32_t id)
GPUd() void setHasNeighbor()
GPUd() void setHasPadrowCrossing()
GPUd() bool getIsAmbiguous() const
GPUd() void setIsStopped()
int32_t mAttachedTracklets[kNLayers]
GPUd() bool getHasPadrowCrossing() const
GPUd() float getSignal() const
GPUd() void setSignal(float signal)
GPUd() uint32_t getRefGlobalTrackIdRaw() const
GPUd() bool getIsCrossingNeighbor(int32_t iLayer) const
GPUd() void setIsFindable(int32_t iLayer)
GPUd() float getReducedChi2() const
GPUd() void setIsAmbiguous()
uint32_t mRefGlobalTrackId
GPUd() int32_t getNmissingConsecLayers(int32_t iLayer) const
GPUd() uint8_t getIsCrossingNeighbor() const
GPUd() int32_t getNlayersFindable() const
GPUd() bool getHasNeighbor() const
uint8_t mIsCrossingNeighbor
GPUd() void setChi2(float chi2)
GPUd() int32_t getNtracklets() const
Global TPC definitions and constants.
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...