No Matches
o2::dataformats Namespace Reference

Definition of a container to keep/associate and arbitrary number of labels associated to an index with contiguous or non-contiguous label storage. More...


namespace  globaltrackid_internal


class  AbstractRef
class  AbstractRefAccessor
struct  bcRanges
class  CalibInfoTOF
class  CalibInfoTOFshort
class  CalibLHCphaseTOF
class  CalibTimeSlewingParamTOF
class  Cascade
class  CascadeIndex
class  ConstMCTruthContainer
 A read-only version of MCTruthContainer allowing for storage optimisation. More...
class  ConstMCTruthContainerView
class  DCA
class  Decay3Body
 TO BE DONE: extend to generic N body vertex. More...
class  Decay3BodyIndex
class  DecayNBodyIndex
class  EMCALChannelData
class  EvIndex
struct  FileMetaData
struct  FilteredRecoTF
class  FlatHisto1D
class  FlatHisto2D
class  GlobalFwdTrack
class  GlobalTrackID
class  IOMCTruthContainerView
struct  IRFrame
class  LabelContainer
class  MatchInfoFwd
class  MatchInfoHMP
class  MatchInfoTOF
class  MatchInfoTOFReco
class  MCEventHeader
class  MCEventStats
struct  MCInfoKeys
class  MCLabelIOHelper
class  MCTruthContainer
 A container to hold and manage MC truth information/labels. More...
struct  MCTruthHeaderElement
 Simple struct having information about truth elements for particular indices: how many associations we have and where they start in the storage. More...
class  MeanVertexObject
struct  MessageSizePair
struct  Pair
class  PrimaryVertex
struct  PrimaryVertexExt
struct  ProngInfoExt
class  RangeRefComp
class  RangeReference
struct  StrangeTrack
struct  TFIDInfo
class  TimeFrame
class  TimeStamp
class  TimeStampWithError
class  TrackCosmics
class  TrackHMP
struct  TrackInfoExt
class  TrackMCHMID
 MUON track external format. More...
class  TrackTPCITS
class  TrackTPCTOF
struct  Triplet
class  V0
struct  V0Ext
class  V0Index
class  Vertex
class  VertexBase
class  VtxTrackIndex
class  VtxTrackRef


using FlatHisto1D_f = FlatHisto1D< float >
using FlatHisto1D_d = FlatHisto1D< double >
using FlatHisto2D_f = FlatHisto2D< float >
using FlatHisto2D_d = FlatHisto2D< double >
using SMatrix5 = ROOT::Math::SVector< Double_t, 5 >
using SMatrix55Sym = ROOT::Math::SMatrix< double, 5, 5, ROOT::Math::MatRepSym< double, 5 > >
using GlobalTrackAccessor = AbstractRefAccessor< o2::track::TrackParCov, GlobalTrackID::NSources >
using timeEst = o2::dataformats::TimeStampWithError< float, float >
using GTrackID = o2::dataformats::GlobalTrackID
using ConstMCLabelContainer = o2::dataformats::ConstMCTruthContainer< o2::MCCompLabel >
using ConstMCLabelContainerView = o2::dataformats::ConstMCTruthContainerView< o2::MCCompLabel >
using MCLabelContainer = o2::dataformats::MCTruthContainer< o2::MCCompLabel >
using PartPosition = int
typedef std::pair< o2::header::DataHeader, PartPositionIndexElement


enum  kPartType { kStrkV0 , kStrkCascade , kStrkThreeBody }


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const o2::dataformats::MeanVertexObject &o)
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const TimeStamp< T > &t)
template<typename T , typename E >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const TimeStampWithError< T, E > &t)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const FileMetaData &m)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DCA &d)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const o2::dataformats::GlobalTrackID &v)
 GPUdi () const expr GlobalTrackID
 GPUd () const expr GlobalTrackID
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const o2::dataformats::PrimaryVertex &v)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const o2::dataformats::PrimaryVertexExt &v)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const o2::dataformats::TrackMCHMID &track)
 write the content of the track to the output stream
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const o2::dataformats::VertexBase &v)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const o2::dataformats::VtxTrackRef &v)
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (MessageSizePair_test)
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (TimeFrame_test)

Detailed Description

Definition of a container to keep/associate and arbitrary number of labels associated to an index with contiguous or non-contiguous label storage.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ConstMCLabelContainer

◆ ConstMCLabelContainerView

◆ FlatHisto1D_d

Definition at line 194 of file FlatHisto1D.h.

◆ FlatHisto1D_f

Definition at line 193 of file FlatHisto1D.h.

◆ FlatHisto2D_d

Definition at line 263 of file FlatHisto2D.h.

◆ FlatHisto2D_f

Definition at line 262 of file FlatHisto2D.h.

◆ GlobalTrackAccessor

◆ GTrackID

◆ IndexElement

Definition at line 25 of file TimeFrame.h.

◆ MCLabelContainer

◆ PartPosition

Definition at line 24 of file TimeFrame.h.

◆ SMatrix5

using o2::dataformats::SMatrix5 = typedef ROOT::Math::SVector<Double_t, 5>

Definition at line 26 of file GlobalFwdTrack.h.

◆ SMatrix55Sym

using o2::dataformats::SMatrix55Sym = typedef ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double, 5, 5, ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double, 5> >

Definition at line 27 of file GlobalFwdTrack.h.

◆ timeEst

Definition at line 25 of file MatchInfoFwd.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ kPartType


Definition at line 27 of file StrangeTrack.h.

Function Documentation


o2::dataformats::BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( MessageSizePair_test  )

Definition at line 27 of file TimeFrameTest.cxx.


o2::dataformats::BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( TimeFrame_test  )

Definition at line 62 of file TimeFrameTest.cxx.

◆ GPUd()

o2::dataformats::GPUd ( ) const

Definition at line 195 of file GlobalTrackID.h.

◆ GPUdi()

o2::dataformats::GPUdi ( ) const

Definition at line 175 of file GlobalTrackID.h.

◆ operator<<() [1/11]

std::ostream & o2::dataformats::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const DCA d 

Definition at line 24 of file DCA.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [2/11]

std::ostream & o2::dataformats::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const o2::dataformats::GlobalTrackID v 

Definition at line 59 of file GlobalTrackID.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [3/11]

std::ostream & o2::dataformats::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const o2::dataformats::MeanVertexObject o 

Definition at line 51 of file MeanVertexObject.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [4/11]

std::ostream & o2::dataformats::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const o2::dataformats::PrimaryVertex v 

Definition at line 35 of file PrimaryVertex.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [5/11]

std::ostream & o2::dataformats::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const o2::dataformats::PrimaryVertexExt v 

Definition at line 36 of file PrimaryVertexExt.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [6/11]

std::ostream & o2::dataformats::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const TrackMCHMID track 

write the content of the track to the output stream

Definition at line 31 of file TrackMCHMID.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [7/11]

std::ostream & o2::dataformats::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const o2::dataformats::VertexBase v 

Definition at line 31 of file Vertex.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [8/11]

std::ostream & o2::dataformats::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const o2::dataformats::VtxTrackRef v 

Definition at line 60 of file VtxTrackRef.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [9/11]

template<typename T >
std::ostream & o2::dataformats::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const TimeStamp< T > &  t 

Definition at line 57 of file TimeStamp.h.

◆ operator<<() [10/11]

template<typename T , typename E >
std::ostream & o2::dataformats::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const TimeStampWithError< T, E > &  t 

Definition at line 65 of file TimeStamp.h.

◆ operator<<() [11/11]

std::ostream & o2::dataformats::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const FileMetaData m 

Definition at line 114 of file FileMetaData.cxx.