12#ifndef O2_ZDC_SIMPARAMS_H_
13#define O2_ZDC_SIMPARAMS_H_
struct o2::upgrades_utils::@463 zdc
structure to keep FT0 information
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...
std::string ZDCFastSimModelPathProton
path to proton model file
O2ParamDef(ZDCSimParam, "ZDCSimParam")
int nBCAheadCont
number of BC to read ahead of trigger in continuous mode
bool useZDCFastSim
whether to use fastsim module on event
bool recordSpatialResponse
whether to record 2D spatial response showering images in proton/neutron detector
std::string ZDCFastSimClassifierPath
path to model file that classify if data are viable for model
bool debugZDCFastSim
whether to dump fastsim output as 5ch to seperate file in csv format
std::string ZDCFastSimModelPathNeutron
path to neutron model file
std::string ZDCFastSimModelScalesProton
path to scales file for proton model
std::string ZDCFastSimClassifierScales
path to scales file for classifier
bool continuous
flag for continuous simulation
std::string ZDCFastSimModelScalesNeutron
path to scales file for neutron model
int nBCAheadTrig
number of BC to read ahead of trigger in triggered mode