No Matches
o2::upgrades_utils Namespace Reference


enum  TreeIndex {
  kEvents = 0 , kEventsExtra , kTracks , kCalo ,
  kCaloTrigger , kMuon , kZdc , kFV0A ,
  kFV0C , kFT0 , kFDD , kV0s ,
  kCascades , kTOF , kMcParticle , kMcCollision ,
  kMcTrackLabel , kMcCaloLabel , kMcCollisionLabel , kBC ,
enum  MCParticleFlags : uint8_t { ProducedInTransport = 1 }


void __dummy_instance__ ()


const TString gTreeName [kTrees] = {"O2collision", "DbgEventExtra", "O2track", "O2calo", "O2calotrigger", "O2muon", "O2zdc", "O2fv0a", "O2fv0c", "O2ft0", "O2fdd", "O2v0", "O2cascade", "O2tof", "O2mcparticle", "O2mccollision", "O2mctracklabel", "O2mccalolabel", "O2mccollisionlabel", "O2bc"}
const TString gTreeTitle [kTrees] = {"Collision tree", "Collision extra", "Barrel tracks", "Calorimeter cells", "Calorimeter triggers", "MUON tracks", "ZDC", "FV0A", "FV0C", "FT0", "FDD", "V0s", "Cascades", "TOF hits", "Kinematics", "MC collisions", "MC track labels", "MC calo labels", "MC collision labels", "BC info"}
const Bool_t gSaveTree [kTrees]
struct { 
   Int_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fBCsID = 0u 
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fPosX = -999.f 
 Index to BC table. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fPosY = -999.f 
 Primary vertex x coordinate. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fPosZ = -999.f 
 Primary vertex y coordinate. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fCovXX = 999.f 
 Primary vertex z coordinate. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fCovXY = 0.f 
 cov[0] More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fCovXZ = 0.f 
 cov[1] More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fCovYY = 999.f 
 cov[2] More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fCovYZ = 0.f 
 cov[3] More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fCovZZ = 999.f 
 cov[4] More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fChi2 = 999.f 
 cov[5] More...
   UInt_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fN = 0u 
 Chi2 of the vertex. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fCollisionTime = 10 
 Number of contributors. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fCollisionTimeRes = 1e-3 
 Event time (t0) obtained with different methods (best, T0, T0-TOF, ...) More...
   UChar_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fCollisionTimeMask = 0u 
 Resolution on the event time (t0) obtained with different methods (best, T0, T0-TOF, ...) More...
struct { 
   Int_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fStart [kTrees] = {0} 
   Int_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fNentries [kTrees] = {0} 
 Start entry indices for data in the other trees matching this vertex. More...
 structure to keep the primary vertex (avoid name conflicts)
struct { 
   int   o2::upgrades_utils::fRunNumber = -1 
   ULong64_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fGlobalBC = 0u 
 Run number. More...
   ULong64_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTriggerMask = 0u 
 Unique bunch crossing id. Contains period, orbit and bunch crossing numbers. More...
 structure for benchmarking information
struct { 
   Int_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fCollisionsID = -1 
   uint8_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTrackType = 0 
 The index of the collision vertex in the TF, to which the track is attached. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fX = -999.f 
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fAlpha = -999.f 
 X coordinate for the point of parametrisation. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fY = -999.f 
 Local <--> global coor.system rotation angle. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fZ = -999.f 
 fP[0] local Y-coordinate of a track (cm) More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fSnp = -999.f 
 fP[1] local Z-coordinate of a track (cm) More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTgl = -999.f 
 fP[2] local sine of the track momentum azimuthal angle More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fSigned1Pt = -999.f 
 fP[3] tangent of the track momentum dip angle More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fSigmaY = -999.f 
 fP[4] 1/pt (1/(GeV/c)) More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fSigmaZ = -999.f 
 Sqrt(fC[0]) More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fSigmaSnp = -999.f 
 Sqrt(fC[2]) More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fSigmaTgl = -999.f 
 Sqrt(fC[5]) More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fSigma1Pt = -999.f 
 Sqrt(fC[9]) More...
   Char_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fRhoZY = 0 
 Sqrt(fC[14]) More...
   Char_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fRhoSnpY = 0 
 128*fC[1]/SigmaZ/SigmaY More...
   Char_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fRhoSnpZ = 0 
 128*fC[3]/SigmaSnp/SigmaY More...
   Char_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fRhoTglY = 0 
 128*fC[4]/SigmaSnp/SigmaZ More...
   Char_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fRhoTglZ = 0 
 128*fC[6]/SigmaTgl/SigmaY More...
   Char_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fRhoTglSnp = 0 
 128*fC[7]/SigmaTgl/SigmaZ More...
   Char_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fRho1PtY = 0 
 128*fC[8]/SigmaTgl/SigmaSnp More...
   Char_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fRho1PtZ = 0 
 128*fC[10]/Sigma1Pt/SigmaY More...
   Char_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fRho1PtSnp = 0 
 128*fC[11]/Sigma1Pt/SigmaZ More...
   Char_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fRho1PtTgl = 0 
 128*fC[12]/Sigma1Pt/SigmaSnp More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTPCinnerP = -999.f 
 128*fC[13]/Sigma1Pt/SigmaTgl More...
   UInt_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fFlags = 0u 
 Full momentum at the inner wall of TPC for dE/dx PID. More...
   UChar_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fITSClusterMap = 0u 
 Reconstruction status flags. More...
   UChar_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTPCNClsFindable = 0u 
 ITS map of clusters, one bit per a layer. More...
   Char_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTPCNClsFindableMinusFound = 0 
 number of clusters that could be assigned in the TPC More...
   Char_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTPCNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows = 0 
 difference between foundable and found clusters More...
   UChar_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTPCNClsShared = 0u 
 difference between foundable clsuters and crossed rows More...
   UChar_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTRDPattern = 0u 
 Number of shared clusters. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fITSChi2NCl = -999.f 
 Bit 0-5 if tracklet from TRD layer used for this track. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTPCChi2NCl = -999.f 
 chi2/Ncl ITS More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTRDChi2 = -999.f 
 chi2/Ncl TPC More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTOFChi2 = -999.f 
 chi2 TRD match (?) More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTPCSignal = -999.f 
 chi2 TOF match (?) More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTRDSignal = -999.f 
 dE/dX TPC More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTOFSignal = -999.f 
 dE/dX TRD More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fLength = -999.f 
 TOFsignal. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTOFExpMom = -999.f 
 Int.Lenght @ TOF. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTrackEtaEMCAL = -999.f 
 TOF Expected momentum based on the expected time of pions. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTrackPhiEMCAL = -999.f 
 Track eta at the EMCAL surface. More...
 structure to keep trigger-related info
struct { 
   Int_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fBCsID = 0u 
   Short_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fGeneratorsID = 0u 
 Index to BC table. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fPosX = -999.f 
 Generator ID used for the MC. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fPosY = -999.f 
 Primary vertex x coordinate from MC. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fPosZ = -999.f 
 Primary vertex y coordinate from MC. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fT = -999.f 
 Primary vertex z coordinate from MC. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fWeight = -999.f 
 Time of the collision from MC. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fImpactParameter = -999.f 
 Weight from MC. More...
 structure to keep track information
struct { 
   UInt_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fLabel = 0 
   UShort_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fLabelMask = 0 
 Track label. More...
 MC collisions = vertices.
struct { 
   Int_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fMcCollisionsID = -1 
   Int_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fPdgCode = -99999 
 The index of the MC collision vertex. More...
   Int_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fStatusCode = -99999 
 PDG code of the particle. More...
   uint8_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fFlags = 0 
 generation status code More...
   Int_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fMother0 = 0 
 See enum MCParticleFlags. More...
   Int_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fMother1 = 0 
 Indices of the mother particles. More...
   Int_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fDaughter0 = 0 
   Int_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fDaughter1 = 0 
 Indices of the daughter particles. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fWeight = 1 
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fPx = -999.f 
 particle weight from the generator or ML More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fPy = -999.f 
 x component of momentum More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fPz = -999.f 
 y component of momentum More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fE = -999.f 
 z component of momentum More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fVx = -999.f 
 Energy (covers the case of resonances, no need for calculated mass) More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fVy = -999.f 
 x of production vertex More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fVz = -999.f 
 y of production vertex More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fVt = -999.f 
 z of production vertex More...
 Track labels.
struct { 
   UInt_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fLabel = 0 
   UShort_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fLabelMask = 0 
 Collision label. More...
 MC particles from the kinematics tree.
struct { 
   Int_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fBCsID = 0u 
 FDD (AD) More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fAmplitudeA [4] = {0.f
 Index to BC table. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fAmplitudeC [4] = {0.f
 Multiplicity for each A-side channel. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTimeA = 56.7f 
 Multiplicity for each C-side channel. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTimeC = 65.3f 
 Average A-side time. More...
   uint8_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTriggerMask = 0 
 Average C-side time. More...
 Collision labels.
struct { 
   Int_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fBCsID = 0u 
 V0A (32 cells in Run2, 48 cells in Run3) More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fAmplitude [48] = {0.f
 Index to BC table. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTime = 11.f 
 Multiplicity for each channel. More...
   uint8_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTriggerMask = 0 
 Average A-side time. More...
struct { 
   Int_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fBCsID = 0u 
 V0C (32 cells in Run2) More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fAmplitude [32] = {0.f
 Index to BC table. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTime = 3.6f 
 Multiplicity for each channel. More...
 structure to keep V0A information
struct { 
   Int_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fBCsID = 0u 
 FT0 (12+12 channels in Run2, 96+112 channels in Run3) More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fAmplitudeA [96] = {0.f
 Index to BC table. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fAmplitudeC [112] = {0.f
 Multiplicity for each A-side channel. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTimeA = 0.02f 
 Multiplicity for each C-side channel. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTimeC = 0.03f 
 Average A-side time. More...
   uint8_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTriggerMask = 0 
 Average C-side time. More...
 structure to keep V0C information
struct { 
   Int_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fBCsID = 0u 
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergyZEM1 = 0.f 
 Index to BC table. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergyZEM2 = 0.f 
 E in ZEM2. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergyCommonZNA = 0.f 
 E in common ZNA PMT - high gain chain. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergyCommonZNC = 0.f 
 E in common ZNC PMT - high gain chain. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergyCommonZPA = 0.f 
 E in common ZPA PMT - high gain chain. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergyCommonZPC = 0.f 
 E in common ZPC PMT - high gain chain. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergySectorZNA [4] = {0.f
 E in 4 ZNA sectors - high gain chain. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergySectorZNC [4] = {0.f
 E in 4 ZNC sectors - high gain chain. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergySectorZPA [4] = {0.f
 E in 4 ZPA sectors - high gain chain. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergySectorZPC [4] = {0.f
 E in 4 ZPC sectors - high gain chain. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTimeZEM1 = 0.f 
 Corrected time in ZEM1. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTimeZEM2 = 0.f 
 Corrected time in ZEM2. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTimeZNA = 0.055f 
 Corrected time in ZNA. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTimeZNC = -0.049f 
 Corrected time in ZNC. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTimeZPA = 0.f 
 Corrected time in ZPA. More...
   Float_t   o2::upgrades_utils::fTimeZPC = 0.f 
 Corrected time in ZPC. More...
 structure to keep FT0 information

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ MCParticleFlags


Definition at line 55 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ TreeIndex


Definition at line 31 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

Function Documentation

◆ __dummy_instance__()

void o2::upgrades_utils::__dummy_instance__ ( )

Definition at line 19 of file Run2LikeAO2D.cxx.

Variable Documentation

◆ [struct]

struct { ... } o2::upgrades_utils::bc

structure for benchmarking information

◆ [struct]

struct { ... } o2::upgrades_utils::collision

◆ [struct]

struct { ... } o2::upgrades_utils::eventextra

structure to keep the primary vertex (avoid name conflicts)

◆ fAlpha

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fAlpha = -999.f

X coordinate for the point of parametrisation.

Definition at line 125 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fAmplitude

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fAmplitude[32] = {0.f}

Index to BC table.

Definition at line 255 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fAmplitudeA

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fAmplitudeA[96] = {0.f}

Index to BC table.

Definition at line 245 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fAmplitudeC

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fAmplitudeC[112] = {0.f}

Multiplicity for each A-side channel.

Definition at line 246 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fBCsID

Int_t o2::upgrades_utils::fBCsID = 0u


FT0 (12+12 channels in Run2, 96+112 channels in Run3)

V0C (32 cells in Run2)

V0A (32 cells in Run2, 48 cells in Run3)

Definition at line 75 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fChi2

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fChi2 = 999.f


Definition at line 88 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fCollisionsID

Int_t o2::upgrades_utils::fCollisionsID = -1

Definition at line 115 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fCollisionTime

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fCollisionTime = 10

Number of contributors.

Definition at line 93 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fCollisionTimeMask

UChar_t o2::upgrades_utils::fCollisionTimeMask = 0u

Resolution on the event time (t0) obtained with different methods (best, T0, T0-TOF, ...)

Definition at line 95 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fCollisionTimeRes

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fCollisionTimeRes = 1e-3

Event time (t0) obtained with different methods (best, T0, T0-TOF, ...)

Definition at line 94 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fCovXX

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fCovXX = 999.f

Primary vertex z coordinate.

Definition at line 81 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fCovXY

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fCovXY = 0.f


Definition at line 82 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fCovXZ

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fCovXZ = 0.f


Definition at line 83 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fCovYY

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fCovYY = 999.f


Definition at line 84 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fCovYZ

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fCovYZ = 0.f


Definition at line 85 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fCovZZ

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fCovZZ = 999.f


Definition at line 86 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fDaughter0

Int_t o2::upgrades_utils::fDaughter0 = 0

Definition at line 219 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fDaughter1

Int_t o2::upgrades_utils::fDaughter1 = 0

Indices of the daughter particles.

Definition at line 220 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ [struct]

struct { ... } o2::upgrades_utils::fdd

Collision labels.

◆ fE

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fE = -999.f

z component of momentum

Definition at line 226 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fEnergyCommonZNA

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergyCommonZNA = 0.f

E in common ZNA PMT - high gain chain.

Definition at line 281 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fEnergyCommonZNC

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergyCommonZNC = 0.f

E in common ZNC PMT - high gain chain.

Definition at line 282 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fEnergyCommonZPA

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergyCommonZPA = 0.f

E in common ZPA PMT - high gain chain.

Definition at line 283 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fEnergyCommonZPC

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergyCommonZPC = 0.f

E in common ZPC PMT - high gain chain.

Definition at line 284 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fEnergySectorZNA

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergySectorZNA[4] = {0.f}

E in 4 ZNA sectors - high gain chain.

Definition at line 285 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fEnergySectorZNC

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergySectorZNC[4] = {0.f}

E in 4 ZNC sectors - high gain chain.

Definition at line 286 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fEnergySectorZPA

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergySectorZPA[4] = {0.f}

E in 4 ZPA sectors - high gain chain.

Definition at line 287 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fEnergySectorZPC

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergySectorZPC[4] = {0.f}

E in 4 ZPC sectors - high gain chain.

Definition at line 288 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fEnergyZEM1

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergyZEM1 = 0.f

Index to BC table.

E in ZEM1

Definition at line 279 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fEnergyZEM2

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergyZEM2 = 0.f

E in ZEM2.

Definition at line 280 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fFlags

uint8_t o2::upgrades_utils::fFlags = 0u

Full momentum at the inner wall of TPC for dE/dx PID.

generation status code

Definition at line 158 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fGeneratorsID

Short_t o2::upgrades_utils::fGeneratorsID = 0u

Index to BC table.

Definition at line 189 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fGlobalBC

ULong64_t o2::upgrades_utils::fGlobalBC = 0u

Run number.

Definition at line 108 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fImpactParameter

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fImpactParameter = -999.f

Weight from MC.

Definition at line 196 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fITSChi2NCl

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fITSChi2NCl = -999.f

Bit 0-5 if tracklet from TRD layer used for this track.

Definition at line 169 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fITSClusterMap

UChar_t o2::upgrades_utils::fITSClusterMap = 0u

Reconstruction status flags.

Definition at line 161 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fLabel

UInt_t o2::upgrades_utils::fLabel = 0

Definition at line 201 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fLabelMask

UShort_t o2::upgrades_utils::fLabelMask = 0

Track label.

Collision label.

Definition at line 202 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fLength

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fLength = -999.f


Definition at line 178 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fMcCollisionsID

Int_t o2::upgrades_utils::fMcCollisionsID = -1

Definition at line 211 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fMother0

Int_t o2::upgrades_utils::fMother0 = 0

See enum MCParticleFlags.

Definition at line 217 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fMother1

Int_t o2::upgrades_utils::fMother1 = 0

Indices of the mother particles.

Definition at line 218 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fN

UInt_t o2::upgrades_utils::fN = 0u

Chi2 of the vertex.

Definition at line 89 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fNentries

Int_t o2::upgrades_utils::fNentries[kTrees] = {0}

Start entry indices for data in the other trees matching this vertex.

Definition at line 103 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fPdgCode

Int_t o2::upgrades_utils::fPdgCode = -99999

The index of the MC collision vertex.

Definition at line 214 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fPosX

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fPosX = -999.f

Index to BC table.

Generator ID used for the MC.

Definition at line 77 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fPosY

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fPosY = -999.f

Primary vertex x coordinate.

Primary vertex x coordinate from MC.

Definition at line 78 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fPosZ

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fPosZ = -999.f

Primary vertex y coordinate.

Primary vertex y coordinate from MC.

Definition at line 79 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fPx

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fPx = -999.f

particle weight from the generator or ML

Definition at line 223 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fPy

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fPy = -999.f

x component of momentum

Definition at line 224 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fPz

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fPz = -999.f

y component of momentum

Definition at line 225 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fRho1PtSnp

Char_t o2::upgrades_utils::fRho1PtSnp = 0


Definition at line 151 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fRho1PtTgl

Char_t o2::upgrades_utils::fRho1PtTgl = 0


Definition at line 152 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fRho1PtY

Char_t o2::upgrades_utils::fRho1PtY = 0


Definition at line 149 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fRho1PtZ

Char_t o2::upgrades_utils::fRho1PtZ = 0


Definition at line 150 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fRhoSnpY

Char_t o2::upgrades_utils::fRhoSnpY = 0


Definition at line 144 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fRhoSnpZ

Char_t o2::upgrades_utils::fRhoSnpZ = 0


Definition at line 145 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fRhoTglSnp

Char_t o2::upgrades_utils::fRhoTglSnp = 0


Definition at line 148 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fRhoTglY

Char_t o2::upgrades_utils::fRhoTglY = 0


Definition at line 146 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fRhoTglZ

Char_t o2::upgrades_utils::fRhoTglZ = 0


Definition at line 147 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fRhoZY

Char_t o2::upgrades_utils::fRhoZY = 0


Definition at line 143 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fRunNumber

int o2::upgrades_utils::fRunNumber = -1

Definition at line 107 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fSigma1Pt

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fSigma1Pt = -999.f


Definition at line 142 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fSigmaSnp

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fSigmaSnp = -999.f


Definition at line 140 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fSigmaTgl

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fSigmaTgl = -999.f


Definition at line 141 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fSigmaY

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fSigmaY = -999.f

fP[4] 1/pt (1/(GeV/c))

Definition at line 138 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fSigmaZ

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fSigmaZ = -999.f


Definition at line 139 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fSigned1Pt

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fSigned1Pt = -999.f

fP[3] tangent of the track momentum dip angle

Definition at line 132 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fSnp

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fSnp = -999.f

fP[1] local Z-coordinate of a track (cm)

Definition at line 130 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fStart

Int_t o2::upgrades_utils::fStart[kTrees] = {0}

Definition at line 102 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fStatusCode

Int_t o2::upgrades_utils::fStatusCode = -99999

PDG code of the particle.

Definition at line 215 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fT

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fT = -999.f

Primary vertex z coordinate from MC.

Definition at line 193 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ [struct]

struct { ... } o2::upgrades_utils::ft0

structure to keep V0C information

◆ fTgl

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTgl = -999.f

fP[2] local sine of the track momentum azimuthal angle

Definition at line 131 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fTime

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTime = 11.f

Multiplicity for each channel.

Definition at line 256 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fTimeA

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTimeA = 56.7f

Multiplicity for each C-side channel.

Definition at line 247 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fTimeC

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTimeC = 65.3f

Average A-side time.

Definition at line 248 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fTimeZEM1

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTimeZEM1 = 0.f

Corrected time in ZEM1.

Definition at line 289 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fTimeZEM2

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTimeZEM2 = 0.f

Corrected time in ZEM2.

Definition at line 290 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fTimeZNA

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTimeZNA = 0.055f

Corrected time in ZNA.

Definition at line 291 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fTimeZNC

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTimeZNC = -0.049f

Corrected time in ZNC.

Definition at line 292 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fTimeZPA

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTimeZPA = 0.f

Corrected time in ZPA.

Definition at line 293 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fTimeZPC

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTimeZPC = 0.f

Corrected time in ZPC.

Definition at line 294 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fTOFChi2

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTOFChi2 = -999.f

chi2 TRD match (?)

Definition at line 172 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fTOFExpMom

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTOFExpMom = -999.f

Int.Lenght @ TOF.

Definition at line 179 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fTOFSignal

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTOFSignal = -999.f


Definition at line 177 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fTPCChi2NCl

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTPCChi2NCl = -999.f

chi2/Ncl ITS

Definition at line 170 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fTPCinnerP

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTPCinnerP = -999.f


Definition at line 155 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fTPCNClsFindable

UChar_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTPCNClsFindable = 0u

ITS map of clusters, one bit per a layer.

Definition at line 162 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fTPCNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows

Char_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTPCNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows = 0

difference between foundable and found clusters

Definition at line 164 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fTPCNClsFindableMinusFound

Char_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTPCNClsFindableMinusFound = 0

number of clusters that could be assigned in the TPC

Definition at line 163 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fTPCNClsShared

UChar_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTPCNClsShared = 0u

difference between foundable clsuters and crossed rows

Definition at line 165 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fTPCSignal

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTPCSignal = -999.f

chi2 TOF match (?)

Definition at line 175 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fTrackEtaEMCAL

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTrackEtaEMCAL = -999.f

TOF Expected momentum based on the expected time of pions.

Definition at line 182 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fTrackPhiEMCAL

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTrackPhiEMCAL = -999.f

Track eta at the EMCAL surface.

Definition at line 183 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fTrackType

uint8_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTrackType = 0

The index of the collision vertex in the TF, to which the track is attached.

Definition at line 117 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fTRDChi2

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTRDChi2 = -999.f

chi2/Ncl TPC

Definition at line 171 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fTRDPattern

UChar_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTRDPattern = 0u

Number of shared clusters.

Definition at line 166 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fTRDSignal

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTRDSignal = -999.f


Definition at line 176 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fTriggerMask

uint8_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTriggerMask = 0u

Unique bunch crossing id. Contains period, orbit and bunch crossing numbers.

Average A-side time.

Average C-side time.

Definition at line 109 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ [struct]

struct { ... } o2::upgrades_utils::fv0a

◆ [struct]

struct { ... } o2::upgrades_utils::fv0c

structure to keep V0A information

◆ fVt

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fVt = -999.f

z of production vertex

Definition at line 231 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fVx

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fVx = -999.f

Energy (covers the case of resonances, no need for calculated mass)

Definition at line 228 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fVy

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fVy = -999.f

x of production vertex

Definition at line 229 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fVz

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fVz = -999.f

y of production vertex

Definition at line 230 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fWeight

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fWeight = -999.f

Time of the collision from MC.

Definition at line 194 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fX

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fX = -999.f

Definition at line 124 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fY

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fY = -999.f

Local <--> global coor.system rotation angle.

Definition at line 128 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ fZ

Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fZ = -999.f

fP[0] local Y-coordinate of a track (cm)

Definition at line 129 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ gSaveTree

const Bool_t o2::upgrades_utils::gSaveTree[kTrees]
Initial value:

Definition at line 62 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ gTreeName

const TString o2::upgrades_utils::gTreeName[kTrees] = {"O2collision", "DbgEventExtra", "O2track", "O2calo", "O2calotrigger", "O2muon", "O2zdc", "O2fv0a", "O2fv0c", "O2ft0", "O2fdd", "O2v0", "O2cascade", "O2tof", "O2mcparticle", "O2mccollision", "O2mctracklabel", "O2mccalolabel", "O2mccollisionlabel", "O2bc"}

Definition at line 59 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ gTreeTitle

const TString o2::upgrades_utils::gTreeTitle[kTrees] = {"Collision tree", "Collision extra", "Barrel tracks", "Calorimeter cells", "Calorimeter triggers", "MUON tracks", "ZDC", "FV0A", "FV0C", "FT0", "FDD", "V0s", "Cascades", "TOF hits", "Kinematics", "MC collisions", "MC track labels", "MC calo labels", "MC collision labels", "BC info"}

Definition at line 60 of file Run2LikeAO2D.h.

◆ [struct]

struct { ... } o2::upgrades_utils::mccollision

structure to keep track information

◆ [struct]

struct { ... } o2::upgrades_utils::mccollisionlabel

MC particles from the kinematics tree.

◆ [struct]

struct { ... } o2::upgrades_utils::mcparticle

Track labels.

◆ [struct]

struct { ... } o2::upgrades_utils::mctracklabel

MC collisions = vertices.

◆ [struct]

struct { ... } o2::upgrades_utils::tracks

structure to keep trigger-related info

◆ [struct]

struct { ... } o2::upgrades_utils::zdc

structure to keep FT0 information