16#ifndef ALICEO2_TPC_CalibPulserParam_H_
17#define ALICEO2_TPC_CalibPulserParam_H_
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...
int MaxTimeBinRange
number of time bins around the one with the maximum number of entries arouch which to analyse
int NbinsWidth
Number of bins for width reference histogram.
float MinimumQtot
minimal Qtot accepted as pulser signal
float XmaxT0
xmax of T0 reference histogram
int FirstTimeBin
first time bin used in analysis
O2ParamDef(CalibPulserParam, "TPCCalibPulser")
int NbinsT0
Number of bins for T0 reference histogram.
int PeakIntPlus
upper bound from maximum for the peak integration, mean and std dev. calc
float XmaxQtot
xmax of Qtot reference histogram
float XminT0
xmin of T0 reference histogram
int ADCMax
maximum adc value
float XmaxWidth
xmax of width reference histogram
float XminWidth
xmin of width reference histogram
float MinimumQmax
minimal Qmax accepted as pulser signal
float XminQtot
xmin of Qtot reference histogram
int PeakIntMinus
lower bound from maximum for the peak integration, mean and std dev. calc
int ADCMin
minimum adc value
int LastTimeBin
first time bin used in analysis
int NbinsQtot
Number of bins for Qtot reference histogram.