No Matches
TPCCalibration Directory Reference


 This file provides the container used for time based residual dE/dx calibration.
 calibration using laser tracks
 Implementation of the parameter class for the pedestal calibration.
 Implementation of the parameter class for the hardware clusterer.
 This file provides the time dependent dE/dx calibrator, tracking the MIP position over time.
 Helper class to access load maps from CCDB.
 Implementation of the parameter class for the CorrectionMapsLoader options.
 Extension of TPC Digit adding draw query functions for simple drawing.
 Implementation of the parameter class for the hardware clusterer.
 class for averaging and grouping of IDCs
 base class for averaging and grouping of IDCs
 helper class for averaging and grouping of IDCs
 helper class for accessing IDCs from CCDB
 This file provides the structs for storing the factorized IDC values and fourier coefficients to be stored in the CCDB.
 helper class for drawing IDCs per region/side
 class for aggregating IDCs for the full TPC (all sectors) and factorization of aggregated IDCs
 class for calculating the fourier coefficients from 1D-IDCs
 class for storing grouped IDCs
 helper class for grouping of pads and rows for one region
 helper class for grouping of pads and rows for one sector
 Definition of the parameter for the grouping of the IDCs.
 time slot calibration using laser tracks
 class for performing robust averaging and outlier filtering
 helper class for accessing SACs from CCDB
 Decoding of integrated analogue currents.
 helper class for drawing SACs per sector/side
 TPC factorization of SACs.
 Definition of the parameters for the SAC processing.
 class to create TPC fast space charge correction
 Helper class to extract VDrift from different sources.