41 float getIDC(
const unsigned int sector,
const unsigned int region,
const unsigned int row,
const unsigned int pad)
const {
return mIDCFunc(sector, region,
row, pad); }
42 std::function<float(
const unsigned int,
const unsigned int,
const unsigned int,
const unsigned int)>
54 static void drawSector(
const IDCDraw& idc,
const unsigned int startRegion,
const unsigned int endRegion,
const unsigned int sector,
const std::string zAxisTitle,
const std::string
const float minZ = 0,
const float maxZ = -1);
70 std::function<float(
const unsigned int,
const unsigned int,
const unsigned int,
const unsigned int,
const unsigned int)>
81 static void drawSideGIF(
const IDCDrawGIF& idcs,
const unsigned int slices,
const std::string zAxisTitle,
const std::string
filename =
const float minZ = 0,
const float maxZ = -1,
const int run = -1);
89 static unsigned int getPad(
const unsigned int pad,
const unsigned int region,
const unsigned int row,
const Side side);
This file provides the structs for storing the factorized IDC values and fourier coefficients to be s...
static void drawIDCZeroStackCanvas(const IDCDraw &idc, const o2::tpc::Side side, const std::string_view type, const int nbins1D, const float xMin1D, const float xMax1D, TCanvas &outputCanvas, int integrationInterval)
static void drawSideGIF(const IDCDrawGIF &idcs, const unsigned int slices, const std::string zAxisTitle, const std::string filename="IDCs", const float minZ=0, const float maxZ=-1, const int run=-1)
make a GIF of IDCs for A and C side and the 1D IDCs
static std::string getZAxisTitle(const IDCType type, const IDCDeltaCompression compression=IDCDeltaCompression::NO)
static void drawRadialProfile(const IDCDraw &idc, TH2F &hist, const o2::tpc::Side side)
static void drawSector(const IDCDraw &idc, const unsigned int startRegion, const unsigned int endRegion, const unsigned int sector, const std::string zAxisTitle, const std::string filename, const float minZ=0, const float maxZ=-1)
static void drawSide(const IDCDraw &idc, const o2::tpc::Side side, const std::string zAxisTitle, const std::string filename, const float minZ=0, const float maxZ=-1)
GLint GLint GLsizei GLint GLenum GLenum type
GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat maxZ
Global TPC definitions and constants.
IDC Delta IDC Compression types.
@ NO
no compression using floats
std::function< float(const o2::tpc::Side side, const unsigned int)> mIDCOneFunc
function returning the value which will be drawn for side, slice
std::function< float(const unsigned int, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, const unsigned int)> mIDCFunc
function returning the value which will be drawn for sector, region, row, pad
std::function< float(const unsigned int, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, const unsigned int)> mIDCFunc
function returning the value which will be drawn for sector, region, row, pad
float getIDC(const unsigned int sector, const unsigned int region, const unsigned int row, const unsigned int pad) const