115 float mMaxDeltaTimeMS = 50;
default constructor
void loadFromFile(const char *inpf, const char *name)
float setMaxDeltaTimeMS(float deltaTMS)
set maximum delta time when searching for nearest boundary potential
void dumpToFileSlices(const char *file, const char *name, int nSlices)
void setMShapes(const TPCMShape &mshapes)
adding M-shapes
void dumpToFile(const char *file, const char *name)
BoundaryPotentialIFC getBoundaryPotential(const double timestamp) const
const auto & getMShapes() const
void setFromTree(TTree &tpcMShapeTree)
set this object from input tree
float getMaxDeltaTimeMS() const
GLuint const GLchar * name
GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble z
Global TPC definitions and constants.
arbitrary boundary potential at the IFC
ClassDefNV(BoundaryPotentialIFC, 1)
std::vector< float > mPotential
boundary potential
void addValue(float potential, float z)
add boundary potential at given z coordinate
std::vector< float > mZPosition
z-position of the delta potential
struct containing all M-Shape boundary potentials
double getEndTimeMS() const
get time of first stored boundary potential
void addBoundaryPotentialIFC(const BoundaryPotentialIFC &pot, double time)
adding boundary potential for given timestamp
double getStartTimeMS() const
get time of last stored boundary potential
std::vector< BoundaryPotentialIFC > mBoundaryPotentialIFC
definition of boundary potential
int mR
number of vertices for boundary potential in radial direction
std::vector< double > mTimeMS
time of the boundary potential
int mPhi
number of vertices for boundary potential in phi direction
int mZ
number of vertices for boundary potential in z direction