No Matches
SMatrixGPU.h File Reference

This is a close porting of the SMatrix and SVectorGPU ROOT interfaces. Only parts strictly requiring STD library have been changed. Also some utilities to have basic checks and printouts working on GPUs have been rewritten. More...

#include "GPUCommonDef.h"
#include "GPUCommonArray.h"
#include "GPUCommonMath.h"
#include "GPUCommonAlgorithm.h"
#include "GPUCommonLogger.h"
#include "GPUCommonTypeTraits.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  o2::math_utils::detail::Check< bool >
struct  o2::math_utils::detail::Check< false >
class  o2::math_utils::detail::SVectorGPU< T, N >
struct  o2::math_utils::detail::meta_dot< I >
struct  o2::math_utils::detail::meta_dot< 0 >
struct  o2::math_utils::detail::meta_matrix_dot< I >
struct  o2::math_utils::detail::meta_matrix_dot< 0 >
struct  o2::math_utils::detail::row_offsets_utils::indices<... >
struct  o2::math_utils::detail::row_offsets_utils::make_indices_impl< I, indices< Indices... >, N >
struct  o2::math_utils::detail::row_offsets_utils::make_indices_impl< N, indices< Indices... >, N >
struct  o2::math_utils::detail::row_offsets_utils::make_indices< N >
class  o2::math_utils::detail::MatRepSymGPU< T, D >
class  o2::math_utils::detail::MatRepStdGPU< T, D1, D2 >
 SMatReprStd starting port here. More...
struct  o2::math_utils::detail::SMatrixIdentity
 SMatrixGPU starting port here. More...
struct  o2::math_utils::detail::SMatrixNoInit
class  o2::math_utils::detail::Expr< ExprType, T, D, D2, R1 >
class  o2::math_utils::detail::SMatrixGPU< T, D1, D2, R >
class  o2::math_utils::detail::SMatrixGPU< T, D1, D2, R >::SMatrixRowGPU
class  o2::math_utils::detail::SMatrixGPU< T, D1, D2, R >::SMatrixRowGPUconst
struct  o2::math_utils::detail::Assign< T, D1, D2, A, R1, R2 >
struct  o2::math_utils::detail::Assign< T, D1, D2, A, MatRepSymGPU< T, D1 >, MatRepSymGPU< T, D1 > >
struct  o2::math_utils::detail::Assign< T, D1, D2, A, MatRepSymGPU< T, D1 >, MatRepStdGPU< T, D1, D2 > >
struct  o2::math_utils::detail::AssignSym
struct  o2::math_utils::detail::MultPolicyGPU< T, R1, R2 >
class  o2::math_utils::detail::MatrixMulOpGPU< MatrixA, MatrixB, T, D >
class  o2::math_utils::detail::Inverter< D, N >
 Inversion. More...
struct  o2::math_utils::detail::TranspPolicyGPU< T, D1, D2, R >
struct  o2::math_utils::detail::TranspPolicyGPU< T, D1, D2, MatRepSymGPU< T, D1 > >
class  o2::math_utils::detail::TransposeOpGPU< Matrix, T, D1, D2 >


namespace  o2
 a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete objects
namespace  o2::math_utils
namespace  o2::math_utils::detail
namespace  o2::math_utils::detail::row_offsets_utils


#define GPU_STATIC_CHECK(expr, msg)


template<class T , unsigned int D>
 o2::math_utils::detail::GPUdi () T *SVectorGPU< T
template<class T , unsigned int N>
 o2::math_utils::detail::GPUhdi () const T &SVectorGPU< T
template<class T , unsigned int N>
 o2::math_utils::detail::GPUdi () const T &SVectorGPU< T
template<class T , unsigned int N>
 o2::math_utils::detail::GPUd () SVectorGPU< T
template<int I0, class F , int... I>
constexpr auto o2::math_utils::detail::row_offsets_utils::do_make (F f, indices< I... >) -> gpu::gpustd::array< int, sizeof...(I)>
template<int N, int I0 = 0, class F >
constexpr auto o2::math_utils::detail::row_offsets_utils::make (F f) -> gpu::gpustd::array< int, N >
template<class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R , typename Y , typename X = Y>
requires (sizeof(typename X::traits_type::pos_type) != 0)
 o2::math_utils::detail::GPUd () X &operator<<(Y &y
template<class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R >
const SMatrixGPU< T, D1, D2, R > & o2::math_utils::detail::GPUdi () SMatrixGPU< T
template<class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R >
 o2::math_utils::detail::GPUdi () SMatrixGPU< T
template<class R2 >
 o2::math_utils::detail::GPUd () SMatrixGPU< T
template<class T >
 o2::math_utils::detail::GPUdi () int nint(T x)
template<class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R >
 o2::math_utils::detail::GPUdi () const T &SMatrixGPU< T
template<class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 >
 o2::math_utils::detail::GPUdi () Expr< MatrixMulOpGPU< SMatrixGPU< T
MultPolicyGPU< T, R1, R2 >::RepType o2::math_utils::detail::operator* (const SMatrixGPU< T, D1, D, R1 > &lhs, const SMatrixGPU< T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs)
D1 o2::math_utils::detail::operator* (const SMatrixGPU< T, D1, D2, R > &rhs, const SVectorGPU< T, D2 > &lhs)
TranspPolicyGPU< T, D1, D2, R >::RepType o2::math_utils::detail::Transpose (const SMatrixGPU< T, D1, D2, R > &rhs)
MatRepSymGPU< T, D1o2::math_utils::detail::Similarity (const SMatrixGPU< T, D1, D2, R > &lhs, const SMatrixGPU< T, D2, D2, MatRepSymGPU< T, D2 > > &rhs)


D const SVectorGPU< T, D > & o2::math_utils::detail::rhs
const SMatrixGPU< T, D1, D2, Ro2::math_utils::detail::D1
const SMatrixGPU< T, D1, D2, Ro2::math_utils::detail::D2
 o2::math_utils::detail::SMatrixGPU< T, D, D2, R2 >

Detailed Description

This is a close porting of the SMatrix and SVectorGPU ROOT interfaces. Only parts strictly requiring STD library have been changed. Also some utilities to have basic checks and printouts working on GPUs have been rewritten.

Matteo Concas

Other than that, the author is not taking any credit on the methodologies implemented which have been taken straight from root source code

Original sources are on the official website:

Definition in file SMatrixGPU.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define GPU_STATIC_CHECK (   expr,
{ \
class ERROR_##msg \
{ \
}; \
ERROR_##msg e; \
(void)(Check<(expr) != 0>(&e)); \
uint64_t const void const *restrict const msg
Definition x9.h:153

Definition at line 44 of file SMatrixGPU.h.