| CalibPadGainTracks (const bool initCalPad=true) |
| ~CalibPadGainTracks ()=default |
| default destructor
void | processTracks (const int nMaxTracks=-1) |
void | setMembers (gsl::span< const o2::tpc::TrackTPC > *vTPCTracksArrayInp, gsl::span< const o2::tpc::TPCClRefElem > *tpcTrackClIdxVecInput, const o2::tpc::ClusterNativeAccess &clIndex, gsl::span< const unsigned char > TPCRefitterShMap, gsl::span< const unsigned int > TPCRefitterOccMap) |
void | setMode (DEdxType iMode) |
void | setMomentumRange (const float momMin, const float momMax) |
void | setMaxEta (const float eta) |
void | setdEdxMin (const float mindedx) |
void | setdEdxMax (const float maxdEdx) |
void | doNotNomalize (const bool doNotNormCharge) |
void | setMinNClusters (const int nCl) |
void | setPropagateTrack (const bool propagate) |
void | setFieldNominalGPUBz (const float field) |
void | setChargeType (const ChargeType chargeType) |
void | setRefGainMap (const char *inpFile, const char *mapName) |
void | setRefGainMap (const CalPad &gainmap) |
void | setdEdxRegion (const DEdxRegion dedx) |
| set how the dedx is calculated which is used for normalizing the cluster charge
float | getMomMin () const |
float | getMomMax () const |
float | getEtaMax () const |
float | getdEdxMin () const |
float | getdEdxMax () const |
bool | getdoNotNomalize () const |
float | getMinNClusters () const |
bool | getPropagateTrack () const |
float | getFieldNominalGPUBz () const |
void | dumpToFile (const char *outFileName="calPadGainTracks.root", const char *outName="calPadGain") const |
void | loadPolTopologyCorrectionFromFile (std::string_view fileName) |
void | setPolTopologyCorrectionFromContainer (const CalibdEdxTrackTopologyPolContainer &polynomials) |
void | drawReferenceGainMapSector (const int sector, const std::string filename="GainMapSector.pdf", const float minZ=0, const float maxZ=-1) const |
void | drawReferenceGainMapSide (const o2::tpc::Side side, const std::string filename="GainMapSide.pdf", const float minZ=0, const float maxZ=-1) const |
void | dumpReferenceExtractedGainMap (const char *outFileName="GainMapRefExtracted.root", const char *outName="GainMap") const |
void | setTPCVDrift (const o2::tpc::VDriftCorrFact &v) |
| set VDrift correction
void | setTPCCorrMaps (o2::gpu::CorrectionMapsHelper *maph) |
| set cluster correction maps helper
| CalibPadGainTracksBase (const bool initCalPad=true) |
void | initCalPadMemory () |
| initializing CalPad object for gainmap
void | initCalPadStdDevMemory () |
| initializing CalPad object for std dev map
void | initCalPadStat () |
| initializing CalPad object for std dev map
| CalibPadGainTracksBase (const CalibPadGainTracksBase &other) |
| copy constructor
void | fill (const gsl::span< const DataTHistos > &caldets) |
void | fill (const DataTHistos &caldet) |
void | print () const |
| Print the total number of entries and minimum number of entries (ToDo add some more informations which will be printed)
void | merge (const CalibPadGainTracksBase *other) |
| Add histograms from other container.
bool | hasEnoughData (const int minEntries) const |
void | finalize (const int minEntries=10, const float minRelgain=0.1f, const float maxRelgain=2.f, const float low=0.05f, const float high=0.6f, const float minStDev=0.01) |
const auto & | getHistos () const |
| returns calpad containing pad-by-pad histograms
const CalPad & | getPadGainMap () const |
CalPad & | getPadGainMap () |
const CalPad & | getSigmaMap () const |
const CalPad & | getNTracksMap () const |
DataTHisto | getHistogram (const int sector, const int region, const int lrow, const int pad) const |
DataTHisto | getHistogram (const int sector, const int grow, const int pad) const |
void | drawExtractedGainMapSector (const int sector, const std::string filename="GainMapSector.pdf", const float minZ=0, const float maxZ=-1) const |
void | drawExtractedGainMapSide (const o2::tpc::Side side, const std::string filename="GainMapSide.pdf", const float minZ=0, const float maxZ=-1) const |
void | drawNClustersMapSide (const o2::tpc::Side side, const std::string filename="NClustersMapSide.pdf", const float minZ=0, const float maxZ=-1) const |
void | drawExtractedSigmaMapSector (const int sector, const bool norm=false, const std::string filename="StdDevMapSector.pdf", const float minZ=0, const float maxZ=-1) const |
void | drawExtractedSigmaMapSide (const o2::tpc::Side side, const bool norm=false, const std::string filename="StdDevMapSide.pdf", const float minZ=0, const float maxZ=-1) const |
void | drawNClustersMapSector (const int sector, const std::string filename="NClustersMapSector.pdf", const float minZ=0, const float maxZ=-1) const |
TCanvas * | drawExtractedGainMapPainter () const |
| draw gain map using painter functionality
void | divideGainMap (const char *inpFile, const char *mapName) |
void | dumpGainMap (const char *fileName="GainMap.root") const |
void | dumpToFile (const char *outFileName="calPadGainTracksBase.root", const char *outName="calPadGain") const |
void | dumpToTree (const std::string filename="map_debug.root") const |
void | setGainMap (const char *inpFile, const char *mapName) |
void | setGainMap (const CalPad &gainmap) |
| setting the gain map
void | setRMSMap (const CalPad &rmsMap) |
| setting the RMS map
void | setNClMap (const CalPad &nclMap) |
| setting number of clusters map
void | setNormalizationType (const NormType type) |
| set how the extracted gain map is normalized
auto | getNormalizationType () const |
bool | setLogTransformQ (const bool logTransformQ) |
| set if the cluster charge is transformed using log(1+Q)
bool | getLogTransformQ () const |
void | resetHistos () |
| resetting the histograms which are used for extraction of the gain map
void | init (const unsigned int nBins, const float xmin, const float xmax, const bool useUnderflow, const bool useOverflow) |
void | fillPadByPadHistogram (const size_t roc, const size_t padInROC, const float val) |
Gain calibration class.
This class is used to produce pad wise gain calibration information with reconstructed tracks. The idea is to use the self calibrated probe qMax/dEdx and store the information for each pad in an histogram. The dEdx can be used from the track itself or from some bethe-bloch parametrization. Using the dEdx information from the bethe bloch avoids biases in the dEdx of the track itself. However the use of a bethe bloch parametrization is not yet implemented and shouldnt be used yet. When enough thata is collected, the truncated mean of each histogram delivers the relative gain of each pad. This method can be used to study the pad-by-pad gain as a function of time (i.e. performing this method n times with n different consecutive data samples)
origin: TPC
- Author
- Matthias Kleiner, matth.nosp@m.ias..nosp@m.klein.nosp@m.er@c.nosp@m.ern.c.nosp@m.h
how to use: example: CalibPadGainTracks cGain{}; cGain.init(20, 0, 3, 1, 1); // set the binning which will be used: 20 bins, minimum x=0, maximum x=10, use underflow and overflow bin start loop over the data cGain.setMembers(tpcTracks, tpcTrackClIdxVecInput, clusterIndex); // set the member variables: TrackTPC, TPCClRefElem, o2::tpc::ClusterNativeAccess cGain.setMomentumRange(.1, 3); cGain.processTracks(); after looping of the data (filling the histograms) is done cGain.fillgainMap(); // fill the gainmap with the truncated mean from each histogram cGain.dumpGainMap(); // write the gainmap to file
Definition at line 75 of file CalibPadGainTracks.h.