No Matches
Constants.h File Reference

Global TRD definitions and constants. More...

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namespace  o2
 a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete objects
namespace  o2::trd
namespace  o2::trd::constants


constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NSECTOR = 18
 the number of sectors
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NSTACK = 5
 the number of stacks per sector
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NLAYER = 6
 the number of layers
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NCHAMBERPERSEC = 30
 the number of chambers per sector
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NHCPERSEC = 60
 the number of half-chambers per sector
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::MAXCHAMBER = 540
 the maximum number of installed chambers
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::MAXHALFCHAMBER = 1080
 the maximum number of installed half-chambers
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NCHAMBER = 521
 the number of chambers actually installed
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NHALFCRU = 72
 the number of half cru (link bundles)
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NLINKSPERHALFCRU = 15
 the number of links per half cru or cru end point.
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NLINKSPERCRU = 30
 the number of links per CRU (two CRUs serve one supermodule)
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NCRU = 36
 the number of CRU we have
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NFLP = 12
 the number of FLP we have.
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NCRUPERFLP = 3
 the number of CRU per FLP
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::TRDLINKID = 15
 hard coded link id, specific to TRD
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NCOLUMN = 144
 the number of pad columns for each chamber
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NROWC0 = 12
 the number of pad rows for chambers of type C0 (installed in stack 2)
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NROWC1 = 16
 the number of pad rows for chambers of type C1 (installed in stacks 0, 1, 3 and 4)
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::FIRSTROW [NSTACK] = {0, 16, 32, 44, 60}
 first pad row for each stack
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NMCMROB = 16
 the number of MCMs per ROB
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NMCMHCMAX = 64
 the maximum number of MCMs for one half chamber (C1 type)
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NMCMROBINROW = 4
 the number of MCMs per ROB in row direction
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NMCMROBINCOL = 4
 the number of MCMs per ROB in column direction
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NROBC0 = 6
 the number of ROBs per C0 chamber
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NROBC1 = 8
 the number of ROBs per C1 chamber
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NADCMCM = 21
 the number of ADC channels per MCM
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NCOLMCM = 18
 the number of pads per MCM
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NCHANNELSPERROW = NMCMROBINCOL * 2 * NADCMCM
 the number of readout channels per pad row
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NCHANNELSC0 = NROWC0 * NCHANNELSPERROW
 the number of readout channels per C0 chamber
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NCHANNELSC1 = NROWC1 * NCHANNELSPERROW
 the number of readout channels per C1 chamber
 the total number of readout channels for TRD
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NCHANNELSPERSECTOR = NCHANNELSTOTAL / NSECTOR
 then number of readout channels per sector
 then number of readout channels per layer
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NCPU = 4
 the number of CPUs inside the TRAP chip
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NCHARGES = 3
 the number of charges per tracklet (Q0/1/2)
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NBITSTRKLPOS = 11
 number of bits for position in tracklet64 word
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NBITSTRKLSLOPE = 8
 number of bits for slope in tracklet64 word
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::ADDBITSHIFTSLOPE = 1 << 3
 in the TRAP the slope is shifted by 3 additional bits compared to the position
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::PADGRANULARITYTRKLPOS = 40
 tracklet position is stored in units of 1/40 pad
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::PADGRANULARITYTRKLSLOPE = 128
 tracklet deflection is stored in units of 1/128 pad per time bin
constexpr float o2::trd::constants::GRANULARITYTRKLPOS = 1.f / PADGRANULARITYTRKLPOS
 granularity of position in tracklet64 word in pad-widths
constexpr float o2::trd::constants::GRANULARITYTRKLSLOPE = 1.f / PADGRANULARITYTRKLSLOPE
 granularity of slope in tracklet64 word in pads/timebin
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::ADCBASELINE = 10
 baseline in ADC units
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::TIMEBINS = 30
 the number of time bins
constexpr float o2::trd::constants::MAXIMPACTANGLE = 25.f
 the maximum impact angle for tracks relative to the TRD detector plane to be considered for vDrift and ExB calibration
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NBINSANGLEDIFF = 25
 the number of bins for the track angle used for the vDrift and ExB calibration based on the tracking
constexpr double o2::trd::constants::VDRIFTDEFAULT = 1.546
 default value for vDrift
constexpr double o2::trd::constants::EXBDEFAULT = 0.0
 default value for LorentzAngle
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NBINSGAINCALIB = 320
 number of bins in the charge (Q0+Q1+Q2) histogram for gain calibration
constexpr float o2::trd::constants::MPVDEDXDEFAULT = 42.
 default Most Probable Value of TRD dEdx
constexpr float o2::trd::constants::T0DEFAULT = 1.2
 default value for t0
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::HBFBUFFERMAX = 1048576
 max buffer size for data read from a half cru, (all events)
constexpr unsigned int o2::trd::constants::CRUPADDING32 = 0xeeeeeeee
 padding word used in the cru.
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::CHANNELNRNOTRKLT = 23
 this marks channels in the ADC mask which don't contribute to a tracklet
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::NOTRACKLETFIT = 31
 this value is assigned to the fit pointer in case no tracklet is available
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::TRACKLETENDMARKER = 0x10001000
 marker for the end of tracklets in raw data, 2 of these.
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::PADDINGWORD = 0xeeeeeeee
 half-CRU links will be padded with this words to get an even number of 256bit words
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::DIGITENDMARKER = 0x0
 marker for the end of digits in raw data, 2 of these
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::MAXDATAPERLINK32 = 13824
 max number of 32 bit words per link ((21x12+2+4)*64) 64 mcm, 21 channels, 10 words per channel 2 header words(DigitMCMHeader DigitMCMADCmask) 4 words for tracklets.
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::MAXDATAPERLINK256 = 1728
 max number of linkwords per cru link. (256bit words)
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::MAXEVENTCOUNTERSEPERATION = 200
 how far apart can subsequent mcmheader event counters be before we flag for concern, used as a sanity check in rawreader.
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::MAXMCMCOUNT = 69120
 at most mcm count maxchamber x nrobc1 nmcmrob
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::MAXLINKERRORHISTOGRAMS = 10
 size of the array holding the link error plots from the raw reader
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::MAXPARSEERRORHISTOGRAMS = 60
 size of the array holding the parsing error plots from the raw reader
constexpr unsigned int o2::trd::constants::ETYPEPHYSICSTRIGGER = 0x2
 CRU Half Chamber header eventtype definition.
constexpr unsigned int o2::trd::constants::ETYPECALIBRATIONTRIGGER = 0x3
 CRU Half Chamber header eventtype definition.
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::MAXCRUERRORVALUE = 0x2
 Max possible value for a CRU Halfchamber link error. As of may 2022, can only be 0x0, 0x1, and 0x2, at least that is all so far(may2022).
constexpr int o2::trd::constants::INVALIDPRETRIGGERPHASE = 0xf
 Invalid value for phase, used to signify there is no hcheader.

Detailed Description

Global TRD definitions and constants.


Definition in file Constants.h.