No Matches
o2::tof Namespace Reference


namespace  compressed
namespace  diagnostic
namespace  raw


class  CalibClusReader
class  CalibInfoCluster
 CalibInfoCluster for TOF. More...
class  CalibInfoReader
class  CalibInfoTrackCl
class  CalibTOFapi
class  CcdbRequest
class  Cluster
 Cluster class for TOF. More...
class  Clusterer
class  ClustererTask
class  ClusterReader
class  CompressedAnalysis
class  CompressedAnalysisTask
class  CompressedDecodingTask
struct  CompressedInfos
 Compressed but not yet entropy-encoded infos. More...
class  CompressedInspectorTask
class  Compressor
class  CompressorTask
class  CosmicInfo
class  CosmicProcessor
struct  CTF
 wrapper for the Entropy-encoded clusters of the TF More...
class  CTFCoder
struct  CTFHeader
 Header for a single CTF. More...
class  DataReader
 DataReader class for TOF. More...
class  Detector
class  Diagnostic
 Diagnostic class for TOF. More...
class  Digit
 TOF digit implementation. More...
class  DigitDataReader
 DigitDataReader class for TOF. Feeds the MC digits to the Cluster Finder. More...
struct  DigitHeader
class  Digitizer
class  DigitReader
class  EntropyDecoderSpec
class  EntropyEncoderSpec
struct  eventTimeContainer
struct  EventTimeTOFParams
struct  eventTimeTrack
struct  eventTimeTrackTest
class  Geo
 TOF geo parameters (only statics) More...
class  HitType
class  IntegratedClusterReader
struct  ITOFC
 struct containing the integrated TOF currents More...
class  LHCClockCalibrator
struct  LHCClockDataHisto
class  MCLabel
class  ParameterCollection
 Class container to hold different parameters meant to be stored on the CCDB. More...
class  Parameters
class  RawDataReader
 RawDataReader class for TOF. Feeds raw data to the Cluster Finder. More...
class  RawWriter
struct  ReadoutWindowData
class  Strip
 Container for similated points connected to a given TOF strip This will be used in order to allow a more efficient clusterization that can happen only between digits that belong to the same strip. More...
class  TOFCalibCollector
class  TOFCalibInfoSlot
class  TOFChannelCalibrator
class  TOFChannelData
class  TOFClusterWriterSplitter
class  TOFDCSConfigProcessor
class  TOFDCSDataProcessor
struct  TOFDCSinfo
class  TOFDCSProcessor
class  TOFDiagnosticCalibrator
class  TOFDigitWriterSplitter
class  TOFDPLClustererTask
class  TOFDPLDigitizerTask
class  TOFDPLRecoWorkflowTask
struct  TOFFEACinfo
struct  TOFFEEchannelConfig
struct  TOFFEElightConfig
struct  TOFFEElightInfo
class  TOFFEElightReader
struct  TOFFEEmapHVConfig
struct  TOFFEEtriggerConfig
class  TOFIntegrateClusters
class  TOFMatchedReader
class  TOFMergeIntegrateClusters
struct  TOFSimParams
class  Utils
 TOF utils. More...
class  WindowFiller


using paramvar_t = float
using DPID = o2::dcs::DataPointIdentifier
using DPVAL = o2::dcs::DataPointValue
using DPCOM = o2::dcs::DataPointCompositeObject
using Slot = o2::calibration::TimeSlot< o2::tof::LHCClockDataHisto >
using LHCphase = o2::dataformats::CalibLHCphaseTOF
using clbUtils = o2::calibration::Utils
using TimeSlewing = o2::dataformats::CalibTimeSlewingParamTOF
using CcdbManager = o2::ccdb::BasicCCDBManager
using HighResClock = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock
using Duration = std::chrono::duration< double, std::ratio< 1, 1 > >
using RDHUtils = o2::raw::RDHUtils
template<typename T >
using BranchDefinition = MakeRootTreeWriterSpec::BranchDefinition< T >
using OutputType = std::vector< o2::tof::CalibInfoCluster >
using OutputCosmicType = std::vector< o2::tof::CosmicInfo >
using OutputTrackType = std::vector< o2::tof::CalibInfoTrackCl >
using OutputTrackSizeType = std::vector< int >
using CalibInfosType = std::vector< o2::dataformats::CalibInfoTOF >
using CalibDiaType = o2::tof::Diagnostic
using MultType = std::vector< int >
using LabelsType = o2::dataformats::MCTruthContainer< o2::MCCompLabel >
using ReadoutWinType = std::vector< o2::tof::ReadoutWindowData >
using PatternType = std::vector< uint8_t >
using ErrorType = std::vector< uint64_t >
using HeaderType = o2::tof::DigitHeader
using MatchableType = std::vector< o2::dataformats::MatchInfoTOFReco >
using MatchInfo = std::vector< o2::dataformats::MatchInfoTOF >
using TrackInfo = std::vector< o2::dataformats::TrackTPCTOF >


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, Cluster &c)
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getTOFRecoWorkflowSpec (bool useMC, bool useFIT)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const Digit &dig)
void generateEvTimeTracks (std::vector< eventTimeTrackTest > &tracks, int ntracks, float evTime=0.0)
template<typename trackType >
bool filterDummy (const trackType &tr)
void computeEvTime (const std::vector< eventTimeTrack > &tracks, const std::vector< int > &trkIndex, eventTimeContainer &evtime)
void computeEvTimeFast (const std::vector< eventTimeTrack > &tracks, const std::vector< int > &trkIndex, eventTimeContainer &evtime)
int getStartTimeInSet (const std::vector< eventTimeTrack > &tracks, std::vector< int > &trackInSet, unsigned long &bestComb, double refT0=0)
int getStartTimeInSetFast (const std::vector< eventTimeTrack > &tracks, std::vector< int > &trackInSet, unsigned long &bestComb)
template<typename trackTypeContainer , typename trackType , bool(*)(const trackType &) trackFilter>
eventTimeContainer evTimeMaker (const trackTypeContainer &tracks, const float &diamond=6.0, bool isFast=false)
template<typename trackTypeContainer , typename trackType , bool(*)(const trackType &) trackFilter, template< typename T, o2::track::PID::ID > typename response, typename responseParametersType >
eventTimeContainer evTimeMakerFromParam (const trackTypeContainer &tracks, const responseParametersType &responseParameters, const float &diamond=6.0, bool isFast=false)
template<typename trackType >
bool filterCalib (const o2::dataformats::CalibInfoTOF &tr)
framework::DataProcessorSpec getCompressedDecodingSpec (const std::string &inputDesc, bool conet=false, bool askDISTSTF=true, int norbitPerTF=-1, bool localCmp=false)
framework::DataProcessorSpec getEntropyDecoderSpec (int verbosity, unsigned int sspec)
 create a processor spec
framework::DataProcessorSpec getEntropyEncoderSpec (bool selIR=false)
 create a processor spec
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getTOFClusterizerSpec (bool useMC, bool useCCDB=0, bool doCalib=0, bool isCosmic=0, std::string ccdb_url="", bool isForCalib=false)
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getTOFIntegrateClusterSpec (const bool disableWriter)
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getTOFMergeIntegrateClusterSpec ()
DataProcessorSpec getCalibClusReaderSpec (bool isCosmics)
framework::DataProcessorSpec getCalibInfoReaderSpec (int instance, int ninstances, const char *filename, bool toftpc=false)
framework::DataProcessorSpec getCcdbRequestSpec ()
 create a processor spec
framework::DataProcessorSpec getClusterReaderSpec (bool useMC)
framework::DataProcessorSpec getDigitReaderSpec (bool useMC)
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getTOFCalClusInfoWriterSpec (bool isCosmics=0)
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getTOFCalibWriterSpec (const char *outdef="o2calib_tof.root", bool toftpc=false, bool addDia=false, bool onlyDia=false)
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getTOFClusterWriterSpec (bool useMC)
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getTOFDigitWriterSpec (bool useMC=1, bool writeErr=0)
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getTOFIntegrateClusterReaderSpec ()
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getTOFIntegrateClusterWriterSpec ()
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getTOFMatchableWriterSpec (const char *outdef="o2matchable_tof.root")
framework::DataProcessorSpec getTOFMatchedReaderSpec (bool useMC, int mode=1, bool readTracks=false, bool subSpecStrict=false)
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getTOFMatchedWriterSpec (bool useMC, const char *outdef="o2match_tof.root", bool writeTracks=false, int mode=0, bool strict=false)
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getTOFRawWriterSpec ()
DataProcessorSpec getTOFDigitizerSpec (int channel, bool useCCDB, bool mctruth, std::string ccdb_url, int timestamp)


constexpr unsigned long combinatorial [20] = {1, 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, 729, 2187, 6561, 19683, 59049, 177147, 531441, 1594323, 4782969, 14348907, 43046721, 129140163, 387420489, 1162261467}
constexpr o2::header::DataDescription ddCalib {"CALIBDATA"}
constexpr o2::header::DataDescription ddCalib_tpc {"CALIBDATA_TPC"}
constexpr o2::header::DataDescription ddDia {"DIAFREQ"}

Typedef Documentation

◆ BranchDefinition

template<typename T >
using o2::tof::BranchDefinition = typedef MakeRootTreeWriterSpec::BranchDefinition<T>

Definition at line 26 of file TOFCalClusInfoWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ CalibDiaType

Definition at line 39 of file TOFCalibWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ CalibInfosType

Definition at line 38 of file TOFCalibWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ CcdbManager

Definition at line 48 of file TOFDCSDataProcessorSpec.h.

◆ clbUtils



Definition at line 39 of file TOFDCSProcessor.h.


Definition at line 40 of file TOFDCSProcessor.h.

◆ Duration

using o2::tof::Duration = typedef std::chrono::duration<double, std::ratio<1, 1> >

Definition at line 51 of file TOFDCSDataProcessorSpec.h.

◆ ErrorType

using o2::tof::ErrorType = typedef std::vector<uint64_t>

Definition at line 31 of file TOFDigitWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ HeaderType

Definition at line 33 of file TOFDigitWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ HighResClock

using o2::tof::HighResClock = typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock

Definition at line 50 of file TOFDCSDataProcessorSpec.h.

◆ LabelsType

typedef std::vector< o2::MCCompLabel > o2::tof::LabelsType

Definition at line 30 of file TOFClusterWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ LHCphase

◆ MatchableType

Definition at line 33 of file TOFMatchableWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ MatchInfo

using o2::tof::MatchInfo = typedef std::vector<o2::dataformats::MatchInfoTOF>

Definition at line 39 of file TOFMatchedWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ MultType

using o2::tof::MultType = typedef std::vector<int>

Definition at line 29 of file TOFClusterWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ OutputCosmicType

using o2::tof::OutputCosmicType = typedef std::vector<o2::tof::CosmicInfo>

Definition at line 28 of file TOFCalClusInfoWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ OutputTrackSizeType

using o2::tof::OutputTrackSizeType = typedef std::vector<int>

Definition at line 30 of file TOFCalClusInfoWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ OutputTrackType

Definition at line 29 of file TOFCalClusInfoWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ OutputType

typedef std::vector< o2::tof::Digit > o2::tof::OutputType

Definition at line 27 of file TOFCalClusInfoWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ paramvar_t

using o2::tof::paramvar_t = typedef float

Definition at line 30 of file ParameterContainers.h.

◆ PatternType

using o2::tof::PatternType = typedef std::vector<uint8_t>

Definition at line 30 of file TOFDigitWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ RDHUtils

Definition at line 42 of file CompressedDecodingTask.cxx.

◆ ReadoutWinType

Definition at line 29 of file TOFDigitWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ Slot

◆ TimeSlewing

◆ TrackInfo

using o2::tof::TrackInfo = typedef std::vector<o2::dataformats::TrackTPCTOF>

Definition at line 40 of file TOFMatchedWriterSpec.cxx.

Function Documentation

◆ computeEvTime()

void o2::tof::computeEvTime ( const std::vector< eventTimeTrack > &  tracks,
const std::vector< int > &  trkIndex,
eventTimeContainer evtime 

Definition at line 38 of file EventTimeMaker.cxx.

◆ computeEvTimeFast()

void o2::tof::computeEvTimeFast ( const std::vector< eventTimeTrack > &  tracks,
const std::vector< int > &  trkIndex,
eventTimeContainer evtime 

Definition at line 180 of file EventTimeMaker.cxx.

◆ evTimeMaker()

template<typename trackTypeContainer , typename trackType , bool(*)(const trackType &) trackFilter>
eventTimeContainer o2::tof::evTimeMaker ( const trackTypeContainer &  tracks,
const float &  diamond = 6.0,
bool  isFast = false 

Definition at line 185 of file EventTimeMaker.h.

◆ evTimeMakerFromParam()

template<typename trackTypeContainer , typename trackType , bool(*)(const trackType &) trackFilter, template< typename T, o2::track::PID::ID > typename response, typename responseParametersType >
eventTimeContainer o2::tof::evTimeMakerFromParam ( const trackTypeContainer &  tracks,
const responseParametersType &  responseParameters,
const float &  diamond = 6.0,
bool  isFast = false 

Definition at line 228 of file EventTimeMaker.h.

◆ filterCalib()

template<typename trackType >
bool o2::tof::filterCalib ( const o2::dataformats::CalibInfoTOF tr)

Definition at line 35 of file Utils.h.

◆ filterDummy()

template<typename trackType >
bool o2::tof::filterDummy ( const trackType &  tr)

Definition at line 172 of file EventTimeMaker.h.

◆ generateEvTimeTracks()

void o2::tof::generateEvTimeTracks ( std::vector< eventTimeTrackTest > &  tracks,
int  ntracks,
float  evTime = 0.0 

Speed of light in TOF units (cm/ps)

Speed of light in TOF units (cm/ps)

Definition at line 424 of file EventTimeMaker.cxx.

◆ getCalibClusReaderSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::tof::getCalibClusReaderSpec ( bool  isCosmics)

create a processor spec read cluster calib infos from a root file

Definition at line 73 of file CalibClusReaderSpec.cxx.

◆ getCalibInfoReaderSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::tof::getCalibInfoReaderSpec ( int  instance,
int  ninstances,
const char filename,
bool  toftpc = false 

create a processor spec read simulated TOF digits from a root file

Definition at line 109 of file CalibInfoReaderSpec.cxx.

◆ getCcdbRequestSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::tof::getCcdbRequestSpec ( )

create a processor spec

Definition at line 53 of file CcdbRequestSpec.cxx.

◆ getClusterReaderSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::tof::getClusterReaderSpec ( bool  useMC)

create a processor spec read simulated TOF digits from a root file

Definition at line 80 of file ClusterReaderSpec.cxx.

◆ getCompressedDecodingSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::tof::getCompressedDecodingSpec ( const std::string &  inputDesc,
bool  conet = false,
bool  askDISTSTF = true,
int  norbitPerTF = -1,
bool  localCmp = false 

Definition at line 441 of file CompressedDecodingTask.cxx.

◆ getDigitReaderSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::tof::getDigitReaderSpec ( bool  useMC)

create a processor spec read simulated TOF digits from a root file

Definition at line 117 of file DigitReaderSpec.cxx.

◆ getEntropyDecoderSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::tof::getEntropyDecoderSpec ( int  verbosity,
unsigned int  sspec 

create a processor spec

Definition at line 96 of file EntropyDecoderSpec.cxx.

◆ getEntropyEncoderSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::tof::getEntropyEncoderSpec ( bool  selIR = false)

create a processor spec

Definition at line 74 of file EntropyEncoderSpec.cxx.

◆ getStartTimeInSet()

int o2::tof::getStartTimeInSet ( const std::vector< eventTimeTrack > &  tracks,
std::vector< int > &  trackInSet,
unsigned long bestComb,
double  refT0 = 0 

Definition at line 263 of file EventTimeMaker.cxx.

◆ getStartTimeInSetFast()

int o2::tof::getStartTimeInSetFast ( const std::vector< eventTimeTrack > &  tracks,
std::vector< int > &  trackInSet,
unsigned long bestComb 

Definition at line 349 of file EventTimeMaker.cxx.

◆ getTOFCalClusInfoWriterSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::tof::getTOFCalClusInfoWriterSpec ( bool  isCosmics = 0)

create a processor spec write ITS tracks a root file

Definition at line 33 of file TOFCalClusInfoWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ getTOFCalibWriterSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::tof::getTOFCalibWriterSpec ( const char outdef = "o2calib_tof.root",
bool  toftpc = false,
bool  addDia = false,
bool  onlyDia = false 

create a processor spec write TOF calbi info in a root file

Definition at line 40 of file TOFCalibWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ getTOFClusterizerSpec()

o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::tof::getTOFClusterizerSpec ( bool  useMC,
bool  useCCDB = 0,
bool  doCalib = 0,
bool  isCosmic = 0,
std::string  ccdb_url = "",
bool  isForCalib = false 

Definition at line 313 of file TOFClusterizerSpec.cxx.

◆ getTOFClusterWriterSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::tof::getTOFClusterWriterSpec ( bool  useMC)

create a processor spec write ITS tracks a root file

Definition at line 33 of file TOFClusterWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ getTOFDigitizerSpec()

o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::tof::getTOFDigitizerSpec ( int  channel,
bool  useCCDB,
bool  mctruth,
std::string  ccdb_url,
int  timestamp 

Definition at line 305 of file TOFDigitizerSpec.cxx.

◆ getTOFDigitWriterSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::tof::getTOFDigitWriterSpec ( bool  useMC = 1,
bool  writeErr = 0 

Definition at line 36 of file TOFDigitWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ getTOFIntegrateClusterReaderSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::tof::getTOFIntegrateClusterReaderSpec ( )

Definition at line 143 of file TOFIntegrateClusterReaderSpec.cxx.

◆ getTOFIntegrateClusterSpec()

o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::tof::getTOFIntegrateClusterSpec ( const bool  disableWriter)

Definition at line 163 of file TOFIntegrateClusterSpec.cxx.

◆ getTOFIntegrateClusterWriterSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::tof::getTOFIntegrateClusterWriterSpec ( )

Definition at line 28 of file TOFIntegrateClusterWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ getTOFMatchableWriterSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::tof::getTOFMatchableWriterSpec ( const char outdef = "o2matchable_tof.root")

create a processor spec write TOF calbi info in a root file

Definition at line 35 of file TOFMatchableWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ getTOFMatchedReaderSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::tof::getTOFMatchedReaderSpec ( bool  useMC,
int  mode = 1,
bool  readTracks = false,
bool  subSpecStrict = false 

create a processor spec read matched TOF clusters from a ROOT file

Definition at line 91 of file TOFMatchedReaderSpec.cxx.

◆ getTOFMatchedWriterSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::tof::getTOFMatchedWriterSpec ( bool  useMC,
const char outdef = "o2match_tof.root",
bool  writeTracks = false,
int  mode = 0,
bool  strict = false 

create a processor spec write TOF matching info in a root file

Definition at line 44 of file TOFMatchedWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ getTOFMergeIntegrateClusterSpec()

o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::tof::getTOFMergeIntegrateClusterSpec ( )

Definition at line 155 of file TOFMergeIntegrateClusterSpec.cxx.

◆ getTOFRawWriterSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::tof::getTOFRawWriterSpec ( )

create a processor spec write TOF raw file

Definition at line 114 of file TOFRawWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ getTOFRecoWorkflowSpec()

o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::tof::getTOFRecoWorkflowSpec ( bool  useMC,
bool  useFIT 

Definition at line 149 of file RecoWorkflowSpec.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [1/2]

std::ostream & o2::tof::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
Cluster c 

◆ operator<<() [2/2]

std::ostream & o2::tof::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const Digit dig 

Variable Documentation

◆ combinatorial

constexpr unsigned long o2::tof::combinatorial[20] = {1, 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, 729, 2187, 6561, 19683, 59049, 177147, 531441, 1594323, 4782969, 14348907, 43046721, 129140163, 387420489, 1162261467}

Definition at line 35 of file EventTimeMaker.cxx.

◆ ddCalib

constexpr o2::header::DataDescription o2::tof::ddCalib {"CALIBDATA"}

Definition at line 34 of file CalibInfoReaderSpec.cxx.

◆ ddCalib_tpc

constexpr o2::header::DataDescription o2::tof::ddCalib_tpc {"CALIBDATA_TPC"}

Definition at line 34 of file CalibInfoReaderSpec.cxx.

◆ ddDia

constexpr o2::header::DataDescription o2::tof::ddDia {"DIAFREQ"}

Definition at line 34 of file CalibInfoReaderSpec.cxx.