No Matches
o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams Struct Reference

#include <EMCALCalibParams.h>

Inherits o2::conf::ConfigurableParamHelper< EMCALCalibParams >.

Public Member Functions

 O2ParamDef (EMCALCalibParams, "EMCALCalibParams")
- Public Member Functions inherited from o2::conf::ConfigurableParamHelper< EMCALCalibParams >
std::string getName () const final
EParamProvenance getMemberProvenance (const std::string &key) const final
void printKeyValues (bool showProv=true, bool useLogger=false) const final
size_t getHash () const final
void output (std::ostream &out) const final
std::vector< ParamDataMember > * getDataMembers () const
void putKeyValues (boost::property_tree::ptree *tree) final
void initFrom (TFile *file) final
void syncCCDBandRegistry (void *externalobj) final
void serializeTo (TFile *file) const final
 ConfigurableParam ()

Public Attributes

unsigned int minNEvents_bc = 1e7
 minimum number of events to trigger the calibration
unsigned int minNEntries_bc = 1e6
 minimum number of entries to trigger the calibration
bool useNEventsForCalib_bc = true
 use the minimum number of events to trigger the calibration
bool useScaledHisto_bc = true
 use the scaled histogram for the bad channel map
bool enableTestMode_bc = false
 enable test mode for calibration
int nBinsEnergyAxis_bc = 1000
 number of bins for boost histogram energy axis
bool useTimeInfoForCalib_bc = true
 weather to use the timing information as a criterion in the bad channel analysis
float maxValueEnergyAxis_bc = 40
 maximum value for boost histogram energy axis (minimum is always 0)
int nBinsTimeAxis_bc = 1000
 number of bins for boost histogram time axis
float rangeTimeAxisLow_bc = -500
 minimum value of time for histogram range
float rangeTimeAxisHigh_bc = 500
 maximum value of time for histogram range
float minCellEnergyTime_bc = 0.1
 minimum energy needed to fill the time histogram
float sigmaTime_bc = 5
 sigma value for the upper cut on the time-variance distribution
float sigmaTimePreTrigg_bc = 10.
 sigma value for the upper cut on the fraction of cells in the pre-trigger region
float sigmaTimePostTrigg_bc = 10.
 sigma value for the upper cut on the fraction of cells in the post-trigger region
unsigned int slotLength_bc = 0
 Lenght of the slot before calibration is triggered. If set to 0 calibration is triggered when hasEnoughData returns true.
bool UpdateAtEndOfRunOnly_bc = false
 switch to enable trigger of calibration only at end of run
float minNHitsForMeanEnergyCut = 100
 mean number of hits per cell that is needed to cut on the mean energy per hit. Needed for high energy intervals as outliers can distort the distribution
float minNHitsForNHitCut = 1
 mean number of hits per cell that is needed to cut on the mean number of hits. Needed for high energy intervals as outliers can distort the distribution
float minCellEnergy_bc = 0.1
 minimum cell energy considered for filling the histograms for bad channel calib. Should speedup the filling of the histogram to suppress noise
float fractionEvents_bc = 1.
 fraction of events used in bad channel calibration
size_t nThreads_bc = 4
 number of threads used for the bad channel calinration for filling the histograms
float fracMaskSMFully_bc = 0.5
 fraction of bad+dead channel for a SM to be fully masked
float fracMaskFECFully_bc = 0.9
 fraction of bad+dead channel for a FEC to be fully masked
unsigned int minNEvents_tc = 1e7
 minimum number of events to trigger the calibration
unsigned int minNEntries_tc = 1e6
 minimum number of entries to trigger the calibration
bool useNEventsForCalib_tc = true
 use the minimum number of events to trigger the calibration
float minCellEnergy_tc = 0.5
 minimum cell energy to enter the time calibration (typical minimum seed energy for clusters), time resolution gets better with rising energy
int minTimeForFit_tc = -300
 minimum cell time considered for the time calibration in ns
int maxTimeForFit_tc = 300
 maximum cell time considered for the time calibration in ns
int restrictFitRangeToMax_tc = 25
 window around the largest entry within the minTimeForFit in which the fit is performed in ns
int nBinsTimeAxis_tc = 1500
 number of bins used for the time calibration
int minValueTimeAxis_tc = -500
 minimum value of the time axis in the time calibration
int maxValueTimeAxis_tc = 1000
 maximum value of the time axis in the time calibration
float lowGainOffset_tc = 8.8
 Offset between high gain and low gain in ns. This is needed since the low gain calib will not be possible due to insuficient statistics.
unsigned int slotLength_tc = 0
 Lenght of the slot before calibration is triggered. If set to 0 calibration is triggered when hasEnoughData returns true.
bool UpdateAtEndOfRunOnly_tc = false
 switch to enable trigger of calibration only at end of run
float maxAllowedDeviationFromMax = 10
 maximum deviation allowed between the estimated maximum of the fit and the true maximum from the distribution. If deviation is larger then value, the fit likely failed. In this case, the true value is taken
float fractionEvents_tc = 1.
 fraction of events used in time calibration
size_t nThreads_tc = 2
 number of threads used for the time calinration for filling the histograms
std::string calibType = "time"
 type of calibration to run
std::string localRootFilePath = ""
 path to local root file in order to store the calibration histograms (off by default, only to be used for testing)
bool enableFastCalib = false
 switch to enable fast calibration. Instead of filling boost histograms, mean and sigma of cells is calculated on the fly
bool enableTimeProfiling = false
 enable to log how much time is spent in the run function in the calibrator spec. Needed for speed tests offline and at point 2
bool setSavedSlotAllowed_EMC = true
 if true, saving and loading of calibrations from last run and for next run is enabled
bool setSavedSlotAllowedSOR_EMC = true
 if true, stored calibrations from last run can be loaded in the next run (if false, storing of the calib histograms is still active in contrast to setSavedSlotAllowed_EMC)
long endTimeMargin = 2592000000
 set end TS to 30 days after slot ends (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30)
std::string selectedClassMasks = "C0TVX-B-NOPF-EMC"
 name of EMCal min. bias trigger that is used for calibration
int bcShiftCTP = 0
 bc shift of CTP digits to align them with EMC bc in case they are misaligned
std::string filePathSave = "./emc_calib"
 path where calibration histograms are stored at EOR to save them for the next run
bool requireSameFill = false
 if loading calib objects from previous run, require it to be in the same fill as the current one
bool requireSameRunType = true
 if loading calib objects from previous run, require it to be the same run type
int tsDiffMax = 48
 if loading calib objects from previous run, limit time between the object being stored and loaded again (in hours)
unsigned int minNEventsSaveSlot = 100000
 minimum amount a slot has to have in order to be taken into accoutn in finalize slot. THis is also relevant if the slot should be saved at the EOR
bool useStaticStartTimeSlot = true
 if set to true, allows to use the start timestamp set manually. This is important if data from a previous run was loaded as otherwise, the start-timestamp will not include data from the previous run
short maxPedestalRMS = 10
 Maximum value for RMS for pedestals (has to be tuned)
unsigned int minNEvents = 1e7
 minimum number of events to trigger the calibration
unsigned int minNEntries = 1e6
 minimum number of entries to trigger the calibration
bool useNEventsForCalib = true
 use the minimum number of events to trigger the calibration
bool useScaledHistoForBadChannelMap = true
 use the scaled histogram for the bad channel map
bool enableTestMode = false
 enable test mode for calibration
float minCellEnergyForTimeCalib = 0.5
 minimum cell energy to enter the time calibration (typical minimum seed energy for clusters), time resolution gets better with rising energy
unsigned int slotLength = 0
 Lenght of the slot before calibration is triggered. If set to 0 calibration is triggered when hasEnoughData returns true.
bool UpdateAtEndOfRunOnly = false
 switch to enable trigger of calibration only at end of run
int minTimeForFit = -300
 minimum cell time considered for the time calibration in ns
int maxTimeForFit = 300
 maximum cell time considered for the time calibration in ns
int restrictFitRangeToMax = 25
 window around the largest entry within the minTimeForFit in which the fit is performed in ns

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from o2::conf::ConfigurableParam
enum  EParamProvenance { kCODE , kCCDB , kRT }
enum class  EParamUpdateStatus { Changed , Unchanged , Failed }
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from o2::conf::ConfigurableParamHelper< EMCALCalibParams >
static const EMCALCalibParams & Instance ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from o2::conf::ConfigurableParam
static std::string toString (EParamProvenance p)
static EParamProvenance getProvenance (const std::string &key)
static void printAllRegisteredParamNames ()
static void printAllKeyValuePairs (bool useLogger=false)
static const std::string & getOutputDir ()
static void setOutputDir (const std::string &d)
static bool configFileExists (std::string const &filepath)
static void writeJSON (std::string const &filename, std::string const &keyOnly="")
static void writeINI (std::string const &filename, std::string const &keyOnly="")
template<typename T >
static T getValueAs (std::string key)
template<typename T >
static void setValue (std::string const &mainkey, std::string const &subkey, T x)
static void setProvenance (std::string const &mainkey, std::string const &subkey, EParamProvenance p)
static void setValue (std::string const &key, std::string const &valuestring)
static void setEnumValue (const std::string &, const std::string &)
static void setArrayValue (const std::string &, const std::string &)
static void setValues (std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > const &keyValues)
static void initialize ()
static void toCCDB (std::string filename)
static void fromCCDB (std::string filename)
static void updateFromString (std::string const &)
static void updateFromFile (std::string const &, std::string const &paramsList="", bool unchangedOnly=false)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from o2::conf::ConfigurableParam
 ConfigurableParam ()
virtual ~ConfigurableParam ()=default
void setRegisterMode (bool b)
bool isInitialized () const
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from o2::conf::ConfigurableParam
static void initPropertyTree ()
static EParamUpdateStatus updateThroughStorageMap (std::string, std::string, std::type_info const &, void *)
static EParamUpdateStatus updateThroughStorageMapWithConversion (std::string const &, std::string const &)
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from o2::conf::ConfigurableParam
static std::map< std::string, std::pair< std::type_info const &, void * > > * sKeyToStorageMap = nullptr
static std::map< std::string, ConfigurableParam::EParamProvenance > * sValueProvenanceMap = nullptr
static EnumRegistrysEnumRegistry = nullptr
static std::string sOutputDir = ""

Detailed Description

Definition at line 30 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ O2ParamDef()

o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::O2ParamDef ( EMCALCalibParams  ,

Member Data Documentation

◆ bcShiftCTP

int o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::bcShiftCTP = 0

bc shift of CTP digits to align them with EMC bc in case they are misaligned

Definition at line 85 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ calibType

std::string o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::calibType = "time"

type of calibration to run

Definition at line 77 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ enableFastCalib

bool o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::enableFastCalib = false

switch to enable fast calibration. Instead of filling boost histograms, mean and sigma of cells is calculated on the fly

Definition at line 79 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ enableTestMode

bool o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::enableTestMode = false

enable test mode for calibration

Definition at line 101 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ enableTestMode_bc

bool o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::enableTestMode_bc = false

enable test mode for calibration

Definition at line 37 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ enableTimeProfiling

bool o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::enableTimeProfiling = false

enable to log how much time is spent in the run function in the calibrator spec. Needed for speed tests offline and at point 2

Definition at line 80 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ endTimeMargin

long o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::endTimeMargin = 2592000000

set end TS to 30 days after slot ends (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30)

Definition at line 83 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ filePathSave

std::string o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::filePathSave = "./emc_calib"

path where calibration histograms are stored at EOR to save them for the next run

Definition at line 86 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ fracMaskFECFully_bc

float o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::fracMaskFECFully_bc = 0.9

fraction of bad+dead channel for a FEC to be fully masked

Definition at line 56 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ fracMaskSMFully_bc

float o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::fracMaskSMFully_bc = 0.5

fraction of bad+dead channel for a SM to be fully masked

Definition at line 55 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ fractionEvents_bc

float o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::fractionEvents_bc = 1.

fraction of events used in bad channel calibration

Definition at line 53 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ fractionEvents_tc

float o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::fractionEvents_tc = 1.

fraction of events used in time calibration

Definition at line 73 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ localRootFilePath

std::string o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::localRootFilePath = ""

path to local root file in order to store the calibration histograms (off by default, only to be used for testing)

Definition at line 78 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ lowGainOffset_tc

float o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::lowGainOffset_tc = 8.8

Offset between high gain and low gain in ns. This is needed since the low gain calib will not be possible due to insuficient statistics.

Definition at line 69 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ maxAllowedDeviationFromMax

float o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::maxAllowedDeviationFromMax = 10

maximum deviation allowed between the estimated maximum of the fit and the true maximum from the distribution. If deviation is larger then value, the fit likely failed. In this case, the true value is taken

Definition at line 72 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ maxPedestalRMS

short o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::maxPedestalRMS = 10

Maximum value for RMS for pedestals (has to be tuned)

Definition at line 94 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ maxTimeForFit

int o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::maxTimeForFit = 300

maximum cell time considered for the time calibration in ns

Definition at line 106 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ maxTimeForFit_tc

int o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::maxTimeForFit_tc = 300

maximum cell time considered for the time calibration in ns

Definition at line 64 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ maxValueEnergyAxis_bc

float o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::maxValueEnergyAxis_bc = 40

maximum value for boost histogram energy axis (minimum is always 0)

Definition at line 40 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ maxValueTimeAxis_tc

int o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::maxValueTimeAxis_tc = 1000

maximum value of the time axis in the time calibration

Definition at line 68 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ minCellEnergy_bc

float o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::minCellEnergy_bc = 0.1

minimum cell energy considered for filling the histograms for bad channel calib. Should speedup the filling of the histogram to suppress noise

Definition at line 52 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ minCellEnergy_tc

float o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::minCellEnergy_tc = 0.5

minimum cell energy to enter the time calibration (typical minimum seed energy for clusters), time resolution gets better with rising energy

Definition at line 62 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ minCellEnergyForTimeCalib

float o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::minCellEnergyForTimeCalib = 0.5

minimum cell energy to enter the time calibration (typical minimum seed energy for clusters), time resolution gets better with rising energy

Definition at line 102 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ minCellEnergyTime_bc

float o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::minCellEnergyTime_bc = 0.1

minimum energy needed to fill the time histogram

Definition at line 44 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ minNEntries

unsigned int o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::minNEntries = 1e6

minimum number of entries to trigger the calibration

Definition at line 98 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ minNEntries_bc

unsigned int o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::minNEntries_bc = 1e6

minimum number of entries to trigger the calibration

Definition at line 34 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ minNEntries_tc

unsigned int o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::minNEntries_tc = 1e6

minimum number of entries to trigger the calibration

Definition at line 60 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ minNEvents

unsigned int o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::minNEvents = 1e7

minimum number of events to trigger the calibration

Definition at line 97 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ minNEvents_bc

unsigned int o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::minNEvents_bc = 1e7

minimum number of events to trigger the calibration

Definition at line 33 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ minNEvents_tc

unsigned int o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::minNEvents_tc = 1e7

minimum number of events to trigger the calibration

Definition at line 59 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ minNEventsSaveSlot

unsigned int o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::minNEventsSaveSlot = 100000

minimum amount a slot has to have in order to be taken into accoutn in finalize slot. THis is also relevant if the slot should be saved at the EOR

Definition at line 90 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ minNHitsForMeanEnergyCut

float o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::minNHitsForMeanEnergyCut = 100

mean number of hits per cell that is needed to cut on the mean energy per hit. Needed for high energy intervals as outliers can distort the distribution

Definition at line 50 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ minNHitsForNHitCut

float o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::minNHitsForNHitCut = 1

mean number of hits per cell that is needed to cut on the mean number of hits. Needed for high energy intervals as outliers can distort the distribution

Definition at line 51 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ minTimeForFit

int o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::minTimeForFit = -300

minimum cell time considered for the time calibration in ns

Definition at line 105 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ minTimeForFit_tc

int o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::minTimeForFit_tc = -300

minimum cell time considered for the time calibration in ns

Definition at line 63 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ minValueTimeAxis_tc

int o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::minValueTimeAxis_tc = -500

minimum value of the time axis in the time calibration

Definition at line 67 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ nBinsEnergyAxis_bc

int o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::nBinsEnergyAxis_bc = 1000

number of bins for boost histogram energy axis

Definition at line 38 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ nBinsTimeAxis_bc

int o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::nBinsTimeAxis_bc = 1000

number of bins for boost histogram time axis

Definition at line 41 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ nBinsTimeAxis_tc

int o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::nBinsTimeAxis_tc = 1500

number of bins used for the time calibration

Definition at line 66 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ nThreads_bc

size_t o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::nThreads_bc = 4

number of threads used for the bad channel calinration for filling the histograms

Definition at line 54 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ nThreads_tc

size_t o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::nThreads_tc = 2

number of threads used for the time calinration for filling the histograms

Definition at line 74 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ rangeTimeAxisHigh_bc

float o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::rangeTimeAxisHigh_bc = 500

maximum value of time for histogram range

Definition at line 43 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ rangeTimeAxisLow_bc

float o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::rangeTimeAxisLow_bc = -500

minimum value of time for histogram range

Definition at line 42 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ requireSameFill

bool o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::requireSameFill = false

if loading calib objects from previous run, require it to be in the same fill as the current one

Definition at line 87 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ requireSameRunType

bool o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::requireSameRunType = true

if loading calib objects from previous run, require it to be the same run type

Definition at line 88 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ restrictFitRangeToMax

int o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::restrictFitRangeToMax = 25

window around the largest entry within the minTimeForFit in which the fit is performed in ns

Definition at line 107 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ restrictFitRangeToMax_tc

int o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::restrictFitRangeToMax_tc = 25

window around the largest entry within the minTimeForFit in which the fit is performed in ns

Definition at line 65 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ selectedClassMasks

std::string o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::selectedClassMasks = "C0TVX-B-NOPF-EMC"

name of EMCal min. bias trigger that is used for calibration

Definition at line 84 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ setSavedSlotAllowed_EMC

bool o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::setSavedSlotAllowed_EMC = true

if true, saving and loading of calibrations from last run and for next run is enabled

Definition at line 81 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ setSavedSlotAllowedSOR_EMC

bool o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::setSavedSlotAllowedSOR_EMC = true

if true, stored calibrations from last run can be loaded in the next run (if false, storing of the calib histograms is still active in contrast to setSavedSlotAllowed_EMC)

Definition at line 82 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ sigmaTime_bc

float o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::sigmaTime_bc = 5

sigma value for the upper cut on the time-variance distribution

Definition at line 45 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ sigmaTimePostTrigg_bc

float o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::sigmaTimePostTrigg_bc = 10.

sigma value for the upper cut on the fraction of cells in the post-trigger region

Definition at line 47 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ sigmaTimePreTrigg_bc

float o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::sigmaTimePreTrigg_bc = 10.

sigma value for the upper cut on the fraction of cells in the pre-trigger region

Definition at line 46 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ slotLength

unsigned int o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::slotLength = 0

Lenght of the slot before calibration is triggered. If set to 0 calibration is triggered when hasEnoughData returns true.

Definition at line 103 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ slotLength_bc

unsigned int o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::slotLength_bc = 0

Lenght of the slot before calibration is triggered. If set to 0 calibration is triggered when hasEnoughData returns true.

Definition at line 48 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ slotLength_tc

unsigned int o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::slotLength_tc = 0

Lenght of the slot before calibration is triggered. If set to 0 calibration is triggered when hasEnoughData returns true.

Definition at line 70 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ tsDiffMax

int o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::tsDiffMax = 48

if loading calib objects from previous run, limit time between the object being stored and loaded again (in hours)

Definition at line 89 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ UpdateAtEndOfRunOnly

bool o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::UpdateAtEndOfRunOnly = false

switch to enable trigger of calibration only at end of run

Definition at line 104 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ UpdateAtEndOfRunOnly_bc

bool o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::UpdateAtEndOfRunOnly_bc = false

switch to enable trigger of calibration only at end of run

Definition at line 49 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ UpdateAtEndOfRunOnly_tc

bool o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::UpdateAtEndOfRunOnly_tc = false

switch to enable trigger of calibration only at end of run

Definition at line 71 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ useNEventsForCalib

bool o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::useNEventsForCalib = true

use the minimum number of events to trigger the calibration

Definition at line 99 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ useNEventsForCalib_bc

bool o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::useNEventsForCalib_bc = true

use the minimum number of events to trigger the calibration

Definition at line 35 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ useNEventsForCalib_tc

bool o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::useNEventsForCalib_tc = true

use the minimum number of events to trigger the calibration

Definition at line 61 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ useScaledHisto_bc

bool o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::useScaledHisto_bc = true

use the scaled histogram for the bad channel map

Definition at line 36 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ useScaledHistoForBadChannelMap

bool o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::useScaledHistoForBadChannelMap = true

use the scaled histogram for the bad channel map

Definition at line 100 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ useStaticStartTimeSlot

bool o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::useStaticStartTimeSlot = true

if set to true, allows to use the start timestamp set manually. This is important if data from a previous run was loaded as otherwise, the start-timestamp will not include data from the previous run

Definition at line 91 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

◆ useTimeInfoForCalib_bc

bool o2::emcal::EMCALCalibParams::useTimeInfoForCalib_bc = true

weather to use the timing information as a criterion in the bad channel analysis

Definition at line 39 of file EMCALCalibParams.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: