No Matches
Catch Namespace Reference


namespace  Benchmark
namespace  Clara
namespace  Detail
namespace  Generators
namespace  literals
namespace  Matchers
namespace  TestCaseTracking
namespace  TextFlow


struct  SignalDefs
struct  StringStreams


using RegistryHubSingleton = Singleton< RegistryHub, IRegistryHub, IMutableRegistryHub >


bool operator== (ProcessedReporterSpec const &lhs, ProcessedReporterSpec const &rhs)
std::uint32_t getSeed ()
IRegistryHub const & getRegistryHub ()
IMutableRegistryHub & getMutableRegistryHub ()
void cleanUp ()
std::string translateActiveException ()
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, Version const &version)
Version const & libraryVersion ()
void handleExceptionMatchExpr (AssertionHandler &handler, std::string const &str)
Clara::Parser makeCommandLineParser (ConfigData &config)
auto makeStream (std::string const &filename) -> Detail::unique_ptr< IStream >
auto operator<< (std::ostream &os, LazyExpression const &lazyExpr) -> std::ostream &
bool list (IEventListener &reporter, Config const &config)
Optional< unsigned intparseUInt (std::string const &input, int base)
bool isnan (float f)
bool isnan (double d)
bool operator== (SimplePcg32 const &lhs, SimplePcg32 const &rhs)
bool operator!= (SimplePcg32 const &lhs, SimplePcg32 const &rhs)
std::uint32_t generateRandomSeed (GenerateFrom from)
bool operator== (ReporterSpec const &lhs, ReporterSpec const &rhs)
Optional< ReporterSpec > parseReporterSpec (StringRef reporterSpec)
bool isOk (ResultWas::OfType resultType)
bool isJustInfo (int flags)
ResultDisposition::Flags operator| (ResultDisposition::Flags lhs, ResultDisposition::Flags rhs)
bool shouldContinueOnFailure (int flags)
bool shouldSuppressFailure (int flags)
IResultCapture & getResultCapture ()
void seedRng (IConfig const &config)
unsigned int rngSeed ()
void addSingleton (ISingleton *singleton)
void cleanupSingletons ()
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, SourceLineInfo const &info)
std::ostream & cout ()
std::ostream & cerr ()
std::ostream & clog ()
bool startsWith (std::string const &s, std::string const &prefix)
bool startsWith (StringRef s, char prefix)
bool endsWith (std::string const &s, std::string const &suffix)
bool endsWith (std::string const &s, char suffix)
bool contains (std::string const &s, std::string const &infix)
void toLowerInPlace (std::string &s)
std::string toLower (std::string const &s)
char toLower (char c)
std::string trim (std::string const &str)
StringRef trim (StringRef ref)
bool replaceInPlace (std::string &str, std::string const &replaceThis, std::string const &withThis)
std::vector< StringRef > splitStringRef (StringRef str, char delimiter)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, pluralise const &pluraliser)
auto operator<< (std::ostream &os, StringRef str) -> std::ostream &
std::string operator+ (StringRef lhs, StringRef rhs)
auto operator+= (std::string &lhs, StringRef rhs) -> std::string &
std::vector< TestCaseHandle > sortTests (IConfig const &config, std::vector< TestCaseHandle > const &unsortedTestCases)
bool isThrowSafe (TestCaseHandle const &testCase, IConfig const &config)
std::vector< TestCaseHandle > filterTests (std::vector< TestCaseHandle > const &testCases, TestSpec const &testSpec, IConfig const &config)
std::vector< TestCaseHandle > const & getAllTestCasesSorted (IConfig const &config)
void throw_test_failure_exception ()
void throw_test_skip_exception ()
Detail::unique_ptr< ITestInvoker > makeTestInvoker (void(*testAsFunction)())
bool uncaught_exceptions ()
XmlFormatting operator| (XmlFormatting lhs, XmlFormatting rhs)
XmlFormatting operator& (XmlFormatting lhs, XmlFormatting rhs)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, XmlEncode const &xmlEncode)
void handleExceptionMatchExpr (AssertionHandler &handler, StringMatcher const &matcher)

Typedef Documentation

◆ RegistryHubSingleton

using Catch::RegistryHubSingleton = typedef Singleton<RegistryHub, IRegistryHub, IMutableRegistryHub>

Definition at line 998 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

Function Documentation

◆ addSingleton()

void Catch::addSingleton ( ISingleton *  singleton)

Definition at line 5824 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ cerr()

std::ostream & Catch::cerr ( )

Definition at line 5896 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ cleanUp()

void Catch::cleanUp ( )

Definition at line 1006 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ cleanupSingletons()

void Catch::cleanupSingletons ( )

Definition at line 5827 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ clog()

std::ostream & Catch::clog ( )

Definition at line 5897 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ contains()

bool Catch::contains ( std::string const &  s,
std::string const &  infix 

Definition at line 5923 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ cout()

std::ostream & Catch::cout ( )

Definition at line 5895 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ endsWith() [1/2]

bool Catch::endsWith ( std::string const &  s,
char  suffix 

Definition at line 5920 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ endsWith() [2/2]

bool Catch::endsWith ( std::string const &  s,
std::string const &  suffix 

Definition at line 5917 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ filterTests()

std::vector< TestCaseHandle > Catch::filterTests ( std::vector< TestCaseHandle > const &  testCases,
TestSpec const &  testSpec,
IConfig const &  config 

Definition at line 6231 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ generateRandomSeed()

std::uint32_t Catch::generateRandomSeed ( GenerateFrom  from)

Definition at line 4755 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ getAllTestCasesSorted()

std::vector< TestCaseHandle > const & Catch::getAllTestCasesSorted ( IConfig const &  config)

Definition at line 6242 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ getMutableRegistryHub()

IMutableRegistryHub & Catch::getMutableRegistryHub ( )

Definition at line 1003 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ getRegistryHub()

IRegistryHub const & Catch::getRegistryHub ( )

Definition at line 1000 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ getResultCapture()

IResultCapture & Catch::getResultCapture ( )

Definition at line 5739 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ getSeed()

std::uint32_t Catch::getSeed ( )

Definition at line 819 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ handleExceptionMatchExpr() [1/2]

void Catch::handleExceptionMatchExpr ( AssertionHandler &  handler,
std::string const &  str 

Definition at line 2413 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ handleExceptionMatchExpr() [2/2]

void Catch::handleExceptionMatchExpr ( AssertionHandler &  handler,
StringMatcher const &  matcher 

Definition at line 7946 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ isJustInfo()

bool Catch::isJustInfo ( int  flags)

Definition at line 5015 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ isnan() [1/2]

bool Catch::isnan ( double  d)

Definition at line 4667 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ isnan() [2/2]

bool Catch::isnan ( float  f)

Definition at line 4664 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ isOk()

bool Catch::isOk ( ResultWas::OfType  resultType)

Definition at line 5012 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ isThrowSafe()

bool Catch::isThrowSafe ( TestCaseHandle const &  testCase,
IConfig const &  config 

Definition at line 6227 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ libraryVersion()

Version const & Catch::libraryVersion ( )

Definition at line 2135 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ list()

bool Catch::list ( IEventListener &  reporter,
Config const &  config 

Definition at line 4403 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ makeCommandLineParser()

Clara::Parser Catch::makeCommandLineParser ( ConfigData &  config)

Definition at line 2893 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ makeStream()

auto Catch::makeStream ( std::string const &  filename) -> Detail::unique_ptr<IStream>

Definition at line 4248 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ makeTestInvoker()

Detail::unique_ptr< ITestInvoker > Catch::makeTestInvoker ( void(*)()  testAsFunction)

Definition at line 6576 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ operator!=()

bool Catch::operator!= ( SimplePcg32 const &  lhs,
SimplePcg32 const &  rhs 

Definition at line 4741 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ operator&()

XmlFormatting Catch::operator& ( XmlFormatting  lhs,
XmlFormatting  rhs 

Definition at line 7196 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ operator+()

std::string Catch::operator+ ( StringRef  lhs,
StringRef  rhs 

Definition at line 6043 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ operator+=()

auto Catch::operator+= ( std::string &  lhs,
StringRef  rhs 
) -> std::string&

Definition at line 6051 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [1/6]

auto Catch::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
LazyExpression const &  lazyExpr 
) -> std::ostream&

Definition at line 4273 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [2/6]

std::ostream & Catch::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
pluralise const &  pluraliser 

Definition at line 5989 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [3/6]

std::ostream & Catch::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
SourceLineInfo const &  info 

Definition at line 5853 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [4/6]

auto Catch::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
StringRef  str 
) -> std::ostream&

Definition at line 6039 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [5/6]

std::ostream & Catch::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
Version const &  version 

Definition at line 2123 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [6/6]

std::ostream & Catch::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
XmlEncode const &  xmlEncode 

Definition at line 7303 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ operator==() [1/3]

bool Catch::operator== ( ProcessedReporterSpec const &  lhs,
ProcessedReporterSpec const &  rhs 

Definition at line 652 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ operator==() [2/3]

bool Catch::operator== ( ReporterSpec const &  lhs,
ReporterSpec const &  rhs 

Definition at line 4932 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ operator==() [3/3]

bool Catch::operator== ( SimplePcg32 const &  lhs,
SimplePcg32 const &  rhs 

Definition at line 4737 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ operator|() [1/2]

ResultDisposition::Flags Catch::operator| ( ResultDisposition::Flags  lhs,
ResultDisposition::Flags  rhs 

Definition at line 5019 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ operator|() [2/2]

XmlFormatting Catch::operator| ( XmlFormatting  lhs,
XmlFormatting  rhs 

Definition at line 7189 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ parseReporterSpec()

Optional< ReporterSpec > Catch::parseReporterSpec ( StringRef  reporterSpec)

Definition at line 4939 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ parseUInt()

Optional< unsigned int > Catch::parseUInt ( std::string const &  input,
int  base 

Definition at line 4620 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ replaceInPlace()

bool Catch::replaceInPlace ( std::string &  str,
std::string const &  replaceThis,
std::string const &  withThis 

Definition at line 5960 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ rngSeed()

uint32_t Catch::Config::rngSeed ( )

Definition at line 5750 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ seedRng()

void Catch::seedRng ( IConfig const &  config)

Definition at line 5746 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ shouldContinueOnFailure()

bool Catch::shouldContinueOnFailure ( int  flags)

Definition at line 5023 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ shouldSuppressFailure()

bool Catch::shouldSuppressFailure ( int  flags)

Definition at line 5024 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ sortTests()

std::vector< TestCaseHandle > Catch::sortTests ( IConfig const &  config,
std::vector< TestCaseHandle > const &  unsortedTestCases 

Definition at line 6175 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ splitStringRef()

std::vector< StringRef > Catch::splitStringRef ( StringRef  str,
char  delimiter 

Definition at line 5974 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ startsWith() [1/2]

bool Catch::startsWith ( std::string const &  s,
std::string const &  prefix 

Definition at line 5911 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ startsWith() [2/2]

bool Catch::startsWith ( StringRef  s,
char  prefix 

Definition at line 5914 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ throw_test_failure_exception()

void Catch::throw_test_failure_exception ( )

Definition at line 6508 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ throw_test_skip_exception()

void Catch::throw_test_skip_exception ( )

Definition at line 6516 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ toLower() [1/2]

char Catch::toLower ( char  c)

Definition at line 5936 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ toLower() [2/2]

std::string Catch::toLower ( std::string const &  s)

Definition at line 5931 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ toLowerInPlace()

void Catch::toLowerInPlace ( std::string &  s)

Definition at line 5926 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ translateActiveException()

std::string Catch::ExceptionTranslatorRegistry::translateActiveException ( )

Definition at line 1010 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ trim() [1/2]

std::string Catch::trim ( std::string const &  str)

Definition at line 5940 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ trim() [2/2]

StringRef Catch::trim ( StringRef  ref)

Definition at line 5948 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.

◆ uncaught_exceptions()

bool Catch::uncaught_exceptions ( )

Definition at line 7082 of file catch_amalgamated.cxx.