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1// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
2// See for details of the copyright holders.
3// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
5// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
6// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
8// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
9// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
10// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
15#ifndef O2_TRD_KRCLUSTER_H
16#define O2_TRD_KRCLUSTER_H
18#include "Rtypes.h"
22namespace o2
24namespace trd
29 public:
30 KrCluster() = default;
31 KrCluster(const KrCluster&) = default;
32 ~KrCluster() = default;
34 void setGlobalPadID(int det, int row, int col);
35 void setAdcData(int adcSum, int adcRms, int adcMaxA, int adcMaxB, int adcEoT, int adcIntegral, int adcSumTrunc);
36 void setTimeData(int timeMaxA, int timeMaxB, int timeRms);
37 void setClusterSizeData(int rowSize, int colSize, int timeSize, int nAdcs);
39 // identify global pad number (row and column with the maximum ADC value contained in the cluster)
40 int getDetector() const { return mDet; }
41 int getSector() const { return HelperMethods::getSector(mDet); }
42 int getStack() const { return HelperMethods::getStack(mDet); }
43 int getLayer() const { return HelperMethods::getLayer(mDet); }
44 int getRow() const { return mRow; }
45 int getColumn() const { return mCol; }
47 // ADC related members
48 int getAdcSum() const { return mAdcSum; }
49 int getAdcRms() const { return mAdcRms; }
50 int getAdcMaxA() const { return mAdcMaxA; }
51 int getAdcMaxB() const { return mAdcMaxB; }
52 int getAdcSumEoverT() const { return mAdcSumEoverT; }
53 int getAdcIntegral() const { return mAdcIntegral; }
54 int getAdcSumTruncated() const { return mAdcSumTruncated; }
56 // cluster size
57 int getClSizeRow() const { return mDeltaRow; }
58 int getClSizeCol() const { return mDeltaCol; }
59 int getClSizeTime() const { return mDeltaTime; }
60 int getClSize() const { return mClusterSize; }
62 // time bin related members
63 int getTimeMaxA() const { return mTimeMaxA; }
64 int getTimeMaxB() const { return mTimeMaxB; }
65 int getTimeRms() const { return mTimeRms; }
67 private:
68 uint16_t mDet;
69 uint16_t mAdcSum;
70 uint16_t mAdcRms;
71 uint16_t mAdcMaxA;
72 uint16_t mAdcMaxB;
73 uint16_t mAdcSumEoverT;
74 uint16_t mAdcIntegral;
75 uint16_t mAdcSumTruncated;
76 uint8_t mRow;
77 uint8_t mCol;
78 uint8_t mDeltaRow;
79 uint8_t mDeltaCol;
80 uint8_t mDeltaTime;
81 uint8_t mClusterSize;
82 uint8_t mTimeMaxA;
83 uint8_t mTimeMaxB;
84 uint8_t mTimeRms;
86 ClassDefNV(KrCluster, 1);
89} // namespace trd
90} // namespace o2
92#endif // O2_TRD_KRCLUSTER_H
Global TRD definitions and constants.
uint32_t col
Definition RawData.h:4
int getRow() const
Definition KrCluster.h:44
int getLayer() const
Definition KrCluster.h:43
int getAdcSumTruncated() const
Definition KrCluster.h:54
int getSector() const
Definition KrCluster.h:41
int getTimeMaxB() const
Definition KrCluster.h:64
int getColumn() const
Definition KrCluster.h:45
int getAdcSumEoverT() const
Definition KrCluster.h:52
int getAdcMaxB() const
Definition KrCluster.h:51
int getTimeRms() const
Definition KrCluster.h:65
KrCluster(const KrCluster &)=default
void setTimeData(int timeMaxA, int timeMaxB, int timeRms)
Definition KrCluster.cxx:37
void setGlobalPadID(int det, int row, int col)
Definition KrCluster.cxx:19
void setClusterSizeData(int rowSize, int colSize, int timeSize, int nAdcs)
Definition KrCluster.cxx:44
int getAdcRms() const
Definition KrCluster.h:49
int getAdcIntegral() const
Definition KrCluster.h:53
int getTimeMaxA() const
Definition KrCluster.h:63
int getAdcSum() const
Definition KrCluster.h:48
int getClSizeTime() const
Definition KrCluster.h:59
int getDetector() const
Definition KrCluster.h:40
int getClSizeRow() const
Definition KrCluster.h:57
void setAdcData(int adcSum, int adcRms, int adcMaxA, int adcMaxB, int adcEoT, int adcIntegral, int adcSumTrunc)
Definition KrCluster.cxx:26
int getAdcMaxA() const
Definition KrCluster.h:50
int getStack() const
Definition KrCluster.h:42
int getClSizeCol() const
Definition KrCluster.h:58
int getClSize() const
Definition KrCluster.h:60
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...
static int getStack(int det)
static int getLayer(int det)
static int getSector(int det)
std::vector< int > row