16#ifndef ALICEO2_TPC_ParameterDetector_H_
17#define ALICEO2_TPC_ParameterDetector_H_
unsigned int TimeBin
global time bin
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...
float PadCapacitance
Capacitance of a single pad [pF].
O2ParamDef(ParameterDetector, "TPCDetParam")
bool ExcludeFCGap
exclude electrons created in the gap between the IFC vessel and OFC vessel and FC strips
float DriftTimeOffset
drift time offset in time bins (we observe ~2.4\mus before October 2023 and ~1.45 \mus after)
float TPClength
Length of the TPC [cm].
float TPCRecoWindowSim
length of the reconstruction window in units of drift time of the TPC in simulation (Neutron capture ...
TimeBin TmaxTriggered
Maximum time bin in case of triggered readout mode.