No Matches
o2::aod::ft0 Namespace Reference


 DECLARE_SOA_COLUMN (AmplitudeA, amplitudeA, std::vector< float >)
 BC index.
 DECLARE_SOA_COLUMN (TimeFT0A, timeFT0A, std::vector< float >)
 Amplitudes of non-zero channels on the A-side. The channel IDs are given in ChannelA (at the same index)
 DECLARE_SOA_COLUMN (ChannelA, channelA, std::vector< uint8_t >)
 Time of non-zero channels on the A-side. The channel IDs are given in ChannelA (at the same index). Only for the FITExtra table.
 DECLARE_SOA_COLUMN (AmplitudeC, amplitudeC, std::vector< float >)
 Channel IDs on the A side which had non-zero amplitudes. There are at maximum 96 channels.
 DECLARE_SOA_COLUMN (TimeFT0C, timeFT0C, std::vector< float >)
 Amplitudes of non-zero channels on the C-side. The channel IDs are given in ChannelC (at the same index)
 DECLARE_SOA_COLUMN (ChannelC, channelC, std::vector< uint8_t >)
 Time of non-zero channels on the C-side. The channel IDs are given in ChannelC (at the same index). Only for the FITExtra table.
 DECLARE_SOA_COLUMN (TimeA, timeA, float)
 Channel IDs on the C side which had non-zero amplitudes. There are at maximum 112 channels.
 DECLARE_SOA_COLUMN (TimeC, timeC, float)
 Average A-side time.
 DECLARE_SOA_COLUMN (TriggerMask, triggerMask, uint8_t)
 Average C-side time.
 DECLARE_SOA_DYNAMIC_COLUMN (PosZ, posZ, [](float timeA, float timeC) -> float { return o2::constants::physics::LightSpeedCm2NS *(timeC - timeA)/2;})
 DECLARE_SOA_DYNAMIC_COLUMN (CollTime, collTime, [](float timeA, float timeC) -> float { return(timeA+timeC)/2;})
 DECLARE_SOA_DYNAMIC_COLUMN (IsValidTimeA, isValidTimeA, [](float timeA) -> bool { return timeA< 30.f;})
 DECLARE_SOA_DYNAMIC_COLUMN (IsValidTimeC, isValidTimeC, [](float timeC) -> bool { return timeC< 30.f;})
 DECLARE_SOA_DYNAMIC_COLUMN (IsValidTime, isValidTime, [](float timeA, float timeC) -> bool { return(timeA< 30.f) &&(timeC< 30.f);})
 DECLARE_SOA_DYNAMIC_COLUMN (SumAmpA, sumAmpA, [](gsl::span< const float > vecAmpA) -> float { return std::accumulate(vecAmpA.begin(), vecAmpA.end(), 0.f, [](auto &&sum, auto &&curr) { return sum+(curr > 0 ? curr :0);});})
 DECLARE_SOA_DYNAMIC_COLUMN (SumAmpC, sumAmpC, [](gsl::span< const float > vecAmpC) -> float { return std::accumulate(vecAmpC.begin(), vecAmpC.end(), 0.f, [](auto &&sum, auto &&curr) { return sum+(curr > 0 ? curr :0);});})

Function Documentation


o2::aod::ft0::DECLARE_SOA_COLUMN ( AmplitudeA  ,
amplitudeA  ,
std::vector< float >   

BC index.


o2::aod::ft0::DECLARE_SOA_COLUMN ( AmplitudeC  ,
amplitudeC  ,
std::vector< float >   

Channel IDs on the A side which had non-zero amplitudes. There are at maximum 96 channels.


o2::aod::ft0::DECLARE_SOA_COLUMN ( ChannelA  ,
channelA  ,
std::vector< uint8_t >   

Time of non-zero channels on the A-side. The channel IDs are given in ChannelA (at the same index). Only for the FITExtra table.


o2::aod::ft0::DECLARE_SOA_COLUMN ( ChannelC  ,
channelC  ,
std::vector< uint8_t >   

Time of non-zero channels on the C-side. The channel IDs are given in ChannelC (at the same index). Only for the FITExtra table.


o2::aod::ft0::DECLARE_SOA_COLUMN ( TimeA  ,
timeA  ,

Channel IDs on the C side which had non-zero amplitudes. There are at maximum 112 channels.


o2::aod::ft0::DECLARE_SOA_COLUMN ( TimeC  ,
timeC  ,

Average A-side time.


o2::aod::ft0::DECLARE_SOA_COLUMN ( TimeFT0A  ,
timeFT0A  ,
std::vector< float >   

Amplitudes of non-zero channels on the A-side. The channel IDs are given in ChannelA (at the same index)


o2::aod::ft0::DECLARE_SOA_COLUMN ( TimeFT0C  ,
timeFT0C  ,
std::vector< float >   

Amplitudes of non-zero channels on the C-side. The channel IDs are given in ChannelC (at the same index)


o2::aod::ft0::DECLARE_SOA_COLUMN ( TriggerMask  ,
triggerMask  ,

Average C-side time.


o2::aod::ft0::DECLARE_SOA_DYNAMIC_COLUMN ( CollTime  ,
collTime  ,
[] (float timeA, float timeC) -> float { return(timeA+timeC)/2;}   


o2::aod::ft0::DECLARE_SOA_DYNAMIC_COLUMN ( IsValidTime  ,
isValidTime  ,
[] (float timeA, float timeC) -> bool { return(timeA< 30.f) &&(timeC< 30.f);}   


o2::aod::ft0::DECLARE_SOA_DYNAMIC_COLUMN ( IsValidTimeA  ,
isValidTimeA  ,
[] (float timeA) -> bool { return timeA< 30.f;}   


o2::aod::ft0::DECLARE_SOA_DYNAMIC_COLUMN ( IsValidTimeC  ,
isValidTimeC  ,
[] (float timeC) -> bool { return timeC< 30.f;}   


o2::aod::ft0::DECLARE_SOA_DYNAMIC_COLUMN ( PosZ  ,
posZ  ,
[] (float timeA, float timeC) -> float { return o2::constants::physics::LightSpeedCm2NS *(timeC - timeA)/2;}   


o2::aod::ft0::DECLARE_SOA_DYNAMIC_COLUMN ( SumAmpA  ,
sumAmpA  ,
[] (gsl::span< const float > vecAmpA) -> float { return std::accumulate(vecAmpA.begin(), vecAmpA.end(), 0.f, [](auto &&sum, auto &&curr) { return sum+(curr > 0 ? curr :0);});}   


o2::aod::ft0::DECLARE_SOA_DYNAMIC_COLUMN ( SumAmpC  ,
sumAmpC  ,
[] (gsl::span< const float > vecAmpC) -> float { return std::accumulate(vecAmpC.begin(), vecAmpC.end(), 0.f, [](auto &&sum, auto &&curr) { return sum+(curr > 0 ? curr :0);});}   


o2::aod::ft0::DECLARE_SOA_INDEX_COLUMN ( BC  ,