No Matches
GeneratorTask Struct Reference

Public Types

typedef uint64_t GenCount

Public Member Functions

void init (o2::framework::InitContext &)
void run (o2::framework::ProcessingContext &pc)

Public Attributes

Configurable< std::string > generator {"generator", "boxgen", "Name of generator"}
Configurable< GenCounteventNum {"nEvents", 1, "Number of events"}
Configurable< std::string > trigger {"trigger", "", "Trigger type"}
Configurable< std::string > iniFile {"configFile", "", "INI file containing configurable parameters"}
Configurable< std::string > params {"configKeyValues", "", "configurable params - configuring event generation internals"}
Configurable< longseed {"seed", 0, "(TRandom) Seed"}
Configurable< intaggregate {"aggregate-timeframe", 300, "Number of events to put in a timeframe"}
Configurable< std::string > vtxModeArg {"vertexMode", "kDiamondParam", "Where the beam-spot vertex should come from. Must be one of kNoVertex, kDiamondParam, kCCDB"}
Configurable< int64_t > ttl {"time-limit", -1, "Maximum run time limit in seconds (default no limit)"}
Configurable< std::string > outputPrefix {"output", "", "Optional prefix for kinematics files written on disc. If non-empty, files <prefix>_Kine.root + <prefix>_MCHeader.root will be created."}
GenCount nEvents = 0
GenCount eventCounter = 0
GenCount tfCounter = 0
std::unique_ptr< TFile > outfile {}
std::unique_ptr< TTree > outtree {}
std::unique_ptr< o2::eventgen::GeneratorServicegenservice
TStopwatch timer

Detailed Description

Definition at line 30 of file dpl_eventgen.cxx.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ GenCount

typedef uint64_t GeneratorTask::GenCount

Definition at line 32 of file dpl_eventgen.cxx.

Member Function Documentation

◆ init()

void GeneratorTask::init ( o2::framework::InitContext )

Definition at line 53 of file dpl_eventgen.cxx.

◆ run()

void GeneratorTask::run ( o2::framework::ProcessingContext pc)

Definition at line 90 of file dpl_eventgen.cxx.

Member Data Documentation

◆ aggregate

Configurable<int> GeneratorTask::aggregate {"aggregate-timeframe", 300, "Number of events to put in a timeframe"}

Definition at line 39 of file dpl_eventgen.cxx.

◆ eventCounter

GenCount GeneratorTask::eventCounter = 0

Definition at line 44 of file dpl_eventgen.cxx.

◆ eventNum

Configurable<GenCount> GeneratorTask::eventNum {"nEvents", 1, "Number of events"}

Definition at line 34 of file dpl_eventgen.cxx.

◆ generator

Configurable<std::string> GeneratorTask::generator {"generator", "boxgen", "Name of generator"}

Definition at line 33 of file dpl_eventgen.cxx.

◆ genservice

std::unique_ptr<o2::eventgen::GeneratorService> GeneratorTask::genservice

Definition at line 50 of file dpl_eventgen.cxx.

◆ iniFile

Configurable<std::string> GeneratorTask::iniFile {"configFile", "", "INI file containing configurable parameters"}

Definition at line 36 of file dpl_eventgen.cxx.

◆ nEvents

GenCount GeneratorTask::nEvents = 0

Definition at line 43 of file dpl_eventgen.cxx.

◆ outfile

std::unique_ptr<TFile> GeneratorTask::outfile {}

Definition at line 46 of file dpl_eventgen.cxx.

◆ outputPrefix

Configurable<std::string> GeneratorTask::outputPrefix {"output", "", "Optional prefix for kinematics files written on disc. If non-empty, files <prefix>_Kine.root + <prefix>_MCHeader.root will be created."}

Definition at line 42 of file dpl_eventgen.cxx.

◆ outtree

std::unique_ptr<TTree> GeneratorTask::outtree {}

Definition at line 47 of file dpl_eventgen.cxx.

◆ params

Configurable<std::string> GeneratorTask::params {"configKeyValues", "", "configurable params - configuring event generation internals"}

Definition at line 37 of file dpl_eventgen.cxx.

◆ seed

Configurable<long> GeneratorTask::seed {"seed", 0, "(TRandom) Seed"}

Definition at line 38 of file dpl_eventgen.cxx.

◆ tfCounter

GenCount GeneratorTask::tfCounter = 0

Definition at line 45 of file dpl_eventgen.cxx.

◆ timer

TStopwatch GeneratorTask::timer

Definition at line 51 of file dpl_eventgen.cxx.

◆ trigger

Configurable<std::string> GeneratorTask::trigger {"trigger", "", "Trigger type"}

Definition at line 35 of file dpl_eventgen.cxx.

◆ ttl

Configurable<int64_t> GeneratorTask::ttl {"time-limit", -1, "Maximum run time limit in seconds (default no limit)"}

Definition at line 41 of file dpl_eventgen.cxx.

◆ vtxModeArg

Configurable<std::string> GeneratorTask::vtxModeArg {"vertexMode", "kDiamondParam", "Where the beam-spot vertex should come from. Must be one of kNoVertex, kDiamondParam, kCCDB"}

Definition at line 40 of file dpl_eventgen.cxx.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: