No Matches
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1// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
2// See for details of the copyright holders.
3// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
5// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
6// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
8// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
9// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
10// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
18namespace o2
20namespace its
23struct VertexerParamConfig : public o2::conf::ConfigurableParamHelper<VertexerParamConfig> {
25 int nIterations = 1; // Number of vertexing passes to perform.
26 int vertPerRofThreshold = 0; // Maximum number of vertices per ROF to trigger second a iteration.
27 bool allowSingleContribClusters = false; // attempt to find vertices in case of a single tracklet found.
28 int deltaRof = 0; // Number of ROFs to be considered for the vertexing.
30 // geometrical cuts for tracklet selection
31 float zCut = 0.002f;
32 float phiCut = 0.005f;
33 float pairCut = 0.04f;
34 float clusterCut = 0.8f;
35 float histPairCut = 0.04f;
36 float tanLambdaCut = 0.002f; // tanLambda = deltaZ/deltaR
37 float lowMultBeamDistCut = 0.1f; // XY cut for low-multiplicity pile up
38 int vertNsigmaCut = 4; // N sigma cut for vertex XY
39 float vertRadiusSigma = 0.05f; // sigma of vertex XY
40 float trackletSigma = 0.01f; // tracklet to vertex sigma
41 float maxZPositionAllowed = 25.f; // 4x sZ of the beam
43 // Artefacts selections
44 int clusterContributorsCut = 16; // minimum number of contributors for the second vertex found in the same ROF (pileup cut)
46 int phiSpan = -1;
47 int zSpan = -1;
48 int ZBins = 1; // z-phi index table configutation: number of z bins
49 int PhiBins = 128; // z-phi index table configutation: number of phi bins
51 int nThreads = 1;
53 O2ParamDef(VertexerParamConfig, "ITSVertexerParam");
56struct TrackerParamConfig : public o2::conf::ConfigurableParamHelper<TrackerParamConfig> {
57 // Use TGeo for mat. budget
58 static const int MaxIter = 4;
59 static const int MinTrackLenght = 4;
60 static const int MaxTrackLenght = 7;
61 bool useMatCorrTGeo = false; // use full geometry to corect for material budget accounting in the fits. Default is to use the material budget LUT.
62 bool useFastMaterial = false; // use faster material approximation for material budget accounting in the fits.
63 int deltaRof = 0; // configure the width of the window in ROFs to be considered for the tracking.
64 int minTrackLgtIter[MaxIter] = {}; // minimum track length at each iteration, used only if >0, otherwise use code defaults
65 float minPtIterLgt[MaxIter * (MaxTrackLenght - MinTrackLenght + 1)] = {}; // min.pT for given track length at this iteration, used only if >0, otherwise use code defaults
66 float sysErrY2[7] = {0}; // systematic error^2 in Y per layer
67 float sysErrZ2[7] = {0}; // systematic error^2 in Z per layer
69 float maxChi2NDF = -1.f;
70 float nSigmaCut = -1.f;
71 float deltaTanLres = -1.f;
72 float minPt = -1.f;
73 float pvRes = -1.f;
74 int LUTbinsPhi = -1;
75 int LUTbinsZ = -1;
76 float diamondPos[3] = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f}; // override the position of the vertex
77 bool useDiamond = false; // enable overriding the vertex position
78 unsigned long maxMemory = 0; // override default protections on the maximum memory to be used by the tracking
79 int useTrackFollower = -1; // bit 0: allow mixing implies bits 1&2; bit 1: topwards; bit2: downwards; => 0 off
80 float trackFollowerNSigmaZ = 1.f; // sigma in z-cut for track-following search rectangle
81 float trackFollowerNSigmaPhi = 1.f; // sigma in phi-cut for track-following search rectangle
85 int nThreads = 1; // number of threads to perform the operations in parallel.
86 int nROFsPerIterations = 0; // size of the slice of ROFs to be processed at a time, preferably integer divisors of nROFs per TF, to balance the iterations.
87 int nOrbitsPerIterations = 0; // not implemented: size of the slice of ROFs to be processed at a time, computed using the number of ROFs per orbit.
88 bool perPrimaryVertexProcessing = false; // perform the full tracking considering the vertex hypotheses one at the time.
89 bool saveTimeBenchmarks = false; // dump metrics on file
90 bool overrideBeamEstimation = false; // use beam position from meanVertex CCDB object
91 int trackingMode = -1; // -1: unset, 0=sync, 1=async, 2=cosmics used by gpuwf only
92 bool doUPCIteration = false; // Perform an additional iteration for UPC events on tagged vertices. You want to combine this config with VertexerParamConfig.nIterations=2
93 bool fataliseUponFailure = true; // granular management of the fatalisation in async mode
94 bool dropTFUponFailure = false;
96 O2ParamDef(TrackerParamConfig, "ITSCATrackerParam");
99struct ITSGpuTrackingParamConfig : public o2::conf::ConfigurableParamHelper<ITSGpuTrackingParamConfig> {
100 // GPU-specific parameters
101 unsigned int tmpCUBBufferSize = 1e5; // In average in pp events there are required 4096 bytes
102 int nBlocks = 20;
103 int nThreads = 256;
105 O2ParamDef(ITSGpuTrackingParamConfig, "ITSGpuTrackingParam");
108} // namespace its
109} // namespace o2
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...
O2ParamDef(ITSGpuTrackingParamConfig, "ITSGpuTrackingParam")
float minPtIterLgt[MaxIter *(MaxTrackLenght - MinTrackLenght+1)]
O2ParamDef(TrackerParamConfig, "ITSCATrackerParam")
O2ParamDef(VertexerParamConfig, "ITSVertexerParam")