No Matches
o2::its Namespace Reference


namespace  CA
namespace  cluster_writer_workflow
namespace  constants
namespace  dcs_adapos_parser_workflow
namespace  dcs_generator_workflow
namespace  dcs_parser_workflow
namespace  gpu
namespace  ioutils
namespace  math_utils
namespace  reco_workflow
namespace  study
namespace  test_data_reader_workflow
namespace  threshold_aggregator_workflow
namespace  track_writer_workflow


class  Cell
class  CellSeed
struct  Cluster
class  ClustererDPL
class  ClustererTask
class  Configuration
class  ContainerFactory
struct  CookedConfigParam
class  CookedTracker
class  CookedTrackerDPL
class  DescriptorInnerBarrel
class  DescriptorInnerBarrelITS2
class  Detector
class  ExternalAllocator
struct  FastMultEst
struct  FastMultEstConfig
class  GeometryTGeo
class  GPUFrameworkExternalAllocator
struct  gpuPair
class  HitAnalysis
class  IndexTableUtils
struct  ITSBaseParam
struct  ITSCalibInpConf
class  ITSDCSAdaposParser
class  ITSDCSParser
struct  ITSGpuTrackingParamConfig
struct  ITSSimParam
class  ITSThresholdAggregator
class  ITSThresholdCalibrator
class  ITSTrackingInterface
struct  Label
struct  Line
class  MisalignmentParameter
class  NoiseCalibrator
class  NoiseCalibratorSpec
class  NoiseSlotCalibrator
class  PrimaryVertexContextNV
struct  RecoGeomHelper
class  Road
class  ROframe
class  Smoother
class  TestDataGetter
class  TestDataReader
class  TimeFrame
struct  TimeFrameGPUParameters
class  Tracker
class  TrackerDPL
struct  TrackerParamConfig
class  TrackerTraits
class  TrackerTraitsGPU
struct  TrackingParameters
class  TrackITS
class  TrackITSExt
struct  Tracklet
class  TrackReader
class  TrivialVertexer
class  V11Geometry
class  V1Layer
class  V3Cage
 This class defines the Geometry for the Cage of the ITS Upgrade using TGeo. More...
class  V3Layer
class  V3Services
 This class defines the Geometry for the Services of the ITS Upgrade using TGeo. More...
class  Vertexer
struct  VertexerParamConfig
class  VertexerTraits
class  VertexerTraitsGPU
struct  VertexingParameters
class  VertexReader


typedef std::vector< std::vector< int > > index_table_t
 FIXME: this is for compatibility with OCL.
using Vertex = o2::dataformats::Vertex< o2::dataformats::TimeStamp< int > >
using TimeFrame = o2::its::TimeFrame
using DPCOM = o2::dcs::DataPointCompositeObject
using DPID = o2::dcs::DataPointIdentifier
using DPVAL = o2::dcs::DataPointValue
template<typename T >
using BranchDefinition = MakeRootTreeWriterSpec::BranchDefinition< T >
using CompClusType = std::vector< o2::itsmft::CompClusterExt >
using PatternsType = std::vector< unsigned char >
using ROFrameRType = std::vector< o2::itsmft::ROFRecord >
using LabelsType = o2::dataformats::MCTruthContainer< o2::MCCompLabel >
using ROFRecLblT = std::vector< o2::itsmft::MC2ROFRecord >


enum class  TrackingMode { Sync , Async , Cosmics , Unset }
enum class  TrackletMode { Layer0Layer1 = 0 , Layer1Layer2 = 2 }
enum  RunTypes {
  THR_SCAN = 15 , THR_SCAN_SHORT = 2 , THR_SCAN_SHORT_33 = 16 , THR_SCAN_SHORT_2_10HZ = 18 ,
  THR_SCAN_SHORT_100HZ = 19 , THR_SCAN_SHORT_200HZ = 20 , THR_SCAN_SHORT_150INJ = 55 , VCASN150 = 23 ,
  VCASN100 = 10 , VCASN100_100HZ = 21 , VCASN130 = 22 , VCASNBB = 24 ,
  ITHR150 = 27 , ITHR100 = 11 , ITHR100_100HZ = 25 , ITHR130 = 26 ,
  VRESETD_300 = 39 , VRESETD_2D = 42 , END_RUN = 0
enum  FitTypes { DERIVATIVE = 0 , FIT = 1 , HITCOUNTING = 2 , NO_FIT = 3 }


DataProcessorSpec getNoiseCalibratorSpec (bool useClusters, int pmode=0)
framework::DataProcessorSpec getTestDataGetterSpec ()
framework::DataProcessorSpec getTestDataReaderSpec ()
 O2ParamImpl (o2::its::CookedConfigParam)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, Detector &source)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &os, Detector &source)
VertexerTraitscreateVertexerTraitsGPU ()
template<int nLayers = 7>
void countTrackletsInROFsHandler (const IndexTableUtils *utils, const uint8_t *multMask, const int startROF, const int endROF, const int maxROF, const int deltaROF, const int vertexId, const Vertex *vertices, const int *rofPV, const int nVertices, const Cluster **clusters, std::vector< unsigned int > nClusters, const int **ROFClusters, const unsigned char **usedClusters, const int **clustersIndexTables, int **trackletsLUTs, gsl::span< int * > trackletsLUTsHost, const int iteration, const float NSigmaCut, std::vector< float > &phiCuts, const float resolutionPV, std::vector< float > &minR, std::vector< float > &maxR, std::vector< float > &resolutions, std::vector< float > &radii, std::vector< float > &mulScatAng, const int nBlocks, const int nThreads)
template<int nLayers = 7>
void computeTrackletsInROFsHandler (const IndexTableUtils *utils, const uint8_t *multMask, const int startROF, const int endROF, const int maxROF, const int deltaROF, const int vertexId, const Vertex *vertices, const int *rofPV, const int nVertices, const Cluster **clusters, std::vector< unsigned int > nClusters, const int **ROFClusters, const unsigned char **usedClusters, const int **clustersIndexTables, Tracklet **tracklets, gsl::span< Tracklet * > spanTracklets, gsl::span< int > nTracklets, int **trackletsLUTs, gsl::span< int * > trackletsLUTsHost, const int iteration, const float NSigmaCut, std::vector< float > &phiCuts, const float resolutionPV, std::vector< float > &minR, std::vector< float > &maxR, std::vector< float > &resolutions, std::vector< float > &radii, std::vector< float > &mulScatAng, const int nBlocks, const int nThreads)
void countCellsHandler (const Cluster **sortedClusters, const Cluster **unsortedClusters, const TrackingFrameInfo **tfInfo, Tracklet **tracklets, int **trackletsLUT, const int nTracklets, const int layer, CellSeed *cells, int **cellsLUTsDeviceArray, int *cellsLUTsHost, const float bz, const float maxChi2ClusterAttachment, const float cellDeltaTanLambdaSigma, const float nSigmaCut, const int nBlocks, const int nThreads)
void computeCellsHandler (const Cluster **sortedClusters, const Cluster **unsortedClusters, const TrackingFrameInfo **tfInfo, Tracklet **tracklets, int **trackletsLUT, const int nTracklets, const int layer, CellSeed *cells, int **cellsLUTsDeviceArray, int *cellsLUTsHost, const float bz, const float maxChi2ClusterAttachment, const float cellDeltaTanLambdaSigma, const float nSigmaCut, const int nBlocks, const int nThreads)
unsigned int countCellNeighboursHandler (CellSeed **cellsLayersDevice, int *neighboursLUTs, int **cellsLUTs, gpuPair< int, int > *cellNeighbours, int *neighboursIndexTable, const float maxChi2ClusterAttachment, const float bz, const int layerIndex, const unsigned int nCells, const unsigned int nCellsNext, const int maxCellNeighbours, const int nBlocks, const int nThreads)
void computeCellNeighboursHandler (CellSeed **cellsLayersDevice, int *neighboursLUTs, int **cellsLUTs, gpuPair< int, int > *cellNeighbours, int *neighboursIndexTable, const float maxChi2ClusterAttachment, const float bz, const int layerIndex, const unsigned int nCells, const unsigned int nCellsNext, const int maxCellNeighbours, const int nBlocks, const int nThreads)
int filterCellNeighboursHandler (std::vector< int > &, gpuPair< int, int > *, int *, unsigned int)
template<int nLayers = 7>
void processNeighboursHandler (const int startLayer, const int startLevel, CellSeed **allCellSeeds, CellSeed *currentCellSeeds, std::array< int, nLayers - 2 > &nCells, const unsigned char **usedClusters, std::array< int *, nLayers - 2 > &neighbours, gsl::span< int * > neighboursDeviceLUTs, const TrackingFrameInfo **foundTrackingFrameInfo, std::vector< CellSeed > &seedsHost, const float bz, const float MaxChi2ClusterAttachment, const float maxChi2NDF, const o2::base::Propagator *propagator, const o2::base::PropagatorF::MatCorrType matCorrType, const int nBlocks, const int nThreads)
void trackSeedHandler (CellSeed *trackSeeds, const TrackingFrameInfo **foundTrackingFrameInfo, o2::its::TrackITSExt *tracks, std::vector< float > &minPtsHost, const unsigned int nSeeds, const float Bz, const int startLevel, float maxChi2ClusterAttachment, float maxChi2NDF, const o2::base::Propagator *propagator, const o2::base::PropagatorF::MatCorrType matCorrType, const int nBlocks, const int nThreads)
 GPUhdi () Cell
 GPUdi () Cell
std::string asString (TrackingMode mode)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, TrackingMode v)
template<unsigned char maxRoadSize>
 GPUhdi () int Road< maxRoadSize >
void to_json (nlohmann::json &j, const TrackingParameters &par)
void from_json (const nlohmann::json &j, TrackingParameters &par)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &outputStream, const Label &label)
constexpr std::array< double, 3 > getInverseSymm2D (const std::array< double, 3 > &mat)
 O2ParamImpl (o2::its::VertexerParamConfig)
 O2ParamImpl (o2::its::TrackerParamConfig)
 O2ParamImpl (o2::its::ITSGpuTrackingParamConfig)
float smallestAngleDifference (float a, float b)
template<TrackletMode Mode, bool EvalRun>
void trackleterKernelHost (const gsl::span< const Cluster > &clustersNextLayer, const gsl::span< const Cluster > &clustersCurrentLayer, const gsl::span< unsigned char > &usedClustersNextLayer, int *indexTableNext, const float phiCut, std::vector< Tracklet > &tracklets, gsl::span< int > foundTracklets, const IndexTableUtils &utils, const short pivotRof, const short targetRof, gsl::span< int > rofFoundTrackletsOffsets, const int maxTrackletsPerCluster=static_cast< int >(2e3))
void trackletSelectionKernelHost (const gsl::span< const Cluster > clusters0, const gsl::span< const Cluster > clusters1, gsl::span< unsigned char > usedClusters0, gsl::span< unsigned char > usedClusters2, const gsl::span< const Tracklet > &tracklets01, const gsl::span< const Tracklet > &tracklets12, std::vector< bool > &usedTracklets, const gsl::span< int > foundTracklets01, const gsl::span< int > foundTracklets12, std::vector< Line > &lines, const gsl::span< const MCCompLabel > &trackletLabels, std::vector< MCCompLabel > &linesLabels, const short pivotRofId, const short targetRofId, const float tanLambdaCut=0.025f, const float phiCut=0.005f, const int maxTracklets=static_cast< int >(1e2))
framework::DataProcessorSpec getClustererSpec (bool useMC)
framework::DataProcessorSpec getClusterWriterSpec (bool useMC)
framework::DataProcessorSpec getCookedTrackerSpec (bool useMC, bool useGeom, int useTrig, const std::string &trMode)
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getITSDCSAdaposParserSpec ()
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getITSDCSDataGeneratorSpec (const char *detName="ITS")
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getITSDCSParserSpec ()
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getITSThresholdAggregatorSpec ()
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getITSThresholdCalibratorSpec (const ITSCalibInpConf &inpConf)
framework::DataProcessorSpec getTrackerSpec (bool useMC, bool useGeom, int useTrig, const std::string &trMode, const bool overrBeamEst=false, gpu::GPUDataTypes::DeviceType dType=gpu::GPUDataTypes::DeviceType::CPU)
framework::DataProcessorSpec getITSTrackReaderSpec (bool useMC=true)
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getTrackWriterSpec (bool useMC)
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getITSVertexReaderSpec ()
double erf (double *xx, double *par)
double erf_ithr (double *xx, double *par)
DataProcessorSpec getTrackerSpec (bool useMC, bool useGeom, int trgType, const std::string &trModeS, const bool overrBeamEst, o2::gpu::GPUDataTypes::DeviceType dType)
DataProcessorSpec getITS3VertexReaderSpec ()


constexpr int UnusedIndex {-1}
constexpr float DefClusErrorRow = o2::itsmft::SegmentationAlpide::PitchRow * 0.5
constexpr float DefClusErrorCol = o2::itsmft::SegmentationAlpide::PitchCol * 0.5
constexpr float DefClusError2Row = DefClusErrorRow * DefClusErrorRow
constexpr float DefClusError2Col = DefClusErrorCol * DefClusErrorCol
constexpr int debugLevel {0}
const int UNSET_INT = -1111
const short int UNSET_SHORT = -1111
int nInj = 50
int nInjScaled = 50

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation

◆ BranchDefinition

template<typename T >
using o2::its::BranchDefinition = typedef MakeRootTreeWriterSpec::BranchDefinition<T>

Definition at line 31 of file ClusterWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ CompClusType

using o2::its::CompClusType = typedef std::vector<o2::itsmft::CompClusterExt>

Definition at line 32 of file ClusterWriterSpec.cxx.


Definition at line 51 of file DCSAdaposParserSpec.h.


Definition at line 52 of file DCSAdaposParserSpec.h.


Definition at line 53 of file DCSAdaposParserSpec.h.

◆ index_table_t

typedef std::vector<std::vector<int> > o2::its::index_table_t

FIXME: this is for compatibility with OCL.

Definition at line 119 of file Constants.h.

◆ LabelsType

typedef std::vector< o2::MCCompLabel > o2::its::LabelsType

Definition at line 35 of file ClusterWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ PatternsType

using o2::its::PatternsType = typedef std::vector<unsigned char>

Definition at line 33 of file ClusterWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ ROFrameRType

using o2::its::ROFrameRType = typedef std::vector<o2::itsmft::ROFRecord>

Definition at line 34 of file ClusterWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ ROFRecLblT

Definition at line 36 of file ClusterWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ TimeFrame

Definition at line 44 of file Vertexer.h.

◆ Vertex

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ FitTypes


Definition at line 100 of file ThresholdCalibratorSpec.h.

◆ RunTypes


Definition at line 69 of file ThresholdCalibratorSpec.h.

◆ TrackingMode

enum class o2::its::TrackingMode

Definition at line 34 of file Configuration.h.

◆ TrackletMode

enum class o2::its::TrackletMode

Definition at line 43 of file VertexerTraits.h.

Function Documentation

◆ asString()

std::string o2::its::asString ( TrackingMode  mode)

Definition at line 16 of file Configuration.cxx.

◆ computeCellNeighboursHandler()

void o2::its::computeCellNeighboursHandler ( CellSeed **  cellsLayersDevice,
int neighboursLUTs,
int **  cellsLUTs,
gpuPair< int, int > *  cellNeighbours,
int neighboursIndexTable,
const float  maxChi2ClusterAttachment,
const float  bz,
const int  layerIndex,
const unsigned int  nCells,
const unsigned int  nCellsNext,
const int  maxCellNeighbours,
const int  nBlocks,
const int  nThreads 

◆ computeCellsHandler()

void o2::its::computeCellsHandler ( const Cluster **  sortedClusters,
const Cluster **  unsortedClusters,
const TrackingFrameInfo **  tfInfo,
Tracklet **  tracklets,
int **  trackletsLUT,
const int  nTracklets,
const int  layer,
CellSeed cells,
int **  cellsLUTsDeviceArray,
int cellsLUTsHost,
const float  bz,
const float  maxChi2ClusterAttachment,
const float  cellDeltaTanLambdaSigma,
const float  nSigmaCut,
const int  nBlocks,
const int  nThreads 

◆ computeTrackletsInROFsHandler()

template<int nLayers = 7>
void o2::its::computeTrackletsInROFsHandler ( const IndexTableUtils utils,
const uint8_t *  multMask,
const int  startROF,
const int  endROF,
const int  maxROF,
const int  deltaROF,
const int  vertexId,
const Vertex vertices,
const int rofPV,
const int  nVertices,
const Cluster **  clusters,
std::vector< unsigned int nClusters,
const int **  ROFClusters,
const unsigned char **  usedClusters,
const int **  clustersIndexTables,
Tracklet **  tracklets,
gsl::span< Tracklet * >  spanTracklets,
gsl::span< int nTracklets,
int **  trackletsLUTs,
gsl::span< int * >  trackletsLUTsHost,
const int  iteration,
const float  NSigmaCut,
std::vector< float > &  phiCuts,
const float  resolutionPV,
std::vector< float > &  minR,
std::vector< float > &  maxR,
std::vector< float > &  resolutions,
std::vector< float > &  radii,
std::vector< float > &  mulScatAng,
const int  nBlocks,
const int  nThreads 

◆ countCellNeighboursHandler()

unsigned int o2::its::countCellNeighboursHandler ( CellSeed **  cellsLayersDevice,
int neighboursLUTs,
int **  cellsLUTs,
gpuPair< int, int > *  cellNeighbours,
int neighboursIndexTable,
const float  maxChi2ClusterAttachment,
const float  bz,
const int  layerIndex,
const unsigned int  nCells,
const unsigned int  nCellsNext,
const int  maxCellNeighbours,
const int  nBlocks,
const int  nThreads 

◆ countCellsHandler()

void o2::its::countCellsHandler ( const Cluster **  sortedClusters,
const Cluster **  unsortedClusters,
const TrackingFrameInfo **  tfInfo,
Tracklet **  tracklets,
int **  trackletsLUT,
const int  nTracklets,
const int  layer,
CellSeed cells,
int **  cellsLUTsDeviceArray,
int cellsLUTsHost,
const float  bz,
const float  maxChi2ClusterAttachment,
const float  cellDeltaTanLambdaSigma,
const float  nSigmaCut,
const int  nBlocks,
const int  nThreads 

◆ countTrackletsInROFsHandler()

template<int nLayers = 7>
void o2::its::countTrackletsInROFsHandler ( const IndexTableUtils utils,
const uint8_t *  multMask,
const int  startROF,
const int  endROF,
const int  maxROF,
const int  deltaROF,
const int  vertexId,
const Vertex vertices,
const int rofPV,
const int  nVertices,
const Cluster **  clusters,
std::vector< unsigned int nClusters,
const int **  ROFClusters,
const unsigned char **  usedClusters,
const int **  clustersIndexTables,
int **  trackletsLUTs,
gsl::span< int * >  trackletsLUTsHost,
const int  iteration,
const float  NSigmaCut,
std::vector< float > &  phiCuts,
const float  resolutionPV,
std::vector< float > &  minR,
std::vector< float > &  maxR,
std::vector< float > &  resolutions,
std::vector< float > &  radii,
std::vector< float > &  mulScatAng,
const int  nBlocks,
const int  nThreads 

◆ createVertexerTraitsGPU()

VertexerTraits * o2::its::createVertexerTraitsGPU ( )

Definition at line 227 of file VertexerTraitsGPU.cxx.

◆ erf()

double o2::its::erf ( double *  xx,
double *  par 

Definition at line 29 of file ThresholdCalibratorSpec.cxx.

◆ erf_ithr()

double o2::its::erf_ithr ( double *  xx,
double *  par 

Definition at line 35 of file ThresholdCalibratorSpec.cxx.

◆ filterCellNeighboursHandler()

int o2::its::filterCellNeighboursHandler ( std::vector< int > &  ,
gpuPair< int, int > *  ,
int ,
unsigned int   

◆ from_json()

void o2::its::from_json ( const nlohmann::json j,
TrackingParameters par 

◆ getClustererSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::its::getClustererSpec ( bool  useMC)

create a processor spec run ITS cluster finder

Definition at line 173 of file ClustererSpec.cxx.

◆ getClusterWriterSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::its::getClusterWriterSpec ( bool  useMC)

create a processor spec write ITS clusters to ROOT file

Definition at line 39 of file ClusterWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ getCookedTrackerSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::its::getCookedTrackerSpec ( bool  useMC,
bool  useGeom,
int  useTrig,
const std::string &  trMode 

create a processor spec run ITS CookedMatrix tracker

Definition at line 272 of file CookedTrackerSpec.cxx.

◆ getInverseSymm2D()

constexpr std::array< double, 3 > o2::its::getInverseSymm2D ( const std::array< double, 3 > &  mat)

Definition at line 21 of file Smoother.cxx.

◆ getITS3VertexReaderSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::its::getITS3VertexReaderSpec ( )

Definition at line 67 of file VertexReaderSpec.cxx.

◆ getITSDCSAdaposParserSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::its::getITSDCSAdaposParserSpec ( )

Definition at line 211 of file DCSAdaposParserSpec.cxx.

◆ getITSDCSDataGeneratorSpec()

o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::its::getITSDCSDataGeneratorSpec ( const char detName = "ITS")

Definition at line 127 of file DCSGeneratorSpec.cxx.

◆ getITSDCSParserSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::its::getITSDCSParserSpec ( )

Definition at line 645 of file DCSParserSpec.cxx.

◆ getITSThresholdAggregatorSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::its::getITSThresholdAggregatorSpec ( )

Definition at line 281 of file ThresholdAggregatorSpec.cxx.

◆ getITSThresholdCalibratorSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::its::getITSThresholdCalibratorSpec ( const ITSCalibInpConf inpConf)

Definition at line 1944 of file ThresholdCalibratorSpec.cxx.

◆ getITSTrackReaderSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::its::getITSTrackReaderSpec ( bool  useMC = true)

create a processor spec read ITS track data from a root file

Definition at line 96 of file TrackReaderSpec.cxx.

◆ getITSVertexReaderSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::its::getITSVertexReaderSpec ( )

create a processor spec read ITS vertex data from a root file

Definition at line 67 of file VertexReaderSpec.cxx.

◆ getNoiseCalibratorSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::its::getNoiseCalibratorSpec ( bool  useClusters,
int  pmode = 0 

create a processor spec run ITS noise calibration

Definition at line 245 of file NoiseCalibratorSpec.cxx.

◆ getTestDataGetterSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::its::getTestDataGetterSpec ( )

create a processor spec run ITS cluster finder

Definition at line 59 of file TestDataGetter.cxx.

◆ getTestDataReaderSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::its::getTestDataReaderSpec ( )

create a processor spec read simulated ITS digits from a root file

Definition at line 538 of file TestDataReader.cxx.

◆ getTrackerSpec() [1/2]

DataProcessorSpec o2::its::getTrackerSpec ( bool  useMC,
bool  useGeom,
int  trgType,
const std::string &  trModeS,
const bool  overrBeamEst,
o2::gpu::GPUDataTypes::DeviceType  dType 

Definition at line 76 of file TrackerSpec.cxx.

◆ getTrackerSpec() [2/2]

framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::its::getTrackerSpec ( bool  useMC,
bool  useGeom,
int  useTrig,
const std::string &  trMode,
const bool  overrBeamEst = false,
gpu::GPUDataTypes::DeviceType  dType = gpu::GPUDataTypes::DeviceType::CPU 

◆ getTrackWriterSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::its::getTrackWriterSpec ( bool  useMC)

create a processor spec write ITS tracks to ROOT file

Definition at line 38 of file TrackWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ GPUdi()

o2::its::GPUdi ( )

Definition at line 66 of file Cell.h.

◆ GPUhdi() [1/2]

o2::its::GPUhdi ( )

Definition at line 55 of file Cell.h.

◆ GPUhdi() [2/2]

template<unsigned char maxRoadSize>
o2::its::GPUhdi ( )

Definition at line 71 of file Road.h.

◆ O2ParamImpl() [1/4]

o2::its::O2ParamImpl ( o2::its::CookedConfigParam  )

◆ O2ParamImpl() [2/4]

o2::its::O2ParamImpl ( o2::its::ITSGpuTrackingParamConfig  )

◆ O2ParamImpl() [3/4]

o2::its::O2ParamImpl ( o2::its::TrackerParamConfig  )

◆ O2ParamImpl() [4/4]

o2::its::O2ParamImpl ( o2::its::VertexerParamConfig  )

◆ operator<<() [1/3]

std::ostream & o2::its::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
Detector source 

◆ operator<<() [2/3]

std::ostream & o2::its::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
TrackingMode  v 

Definition at line 53 of file Configuration.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [3/3]

std::ostream & o2::its::operator<< ( std::ostream &  outputStream,
const Label label 

Definition at line 34 of file Label.cxx.

◆ operator>>()

std::istream & o2::its::operator>> ( std::istream &  os,
Detector source 

◆ processNeighboursHandler()

template<int nLayers = 7>
void o2::its::processNeighboursHandler ( const int  startLayer,
const int  startLevel,
CellSeed **  allCellSeeds,
CellSeed currentCellSeeds,
std::array< int, nLayers - 2 > &  nCells,
const unsigned char **  usedClusters,
std::array< int *, nLayers - 2 > &  neighbours,
gsl::span< int * >  neighboursDeviceLUTs,
const TrackingFrameInfo **  foundTrackingFrameInfo,
std::vector< CellSeed > &  seedsHost,
const float  bz,
const float  MaxChi2ClusterAttachment,
const float  maxChi2NDF,
const o2::base::Propagator propagator,
const o2::base::PropagatorF::MatCorrType  matCorrType,
const int  nBlocks,
const int  nThreads 

◆ smallestAngleDifference()

float o2::its::smallestAngleDifference ( float  a,
float  b 

Definition at line 41 of file VertexerTraits.cxx.

◆ to_json()

void o2::its::to_json ( nlohmann::json j,
const TrackingParameters par 

◆ trackleterKernelHost()

template<TrackletMode Mode, bool EvalRun>
void o2::its::trackleterKernelHost ( const gsl::span< const Cluster > &  clustersNextLayer,
const gsl::span< const Cluster > &  clustersCurrentLayer,
const gsl::span< unsigned char > &  usedClustersNextLayer,
int indexTableNext,
const float  phiCut,
std::vector< Tracklet > &  tracklets,
gsl::span< int foundTracklets,
const IndexTableUtils utils,
const short  pivotRof,
const short  targetRof,
gsl::span< int rofFoundTrackletsOffsets,
const int  maxTrackletsPerCluster = static_cast<int>(2e3) 

Definition at line 48 of file VertexerTraits.cxx.

◆ trackletSelectionKernelHost()

void o2::its::trackletSelectionKernelHost ( const gsl::span< const Cluster clusters0,
const gsl::span< const Cluster clusters1,
gsl::span< unsigned char usedClusters0,
gsl::span< unsigned char usedClusters2,
const gsl::span< const Tracklet > &  tracklets01,
const gsl::span< const Tracklet > &  tracklets12,
std::vector< bool > &  usedTracklets,
const gsl::span< int foundTracklets01,
const gsl::span< int foundTracklets12,
std::vector< Line > &  lines,
const gsl::span< const MCCompLabel > &  trackletLabels,
std::vector< MCCompLabel > &  linesLabels,
const short  pivotRofId,
const short  targetRofId,
const float  tanLambdaCut = 0.025f,
const float  phiCut = 0.005f,
const int  maxTracklets = static_cast<int>(1e2) 

Definition at line 108 of file VertexerTraits.cxx.

◆ trackSeedHandler()

void o2::its::trackSeedHandler ( CellSeed trackSeeds,
const TrackingFrameInfo **  foundTrackingFrameInfo,
o2::its::TrackITSExt tracks,
std::vector< float > &  minPtsHost,
const unsigned int  nSeeds,
const float  Bz,
const int  startLevel,
float  maxChi2ClusterAttachment,
float  maxChi2NDF,
const o2::base::Propagator propagator,
const o2::base::PropagatorF::MatCorrType  matCorrType,
const int  nBlocks,
const int  nThreads 

Variable Documentation

◆ debugLevel

constexpr int o2::its::debugLevel {0}

Definition at line 52 of file TrackerTraits.cxx.

◆ DefClusError2Col

constexpr float o2::its::DefClusError2Col = DefClusErrorCol * DefClusErrorCol

Definition at line 61 of file TimeFrame.cxx.

◆ DefClusError2Row

constexpr float o2::its::DefClusError2Row = DefClusErrorRow * DefClusErrorRow

Definition at line 60 of file TimeFrame.cxx.

◆ DefClusErrorCol

constexpr float o2::its::DefClusErrorCol = o2::itsmft::SegmentationAlpide::PitchCol * 0.5

Definition at line 59 of file TimeFrame.cxx.

◆ DefClusErrorRow

constexpr float o2::its::DefClusErrorRow = o2::itsmft::SegmentationAlpide::PitchRow * 0.5

Definition at line 58 of file TimeFrame.cxx.

◆ nInj

int o2::its::nInj = 50

Definition at line 65 of file ThresholdCalibratorSpec.h.

◆ nInjScaled

int o2::its::nInjScaled = 50

Definition at line 66 of file ThresholdCalibratorSpec.h.


const int o2::its::UNSET_INT = -1111

Definition at line 77 of file DCSParserSpec.h.


const short int o2::its::UNSET_SHORT = -1111

Definition at line 78 of file DCSParserSpec.h.

◆ UnusedIndex

constexpr int o2::its::UnusedIndex {-1}

Definition at line 26 of file TrackerTraitsGPU.cxx.