No Matches
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1// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
2// See for details of the copyright holders.
3// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
5// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
6// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
8// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
9// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
10// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
12// \author
16namespace o2
18namespace its
21constexpr std::array<double, 3> getInverseSymm2D(const std::array<double, 3>& mat)
23 const double det = mat[0] * mat[2] - mat[1] * mat[1];
24 return std::array<double, 3>{mat[2] / det, -mat[1] / det, mat[0] / det};
27// Smoother
28template <unsigned int D>
29Smoother<D>::Smoother(TrackITSExt& track, size_t smoothingLayer, const ROframe& event, float bZ, o2::base::PropagatorF::MatCorrType corr) : mLayerToSmooth{smoothingLayer},
30 mBz(bZ),
31 mCorr(corr)
34 auto propInstance = o2::base::Propagator::Instance();
35 const TrackingFrameInfo& originalTf = event.getTrackingFrameInfoOnLayer(mLayerToSmooth).at(track.getClusterIndex(mLayerToSmooth));
37 mOutwardsTrack = track; // This track will be propagated outwards inside the smoother! (as last step of fitting did inward propagation)
38 mInwardsTrack = {track.getParamOut(), // This track will be propagated inwards inside the smoother!
39 static_cast<short>(mOutwardsTrack.getNumberOfClusters()), -999, static_cast<std::uint32_t>(event.getROFrameId()),
40 mOutwardsTrack.getParamOut(), mOutwardsTrack.getClusterIndexes()};
42 mOutwardsTrack.resetCovariance();
43 mOutwardsTrack.setChi2(0);
44 mInwardsTrack.resetCovariance();
45 mInwardsTrack.setChi2(0);
47 bool statusOutw{false};
48 bool statusInw{false};
51 // Outward propagation
52 for (size_t iLayer{0}; iLayer < mLayerToSmooth; ++iLayer) {
53 if (mOutwardsTrack.getClusterIndex(iLayer) == constants::its::UnusedIndex) { // Shorter tracks
54 continue;
55 }
56 const TrackingFrameInfo& tF = event.getTrackingFrameInfoOnLayer(iLayer).at(mOutwardsTrack.getClusterIndex(iLayer));
57 statusOutw = mOutwardsTrack.rotate(tF.alphaTrackingFrame);
58 statusOutw &= propInstance->propagateToX(mOutwardsTrack,
59 tF.xTrackingFrame,
60 mBz,
63 mCorr);
64 mOutwardsTrack.setChi2(mOutwardsTrack.getChi2() + mOutwardsTrack.getPredictedChi2(tF.positionTrackingFrame, tF.covarianceTrackingFrame));
65 statusOutw &= mOutwardsTrack.o2::track::TrackParCov::update(tF.positionTrackingFrame, tF.covarianceTrackingFrame);
66 // LOG(info) << "Outwards loop on inwards track, layer: " << iLayer << " x: " << mOutwardsTrack.getX();
67 }
69 // Prediction on the previously outwards-propagated track is done on a copy, as the process seems to be not reversible
70 auto outwardsClone = mOutwardsTrack;
71 statusOutw = outwardsClone.rotate(originalTf.alphaTrackingFrame);
72 statusOutw &= propInstance->propagateToX(outwardsClone,
73 originalTf.xTrackingFrame,
74 mBz,
77 mCorr);
79 // Inward propagation
80 for (size_t iLayer{D - 1}; iLayer > mLayerToSmooth; --iLayer) {
81 if (mInwardsTrack.getClusterIndex(iLayer) == constants::its::UnusedIndex) { // Shorter tracks
82 continue;
83 }
84 const TrackingFrameInfo& tF = event.getTrackingFrameInfoOnLayer(iLayer).at(mInwardsTrack.getClusterIndex(iLayer));
85 statusInw = mInwardsTrack.rotate(tF.alphaTrackingFrame);
86 statusInw &= propInstance->propagateToX(mInwardsTrack,
87 tF.xTrackingFrame,
88 mBz,
91 mCorr);
92 mInwardsTrack.setChi2(mInwardsTrack.getChi2() + mInwardsTrack.getPredictedChi2(tF.positionTrackingFrame, tF.covarianceTrackingFrame));
93 statusInw &= mInwardsTrack.o2::track::TrackParCov::update(tF.positionTrackingFrame, tF.covarianceTrackingFrame);
94 // LOG(info) << "Inwards loop on outwards track, layer: " << iLayer << " x: " << mInwardsTrack.getX();
95 }
97 // Prediction on the previously inwards-propagated track is done on a copy, as the process seems to be not revesible
98 auto inwardsClone = mInwardsTrack;
99 statusInw = inwardsClone.rotate(originalTf.alphaTrackingFrame);
100 statusInw &= propInstance->propagateToX(inwardsClone,
101 originalTf.xTrackingFrame,
102 mBz,
105 mCorr);
106 // Compute weighted local chi2
107 mInitStatus = statusInw && statusOutw;
108 if (mInitStatus) {
109 mBestChi2 = computeSmoothedPredictedChi2(inwardsClone, outwardsClone, originalTf.positionTrackingFrame, originalTf.covarianceTrackingFrame);
110 mLastChi2 = mBestChi2;
111 LOG(info) << "Smoothed chi2 on original cluster: " << mBestChi2;
112 }
115template <unsigned int D>
116Smoother<D>::~Smoother() = default;
118template <unsigned int D>
119float Smoother<D>::computeSmoothedPredictedChi2(const o2::track::TrackParCov& firstTrack, // outwards track: from innermost cluster to outermost
120 const o2::track::TrackParCov& secondTrack, // inwards track: from outermost cluster to innermost
121 const std::array<float, 2>& cls,
122 const std::array<float, 3>& clCov)
124 // Tracks need to be already propagated, compute only chi2
125 // Symmetric covariances assumed
127 if (firstTrack.getX() != secondTrack.getX()) {
128 LOG(fatal) << "Tracks need to be propagated to the same point! secondTrack.X=" << secondTrack.getX() << " firstTrack.X=" << firstTrack.getX();
129 }
131 std::array<double, 2> pp1 = {static_cast<double>(firstTrack.getY()), static_cast<double>(firstTrack.getZ())}; // P1: predicted Y,Z points
132 std::array<double, 2> pp2 = {static_cast<double>(secondTrack.getY()), static_cast<double>(secondTrack.getZ())}; // P2: predicted Y,Z points
134 std::array<double, 3> c1 = {static_cast<double>(firstTrack.getSigmaY2()),
135 static_cast<double>(firstTrack.getSigmaZY()),
136 static_cast<double>(firstTrack.getSigmaZ2())}; // Cov. track 1
138 std::array<double, 3> c2 = {static_cast<double>(secondTrack.getSigmaY2()),
139 static_cast<double>(secondTrack.getSigmaZY()),
140 static_cast<double>(secondTrack.getSigmaZ2())}; // Cov. track 2
142 std::array<double, 3> w1 = getInverseSymm2D(c1); // weight matrices
143 std::array<double, 3> w2 = getInverseSymm2D(c2);
145 std::array<double, 3> w1w2 = {w1[0] + w2[0], w1[1] + w2[1], w1[2] + w2[2]}; // (W1 + W2)
146 std::array<double, 3> C = getInverseSymm2D(w1w2); // C = (W1+W2)^-1
148 std::array<double, 2> w1pp1 = {w1[0] * pp1[0] + w1[1] * pp1[1], w1[1] * pp1[0] + w1[2] * pp1[1]}; // W1 * P1
149 std::array<double, 2> w2pp2 = {w2[0] * pp2[0] + w2[1] * pp2[1], w2[1] * pp2[0] + w2[2] * pp2[1]}; // W2 * P2
151 double Y = C[0] * (w1pp1[0] + w2pp2[0]) + C[1] * (w1pp1[1] + w2pp2[1]); // Pp: weighted normalized combination of the predictions:
152 double Z = C[1] * (w1pp1[0] + w2pp2[0]) + C[2] * (w1pp1[1] + w2pp2[1]); // Pp = [(W1 * P1) + (W2 * P2)] / (W1 + W2)
154 std::array<double, 2> delta = {Y - cls[0], Z - cls[1]}; // Δ = Pp - X, X: space point of cluster (Y,Z)
155 std::array<double, 3> CCp = {C[0] + static_cast<double>(clCov[0]), C[1] + static_cast<double>(clCov[1]), C[2] + static_cast<double>(clCov[2])}; // Transformation of cluster covmat: CCp = C + Cov
156 std::array<double, 3> Wp = getInverseSymm2D(CCp); // Get weight matrix: Wp = CCp^-1
158 float chi2 = static_cast<float>(delta[0] * (Wp[0] * delta[0] + Wp[1] * delta[1]) + delta[1] * (Wp[1] * delta[0] + Wp[2] * delta[1])); // chi2 = tΔ * (Wp * Δ)
160 // #ifdef CA_DEBUG
161 LOG(info) << "Cluster_y: " << cls[0] << " Cluster_z: " << cls[1];
162 LOG(info) << "\t\t- Covariance cluster: Y2: " << clCov[0] << " YZ: " << clCov[1] << " Z2: " << clCov[2];
163 LOG(info) << "\t\t- Propagated t1_y: " << pp1[0] << " t1_z: " << pp1[1];
164 LOG(info) << "\t\t- Propagated t2_y: " << pp2[0] << " t2_z: " << pp2[1];
165 LOG(info) << "\t\t- Covariance t1: sY2: " << c1[0] << " sYZ: " << c1[1] << " sZ2: " << c1[2];
166 LOG(info) << "\t\t- Covariance t2: sY2: " << c2[0] << " sYZ: " << c2[1] << " sZ2: " << c2[2];
167 LOG(info) << "Smoother prediction Y: " << Y << " Z: " << Z;
168 LOG(info) << "\t\t- Delta_y: " << delta[0] << " Delta_z: " << delta[1];
169 LOG(info) << "\t\t- Covariance Pr: Y2: " << C[0] << " YZ: " << C[1] << " Z2: " << C[2];
170 LOG(info) << "\t\t- predicted chi2 t1: " << firstTrack.getPredictedChi2(cls, clCov);
171 LOG(info) << "\t\t- predicted chi2 t2: " << secondTrack.getPredictedChi2(cls, clCov);
172 // #endif
173 return chi2;
176template <unsigned int D>
177bool Smoother<D>::testCluster(const int clusterId, const ROframe& event)
179 if (!mInitStatus) {
180 return false;
181 }
182 auto propInstance = o2::base::Propagator::Instance();
183 const TrackingFrameInfo& testTf = event.getTrackingFrameInfoOnLayer(mLayerToSmooth).at(clusterId);
185 bool statusOutw{false};
186 bool statusInw{false};
188 // Prediction on the previously outwards-propagated track is done on a copy, as the process seems to be not reversible
189 auto outwardsClone = mOutwardsTrack;
190 statusOutw = outwardsClone.rotate(testTf.alphaTrackingFrame);
191 statusOutw &= propInstance->propagateToX(outwardsClone,
192 testTf.xTrackingFrame,
193 mBz,
196 mCorr);
198 // Prediction on the previously inwards-propagated track is done on a copy, as the process seems to be not reversible
199 auto inwardsClone = mInwardsTrack;
200 statusInw = inwardsClone.rotate(testTf.alphaTrackingFrame);
201 statusInw &= propInstance->propagateToX(inwardsClone,
202 testTf.xTrackingFrame,
203 mBz,
206 mCorr);
207 if (!(statusOutw && statusInw)) {
208 LOG(warning) << "Failed propagation in smoother!";
209 return false;
210 }
212 // Compute weighted local chi2
213 mLastChi2 = computeSmoothedPredictedChi2(inwardsClone, outwardsClone, testTf.positionTrackingFrame, testTf.covarianceTrackingFrame);
214 LOG(info) << "Smoothed chi2 on tested cluster: " << mLastChi2;
216 return true;
219template class Smoother<7>;
221} // namespace its
222} // namespace o2
bool const GPUTPCGMMerger::trackCluster * c1
bool const GPUTPCGMMerger::trackCluster const clcomparestruct * c2
Class to handle Kalman smoothing for ITS tracking. Its instance stores the state of the track to the ...
GPUd() value_type estimateLTFast(o2 static GPUd() float estimateLTIncrement(const o2 PropagatorImpl * Instance(bool uninitialized=false)
Definition Propagator.h:143
Smoother(TrackITSExt &track, size_t layer, const ROframe &event, float bZ, o2::base::PropagatorF::MatCorrType corr)
Definition Smoother.cxx:29
bool testCluster(const int clusterId, const ROframe &event)
Definition Smoother.cxx:177
int bool MaxClusters & getClusterIndexes()
Definition TrackITS.h:208
struct _cl_event * event
Definition glcorearb.h:2982
constexpr int UnusedIndex
Definition Constants.h:52
constexpr std::array< double, 3 > getInverseSymm2D(const std::array< double, 3 > &mat)
Definition Smoother.cxx:21
@ C
Definition Defs.h:36
TrackParCovF TrackParCov
Definition Track.h:33
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...
LOG(info)<< "Compressed in "<< sw.CpuTime()<< " s"