No Matches
o2::its::Detector Class Reference

#include <Detector.h>

Inherits o2::base::DetImpl< Detector >.


struct  TrackData
 access to geometry details More...

Public Member Functions

 Detector (Bool_t active, TString name="ITS")
 Detector ()
 Default constructor.
 ~Detector () override
 Default destructor.
void InitializeO2Detector () override
 Initialization of the detector is done here.
Bool_t ProcessHits (FairVolume *v=nullptr) override
 This method is called for each step during simulation (see FairMCApplication::Stepping())
void Register () override
 Registers the produced collections in FAIRRootManager.
void configOuterBarrelITS (int nInnerBarrelLayers, int buildLevel=0)
 We need this as a method to access members.
std::vector< o2::itsmft::Hit > * getHits (Int_t iColl) const
 Gets the produced collections.
void Reset () override
 Has to be called after each event to reset the containers.
void ConstructGeometry () override
 Base class to create the detector geometry.
void defineLayer (Int_t nlay, Double_t phi0, Double_t r, Int_t nladd, Int_t nmod, Double_t lthick=0., Double_t dthick=0., UInt_t detType=0, Int_t buildFlag=0) override
virtual void getLayerParameters (Int_t nlay, Double_t &phi0, Double_t &r, Int_t &nladd, Int_t &nmod, Double_t &width, Double_t &tilt, Double_t &lthick, Double_t &mthick, UInt_t &dettype) const
o2::itsmft::HitaddHit (int trackID, int detID, const TVector3 &startPos, const TVector3 &endPos, const TVector3 &startMom, double startE, double endTime, double eLoss, unsigned char startStatus, unsigned char endStatus)
 This method is an example of how to add your own point of type Hit to the clones array.
void defineWrapperVolume (Int_t id, Double_t rmin, Double_t rmax, Double_t zspan) override
 Set per wrapper volume parameters.
void addAlignableVolumes () const override
 Add alignable top volumes.
void fillParallelWorld () const override
 Add ITS chip volumes to parallel world geometry.
void addAlignableVolumesLayer (Int_t lr, TString &parent, Int_t &lastUID) const
void addAlignableVolumesHalfBarrel (Int_t lr, Int_t hb, TString &parent, Int_t &lastUID) const
void addAlignableVolumesStave (Int_t lr, Int_t hb, Int_t st, TString &parent, Int_t &lastUID) const
void addAlignableVolumesHalfStave (Int_t lr, Int_t hb, Int_t st, Int_t hst, TString &parent, Int_t &lastUID) const
void addAlignableVolumesModule (Int_t lr, Int_t hb, Int_t st, Int_t hst, Int_t md, TString &parent, Int_t &lastUID) const
void addAlignableVolumesChip (Int_t lr, Int_t hb, Int_t st, Int_t hst, Int_t md, Int_t ch, TString &parent, Int_t &lastUID) const
Int_t chipVolUID (Int_t id) const
void EndOfEvent () override
void FinishPrimary () override
virtual void finishRun ()
void BeginPrimary () override
void PostTrack () override
void PreTrack () override
Int_t getNumberOfLayers () const
 Returns the number of layers.
- Public Member Functions inherited from o2::base::DetImpl< Detector >
std::string getHitBranchNames (int probe) const override
void updateHitTrackIndices (std::map< int, int > const &indexmapping) override
void attachHits (fair::mq::Channel &channel, fair::mq::Parts &parts) override
void mergeAndAdjustHits (std::string const &brname, TTree &origin, TTree &target, std::vector< int > const &trackoffsets, std::vector< int > const &nprimaries, std::vector< int > const &subevtsOrdered)
void mergeAndAdjustHits (std::string const &brname, L &hitbuffervector, TTree &target, std::vector< int > const &trackoffsets, std::vector< int > const &nprimaries, std::vector< int > const &subevtsOrdered)
void mergeHitEntries (TTree &origin, TTree &target, std::vector< int > const &trackoffsets, std::vector< int > const &nprimaries, std::vector< int > const &subevtsOrdered) final
void mergeHitEntriesAndFlush (int eventID, TTree &target, std::vector< int > const &trackoffsets, std::vector< int > const &nprimaries, std::vector< int > const &subevtsOrdered) final
void collectHits (int eventID, fair::mq::Parts &parts, int &index) override
void fillHitBranch (TTree &tr, fair::mq::Parts &parts, int &index) override
FairModuleCloneModule () const final
void freeHitBuffers ()
bool setHits (int i, std::vector< Hit_t > *ptr)
void createHitBuffers ()
void initializeLate () final
void BeginEvent () final
 ~DetImpl () override
 Detector (const char *name, Bool_t Active)
 Detector ()
 Default Constructor.
 Detector (const Detector &origin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from o2::base::Detector
 Detector (const char *name, Bool_t Active)
 Detector ()
 Default Constructor.
 ~Detector () override
 Default Destructor.
void Material (Int_t imat, const char *name, Float_t a, Float_t z, Float_t dens, Float_t radl, Float_t absl, Float_t *buf=nullptr, Int_t nwbuf=0)
void Mixture (Int_t imat, const char *name, Float_t *a, Float_t *z, Float_t dens, Int_t nlmat, Float_t *wmat)
void Medium (Int_t numed, const char *name, Int_t nmat, Int_t isvol, Int_t ifield, Float_t fieldm, Float_t tmaxfd, Float_t stemax, Float_t deemax, Float_t epsil, Float_t stmin, Float_t *ubuf=nullptr, Int_t nbuf=0)
void SpecialCuts (Int_t numed, const std::initializer_list< std::pair< ECut, Float_t > > &parIDValMap)
 Custom processes and transport cuts.
void SpecialCut (Int_t numed, ECut parID, Float_t val)
 Set cut by name and value.
void SpecialProcesses (Int_t numed, const std::initializer_list< std::pair< EProc, int > > &parIDValMap)
void SpecialProcess (Int_t numed, EProc parID, int val)
 Set process by name and value.
void Matrix (Int_t &nmat, Float_t theta1, Float_t phi1, Float_t theta2, Float_t phi2, Float_t theta3, Float_t phi3) const
void SetSpecialPhysicsCuts () override
virtual void setNumberOfWrapperVolumes (Int_t n)
 Books arrays for wrapper volumes.
virtual void defineLayerTurbo (Int_t nlay, Double_t phi0, Double_t r, Int_t nladd, Int_t nmod, Double_t width, Double_t tilt, Double_t lthick=0., Double_t dthick=0., UInt_t detType=0, Int_t buildFlag=0)
int getMaterialID (int imat) const
int getMediumID (int imed) const
void getMediumIDMappingAsVector (std::vector< int > &mapping)
std::string addNameTo (const char *ext) const
void Initialize () final
int registerSensitiveVolumeAndGetVolID (std::string const &name)
int registerSensitiveVolumeAndGetVolID (TGeoVolume const *vol)
TClonesArray * GetCollection (int iColl) const final

Static Public Member Functions

static o2::base::Detectorcreate (const char *name, bool active)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from o2::base::Detector
static void setDensityFactor (Float_t density)
static Float_t getDensityFactor ()
static void initFieldTrackingParams (int &mode, float &maxfield)
static void setDetId2HitBitIndex (std::vector< int > const &v)
 set the DetID to HitBitIndex mapping. Succeeds if not already set.
static std::vector< int > const & getDetId2HitBitIndex ()

Public Attributes


Static Public Attributes

static constexpr Int_t sNumberOuterLayers = 4
 Number of outer layers in ITSU (fixed)
static constexpr Int_t sNumberOfWrapperVolumes = 3
 Number of wrapper volumes.

Protected Member Functions

TGeoVolume * createWrapperVolume (const Int_t nLay)
 Creates an air-filled wrapper cylindrical volume.
virtual void createMaterials ()
 Create the detector materials.
void constructDetectorGeometry ()
 Construct the detector geometry.
void defineSensitiveVolumes ()
 Define the sensitive volumes of the geometry.
void createMiddlBarrelServices (TGeoVolume *motherVolume)
void createOuterBarrelServices (TGeoVolume *motherVolume)
void createOuterBarrelSupports (TGeoVolume *motherVolume)
void createITSServices (TGeoVolume *motherVolume)
 Detector (const Detector &)
Detectoroperator= (const Detector &)
 ClassDefOverride (Detector, 1)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from o2::base::DetImpl< Detector >
 ClassDefOverride (DetImpl, 0)
 pointer to hit (collector) buffer location (strictly internal)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from o2::base::Detector
 Detector (const Detector &origin)
Detectoroperator= (const Detector &)

Protected Attributes

struct o2::its::Detector::TrackData mTrackData
int mNumberInnerLayers
int mNumberLayers
 Number of inner layers (depends on ITS version)
std::vector< intmLayerID
 Number of layers (depends on inner layer version)
std::vector< TString > mLayerName
 layer identifiers
Int_t mNumberOfDetectors
 layer names
Bool_t mModifyGeometry
Double_t mWrapperMinRadius [sNumberOfWrapperVolumes]
Double_t mWrapperMaxRadius [sNumberOfWrapperVolumes]
 Min radius of wrapper volume.
Double_t mWrapperZSpan [sNumberOfWrapperVolumes]
 Max radius of wrapper volume.
std::vector< intmWrapperLayerId
 Z span of wrapper volume.
std::vector< bool > mTurboLayer
 Id of wrapper layer to which layer belongs (-1 if not wrapped)
std::vector< double > mLayerPhi0
 True for "turbo" layers.
std::vector< double > mLayerRadii
 Vector of layer's 1st stave phi in lab.
std::vector< intmStavePerLayer
 Vector of layer radii.
std::vector< intmUnitPerStave
 Vector of number of staves per layer.
std::vector< double > mChipThickness
 Vector of number of "units" per stave.
std::vector< double > mStaveWidth
 Vector of chip thicknesses.
std::vector< double > mStaveTilt
 Vector of stave width (only used for turbo)
std::vector< double > mDetectorThickness
 Vector of stave tilt (only used for turbo)
std::vector< uint > mChipTypeID
 Vector of detector thicknesses.
std::vector< intmBuildLevel
 Vector of detector type id.
std::vector< o2::itsmft::Hit > * mHits
 Vector of Material Budget Studies.
std::vector< V3Layer * > mGeometry
std::shared_ptr< DescriptorInnerBarrelmDescriptorIB
 Services Geometry.
- Protected Attributes inherited from o2::base::DetImpl< Detector >
bool * mShmBusy [NHITBUFFERS]
std::vector< void * > mCachedPtr [NHITBUFFERS]
 pointer to bool in shared mem indicating of IO busy
int mCurrentBuffer
int mInitialized


template<typename Det >
class o2::base::DetImpl
 Descriptor of Inner Barrel geometry.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Attributes inherited from o2::base::DetImpl< Detector >
static constexpr int NHITBUFFERS

Detailed Description

Definition at line 71 of file Detector.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Detector() [1/3]

Detector::Detector ( Bool_t  active,
TString  name = "ITS" 

Name : Detector Name Active: kTRUE for active detectors (ProcessHits() will be called) kFALSE for inactive detectors

Definition at line 132 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ Detector() [2/3]

Detector::Detector ( )

Default constructor.

Definition at line 67 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ ~Detector()

Detector::~Detector ( )

Default destructor.

Definition at line 251 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ Detector() [3/3]

Detector::Detector ( const Detector rhs)

Definition at line 220 of file Detector.cxx.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addAlignableVolumes()

void Detector::addAlignableVolumes ( ) const

Add alignable top volumes.

Reimplemented from o2::base::Detector.

Definition at line 1090 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ addAlignableVolumesChip()

void Detector::addAlignableVolumesChip ( Int_t  lr,
Int_t  hb,
Int_t  st,
Int_t  hst,
Int_t  md,
Int_t  ch,
TString &  parent,
Int_t &  lastUID 
) const

Add alignable Chip volumes

lrlayer number
hbhalf barrel number
ststave number
hsthalf stave number
mdmodule number
chchip number
parentpath of the parent volume
lastUIDon output, UID of the last volume

Definition at line 1272 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ addAlignableVolumesHalfBarrel()

void Detector::addAlignableVolumesHalfBarrel ( Int_t  lr,
Int_t  hb,
TString &  parent,
Int_t &  lastUID 
) const

Add alignable Half Barrel volumes

lrlayer number
hbhalf barrel number
parentpath of the parent volume
lastUIDon output, UID of the last volume

Definition at line 1154 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ addAlignableVolumesHalfStave()

void Detector::addAlignableVolumesHalfStave ( Int_t  lr,
Int_t  hb,
Int_t  st,
Int_t  hst,
TString &  parent,
Int_t &  lastUID 
) const

Add alignable HalfStave volumes

lrlayer number
hbhalf barrel number
ststave number
hsthalf stave number
parentpath of the parent volume
lastUIDon output, UID of the last volume

Definition at line 1211 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ addAlignableVolumesLayer()

void Detector::addAlignableVolumesLayer ( Int_t  lr,
TString &  parent,
Int_t &  lastUID 
) const

Add alignable Layer volumes

lrlayer number
parentpath of the parent volume
lastUIDon output, UID of the last volume

Definition at line 1130 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ addAlignableVolumesModule()

void Detector::addAlignableVolumesModule ( Int_t  lr,
Int_t  hb,
Int_t  st,
Int_t  hst,
Int_t  md,
TString &  parent,
Int_t &  lastUID 
) const

Add alignable Module volumes

lrlayer number
hbhalf barrel number
ststave number
hsthalf stave number
mdmodule number
parentpath of the parent volume
lastUIDon output, UID of the last volume

Definition at line 1242 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ addAlignableVolumesStave()

void Detector::addAlignableVolumesStave ( Int_t  lr,
Int_t  hb,
Int_t  st,
TString &  parent,
Int_t &  lastUID 
) const

Add alignable Stave volumes

lrlayer number
hbhalf barrel number
ststave number
parentpath of the parent volume
lastUIDon output, UID of the last volume

Definition at line 1183 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ addHit()

Hit * Detector::addHit ( int  trackID,
int  detID,
const TVector3 &  startPos,
const TVector3 &  endPos,
const TVector3 &  startMom,
double  startE,
double  endTime,
double  eLoss,
unsigned char  startStatus,
unsigned char  endStatus 

This method is an example of how to add your own point of type Hit to the clones array.

Definition at line 1360 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ BeginPrimary()

void o2::its::Detector::BeginPrimary ( )

Definition at line 225 of file Detector.h.

◆ chipVolUID()

Int_t o2::its::Detector::chipVolUID ( Int_t  id) const

Return Chip Volume UID

idvolume id

Definition at line 219 of file Detector.h.

◆ ClassDefOverride()

o2::its::Detector::ClassDefOverride ( Detector  ,

◆ configOuterBarrelITS()

void Detector::configOuterBarrelITS ( int  nInnerBarrelLayers,
int  buildLevel = 0 

We need this as a method to access members.

Definition at line 86 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ constructDetectorGeometry()

void Detector::constructDetectorGeometry ( )

Construct the detector geometry.

Definition at line 857 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ ConstructGeometry()

void Detector::ConstructGeometry ( )

Base class to create the detector geometry.

Definition at line 848 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ create()

static o2::base::Detector * o2::its::Detector::create ( const char name,
bool  active 

Definition at line 83 of file Detector.h.

◆ createITSServices()

void Detector::createITSServices ( TGeoVolume *  motherVolume)

Creates the ITS Services (tubes, cables, and the like)

motherVolumethe TGeoVolume owing the volume supports

Definition at line 1072 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ createMaterials()

void Detector::createMaterials ( )

Create the detector materials.

Definition at line 412 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ createMiddlBarrelServices()

void Detector::createMiddlBarrelServices ( TGeoVolume *  motherVolume)

Creates the Middle Barrel Services

motherVolumethe TGeoVolume owing the volume structure

Definition at line 1002 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ createOuterBarrelServices()

void Detector::createOuterBarrelServices ( TGeoVolume *  motherVolume)

Creates the Outer Barrel Services

motherVolumethe TGeoVolume owing the volume structure

Definition at line 1024 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ createOuterBarrelSupports()

void Detector::createOuterBarrelSupports ( TGeoVolume *  motherVolume)

Creates the Outer Barrel Supports

motherVolumethe TGeoVolume owing the volume supports

Definition at line 1046 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ createWrapperVolume()

TGeoVolume * Detector::createWrapperVolume ( const Int_t  nLay)

Creates an air-filled wrapper cylindrical volume.

Definition at line 781 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ defineLayer()

void Detector::defineLayer ( Int_t  nlay,
Double_t  phi0,
Double_t  r,
Int_t  nladd,
Int_t  nmod,
Double_t  lthick = 0.,
Double_t  dthick = 0.,
UInt_t  detType = 0,
Int_t  buildFlag = 0 

Sets the layer parameters

nlaylayer number
phi0layer phi0
rlayer radius
nstavnumber of staves
nunitIB: number of chips per stave
OBnumber of modules per half stave
lthickstave thickness (if omitted, defaults to 0)
dthickdetector thickness (if omitted, defaults to 0)
buildLevel(if 0, all geometry is build, used for material budget studies)

Reimplemented from o2::base::Detector.

Definition at line 706 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ defineSensitiveVolumes()

void Detector::defineSensitiveVolumes ( )

Define the sensitive volumes of the geometry.

Definition at line 1293 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ defineWrapperVolume()

void Detector::defineWrapperVolume ( Int_t  id,
Double_t  rmin,
Double_t  rmax,
Double_t  zspan 

Set per wrapper volume parameters.

Reimplemented from o2::base::Detector.

Definition at line 694 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ EndOfEvent()

void Detector::EndOfEvent ( )

Definition at line 674 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ fillParallelWorld()

void Detector::fillParallelWorld ( ) const

Add ITS chip volumes to parallel world geometry.

Reimplemented from o2::base::Detector.

Definition at line 1313 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ FinishPrimary()

void o2::its::Detector::FinishPrimary ( )

Definition at line 223 of file Detector.h.

◆ finishRun()

virtual void o2::its::Detector::finishRun ( )

Definition at line 224 of file Detector.h.

◆ getHits()

std::vector< o2::itsmft::Hit > * o2::its::Detector::getHits ( Int_t  iColl) const

Gets the produced collections.

Definition at line 107 of file Detector.h.

◆ getLayerParameters()

void Detector::getLayerParameters ( Int_t  nlay,
Double_t &  phi0,
Double_t &  r,
Int_t &  nladd,
Int_t &  nmod,
Double_t &  width,
Double_t &  tilt,
Double_t &  lthick,
Double_t &  mthick,
UInt_t &  dettype 
) const

Gets the layer parameters

nlaylayer number
phi0phi of 1st stave
rlayer radius
nstavnumber of staves
nmodIB: number of chips per stave
OBnumber of modules per half stave
widthstave width
tiltstave tilt angle
lthickstave thickness
dthickdetector thickness
dettypedetector type

Definition at line 745 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ getNumberOfLayers()

Int_t o2::its::Detector::getNumberOfLayers ( ) const

Returns the number of layers.

Definition at line 230 of file Detector.h.

◆ InitializeO2Detector()

void Detector::InitializeO2Detector ( )

Initialization of the detector is done here.

Implements o2::base::Detector.

Definition at line 302 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ operator=()

Detector & Detector::operator= ( const Detector rhs)

Container for data points

Definition at line 260 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ PostTrack()

void o2::its::Detector::PostTrack ( )

Definition at line 226 of file Detector.h.

◆ PreTrack()

void o2::its::Detector::PreTrack ( )

Definition at line 227 of file Detector.h.

◆ ProcessHits()

Bool_t Detector::ProcessHits ( FairVolume *  v = nullptr)

This method is called for each step during simulation (see FairMCApplication::Stepping())

Definition at line 317 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ Register()

void Detector::Register ( )

Registers the produced collections in FAIRRootManager.

Definition at line 676 of file Detector.cxx.

◆ Reset()

void Detector::Reset ( )

Has to be called after each event to reset the containers.

Definition at line 687 of file Detector.cxx.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ o2::base::DetImpl

template<typename Det >
friend class o2::base::DetImpl

Descriptor of Inner Barrel geometry.

Definition at line 312 of file Detector.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ mBuildLevel

std::vector<int> o2::its::Detector::mBuildLevel

Vector of detector type id.

Definition at line 269 of file Detector.h.

◆ mChipThickness

std::vector<double> o2::its::Detector::mChipThickness

Vector of number of "units" per stave.

Definition at line 264 of file Detector.h.

◆ mChipTypeID

std::vector<uint> o2::its::Detector::mChipTypeID

Vector of detector thicknesses.

Definition at line 268 of file Detector.h.

◆ mDescriptorIB

std::shared_ptr<DescriptorInnerBarrel> o2::its::Detector::mDescriptorIB

Services Geometry.

Definition at line 309 of file Detector.h.

◆ mDetectorThickness

std::vector<double> o2::its::Detector::mDetectorThickness

Vector of stave tilt (only used for turbo)

Definition at line 267 of file Detector.h.

◆ mGeometry

std::vector<V3Layer*> o2::its::Detector::mGeometry

Definition at line 306 of file Detector.h.

◆ mGeometryTGeo

GeometryTGeo* o2::its::Detector::mGeometryTGeo

Definition at line 232 of file Detector.h.

◆ mHits

std::vector<o2::itsmft::Hit>* o2::its::Detector::mHits

Vector of Material Budget Studies.

Container for hit data

Definition at line 272 of file Detector.h.

◆ mLayerID

std::vector<int> o2::its::Detector::mLayerID

Number of layers (depends on inner layer version)

Definition at line 247 of file Detector.h.

◆ mLayerName

std::vector<TString> o2::its::Detector::mLayerName

layer identifiers

Definition at line 248 of file Detector.h.

◆ mLayerPhi0

std::vector<double> o2::its::Detector::mLayerPhi0

True for "turbo" layers.

Definition at line 260 of file Detector.h.

◆ mLayerRadii

std::vector<double> o2::its::Detector::mLayerRadii

Vector of layer's 1st stave phi in lab.

Definition at line 261 of file Detector.h.

◆ mModifyGeometry

Bool_t o2::its::Detector::mModifyGeometry

Definition at line 252 of file Detector.h.

◆ mNumberInnerLayers

int o2::its::Detector::mNumberInnerLayers

Definition at line 244 of file Detector.h.

◆ mNumberLayers

int o2::its::Detector::mNumberLayers

Number of inner layers (depends on ITS version)

Definition at line 245 of file Detector.h.

◆ mNumberOfDetectors

Int_t o2::its::Detector::mNumberOfDetectors

layer names

Definition at line 250 of file Detector.h.

◆ mServicesGeometry

V3Services* o2::its::Detector::mServicesGeometry


Definition at line 307 of file Detector.h.

◆ mStavePerLayer

std::vector<int> o2::its::Detector::mStavePerLayer

Vector of layer radii.

Definition at line 262 of file Detector.h.

◆ mStaveTilt

std::vector<double> o2::its::Detector::mStaveTilt

Vector of stave width (only used for turbo)

Definition at line 266 of file Detector.h.

◆ mStaveWidth

std::vector<double> o2::its::Detector::mStaveWidth

Vector of chip thicknesses.

Definition at line 265 of file Detector.h.

◆ mTrackData

struct o2::its::Detector::TrackData o2::its::Detector::mTrackData

◆ mTurboLayer

std::vector<bool> o2::its::Detector::mTurboLayer

Id of wrapper layer to which layer belongs (-1 if not wrapped)

Definition at line 259 of file Detector.h.

◆ mUnitPerStave

std::vector<int> o2::its::Detector::mUnitPerStave

Vector of number of staves per layer.

Definition at line 263 of file Detector.h.

◆ mWrapperLayerId

std::vector<int> o2::its::Detector::mWrapperLayerId

Z span of wrapper volume.

Definition at line 257 of file Detector.h.

◆ mWrapperMaxRadius

Double_t o2::its::Detector::mWrapperMaxRadius[sNumberOfWrapperVolumes]

Min radius of wrapper volume.

Definition at line 255 of file Detector.h.

◆ mWrapperMinRadius

Double_t o2::its::Detector::mWrapperMinRadius[sNumberOfWrapperVolumes]

Definition at line 254 of file Detector.h.

◆ mWrapperZSpan

Double_t o2::its::Detector::mWrapperZSpan[sNumberOfWrapperVolumes]

Max radius of wrapper volume.

Definition at line 256 of file Detector.h.

◆ sNumberOfWrapperVolumes

constexpr Int_t o2::its::Detector::sNumberOfWrapperVolumes = 3

Number of wrapper volumes.

Definition at line 75 of file Detector.h.

◆ sNumberOuterLayers

constexpr Int_t o2::its::Detector::sNumberOuterLayers = 4

Number of outer layers in ITSU (fixed)

Definition at line 74 of file Detector.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: