No Matches
o2::its::GeometryTGeo Class Reference

#include <GeometryTGeo.h>

Inherits o2::itsmft::GeometryTGeo.

Public Types

using Mat3D = o2::math_utils::Transform3D
- Public Types inherited from o2::detectors::DetMatrixCache
typedef o2::math_utils::Transform3D Mat3D
typedef o2::math_utils::Rotation2Df_t Rot2D

Public Member Functions

 GeometryTGeo (bool build=kFALSE, int loadTrans=0)
 ~GeometryTGeo () override
 Default destructor, don't use.
void destroy ()
 GeometryTGeo (const GeometryTGeo &src)=delete
GeometryTGeooperator= (const GeometryTGeo &geom)=delete
void fillMatrixCache (int mask) override
void fillTrackingFramesCache ()
void Build (int loadTrans=0) override
 Exract ITS parameters from TGeo.
int getNumberOfChipRowsPerModule (int lay) const
int getNumberOfChipColsPerModule (int lay) const
int getNumberOfChipsPerModule (int lay) const
int getNumberOfChipsPerHalfStave (int lay) const
int getNumberOfChipsPerStave (int lay) const
int getNumberOfChipsPerHalfBarrel (int lay) const
int getNumberOfChipsPerLayer (int lay) const
int getNumberOfModules (int lay) const
int getNumberOfHalfStaves (int lay) const
int getNumberOfStaves (int lay) const
int getNumberOfHalfBarrels () const
int getNumberOfLayers () const
int getChipIndex (int lay, int detInLay) const
int getChipIndex (int lay, int hba, int sta, int detInSta) const
int getChipIndex (int lay, int hba, int sta, int subSta, int detInSubSta) const
int getChipIndex (int lay, int hba, int sta, int subSta, int md, int detInMod) const
bool getChipId (int index, int &lay, int &sta, int &ssta, int &mod, int &chip) const
bool getChipId (int index, int &lay, int &hba, int &sta, int &ssta, int &mod, int &chip) const
int getLayer (int index) const
 Get chip layer, from 0.
int getHalfBarrel (int index) const
 Get chip half barrel, from 0.
int getStave (int index) const
 Get chip stave, from 0.
int getHalfStave (int index) const
 Get chip substave id in stave, from 0.
int getModule (int index) const
 Get chip module id in substave, from 0.
int getChipIdInLayer (int index) const
 Get chip number within layer, from 0.
int getChipIdInStave (int index) const
 Get chip number within stave, from 0.
int getChipIdInHalfStave (int index) const
 Get chip number within stave, from 0.
int getChipIdInModule (int index) const
 Get chip number within module, from 0.
int getLastChipIndex (int lay) const
int getFirstChipIndex (int lay) const
const chargetSymbolicName (int index) const
const chargetSymbolicName (int lay, int hba, int sta, int det) const
TGeoHMatrix * getMatrix (int index) const
 Get the transformation matrix for a given chip (NOT A SENSOR!!!) 'index' by quering the TGeoManager.
TGeoHMatrix * getMatrix (int lay, int hba, int sta, int sens) const
bool getOriginalMatrix (int index, TGeoHMatrix &m) const
bool getOriginalMatrix (int lay, int hba, int sta, int det, TGeoHMatrix &m) const
const Mat3DgetMatrixT2L (int lay, int hba, int sta, int det) const
const Mat3DgetMatrixSensor (int index) const
const Mat3DgetMatrixSensor (int lay, int hba, int sta, int det) const
const Rot2DgetMatrixT2GRot (int lay, int hba, int sta, int sens)
bool isTrackingFrameCached () const
void getSensorXAlphaRefPlane (int index, float &x, float &alpha) const
float getSensorRefX (int isn) const
float getSensorRefAlpha (int isn) const
void localToGlobal (int index, const double *loc, double *glob)
void localToGlobal (int lay, int sta, int det, const double *loc, double *glob)
void globalToLocal (int index, const double *glob, double *loc)
void globalToLocal (int lay, int sta, int det, const double *glob, double *loc)
void localToGlobalVector (int index, const double *loc, double *glob)
void globalToLocalVector (int index, const double *glob, double *loc)
void Print (Option_t *opt="") const
const Mat3D getT2LMatrixITS3 (int isn, float alpha)
TString getMatrixPath (int index) const
TGeoHMatrix * extractMatrixSensor (int index) const
TGeoHMatrix & createT2LMatrix (int isn)
void extractSensorXAlpha (int isn, float &x, float &alp)
- Public Member Functions inherited from o2::itsmft::GeometryTGeo
 GeometryTGeo ()=default
 GeometryTGeo (const GeometryTGeo &src)=delete
GeometryTGeooperator= (const GeometryTGeo &geom)=delete
 GeometryTGeo (const o2::detectors::DetID &detid)
 ~GeometryTGeo () override=default
Int_t getNumberOfChips () const
bool isOwner () const
void setOwner (bool v)
- Public Member Functions inherited from o2::detectors::DetMatrixCache
 DetMatrixCache ()=default
 DetMatrixCache (const o2::detectors::DetID &id)
virtual ~DetMatrixCache ()=default
 this may serve as a base class for detector interface to geometry, make it virtual
 DetMatrixCache (const DetMatrixCache &src)=delete
DetMatrixCacheoperator= (const DetMatrixCache &geom)=delete
const o2::detectors::DetIDgetDetID () const
const chargetName () const
const MatrixCache< Mat3D > & getCacheT2L () const
const MatrixCache< Mat3D > & getCacheT2G () const
const MatrixCache< Mat3D > & getCacheL2G () const
const MatrixCache< Rot2D > & getCacheT2GRot () const
const Mat3DgetMatrixT2L (int sensID) const
const Mat3DgetMatrixT2G (int sensID) const
const Mat3DgetMatrixL2G (int sensID) const
const Rot2DgetMatrixT2GRot (int sensID) const
bool isBuilt () const
int getSize () const
void setSize (int s)
MatrixCache< Mat3D > & getCacheT2L ()
MatrixCache< Mat3D > & getCacheT2G ()
MatrixCache< Mat3D > & getCacheL2G ()
MatrixCache< Rot2D > & getCacheT2GRot ()
 ClassDef (DetMatrixCache, 1)

Static Public Member Functions

static GeometryTGeoInstance ()
static bool instanceExist ()
static void adopt (GeometryTGeo *raw, bool canDelete=false)
static const chargetITSVolPattern ()
static const chargetITSLayerPattern ()
static const chargetITSHalfBarrelPattern ()
static const chargetITSWrapVolPattern ()
static const chargetITSStavePattern ()
static const chargetITSHalfStavePattern ()
static const chargetITSModulePattern ()
static const chargetITSChipPattern ()
static const chargetITSSensorPattern ()
static void setITSVolPattern (const char *nm)
static void setITSLayerPattern (const char *nm)
static void setITSHalfBarrelPattern (const char *nm)
static void setITSWrapVolPattern (const char *nm)
static void setITSStavePattern (const char *nm)
static void setITSHalfStavePattern (const char *nm)
static void setITSModulePattern (const char *nm)
static void setITSChipPattern (const char *nm)
static void setITSSensorPattern (const char *nm)
static const chargetITS3LayerPattern ()
static const chargetITS3HalfBarrelPattern ()
static const chargetITS3StavePattern ()
static const chargetITS3HalfStavePattern ()
static const chargetITS3ModulePattern ()
static const chargetITS3ChipPattern ()
static const chargetITS3SensorPattern ()
static const chargetITS3LayerPatternRaw ()
static const chargetITS3LayerPattern (int layer)
static const chargetITS3CarbonFormPatternRaw ()
static const chargetITS3CarbonFormPattern (int layer)
static const chargetITS3ChipPatternRaw ()
static const chargetITS3ChipPattern (int layer)
static const chargetITS3SegmentPatternRaw ()
static const chargetITS3SegmentPattern (int layer)
static const chargetITS3RSUPatternRaw ()
static const chargetITS3RSUPattern (int layer)
static const chargetITS3TilePatternRaw ()
static const chargetITS3TilePattern (int layer)
static const chargetITS3PixelArrayPatternRaw ()
static const chargetITS3PixelArrayPattern (int layer)
static const charcomposeSymNameITS (bool isITS3=false)
 sym name of the layer
static const charcomposeSymNameLayer (int lr, bool isITS3=false)
 sym name of the layer
static const charcomposeSymNameHalfBarrel (int lr, int hba, bool isITS3=false)
 Sym name of the half barrel at given layer.
static const charcomposeSymNameStave (int lr, int hba, int sta, bool isITS3=false)
 Sym name of the stave at given layer.
static const charcomposeSymNameHalfStave (int lr, int hba, int sta, int ssta, bool isITS3=false)
 Sym name of the stave at given layer/halfbarrel.
static const charcomposeSymNameModule (int lr, int hba, int sta, int ssta, int mod, bool isITS3=false)
 Sym name of the substave at given layer/halfbarrel/stave.
static const charcomposeSymNameChip (int lr, int hba, int sta, int ssta, int mod, int chip, bool isITS3=false)
 Sym name of the chip in the given layer/halfbarrel/stave/substave/module.

Protected Member Functions

bool getLayer (int index, int &lay, int &index2) const
int extractNumberOfChipsPerModule (int lay, int &nrow) const
int extractNumberOfHalfBarrels () const
int extractNumberOfStaves (int lay) const
int extractNumberOfHalfStaves (int lay) const
int extractNumberOfModules (int lay) const
int extractLayerChipType (int lay) const
int extractNumberOfLayers ()
 Determines the number of layers in the Geometry.
int extractVolumeCopy (const char *name, const char *prefix) const
 Extract number following the prefix in the name string.
TGeoPNEntry * getPNEntry (int index) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from o2::itsmft::GeometryTGeo
 ClassDefOverride (GeometryTGeo, 1)
 is it owned by the singleton?

Protected Attributes

Int_t mNumberOfLayers
 number of layers
Int_t mNumberOfHalfBarrels
 number of halfbarrels
std::vector< intmNumberOfStaves
 number of staves/layer(layer)
std::vector< intmNumberOfHalfStaves
 the number of substaves/stave(layer)
std::vector< intmNumberOfModules
 number of modules/substave(layer)
std::vector< intmNumberOfChipsPerModule
 number of chips per module (group of chips on substaves)
std::vector< intmNumberOfChipRowsPerModule
 number of chips rows per module (relevant for OB modules)
std::vector< intmNumberOfChipsPerHalfStave
 number of chips per substave
std::vector< intmNumberOfChipsPerStave
 number of chips per stave
std::vector< intmNumberOfChipsPerHalfBarrel
 number of chips per halfbarrel
std::vector< intmNumberOfChipsPerLayer
 number of chips per stave
std::vector< intmLastChipIndex
 max ID of the detctor in the layer
std::array< bool, MAXLAYERSmIsLayerITS3
 flag with the information of the ITS version (ITS2 or ITS3)
std::array< char, MAXLAYERSmLayerToWrapper
 Layer to wrapper correspondence.
std::vector< float > mCacheRefX
 sensors tracking plane reference X
std::vector< float > mCacheRefAlpha
 sensors tracking plane reference alpha
- Protected Attributes inherited from o2::itsmft::GeometryTGeo
bool mOwner = true

Static Protected Attributes

static constexpr int MAXLAYERS = 15
 max number of active layers
static std::string sVolumeName = "ITSV"
 Mother volume name.
static std::string sLayerName = "ITSULayer"
 Layer name.
static std::string sHalfBarrelName = "ITSUHalfBarrel"
 HalfBarrel name.
static std::string sStaveName = "ITSUStave"
 Stave name.
static std::string sHalfStaveName = "ITSUHalfStave"
 HalfStave name.
static std::string sModuleName = "ITSUModule"
 Module name.
static std::string sChipName = "ITSUChip"
 Chip name.
static std::string sSensorName = "ITSUSensor"
 Sensor name.
static std::string sWrapperVolumeName = "ITSUWrapVol"
 Wrapper volume name.
static const std::string sLayerNameITS3 = "ITS3Layer"
 Layer name for ITS3.
static const std::string sHalfBarrelNameITS3 = "ITS3CarbonForm"
 HalfBarrel name for ITS3.
static const std::string sStaveNameITS3 = "ITS3Chip"
 Stave name for ITS3.
static const std::string sHalfStaveNameITS3 = "ITS3Segment"
 HalfStave name for ITS3.
static const std::string sModuleNameITS3 = "ITS3RSU"
 Module name for ITS3.
static const std::string sChipNameITS3 = "ITS3Tile"
 Chip name for ITS3.
static const std::string sSensorNameITS3 = "ITS3PixelArray"
 Sensor name for ITS3.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from o2::detectors::DetMatrixCache
o2::detectors::DetID mDetID
 detector ID
int mSize = 0
 prebooked number of sensors
MatrixCache< Mat3DmL2G
 Local to Global matrices.
MatrixCache< Mat3DmT2L
 Tracking to Local matrices.
MatrixCache< Mat3DmT2G
 Tracking to Global matrices (general case)
MatrixCache< Rot2DmT2GRot
 Tracking to Global matrices in case of barrel (simple rotation)

Detailed Description

GeometryTGeo is a simple interface class to TGeoManager. It is used in the simulation and reconstruction in order to query the TGeo ITS geometry. RS: In order to preserve the static character of the class but make it dynamically access geometry, we need to check in every method if the structures are initialized. To be converted to singleton at later stage.

Definition at line 44 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Mat3D

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ GeometryTGeo() [1/2]

GeometryTGeo::GeometryTGeo ( bool  build = kFALSE,
int  loadTrans = 0 

Definition at line 86 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ ~GeometryTGeo()

o2::its::GeometryTGeo::~GeometryTGeo ( )

Default destructor, don't use.

Definition at line 59 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ GeometryTGeo() [2/2]

o2::its::GeometryTGeo::GeometryTGeo ( const GeometryTGeo src)

Member Function Documentation

◆ adopt()

void GeometryTGeo::adopt ( GeometryTGeo raw,
bool  canDelete = false 

Definition at line 102 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ Build()

void GeometryTGeo::Build ( int  loadTrans = 0)

Exract ITS parameters from TGeo.

Implements o2::itsmft::GeometryTGeo.

Definition at line 451 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ composeSymNameChip()

const char * GeometryTGeo::composeSymNameChip ( int  lr,
int  hba,
int  sta,
int  ssta,
int  mod,
int  chip,
bool  isITS3 = false 

Sym name of the chip in the given layer/halfbarrel/stave/substave/module.

Definition at line 340 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ composeSymNameHalfBarrel()

const char * GeometryTGeo::composeSymNameHalfBarrel ( int  lr,
int  hba,
bool  isITS3 = false 

Sym name of the half barrel at given layer.

Definition at line 313 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ composeSymNameHalfStave()

const char * GeometryTGeo::composeSymNameHalfStave ( int  lr,
int  hba,
int  sta,
int  ssta,
bool  isITS3 = false 

Sym name of the stave at given layer/halfbarrel.

Definition at line 326 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ composeSymNameITS()

const char * GeometryTGeo::composeSymNameITS ( bool  isITS3 = false)

sym name of the layer

Definition at line 295 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ composeSymNameLayer()

const char * GeometryTGeo::composeSymNameLayer ( int  lr,
bool  isITS3 = false 

sym name of the layer

Definition at line 307 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ composeSymNameModule()

const char * GeometryTGeo::composeSymNameModule ( int  lr,
int  hba,
int  sta,
int  ssta,
int  mod,
bool  isITS3 = false 

Sym name of the substave at given layer/halfbarrel/stave.

Definition at line 333 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ composeSymNameStave()

const char * GeometryTGeo::composeSymNameStave ( int  lr,
int  hba,
int  sta,
bool  isITS3 = false 

Sym name of the stave at given layer.

Definition at line 320 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ createT2LMatrix()

TGeoHMatrix & GeometryTGeo::createT2LMatrix ( int  isn)

Definition at line 915 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ destroy()

void o2::its::GeometryTGeo::destroy ( )

Definition at line 89 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ extractLayerChipType()

int GeometryTGeo::extractLayerChipType ( int  lay) const

Determines the layer detector type the Geometry and returns the detector type id for the layer

laylayer number from 0

Definition at line 842 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ extractMatrixSensor()

TGeoHMatrix * GeometryTGeo::extractMatrixSensor ( int  index) const

Get the transformation matrix of the SENSOR (not necessary the same as the chip) for a given chip 'index' by quering the TGeoManager

Definition at line 393 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ extractNumberOfChipsPerModule()

int GeometryTGeo::extractNumberOfChipsPerModule ( int  lay,
int nrow 
) const

Determines the number of chips per module on the (sub)stave in the Geometry Also extract the layout: span of module centers in Z and X

laylayer number from 0

Definition at line 754 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ extractNumberOfHalfBarrels()

int GeometryTGeo::extractNumberOfHalfBarrels ( ) const

Determines the number of halfbarrels in the layer

laylayer number, starting from 0

Definition at line 658 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ extractNumberOfHalfStaves()

int GeometryTGeo::extractNumberOfHalfStaves ( int  lay) const

Determines the number of substaves in the stave of the layer

laylayer number, starting from 0

Definition at line 696 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ extractNumberOfLayers()

int GeometryTGeo::extractNumberOfLayers ( )

Determines the number of layers in the Geometry.

Definition at line 604 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ extractNumberOfModules()

int GeometryTGeo::extractNumberOfModules ( int  lay) const

Determines the number of modules in substave in the stave of the layer

laylayer number, starting from 0 For the setup w/o modules defined the module and the stave or the substave is the same thing Legacy method, keep it just in case...

Definition at line 719 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ extractNumberOfStaves()

int GeometryTGeo::extractNumberOfStaves ( int  lay) const

Determines the number of layers in the Geometry

laylayer number, starting from 0

Definition at line 667 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ extractSensorXAlpha()

void GeometryTGeo::extractSensorXAlpha ( int  isn,
float &  x,
float &  alp 

Definition at line 876 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ extractVolumeCopy()

int GeometryTGeo::extractVolumeCopy ( const char name,
const char prefix 
) const

Extract number following the prefix in the name string.

Definition at line 930 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ fillMatrixCache()

void GeometryTGeo::fillMatrixCache ( int  mask)

Implements o2::detectors::DetMatrixCache.

Definition at line 525 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ fillTrackingFramesCache()

void GeometryTGeo::fillTrackingFramesCache ( )

Definition at line 590 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ getChipId() [1/2]

bool GeometryTGeo::getChipId ( int  index,
int lay,
int hba,
int sta,
int ssta,
int mod,
int chip 
) const

This routine computes the layer, half barrel, stave, substave, module and chip number given the chip index number

intindex The chip index number, starting from zero.
intlay The layer number. Starting from 0
inthba The half barrel number. Starting from 0
intsta The stave number. Starting from 0
intssta The halfstave number. Starting from 0
intmod The module number. Starting from 0
intchip The detector number. Starting from 0

Definition at line 278 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ getChipId() [2/2]

bool GeometryTGeo::getChipId ( int  index,
int lay,
int sta,
int ssta,
int mod,
int chip 
) const

This routine computes the layer, stave, substave, module and chip number given the chip index number

intindex The chip index number, starting from zero.
intlay The layer number. Starting from 0
intsta The stave number. Starting from 0
intssta The halfstave number. Starting from 0
intmod The module number. Starting from 0
intchip The detector number. Starting from 0

Definition at line 263 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ getChipIdInHalfStave()

int GeometryTGeo::getChipIdInHalfStave ( int  index) const

Get chip number within stave, from 0.

Definition at line 241 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ getChipIdInLayer()

int GeometryTGeo::getChipIdInLayer ( int  index) const

Get chip number within layer, from 0.

Definition at line 219 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ getChipIdInModule()

int GeometryTGeo::getChipIdInModule ( int  index) const

Get chip number within module, from 0.

Definition at line 252 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ getChipIdInStave()

int GeometryTGeo::getChipIdInStave ( int  index) const

Get chip number within stave, from 0.

Definition at line 230 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ getChipIndex() [1/4]

int o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getChipIndex ( int  lay,
int  detInLay 
) const

Definition at line 130 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getChipIndex() [2/4]

int GeometryTGeo::getChipIndex ( int  lay,
int  hba,
int  sta,
int  detInSta 
) const

This routine computes the chip index number from the layer, stave, and chip number in stave

intlay The layer number. Starting from 0.
inthba The halfbarrel number. Starting from 0
intsta The stave number. Starting from 0
intchipInStave The chip number in the stave. Starting from 0

Definition at line 113 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ getChipIndex() [3/4]

int GeometryTGeo::getChipIndex ( int  lay,
int  hba,
int  sta,
int  subSta,
int  detInSubSta 
) const

This routine computes the chip index number from the layer, stave, substave and chip number in substave

intlay The layer number. Starting from 0.
inthba The halfbarrel number. Starting from 0
intsta The stave number. Starting from 0
intsubsta The substave number. Starting from 0
intchipInSStave The chip number in the sub stave. Starting from 0

Definition at line 119 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ getChipIndex() [4/4]

int GeometryTGeo::getChipIndex ( int  lay,
int  hba,
int  sta,
int  subSta,
int  md,
int  detInMod 
) const

This routine computes the chip index number from the layer,stave, substave module and chip number in module.

intlay The layer number. Starting from 0.
inthba The halfbarrel number. Starting from 0
intsta The stave number. Starting from 0
intsubsta The substave number. Starting from 0
intmodule The module number ...
intchipInSStave The chip number in the module. Starting from 0

Definition at line 129 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ getFirstChipIndex()

int o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getFirstChipIndex ( int  lay) const

Definition at line 206 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getHalfBarrel()

int GeometryTGeo::getHalfBarrel ( int  index) const

Get chip half barrel, from 0.

Definition at line 164 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ getHalfStave()

int GeometryTGeo::getHalfStave ( int  index) const

Get chip substave id in stave, from 0.

Definition at line 186 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ getITS3CarbonFormPattern()

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITS3CarbonFormPattern ( int  layer)

Definition at line 304 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getITS3CarbonFormPatternRaw()

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITS3CarbonFormPatternRaw ( )

Definition at line 303 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getITS3ChipPattern() [1/2]

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITS3ChipPattern ( )

Definition at line 298 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getITS3ChipPattern() [2/2]

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITS3ChipPattern ( int  layer)

Definition at line 306 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getITS3ChipPatternRaw()

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITS3ChipPatternRaw ( )

Definition at line 305 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getITS3HalfBarrelPattern()

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITS3HalfBarrelPattern ( )

Definition at line 294 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getITS3HalfStavePattern()

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITS3HalfStavePattern ( )

Definition at line 296 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getITS3LayerPattern() [1/2]

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITS3LayerPattern ( )

Definition at line 293 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getITS3LayerPattern() [2/2]

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITS3LayerPattern ( int  layer)

Definition at line 302 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getITS3LayerPatternRaw()

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITS3LayerPatternRaw ( )

Definition at line 301 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getITS3ModulePattern()

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITS3ModulePattern ( )

Definition at line 297 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getITS3PixelArrayPattern()

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITS3PixelArrayPattern ( int  layer)

Definition at line 314 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getITS3PixelArrayPatternRaw()

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITS3PixelArrayPatternRaw ( )

Definition at line 313 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getITS3RSUPattern()

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITS3RSUPattern ( int  layer)

Definition at line 310 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getITS3RSUPatternRaw()

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITS3RSUPatternRaw ( )

Definition at line 309 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getITS3SegmentPattern()

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITS3SegmentPattern ( int  layer)

Definition at line 308 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getITS3SegmentPatternRaw()

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITS3SegmentPatternRaw ( )

Definition at line 307 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getITS3SensorPattern()

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITS3SensorPattern ( )

Definition at line 299 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getITS3StavePattern()

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITS3StavePattern ( )

Definition at line 295 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getITS3TilePattern()

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITS3TilePattern ( int  layer)

Definition at line 312 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getITS3TilePatternRaw()

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITS3TilePatternRaw ( )

Definition at line 311 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getITSChipPattern()

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITSChipPattern ( )

Definition at line 281 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getITSHalfBarrelPattern()

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITSHalfBarrelPattern ( )

Definition at line 276 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getITSHalfStavePattern()

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITSHalfStavePattern ( )

Definition at line 279 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getITSLayerPattern()

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITSLayerPattern ( )

Definition at line 275 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getITSModulePattern()

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITSModulePattern ( )

Definition at line 280 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getITSSensorPattern()

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITSSensorPattern ( )

Definition at line 282 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getITSStavePattern()

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITSStavePattern ( )

Definition at line 278 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getITSVolPattern()

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITSVolPattern ( )

Definition at line 274 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getITSWrapVolPattern()

static const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getITSWrapVolPattern ( )

Definition at line 277 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getLastChipIndex()

int o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getLastChipIndex ( int  lay) const

Definition at line 205 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getLayer() [1/2]

int GeometryTGeo::getLayer ( int  index) const

Get chip layer, from 0.

Definition at line 154 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ getLayer() [2/2]

bool GeometryTGeo::getLayer ( int  index,
int lay,
int index2 
) const

This routine computes the layer number a given the chip index

intindex The chip index number, starting from zero.
intindexInLr The chip index inside a layer, starting from zero.
intlay The layer number. Starting from 0.

Definition at line 146 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ getMatrix() [1/2]

TGeoHMatrix * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getMatrix ( int  index) const

Get the transformation matrix for a given chip (NOT A SENSOR!!!) 'index' by quering the TGeoManager.

Definition at line 220 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getMatrix() [2/2]

TGeoHMatrix * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getMatrix ( int  lay,
int  hba,
int  sta,
int  sens 
) const

Definition at line 221 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getMatrixPath()

TString GeometryTGeo::getMatrixPath ( int  index) const

Definition at line 345 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ getMatrixSensor() [1/2]

const Mat3D & o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getMatrixSensor ( int  index) const

Definition at line 237 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getMatrixSensor() [2/2]

const Mat3D & o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getMatrixSensor ( int  lay,
int  hba,
int  sta,
int  det 
) const

Definition at line 238 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getMatrixT2GRot()

const Rot2D & o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getMatrixT2GRot ( int  lay,
int  hba,
int  sta,
int  sens 

get matrix for tracking to global frame transformation

Definition at line 244 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getMatrixT2L()

const Mat3D & o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getMatrixT2L ( int  lay,
int  hba,
int  sta,
int  det 
) const

Definition at line 236 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getModule()

int GeometryTGeo::getModule ( int  index) const

Get chip module id in substave, from 0.

Definition at line 201 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ getNumberOfChipColsPerModule()

int o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getNumberOfChipColsPerModule ( int  lay) const

Definition at line 110 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getNumberOfChipRowsPerModule()

int o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getNumberOfChipRowsPerModule ( int  lay) const

Definition at line 109 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getNumberOfChipsPerHalfBarrel()

int o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getNumberOfChipsPerHalfBarrel ( int  lay) const

Definition at line 123 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getNumberOfChipsPerHalfStave()

int o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getNumberOfChipsPerHalfStave ( int  lay) const

Definition at line 121 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getNumberOfChipsPerLayer()

int o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getNumberOfChipsPerLayer ( int  lay) const

Definition at line 124 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getNumberOfChipsPerModule()

int o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getNumberOfChipsPerModule ( int  lay) const

Definition at line 120 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getNumberOfChipsPerStave()

int o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getNumberOfChipsPerStave ( int  lay) const

Definition at line 122 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getNumberOfHalfBarrels()

int o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getNumberOfHalfBarrels ( ) const

Definition at line 128 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getNumberOfHalfStaves()

int o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getNumberOfHalfStaves ( int  lay) const

Definition at line 126 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getNumberOfLayers()

int o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getNumberOfLayers ( ) const

Definition at line 129 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getNumberOfModules()

int o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getNumberOfModules ( int  lay) const

Definition at line 125 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getNumberOfStaves()

int o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getNumberOfStaves ( int  lay) const

Definition at line 127 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getOriginalMatrix() [1/2]

bool o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getOriginalMatrix ( int  index,
TGeoHMatrix &  m 
) const

Get the original (ideal geometry) TGeo matrix for a given chip identified by 'index' The method is slow, so it should be used with great care (for caching only)

Definition at line 222 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getOriginalMatrix() [2/2]

bool o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getOriginalMatrix ( int  lay,
int  hba,
int  sta,
int  det,
TGeoHMatrix &  m 
) const

Get the original (ideal geometry) TGeo matrix for a given chip identified by 'index' The method is slow, so it should be used with great care (for caching only)

Definition at line 229 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getPNEntry()

TGeoPNEntry * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getPNEntry ( int  index) const

Get a pointer to the TGeoPNEntry of a chip identified by 'index' Returns NULL in case of invalid index, missing TGeoManager or invalid symbolic name

Definition at line 392 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getSensorRefAlpha()

float o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getSensorRefAlpha ( int  isn) const

Definition at line 258 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getSensorRefX()

float o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getSensorRefX ( int  isn) const

Definition at line 257 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getSensorXAlphaRefPlane()

void o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getSensorXAlphaRefPlane ( int  index,
float &  x,
float &  alpha 
) const

Definition at line 251 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getStave()

int GeometryTGeo::getStave ( int  index) const

Get chip stave, from 0.

Definition at line 175 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ getSymbolicName() [1/2]

const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getSymbolicName ( int  index) const

return symbolic name of sensor

Definition at line 207 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getSymbolicName() [2/2]

const char * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::getSymbolicName ( int  lay,
int  hba,
int  sta,
int  det 
) const

return symbolic name of sensor

Definition at line 213 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ getT2LMatrixITS3()

const o2::math_utils::Transform3D GeometryTGeo::getT2LMatrixITS3 ( int  isn,
float  alpha 

Definition at line 438 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ globalToLocal() [1/2]

void o2::its::GeometryTGeo::globalToLocal ( int  index,
const double *  glob,
double *  loc 

◆ globalToLocal() [2/2]

void o2::its::GeometryTGeo::globalToLocal ( int  lay,
int  sta,
int  det,
const double *  glob,
double *  loc 

◆ globalToLocalVector()

void o2::its::GeometryTGeo::globalToLocalVector ( int  index,
const double *  glob,
double *  loc 

◆ Instance()

static GeometryTGeo * o2::its::GeometryTGeo::Instance ( )

Definition at line 55 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ instanceExist()

static bool o2::its::GeometryTGeo::instanceExist ( )

Definition at line 68 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ isTrackingFrameCached()

bool o2::its::GeometryTGeo::isTrackingFrameCached ( ) const

Definition at line 250 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ localToGlobal() [1/2]

void o2::its::GeometryTGeo::localToGlobal ( int  index,
const double *  loc,
double *  glob 

◆ localToGlobal() [2/2]

void o2::its::GeometryTGeo::localToGlobal ( int  lay,
int  sta,
int  det,
const double *  loc,
double *  glob 

◆ localToGlobalVector()

void o2::its::GeometryTGeo::localToGlobalVector ( int  index,
const double *  loc,
double *  glob 

◆ operator=()

GeometryTGeo & o2::its::GeometryTGeo::operator= ( const GeometryTGeo geom)

◆ Print()

void GeometryTGeo::Print ( Option_t *  opt = "") const

Definition at line 855 of file GeometryTGeo.cxx.

◆ setITSChipPattern()

static void o2::its::GeometryTGeo::setITSChipPattern ( const char nm)

Definition at line 290 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ setITSHalfBarrelPattern()

static void o2::its::GeometryTGeo::setITSHalfBarrelPattern ( const char nm)

Definition at line 285 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ setITSHalfStavePattern()

static void o2::its::GeometryTGeo::setITSHalfStavePattern ( const char nm)

Definition at line 288 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ setITSLayerPattern()

static void o2::its::GeometryTGeo::setITSLayerPattern ( const char nm)

Definition at line 284 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ setITSModulePattern()

static void o2::its::GeometryTGeo::setITSModulePattern ( const char nm)

Definition at line 289 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ setITSSensorPattern()

static void o2::its::GeometryTGeo::setITSSensorPattern ( const char nm)

Definition at line 291 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ setITSStavePattern()

static void o2::its::GeometryTGeo::setITSStavePattern ( const char nm)

Definition at line 287 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ setITSVolPattern()

static void o2::its::GeometryTGeo::setITSVolPattern ( const char nm)

Definition at line 283 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ setITSWrapVolPattern()

static void o2::its::GeometryTGeo::setITSWrapVolPattern ( const char nm)

Definition at line 286 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

Member Data Documentation


constexpr int o2::its::GeometryTGeo::MAXLAYERS = 15

max number of active layers

Definition at line 400 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ mCacheRefAlpha

std::vector<float> o2::its::GeometryTGeo::mCacheRefAlpha

sensors tracking plane reference alpha

Definition at line 418 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ mCacheRefX

std::vector<float> o2::its::GeometryTGeo::mCacheRefX

sensors tracking plane reference X

Definition at line 417 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ mIsLayerITS3

std::array<bool, MAXLAYERS> o2::its::GeometryTGeo::mIsLayerITS3

flag with the information of the ITS version (ITS2 or ITS3)

Definition at line 414 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ mLastChipIndex

std::vector<int> o2::its::GeometryTGeo::mLastChipIndex

max ID of the detctor in the layer

Definition at line 413 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ mLayerToWrapper

std::array<char, MAXLAYERS> o2::its::GeometryTGeo::mLayerToWrapper

Layer to wrapper correspondence.

Definition at line 415 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ mNumberOfChipRowsPerModule

std::vector<int> o2::its::GeometryTGeo::mNumberOfChipRowsPerModule

number of chips rows per module (relevant for OB modules)

Definition at line 408 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ mNumberOfChipsPerHalfBarrel

std::vector<int> o2::its::GeometryTGeo::mNumberOfChipsPerHalfBarrel

number of chips per halfbarrel

Definition at line 411 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ mNumberOfChipsPerHalfStave

std::vector<int> o2::its::GeometryTGeo::mNumberOfChipsPerHalfStave

number of chips per substave

Definition at line 409 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ mNumberOfChipsPerLayer

std::vector<int> o2::its::GeometryTGeo::mNumberOfChipsPerLayer

number of chips per stave

Definition at line 412 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ mNumberOfChipsPerModule

std::vector<int> o2::its::GeometryTGeo::mNumberOfChipsPerModule

number of chips per module (group of chips on substaves)

Definition at line 407 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ mNumberOfChipsPerStave

std::vector<int> o2::its::GeometryTGeo::mNumberOfChipsPerStave

number of chips per stave

Definition at line 410 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ mNumberOfHalfBarrels

Int_t o2::its::GeometryTGeo::mNumberOfHalfBarrels

number of halfbarrels

Definition at line 403 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ mNumberOfHalfStaves

std::vector<int> o2::its::GeometryTGeo::mNumberOfHalfStaves

the number of substaves/stave(layer)

Definition at line 405 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ mNumberOfLayers

Int_t o2::its::GeometryTGeo::mNumberOfLayers

number of layers

Definition at line 402 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ mNumberOfModules

std::vector<int> o2::its::GeometryTGeo::mNumberOfModules

number of modules/substave(layer)

Definition at line 406 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ mNumberOfStaves

std::vector<int> o2::its::GeometryTGeo::mNumberOfStaves

number of staves/layer(layer)

Definition at line 404 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ sChipName

std::string GeometryTGeo::sChipName = "ITSUChip"

Chip name.

Definition at line 426 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ sChipNameITS3

const std::string GeometryTGeo::sChipNameITS3 = "ITS3Tile"

Chip name for ITS3.

Definition at line 435 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ sHalfBarrelName

std::string GeometryTGeo::sHalfBarrelName = "ITSUHalfBarrel"

HalfBarrel name.

Definition at line 422 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ sHalfBarrelNameITS3

const std::string GeometryTGeo::sHalfBarrelNameITS3 = "ITS3CarbonForm"

HalfBarrel name for ITS3.

Definition at line 431 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ sHalfStaveName

std::string GeometryTGeo::sHalfStaveName = "ITSUHalfStave"

HalfStave name.

Definition at line 424 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ sHalfStaveNameITS3

const std::string GeometryTGeo::sHalfStaveNameITS3 = "ITS3Segment"

HalfStave name for ITS3.

Definition at line 433 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ sLayerName

std::string GeometryTGeo::sLayerName = "ITSULayer"

Layer name.

Definition at line 421 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ sLayerNameITS3

const std::string GeometryTGeo::sLayerNameITS3 = "ITS3Layer"

Layer name for ITS3.

Definition at line 430 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ sModuleName

std::string GeometryTGeo::sModuleName = "ITSUModule"

Module name.

Definition at line 425 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ sModuleNameITS3

const std::string GeometryTGeo::sModuleNameITS3 = "ITS3RSU"

Module name for ITS3.

Definition at line 434 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ sSensorName

std::string GeometryTGeo::sSensorName = "ITSUSensor"

Sensor name.

Definition at line 427 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ sSensorNameITS3

const std::string GeometryTGeo::sSensorNameITS3 = "ITS3PixelArray"

Sensor name for ITS3.

Definition at line 436 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ sStaveName

std::string GeometryTGeo::sStaveName = "ITSUStave"

Stave name.

Definition at line 423 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ sStaveNameITS3

const std::string GeometryTGeo::sStaveNameITS3 = "ITS3Chip"

Stave name for ITS3.

Definition at line 432 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ sVolumeName

std::string GeometryTGeo::sVolumeName = "ITSV"

Mother volume name.

Definition at line 420 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

◆ sWrapperVolumeName

std::string GeometryTGeo::sWrapperVolumeName = "ITSUWrapVol"

Wrapper volume name.

Definition at line 428 of file GeometryTGeo.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: