20#include <TGeoMatrix.h>
48 using DetMatrixCache::getMatrixL2G;
49 using DetMatrixCache::getMatrixT2GRot;
50 using DetMatrixCache::getMatrixT2L;
53 using DetMatrixCache::getMatrixT2G;
62 sInstance = std::make_unique<GeometryTGeo>(
true, 0);
64 return sInstance.get();
73 return sInstance.get() !=
107 void Build(
int loadTrans = 0)
136 int getChipIndex(
int lay,
int hba,
int sta,
int detInSta)
145 int getChipIndex(
int lay,
int hba,
int sta,
int subSta,
int detInSubSta)
155 int getChipIndex(
int lay,
int hba,
int sta,
int subSta,
int md,
int detInMod)
165 bool getChipId(
int index,
int& lay,
int& sta,
int& ssta,
int& mod,
int& chip)
176 bool getChipId(
int index,
int& lay,
int& hba,
int& sta,
int& ssta,
int& mod,
int& chip)
262 void localToGlobal(
int lay,
int sta,
int det,
const double* loc,
double* glob);
266 void globalToLocal(
int lay,
int sta,
int det,
const double* glob,
double* loc);
272 void Print(Option_t* opt =
331 static const char*
int lr,
int hba,
int sta,
int ssta,
int mod,
bool isITS3 =
334 static const char*
int lr,
int hba,
int sta,
int ssta,
int mod,
int chip,
bool isITS3 =
440 static std::unique_ptr<o2::its::GeometryTGeo> sInstance;
Definition of the GeometryManager class.
Definition of the GeometryTGeo class : common part for ITS and MFT.
static const char * getSymbolicName(o2::detectors::DetID detid, int sensid)
static Bool_t getOriginalMatrix(o2::detectors::DetID detid, int sensid, TGeoHMatrix &m)
static TGeoHMatrix * getMatrix(const char *symname)
static TGeoPNEntry * getPNEntry(o2::detectors::DetID detid, Int_t sensid)
virtual void fillMatrixCache(int mask)=0
const o2::detectors::DetID & getDetID() const
const Mat3D & getMatrixL2G(int sensID) const
int extractNumberOfLayers()
Determines the number of layers in the Geometry.
TGeoHMatrix & createT2LMatrix(int isn)
static const char * getITS3ModulePattern()
std::vector< int > mNumberOfChipsPerHalfStave
number of chips per substave
o2::math_utils::Transform3D Mat3D
static const char * getITSLayerPattern()
void getSensorXAlphaRefPlane(int index, float &x, float &alpha) const
const char * getSymbolicName(int index) const
static const std::string sLayerNameITS3
Layer name for ITS3.
static constexpr int MAXLAYERS
max number of active layers
void localToGlobal(int index, const double *loc, double *glob)
static const char * composeSymNameLayer(int lr, bool isITS3=false)
sym name of the layer
static const std::string sStaveNameITS3
Stave name for ITS3.
int getNumberOfModules(int lay) const
void localToGlobal(int lay, int sta, int det, const double *loc, double *glob)
GeometryTGeo & operator=(const GeometryTGeo &geom)=delete
int getChipIdInHalfStave(int index) const
Get chip number within stave, from 0.
void globalToLocalVector(int index, const double *glob, double *loc)
static const std::string sSensorNameITS3
Sensor name for ITS3.
static const char * composeSymNameITS(bool isITS3=false)
sym name of the layer
std::vector< int > mNumberOfHalfStaves
the number of substaves/stave(layer)
static std::string sHalfBarrelName
HalfBarrel name.
static std::string sHalfStaveName
HalfStave name.
const Rot2D & getMatrixT2GRot(int lay, int hba, int sta, int sens)
static const char * getITS3SegmentPattern(int layer)
TGeoHMatrix * getMatrix(int lay, int hba, int sta, int sens) const
int getNumberOfHalfStaves(int lay) const
static const char * getITS3SensorPattern()
static const char * getITS3LayerPattern(int layer)
static const char * getITS3ChipPattern()
static const char * getITS3TilePattern(int layer)
static const char * getITSSensorPattern()
const Mat3D & getMatrixT2L(int lay, int hba, int sta, int det) const
bool getChipId(int index, int &lay, int &sta, int &ssta, int &mod, int &chip) const
int extractNumberOfChipsPerModule(int lay, int &nrow) const
int getNumberOfChipsPerModule(int lay) const
TGeoHMatrix * getMatrix(int index) const
Get the transformation matrix for a given chip (NOT A SENSOR!!!) 'index' by quering the TGeoManager.
static std::string sLayerName
Layer name.
static const char * getITS3CarbonFormPatternRaw()
int getHalfBarrel(int index) const
Get chip half barrel, from 0.
static const char * getITS3ChipPatternRaw()
std::vector< int > mNumberOfStaves
number of staves/layer(layer)
static void setITSSensorPattern(const char *nm)
static const char * getITSHalfBarrelPattern()
std::vector< int > mNumberOfModules
number of modules/substave(layer)
TGeoHMatrix * extractMatrixSensor(int index) const
bool getOriginalMatrix(int lay, int hba, int sta, int det, TGeoHMatrix &m) const
static bool instanceExist()
static const char * getITS3RSUPattern(int layer)
int getLayer(int index) const
Get chip layer, from 0.
static const char * composeSymNameHalfBarrel(int lr, int hba, bool isITS3=false)
Sym name of the half barrel at given layer.
std::array< char, MAXLAYERS > mLayerToWrapper
Layer to wrapper correspondence.
int getNumberOfStaves(int lay) const
std::array< bool, MAXLAYERS > mIsLayerITS3
flag with the information of the ITS version (ITS2 or ITS3)
static const char * getITS3HalfStavePattern()
static const char * getITS3PixelArrayPatternRaw()
static void setITSLayerPattern(const char *nm)
float getSensorRefAlpha(int isn) const
static const char * getITS3TilePatternRaw()
static const std::string sModuleNameITS3
Module name for ITS3.
int getChipIdInStave(int index) const
Get chip number within stave, from 0.
static std::string sModuleName
Module name.
static const std::string sHalfStaveNameITS3
HalfStave name for ITS3.
TString getMatrixPath(int index) const
int extractNumberOfModules(int lay) const
int getNumberOfChipsPerLayer(int lay) const
static const char * composeSymNameHalfStave(int lr, int hba, int sta, int ssta, bool isITS3=false)
Sym name of the stave at given layer/halfbarrel.
static GeometryTGeo * Instance()
void globalToLocal(int index, const double *glob, double *loc)
~GeometryTGeo() override
Default destructor, don't use.
int getNumberOfChipsPerStave(int lay) const
static void setITSVolPattern(const char *nm)
static const char * getITS3CarbonFormPattern(int layer)
static void setITSStavePattern(const char *nm)
int extractVolumeCopy(const char *name, const char *prefix) const
Extract number following the prefix in the name string.
const Mat3D getT2LMatrixITS3(int isn, float alpha)
static const char * composeSymNameChip(int lr, int hba, int sta, int ssta, int mod, int chip, bool isITS3=false)
Sym name of the chip in the given layer/halfbarrel/stave/substave/module.
static const char * getITS3PixelArrayPattern(int layer)
static const char * getITSChipPattern()
static const char * composeSymNameModule(int lr, int hba, int sta, int ssta, int mod, bool isITS3=false)
Sym name of the substave at given layer/halfbarrel/stave.
int extractLayerChipType(int lay) const
GeometryTGeo(const GeometryTGeo &src)=delete
std::vector< float > mCacheRefX
sensors tracking plane reference X
std::vector< int > mNumberOfChipsPerModule
number of chips per module (group of chips on substaves)
static std::string sWrapperVolumeName
Wrapper volume name.
int getNumberOfChipColsPerModule(int lay) const
static const char * getITSVolPattern()
TGeoPNEntry * getPNEntry(int index) const
int getNumberOfChipRowsPerModule(int lay) const
static const char * getITS3HalfBarrelPattern()
std::vector< int > mNumberOfChipsPerStave
number of chips per stave
bool isTrackingFrameCached() const
static const std::string sHalfBarrelNameITS3
HalfBarrel name for ITS3.
void Build(int loadTrans=0) override
Exract ITS parameters from TGeo.
int getNumberOfHalfBarrels() const
static const char * getITS3SegmentPatternRaw()
void extractSensorXAlpha(int isn, float &x, float &alp)
std::vector< int > mNumberOfChipsPerLayer
number of chips per stave
int extractNumberOfStaves(int lay) const
int getHalfStave(int index) const
Get chip substave id in stave, from 0.
const Mat3D & getMatrixSensor(int lay, int hba, int sta, int det) const
int getFirstChipIndex(int lay) const
static const char * getITSModulePattern()
static void setITSHalfBarrelPattern(const char *nm)
int getChipIdInLayer(int index) const
Get chip number within layer, from 0.
static const std::string sChipNameITS3
Chip name for ITS3.
static std::string sStaveName
Stave name.
int extractNumberOfHalfStaves(int lay) const
static void setITSChipPattern(const char *nm)
Int_t mNumberOfHalfBarrels
number of halfbarrels
static const char * getITS3RSUPatternRaw()
void fillMatrixCache(int mask) override
void Print(Option_t *opt="") const
float getSensorRefX(int isn) const
static void adopt(GeometryTGeo *raw, bool canDelete=false)
int getChipIndex(int lay, int detInLay) const
std::vector< float > mCacheRefAlpha
sensors tracking plane reference alpha
static const char * getITS3ChipPattern(int layer)
const char * getSymbolicName(int lay, int hba, int sta, int det) const
Int_t mNumberOfLayers
number of layers
static void setITSModulePattern(const char *nm)
void fillTrackingFramesCache()
static const char * composeSymNameStave(int lr, int hba, int sta, bool isITS3=false)
Sym name of the stave at given layer.
void localToGlobalVector(int index, const double *loc, double *glob)
int getNumberOfLayers() const
int getStave(int index) const
Get chip stave, from 0.
static const char * getITS3LayerPattern()
int getModule(int index) const
Get chip module id in substave, from 0.
static const char * getITS3StavePattern()
static std::string sSensorName
Sensor name.
static std::string sChipName
Chip name.
std::vector< int > mNumberOfChipRowsPerModule
number of chips rows per module (relevant for OB modules)
int getNumberOfChipsPerHalfStave(int lay) const
void globalToLocal(int lay, int sta, int det, const double *glob, double *loc)
bool getOriginalMatrix(int index, TGeoHMatrix &m) const
int getChipIdInModule(int index) const
Get chip number within module, from 0.
std::vector< int > mLastChipIndex
max ID of the detctor in the layer
static void setITSWrapVolPattern(const char *nm)
const Mat3D & getMatrixSensor(int index) const
static const char * getITSHalfStavePattern()
int extractNumberOfHalfBarrels() const
std::vector< int > mNumberOfChipsPerHalfBarrel
number of chips per halfbarrel
static std::string sVolumeName
Mother volume name.
static const char * getITS3LayerPatternRaw()
static const char * getITSStavePattern()
int getNumberOfChipsPerHalfBarrel(int lay) const
static void setITSHalfStavePattern(const char *nm)
int getLastChipIndex(int lay) const
static const char * getITSWrapVolPattern()
GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat alpha
GLuint const GLchar * name
GLenum GLuint GLint GLint layer