No Matches
o2::its::study Namespace Reference


namespace  helpers


class  AnomalyStudy
struct  AnomalyStudyParamConfig
class  AvgClusSizeStudy
class  EfficiencyStudy
class  ImpactParameterStudy
struct  ITSAvgClusSizeParamConfig
struct  ITSCheckTracksParamConfig
struct  ITSEfficiencyParamConfig
struct  ITSImpactParameterParamConfig
struct  particle
class  PIDStudy
struct  PIDStudyParamConfig
class  TrackCheckStudy
class  TrackCuts
class  TrackExtensionStudy
class  TrackMethods


using mask_t = o2::dataformats::GlobalTrackID::mask_t
using GID = o2::dataformats::GlobalTrackID
using GIndex = o2::dataformats::VtxTrackIndex
using GTrackID = o2::dataformats::GlobalTrackID
using ITSCluster = o2::BaseCluster< float >
using PVertex = o2::dataformats::PrimaryVertex
using V0 = o2::dataformats::V0
using Track = o2::track::TrackParCov
using TrackITS = o2::its::TrackITS
using DCA = o2::dataformats::DCA
using PID = o2::track::PID
using DetID = o2::detectors::DetID
using TrackTPC = o2::tpc::TrackTPC
using TrackITSTPC = o2::dataformats::TrackTPCITS
using PIDResponse = o2::tpc::PIDResponse


o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getAnomalyStudy (mask_t srcClustersMask, bool useMC)
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getAvgClusSizeStudy (mask_t srcTracksMask, mask_t srcClustersMask, bool useMC, std::shared_ptr< o2::steer::MCKinematicsReader > kineReader)
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getEfficiencyStudy (mask_t srcTracksMask, mask_t srcClustersMask, bool useMC, std::shared_ptr< o2::steer::MCKinematicsReader > kineReader)
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getImpactParameterStudy (mask_t srcTracksMask, mask_t srcClusMask, bool useMC=false)
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getPIDStudy (mask_t srcTracksMask, mask_t srcClustersMask, bool useMC, std::shared_ptr< o2::steer::MCKinematicsReader > kineReader)
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getTrackCheckStudy (mask_t srcTracksMask, mask_t srcClustersMask, bool useMC, std::shared_ptr< o2::steer::MCKinematicsReader > kineReader)
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getTrackExtensionStudy (mask_t srcTracksMask, mask_t srcClustersMask, std::shared_ptr< o2::steer::MCKinematicsReader > kineReader)
 O2ParamImpl (o2::its::study::ITSAvgClusSizeParamConfig)
 O2ParamImpl (o2::its::study::PIDStudyParamConfig)
 O2ParamImpl (o2::its::study::ITSCheckTracksParamConfig)
 O2ParamImpl (o2::its::study::ITSImpactParameterParamConfig)
 O2ParamImpl (o2::its::study::AnomalyStudyParamConfig)
 O2ParamImpl (o2::its::study::ITSEfficiencyParamConfig)


float mPhiCutsL0 [10][2] = {{-122.5, -122}, {-91.8, -91.7}, {-61, -60}, {-30.1, -29.8}, {30, 30.2}, {59, 59.5}, {88, 89}, {117, 118.5}, {147, 147.8}, {176.5, 176.6}}
float mPhiCutsL1 [12][2] = {{-137, -136.5}, {-114, -113.5}, {-91.5, -91}, {-68.5, -68}, {-45.6, -45.4}, {-23.1, -22.9}, {45.4, 45.6}, {67.4, 67.6}, {89.4, 89.6}, {110.4, 110.6}, {132.4, 132.6}, {154.4, 154.6}}
float mPhiCutsL2 [17][2] = {{-162.85, -162.65}, {-145, -144.5}, {-127, -126.5}, {-109, -108.5}, {-91, -90.5}, {-73, -72.5}, {-55.1, -54.9}, {-37.35, -37.15}, {-19.5, -19}, {36.8, 37}, {54.4, 54.6}, {71.9, 72.1}, {89, 89.5}, {106.4, 106.6}, {123.65, 123.85}, {141.4, 141.6}, {158.9, 159.1}}
float mEtaCuts [2] = {-1.0, 1.0}
float mPtCuts [2] = {0, 10}
int mChi2cut = 100
 no cut for B=0
float dcaXY [3] = {-0.000328, -0.000213, -0.000203}
float dcaZ [3] = {-0.000000543, -0.000013, 0.000001}
float sigmaDcaXY [3] = {0.00109, 0.000895, 0.001520}
float sigmaDcaZ [3] = {0.001366, 0.001149, 0.001868}
int dcaCut = 8
float mDCACutsXY [3][2] = {{dcaXY[0] - dcaCut * sigmaDcaXY[0], dcaXY[0] + dcaCut* sigmaDcaXY[0]}, {dcaXY[1] - dcaCut * sigmaDcaXY[1], dcaXY[1] + dcaCut* sigmaDcaXY[1]}, {dcaXY[2] - dcaCut * sigmaDcaXY[2], dcaXY[2] + dcaCut* sigmaDcaXY[2]}}
float mDCACutsZ [3][2] = {{dcaZ[0] - dcaCut * sigmaDcaZ[0], dcaZ[0] + dcaCut* sigmaDcaZ[0]}, {dcaZ[1] - dcaCut * sigmaDcaZ[1], dcaZ[1] + dcaCut* sigmaDcaZ[1]}, {dcaZ[2] - dcaCut * sigmaDcaZ[2], dcaZ[2] + dcaCut* sigmaDcaZ[2]}}

Typedef Documentation


Definition at line 64 of file AvgClusSize.cxx.

◆ DetID

Definition at line 59 of file ImpactParameter.cxx.


Definition at line 53 of file TrackCuts.h.

◆ GIndex

Definition at line 54 of file TrackCuts.h.

◆ GTrackID

◆ ITSCluster

Definition at line 33 of file AnomalyStudy.cxx.

◆ mask_t


Definition at line 65 of file AvgClusSize.cxx.

◆ PIDResponse

Definition at line 69 of file PIDStudy.cxx.

◆ PVertex

◆ Track

Definition at line 62 of file AvgClusSize.cxx.

◆ TrackITS

Definition at line 63 of file AvgClusSize.cxx.


Definition at line 68 of file PIDStudy.cxx.

◆ TrackTPC

Definition at line 67 of file PIDStudy.cxx.

◆ V0

Definition at line 59 of file AvgClusSize.cxx.

Function Documentation

◆ getAnomalyStudy()

DataProcessorSpec o2::its::study::getAnomalyStudy ( mask_t  srcClustersMask,
bool  useMC 

Definition at line 266 of file AnomalyStudy.cxx.

◆ getAvgClusSizeStudy()

DataProcessorSpec o2::its::study::getAvgClusSizeStudy ( mask_t  srcTracksMask,
mask_t  srcClustersMask,
bool  useMC,
std::shared_ptr< o2::steer::MCKinematicsReader kineReader 

Definition at line 649 of file AvgClusSize.cxx.

◆ getEfficiencyStudy()

DataProcessorSpec o2::its::study::getEfficiencyStudy ( mask_t  srcTracksMask,
mask_t  srcClustersMask,
bool  useMC,
std::shared_ptr< o2::steer::MCKinematicsReader kineReader 

Definition at line 2839 of file Efficiency.cxx.

◆ getImpactParameterStudy()

DataProcessorSpec o2::its::study::getImpactParameterStudy ( mask_t  srcTracksMask,
mask_t  srcClusMask,
bool  useMC = false 

Definition at line 535 of file ImpactParameter.cxx.

◆ getPIDStudy()

DataProcessorSpec o2::its::study::getPIDStudy ( mask_t  srcTracksMask,
mask_t  srcClustersMask,
bool  useMC,
std::shared_ptr< o2::steer::MCKinematicsReader kineReader 

Definition at line 327 of file PIDStudy.cxx.

◆ getTrackCheckStudy()

DataProcessorSpec o2::its::study::getTrackCheckStudy ( mask_t  srcTracksMask,
mask_t  srcClustersMask,
bool  useMC,
std::shared_ptr< o2::steer::MCKinematicsReader kineReader 

Definition at line 1356 of file TrackCheck.cxx.

◆ getTrackExtensionStudy()

DataProcessorSpec o2::its::study::getTrackExtensionStudy ( mask_t  srcTracksMask,
mask_t  srcClustersMask,
std::shared_ptr< o2::steer::MCKinematicsReader kineReader 

Definition at line 631 of file TrackExtension.cxx.

◆ O2ParamImpl() [1/6]

o2::its::study::O2ParamImpl ( o2::its::study::AnomalyStudyParamConfig  )

◆ O2ParamImpl() [2/6]

o2::its::study::O2ParamImpl ( o2::its::study::ITSAvgClusSizeParamConfig  )

◆ O2ParamImpl() [3/6]

o2::its::study::O2ParamImpl ( o2::its::study::ITSCheckTracksParamConfig  )

◆ O2ParamImpl() [4/6]

o2::its::study::O2ParamImpl ( o2::its::study::ITSEfficiencyParamConfig  )

◆ O2ParamImpl() [5/6]

o2::its::study::O2ParamImpl ( o2::its::study::ITSImpactParameterParamConfig  )

◆ O2ParamImpl() [6/6]

o2::its::study::O2ParamImpl ( o2::its::study::PIDStudyParamConfig  )

Variable Documentation

◆ dcaCut

int o2::its::study::dcaCut = 8

Definition at line 53 of file Efficiency.h.

◆ dcaXY

float o2::its::study::dcaXY[3] = {-0.000328, -0.000213, -0.000203}

Definition at line 48 of file Efficiency.h.

◆ dcaZ

float o2::its::study::dcaZ[3] = {-0.000000543, -0.000013, 0.000001}

Definition at line 49 of file Efficiency.h.

◆ mChi2cut

int o2::its::study::mChi2cut = 100

no cut for B=0

Definition at line 39 of file Efficiency.h.

◆ mDCACutsXY

float o2::its::study::mDCACutsXY[3][2] = {{dcaXY[0] - dcaCut * sigmaDcaXY[0], dcaXY[0] + dcaCut* sigmaDcaXY[0]}, {dcaXY[1] - dcaCut * sigmaDcaXY[1], dcaXY[1] + dcaCut* sigmaDcaXY[1]}, {dcaXY[2] - dcaCut * sigmaDcaXY[2], dcaXY[2] + dcaCut* sigmaDcaXY[2]}}

Definition at line 55 of file Efficiency.h.

◆ mDCACutsZ

float o2::its::study::mDCACutsZ[3][2] = {{dcaZ[0] - dcaCut * sigmaDcaZ[0], dcaZ[0] + dcaCut* sigmaDcaZ[0]}, {dcaZ[1] - dcaCut * sigmaDcaZ[1], dcaZ[1] + dcaCut* sigmaDcaZ[1]}, {dcaZ[2] - dcaCut * sigmaDcaZ[2], dcaZ[2] + dcaCut* sigmaDcaZ[2]}}

Definition at line 56 of file Efficiency.h.

◆ mEtaCuts

float o2::its::study::mEtaCuts[2] = {-1.0, 1.0}

Definition at line 36 of file Efficiency.h.

◆ mPhiCutsL0

float o2::its::study::mPhiCutsL0[10][2] = {{-122.5, -122}, {-91.8, -91.7}, {-61, -60}, {-30.1, -29.8}, {30, 30.2}, {59, 59.5}, {88, 89}, {117, 118.5}, {147, 147.8}, {176.5, 176.6}}

Definition at line 32 of file Efficiency.h.

◆ mPhiCutsL1

float o2::its::study::mPhiCutsL1[12][2] = {{-137, -136.5}, {-114, -113.5}, {-91.5, -91}, {-68.5, -68}, {-45.6, -45.4}, {-23.1, -22.9}, {45.4, 45.6}, {67.4, 67.6}, {89.4, 89.6}, {110.4, 110.6}, {132.4, 132.6}, {154.4, 154.6}}

Definition at line 33 of file Efficiency.h.

◆ mPhiCutsL2

float o2::its::study::mPhiCutsL2[17][2] = {{-162.85, -162.65}, {-145, -144.5}, {-127, -126.5}, {-109, -108.5}, {-91, -90.5}, {-73, -72.5}, {-55.1, -54.9}, {-37.35, -37.15}, {-19.5, -19}, {36.8, 37}, {54.4, 54.6}, {71.9, 72.1}, {89, 89.5}, {106.4, 106.6}, {123.65, 123.85}, {141.4, 141.6}, {158.9, 159.1}}

Definition at line 34 of file Efficiency.h.

◆ mPtCuts

float o2::its::study::mPtCuts[2] = {0, 10}

Definition at line 38 of file Efficiency.h.

◆ sigmaDcaXY

float o2::its::study::sigmaDcaXY[3] = {0.00109, 0.000895, 0.001520}

Definition at line 50 of file Efficiency.h.

◆ sigmaDcaZ

float o2::its::study::sigmaDcaZ[3] = {0.001366, 0.001149, 0.001868}

Definition at line 51 of file Efficiency.h.