No Matches
Constants.h File Reference
#include <Rtypes.h>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <exception>
#include <cstdint>

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class  o2::emcal::InvalidChanneltypeException
 Error handling invalid channel types. More...


namespace  o2
 a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete objects
namespace  o2::emcal
namespace  o2::emcal::constants
namespace  o2::emcal::triggerbits
namespace  o2::emcal::STUparam
namespace  o2::emcal::TRUparam


enum  {
  o2::emcal::EMCAL_MODULES = 22 , o2::emcal::EMCAL_ROWS = 24 , o2::emcal::EMCAL_COLS = 48 , o2::emcal::EMCAL_LEDREFS = 24 ,
  o2::emcal::EMCAL_TEMPSENSORS = 8
enum  o2::emcal::ChannelType_t { o2::emcal::LOW_GAIN , o2::emcal::HIGH_GAIN , o2::emcal::TRU , o2::emcal::LEDMON }
 Type of a raw data channel. More...
enum  o2::emcal::FitAlgorithm { o2::emcal::Standard = 0 , o2::emcal::Gamma2 = 1 , o2::emcal::NeuralNet = 2 , o2::emcal::NONE = 3 }
enum  o2::emcal::STUtype_t { o2::emcal::ESTU = 0 , o2::emcal::DSTU = 1 }


std::string o2::emcal::channelTypeToString (ChannelType_t chantype)
 Create string representation of the channel type object.
int o2::emcal::channelTypeToInt (ChannelType_t chantype)
 integer representation of the channel type object
ChannelType_t o2::emcal::intToChannelType (int chantype)
 Convert integer number to channel type object.
std::ostream & o2::emcal::operator<< (std::ostream &stream, ChannelType_t chantype)
 Stream operator for ChannelType_t.


constexpr int o2::emcal::STUparam::FeeID [2] = {44, 45}
constexpr int o2::emcal::STUparam::NTRU [2] = {32, 14}
 number of TRUs
constexpr int o2::emcal::STUparam::CFG_nWords [2] = {17, 17}
 number of configuration words
constexpr int o2::emcal::STUparam::L1JetIndex_nWords [2] = {11, 11}
 number of words with Jet indices
constexpr int o2::emcal::STUparam::L0index_nWords [2] = {96, 42}
 number of words with null data
constexpr int o2::emcal::STUparam::L1GammaIndex_nWords [2] = {128, 56}
 number of words with Gamma indices
constexpr int o2::emcal::STUparam::Raw_nWords [2] = {1536, 672}
 number of words with ADC
constexpr int o2::emcal::STUparam::SubregionsEta [2] = {12, 12}
 number of subregions over eta
constexpr int o2::emcal::STUparam::SubregionsPhi [2] = {16, 10}
 number of subregions over phi
constexpr int o2::emcal::STUparam::PaloadSizeFull [2] = {1928, 866}
 number of words in full payload = 1944/882-16
constexpr int o2::emcal::STUparam::PaloadSizeShort [2] = {391, 193}
 number of words in shorts payload = 407/209-16
constexpr int o2::emcal::TRUparam::Nchannels = 96
 number of FastORs per TRU
constexpr int o2::emcal::TRUparam::NchannelsOverEta = 8
 number of FastORs over Eta for full- and 2/3-size SMs
constexpr int o2::emcal::TRUparam::NchannelsOverPhi = 12
 number of FastORs over Phi for full- and 2/3-size SMs
constexpr int o2::emcal::TRUparam::NchannelsOverEta_long = 24
 number of FastORs over Eta for 1/3-size SMs
constexpr int o2::emcal::TRUparam::NchannelsOverPhi_long = 4
 number of FastORs over Phi for 1/3-size SMs