No Matches

Global tracking workflows

Primary vertexer and vertex-track matcher

Builds primary vertices from all allowed sources (currently by default: ITS, ITS-TPC, ITS-TPC-TOF, can be reduced with --vertexing-sources <source0,source1...>) and if builds a vector of indices (VtxTrackIndex) of tracks from every source (currently by default: ITS, TPC, ITS-TPC, TPC-TOF, ITS-TPC-TOF, can be reduced with --vertex-track-matching-sources) which either contributes to vertex (flagged) or matches to it time-wise (ambiguous matches are flagged). To disable vertex tracks matching used --vertex-track-matching-sources none.

a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...

The list of track sources used for vertexing can be steer

Cosmics tracker

Matches and refits top-bottom legs of cosmic tracks. A test case:

o2-sim -n1000 -m PIPE ITS TPC TOF -g extgen --configKeyValues "GeneratorExternal.fileName=$O2_ROOT/share/Generators/external/GenCosmicsLoader.C;cosmics.maxAngle=30.;cosmics.accept=ITS0"
o2-sim-digitizer-workflow --interactionRate 70000
o2-tpc-reco-workflow --tpc-digit-reader '--infile tpcdigits.root' --input-type digits --output-type clusters,tracks --configKeyValues "GPU_proc.ompThreads=4;" --shm-segment-size 10000000000 --run | tee recTPC.log
o2-its-reco-workflow --trackerCA --tracking-mode cosmics --shm-segment-size 10000000000 --run | tee recITS.log
o2-tpcits-match-workflow --tpc-track-reader tpctracks.root --tpc-native-cluster-reader "--infile tpc-native-clusters.root" --shm-segment-size 10000000000 --run | tee recTPCITS.log
o2-tof-reco-workflow --shm-segment-size 10000000000 --run | tee recTOF.log
o2-tof-matcher-workflow --shm-segment-size 10000000000 --run | tee recTOF_Tracks.log
o2-cosmics-match-workflow --shm-segment-size 10000000000 --run | tee cosmics.log
void output(const std::map< std::string, ChannelStat > &channels)
Definition rawdump.cxx:197
bool match(const std::vector< std::string > &queries, const char *pattern)
Definition dcs-ccdb.cxx:229
const GLfloat * m
Definition glcorearb.h:4066
GLenum mode
Definition glcorearb.h:266
GLuint segment
Definition glcorearb.h:4945
GLsizeiptr size
Definition glcorearb.h:659
GLint GLint GLsizei GLint GLenum GLenum type
Definition glcorearb.h:275
GLboolean GLboolean g
Definition glcorearb.h:1233
std::vector< Cluster > clusters
std::vector< Digit > digits

One can account contributions of a limited set of track sources (currently by default: ITS, TPC, ITS-TPC, TPC-TOF, ITS-TPC-TOF) by providing optiont --track-sources.

Using TF throttling when reading root files from detectors processing (tracks, clusters etc.)

The workflows driven by the input from the root files produced by detectors (e.g. by the o2-global-track-cluster-reader), can be preceded by the o2-reader-driver-workflow which will allow to have TF throttling via usual --timeframes-rate-limit <NTF> and --timeframes-rate-limit-ipcid <ID> options. The o2-reader-driver-workflow as well as all reader workflows must be provided with the --hbfutils-config <tf_idinfo_file>,upstream option, with <tf_idinfo_file> being the file produced by the o2-tfidinfo-writer-workflow (usually o2_tfidinfo.root file). If this file is in the working directory, then the --hbfutils-config option can be shortened to upstream only.

The o2-reader-driver-workflow is not supported for o2simdigitizerworkflow_configuration.ini version of the --hbfutils-config, since it is used only for MC, where by construction there is only 1 TF, hence the throttling is meaningless.

Option --max-tf <n> of the o2-reader-driver-workflow allows to inject only 1st <n> TFs by the dowsntream readers.

A typical invocation of the throttled workflow is:

GLOSET=" --shm-segment-size 24000000000 --timeframes-rate-limit 2 --timeframes-rate-limit-ipcid 0"
HBFSET=" --hbfutils-config upstream,o2_tfidinfo.root "
o2-reader-driver-workflow $GLOSET $HBFSET --max-tf 3 | o2-global-track-cluster-reader $GLOSET $HBFSET --disable-mc --track-types <...> --cluster-types <...> | [<other readers> $GLOSET $HBFSET ] | <consumer workflows > $GLOSET --run