No Matches
Utils.h File Reference
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <string_view>
#include "TPCBase/CalDet.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  o2
 a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete objects
namespace  o2::tpc
 Global TPC definitions and constants.
namespace  utils
 Common utility functions.
namespace  o2::tpc::utils


const std::vector< std::string > o2::tpc::utils::tokenize (const std::string_view input, const std::string_view pattern)
TH1 * o2::tpc::utils::getBinInfoXY (int &binx, int &biny, float &bincx, float &bincy)
void o2::tpc::utils::addFECInfo ()
void o2::tpc::utils::saveCanvases (TObjArray &arr, std::string_view outDir, std::string_view types="png,pdf", std::string_view rootFileName="", std::string nameAdd="")
void o2::tpc::utils::saveCanvases (std::vector< TCanvas * > &canvases, std::string_view outDir, std::string_view types="png,pdf", std::string_view rootFileName="", std::string nameAdd="")
void o2::tpc::utils::saveCanvas (TCanvas &c, std::string_view outDir, std::string_view types, std::string nameAdd="")
std::vector< CalPad * > o2::tpc::utils::readCalPads (const std::string_view fileName, const std::vector< std::string > &calPadNames)
std::vector< CalPad * > o2::tpc::utils::readCalPads (const std::string_view fileName, const std::string_view calPadNames)
void o2::tpc::utils::mergeCalPads (std::string_view outputFileName, std::string_view inputFileNames, std::string_view calPadNames, bool average=false)
TChain * o2::tpc::utils::buildChain (std::string_view command, std::string_view treeName, std::string_view treeTitle="", bool checkSubDir=false)
template<typename Iterator >
std::string o2::tpc::utils::elementsToString (Iterator begin, Iterator end, const std::string separator=", ")
template<typename T >
std::string o2::tpc::utils::elementsToString (const T &val, const std::string separator=", ")

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