No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
2// See for details of the copyright holders.
3// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
5// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
6// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
8// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
9// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
10// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
17#include "Rtypes.h" // for Double_t, ULong_t, etc
18#include <iostream>
19#include <climits>
20#include <cassert>
21#include <vector>
22#include <map>
23#include "Framework/Logger.h"
24#include "gsl/span"
26namespace o2
29namespace itsmft
32class CompClusterExt;
41 public:
43 NoiseMap(std::vector<std::map<int, int>>& noise) { mNoisyPixels.swap(noise); }
46 NoiseMap() = default;
48 NoiseMap(int nchips)
49 {
50 mNoisyPixels.assign(nchips, std::map<int, int>());
51 }
53 ~NoiseMap() = default;
56 float getNoiseLevel(int chip, int row, int col) const
57 {
58 assert(chip < (int)mNoisyPixels.size());
59 const auto keyIt = mNoisyPixels[chip].find(getKey(row, col));
60 if (keyIt != mNoisyPixels[chip].end()) {
61 return keyIt->second;
62 }
63 return 0;
64 }
66 void increaseNoiseCount(int chip, int row, int col)
67 {
68 assert(chip < (int)mNoisyPixels.size());
69 mNoisyPixels[chip][getKey(row, col)]++;
70 }
72 void increaseNoiseCount(int chip, const std::vector<int>& rowcolKey)
73 {
74 assert(chip < (int)mNoisyPixels.size());
75 auto& ch = mNoisyPixels[chip];
76 for (const auto k : rowcolKey) {
77 ch[k]++;
78 }
79 }
81 int dumpAboveThreshold(int t = 3) const
82 {
83 int n = 0;
84 auto chipID = mNoisyPixels.size();
85 while (chipID--) {
86 const auto& map = mNoisyPixels[chipID];
87 for (const auto& pair : map) {
88 if (pair.second <= t) {
89 continue;
90 }
91 n++;
92 auto key = pair.first;
93 auto row = key2Row(key);
94 auto col = key2Col(key);
95 std::cout << "chip, row, col, noise: " << chipID << ' ' << row << ' ' << col << ' ' << pair.second << '\n';
96 }
97 }
98 return n;
99 }
100 int dumpAboveProbThreshold(float p = 1e-7) const
101 {
102 return dumpAboveThreshold(p * mNumOfStrobes);
103 }
105 void applyProbThreshold(float t, long int n, float relErr = 0.2f, int minChipID = 0, int maxChipID = 24119)
106 {
107 // Remove from the maps all pixels with the firing probability below the threshold
108 // Apply the cut only for chips between minChipID and maxChipID (included)
109 if (n < 1) {
110 LOGP(alarm, "Cannot apply threshold with {} ROFs scanned", n);
111 return;
112 }
113 mProbThreshold = t;
114 mNumOfStrobes = n;
115 float minFiredForErr = 0.f;
116 if (relErr > 0) {
117 minFiredForErr = relErr * relErr - 1. / n;
118 if (minFiredForErr <= 0.f) {
119 LOGP(alarm, "Noise threshold {} with relative error {} is not reachable with {} ROFs processed, mask all permanently fired pixels", t, relErr, n);
120 minFiredForErr = n;
121 } else {
122 minFiredForErr = 1. / minFiredForErr;
123 }
124 }
125 int minFired = std::ceil(std::max(t * mNumOfStrobes, minFiredForErr)); // min number of fired pixels exceeding requested threshold
126 auto req = getMinROFs(t, relErr);
127 if (n < req) {
128 mProbThreshold = float(minFired) / n;
129 LOGP(alarm, "Requested relative error {} with prob.threshold {} needs > {} ROFs, {} provided: pixels with noise >{} will be masked", relErr, t, req, n, mProbThreshold);
130 }
132 int currChipID = 0;
133 for (auto& map : mNoisyPixels) {
134 if (currChipID < minChipID || currChipID > maxChipID) { // chipID range
135 currChipID++;
136 continue;
137 }
138 for (auto it = map.begin(); it != map.end();) {
139 if (it->second < minFired) {
140 it = map.erase(it);
141 } else {
142 ++it;
143 }
144 }
145 currChipID++;
146 }
147 }
148 float getProbThreshold() const { return mProbThreshold; }
149 long int getNumOfStrobes() const { return mNumOfStrobes; }
151 bool isNoisy(int chip, int row, int col) const
152 {
153 assert(chip < (int)mNoisyPixels.size());
154 return (mNoisyPixels[chip].find(getKey(row, col)) != mNoisyPixels[chip].end());
155 }
157 bool isNoisyOrFullyMasked(int chip, int row, int col) const
158 {
159 assert(chip < (int)mNoisyPixels.size());
160 return isNoisy(chip, row, col) || isFullChipMasked(chip);
161 }
163 bool isNoisy(int chip) const
164 {
165 assert(chip < (int)mNoisyPixels.size());
166 return !mNoisyPixels[chip].empty();
167 }
169 // Methods required by the calibration framework
170 void print();
171 void fill(const gsl::span<const CompClusterExt> data);
173 const std::map<int, int>* getChipMap(int chip) const { return chip < (int)mNoisyPixels.size() ? &mNoisyPixels[chip] : nullptr; }
175 std::map<int, int>& getChip(int chip) { return mNoisyPixels[chip]; }
176 const std::map<int, int>& getChip(int chip) const { return mNoisyPixels[chip]; }
178 void maskFullChip(int chip, bool cleanNoisyPixels = false)
179 {
180 if (cleanNoisyPixels) {
181 resetChip(chip);
182 }
183 increaseNoiseCount(chip, -1, -1);
184 }
186 bool isFullChipMasked(int chip) const
187 {
188 return isNoisy(chip, -1, -1);
189 }
191 void resetChip(int chip)
192 {
193 assert(chip < (int)mNoisyPixels.size());
194 mNoisyPixels[chip].clear();
195 }
197 static long getMinROFs(float t, float relErr)
198 {
199 // calculate min number of ROFs needed to reach threshold t with relative error relErr
200 relErr = relErr >= 0.f ? relErr : 0.1;
201 t = t >= 0.f ? t : 1e-6;
202 return std::ceil((1. + 1. / t) / (relErr * relErr));
203 }
206 {
207 int incre = 0;
208 for (size_t i = 0; i < (int)mNoisyPixels.size(); ++i) {
209 for (const auto& prev_np : prev->mNoisyPixels[i]) { // only enters this for loop if the "i" chip exists.
210 if (mNoisyPixels[i].find(prev_np.first) == mNoisyPixels[i].end()) {
211 mNoisyPixels[i][prev_np.first] = prev_np.second;
212 incre++;
213 }
214 } // end of for loop on elements of previous noise map
215 } // end of for loop on i (chip ID)
216 return (mNoisyPixels);
217 } // end of void merge
219 size_t size() const { return mNoisyPixels.size(); }
220 void setNumOfStrobes(long n) { mNumOfStrobes = n; }
221 void addStrobes(long n) { mNumOfStrobes += n; }
222 long getNumberOfStrobes() const { return mNumOfStrobes; }
223 static int getKey(int row, int col) { return (row << SHIFT) + col; }
224 static int key2Row(int key) { return key >> SHIFT; }
225 static int key2Col(int key) { return key & MASK; }
227 private:
228 static constexpr int SHIFT = 10, MASK = (0x1 << SHIFT) - 1;
229 std::vector<std::map<int, int>> mNoisyPixels;
230 long int mNumOfStrobes = 0;
231 float mProbThreshold = 0;
233 ClassDefNV(NoiseMap, 2);
235} // namespace itsmft
236} // namespace o2
int32_t i
uint32_t col
Definition RawData.h:4
StringRef key
NoiseMap class for the ITS and MFT.
Definition NoiseMap.h:39
size_t size() const
Definition NoiseMap.h:219
float getProbThreshold() const
Definition NoiseMap.h:148
bool isNoisy(int chip) const
Definition NoiseMap.h:163
long getNumberOfStrobes() const
Definition NoiseMap.h:222
NoiseMap merge(const NoiseMap *prev)
Definition NoiseMap.h:205
static int getKey(int row, int col)
Definition NoiseMap.h:223
void addStrobes(long n)
Definition NoiseMap.h:221
int dumpAboveProbThreshold(float p=1e-7) const
Definition NoiseMap.h:100
bool isFullChipMasked(int chip) const
Definition NoiseMap.h:186
void increaseNoiseCount(int chip, int row, int col)
Definition NoiseMap.h:66
const std::map< int, int > * getChipMap(int chip) const
Definition NoiseMap.h:173
static int key2Col(int key)
Definition NoiseMap.h:225
void maskFullChip(int chip, bool cleanNoisyPixels=false)
Definition NoiseMap.h:178
static int key2Row(int key)
Definition NoiseMap.h:224
std::map< int, int > & getChip(int chip)
Definition NoiseMap.h:175
NoiseMap(std::vector< std::map< int, int > > &noise)
Constructor, initializing values for position, charge and readout frame.
Definition NoiseMap.h:43
void fill(const gsl::span< const CompClusterExt > data)
Definition NoiseMap.cxx:44
bool isNoisyOrFullyMasked(int chip, int row, int col) const
Definition NoiseMap.h:157
void applyProbThreshold(float t, long int n, float relErr=0.2f, int minChipID=0, int maxChipID=24119)
Definition NoiseMap.h:105
int dumpAboveThreshold(int t=3) const
Definition NoiseMap.h:81
const std::map< int, int > & getChip(int chip) const
Definition NoiseMap.h:176
void resetChip(int chip)
Definition NoiseMap.h:191
void setNumOfStrobes(long n)
Definition NoiseMap.h:220
void increaseNoiseCount(int chip, const std::vector< int > &rowcolKey)
Definition NoiseMap.h:72
long int getNumOfStrobes() const
Definition NoiseMap.h:149
static long getMinROFs(float t, float relErr)
Definition NoiseMap.h:197
NoiseMap(int nchips)
Definition NoiseMap.h:48
float getNoiseLevel(int chip, int row, int col) const
Get the noise level for this pixels.
Definition NoiseMap.h:56
bool isNoisy(int chip, int row, int col) const
Definition NoiseMap.h:151
GLdouble n
Definition glcorearb.h:1982
GLuint GLuint end
Definition glcorearb.h:469
GLboolean * data
Definition glcorearb.h:298
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...
std::vector< int > row