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TrackInterpolation.h File Reference

Definition of the TrackInterpolation class. More...

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struct  o2::tpc::TPCClusterResiduals
 Internal struct used to store the unbinned TPC cluster residuals with float values. More...
struct  o2::tpc::UnbinnedResid
struct  o2::tpc::TrackDataCompact
 Structure for the information required to associate each residual with a given track type (ITS-TPC-TRD-TOF, etc) More...
struct  o2::tpc::TrackDataExtended
 Heavy structure with track parameterizations + track points for debugging. More...
struct  o2::tpc::TrackData
 Structure filled for each track with track quality information and a vector with TPCClusterResiduals. More...
class  o2::tpc::TrackInterpolation
struct  o2::tpc::TrackInterpolation::CacheStruct
 Structure for caching positions, covariances and angles for extrapolations from ITS and TRD/TOF and for interpolation. More...
struct  o2::tpc::TrackInterpolation::TrackParams
 Structure for on-the-fly re-calculated track parameters at the validation stage. More...


namespace  o2
 a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete objects
namespace  o2::tpc
 Global TPC definitions and constants.

Detailed Description

Definition of the TrackInterpolation class.

Ole Schmidt, ole.s.nosp@m.chmi.nosp@m.dt@ce.nosp@m.rn.c.nosp@m.h

Definition in file TrackInterpolation.h.