No Matches
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1// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
2// See for details of the copyright holders.
3// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
5// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
6// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
8// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
9// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
10// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
18#include <typeinfo>
19#include <utility>
20#include <fstream>
21#include <TMemFile.h>
22#include "Headers/DataHeader.h"
25#include "CCDB/CcdbObjectInfo.h"
27#include "CCDB/CcdbApi.h"
28#include <vector>
30namespace o2
32namespace calibration
35struct Utils {
37 enum ValueType { Invalid = 0,
43 static constexpr o2::header::DataOrigin gDataOriginCDBPayload{"CLP"}; // generic DataOrigin for calibrations payload
44 static constexpr o2::header::DataOrigin gDataOriginCDBWrapper{"CLW"}; // generic DataOrigin for calibrations wrapper
45 template <typename T>
46 static void prepareCCDBobjectInfo(T& obj, o2::ccdb::CcdbObjectInfo& info, const std::string& path,
47 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& md, long start, long end = -1);
49 static std::pair<int, double> findPair(const std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, double>>& vect, uint64_t timestamp)
50 {
51 // function to find the pair in the vector with the timestamp closest in the past to the one passed as argument
52 // if two entries in the vector have the same timestamp, the first that is found is used
54 // let's first check that the elements are sorted in ascending order
55 if (!std::is_sorted(vect.begin(), vect.end(), [](const std::pair<uint64_t, double>& lhs, const std::pair<uint64_t, double>& rhs) -> bool { return lhs.first < rhs.first; })) {
56 LOG(fatal) << "Vector is not sorted, we cannot execute the findPair function";
57 }
58 auto lower = std::lower_bound(vect.begin(), vect.end(), timestamp, [](const std::pair<uint64_t, double>& p, uint64_t value) { return p.first < value; });
59 if ((*lower).first == timestamp) {
60 LOG(debug) << "We found the element for the exact timestamp";
61 return std::make_pair(SameAsRequested, vect[std::distance(vect.begin(), lower)].second);
62 } else if (lower == vect.end()) {
63 LOG(debug) << "All values are smaller than the queried one " << timestamp << ", we return the closest available from below: " << vect.back().first;
64 return std::make_pair(ClosestAvailableFromBelow, vect.back().second);
65 } else if (lower == vect.begin()) {
66 LOG(debug) << "All values are greater that the queried one " << timestamp << ", we return the closest available from above: " << (*vect.begin()).first;
67 return std::make_pair(ClosestAvailableFromAbove, vect.begin()->second);
68 } else {
69 // doing interpolation
70 const auto& p1 = vect[std::distance(vect.begin(), lower) - 1];
71 const auto& p2 = vect[std::distance(vect.begin(), lower)];
72 auto t1 = p1.first;
73 auto t2 = p2.first;
74 auto val1 = p1.second;
75 auto val2 = p2.second;
76 if (t1 == t2) {
77 LOG(debug) << "times are the same, cannot interpolate, returning closest from below";
78 return std::make_pair(ClosestAvailableFromBelow, val1);
79 }
80 // in case values are not ordered in timestamp
81 double val = t2 > t1 ? (timestamp - t1) * (val2 - val1) / (t2 - t1) + val1 : (timestamp - t1) * (val1 - val2) / (t1 - t2) + val1;
82 LOG(debug) << "Doing interpolation between (" << t1 << ", " << val1 << ") and (" << t2 << ", " << val2 << ") for t = " << timestamp << " --> " << val;
83 return std::make_pair(Interpolation, val);
84 }
85 LOG(error) << "Something went wrong!";
86 return std::make_pair(Invalid, 0);
87 }
90template <typename T>
91void Utils::prepareCCDBobjectInfo(T& obj, o2::ccdb::CcdbObjectInfo& info, const std::string& path,
92 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& md, long start, long end)
95 // prepare all info to be sent to CCDB for object obj
97 auto flName = o2::ccdb::CcdbApi::generateFileName(clName);
98 info.setPath(path);
99 info.setObjectType(clName);
100 info.setFileName(flName);
103 info.setMetaData(md);
106} // namespace calibration
107} // namespace o2
constexpr int p2()
constexpr int p1()
constexpr to accelerate the coordinates changing
std::ostringstream debug
static std::string generateFileName(const std::string &inp)
Definition CcdbApi.cxx:798
void setStartValidityTimestamp(long start)
void setFileName(const std::string &nm)
void setPath(const std::string &path)
void setEndValidityTimestamp(long end)
void setObjectType(const std::string &tp)
void setMetaData(const std::map< std::string, std::string > &md)
GLuint GLuint end
Definition glcorearb.h:469
GLsizei const GLfloat * value
Definition glcorearb.h:819
GLuint GLfloat * val
Definition glcorearb.h:1582
GLsizei const GLchar *const * path
Definition glcorearb.h:3591
GLuint start
Definition glcorearb.h:469
GLuint GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat t1
Definition glcorearb.h:5034
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...
static void prepareCCDBobjectInfo(T &obj, o2::ccdb::CcdbObjectInfo &info, const std::string &path, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &md, long start, long end=-1)
Definition Utils.h:91
static constexpr o2::header::DataOrigin gDataOriginCDBWrapper
Definition Utils.h:44
static std::pair< int, double > findPair(const std::vector< std::pair< uint64_t, double > > &vect, uint64_t timestamp)
Definition Utils.h:49
static constexpr o2::header::DataOrigin gDataOriginCDBPayload
Definition Utils.h:43
static std::string getClassName(const T &obj)
get the class name of the object
LOG(info)<< "Compressed in "<< sw.CpuTime()<< " s"