No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
2// See for details of the copyright holders.
3// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
5// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
6// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
8// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
9// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
10// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
12// An absolut minimal implementation of a TVirtualMC.
17#include <TVector3.h>
18#include <TLorentzVector.h>
20#include <TMCProcess.h>
22#include <TVirtualMC.h>
23#include <TParticle.h>
24#include <TVirtualMCStack.h>
25#include <TMCManager.h>
27namespace o2
30namespace mc
36 public:
38 : TVirtualMC("O2TrivialMCEngine", "O2TrivialMCEngine")
39 {
40 fApplication->ConstructGeometry();
41 }
44 ~O2TrivialMCEngine() override = default;
46 //
47 // All the derived stuff
48 //
50 Bool_t IsRootGeometrySupported() const override
51 {
52 return kTRUE;
53 }
55 //
56 // functions from GCONS
57 // ------------------------------------------------
58 //
60 void Material(Int_t& kmat, const char* name, Double_t a,
61 Double_t z, Double_t dens, Double_t radl, Double_t absl,
62 Float_t* buf, Int_t nwbuf) override
63 {
64 Warning("Material", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
65 }
67 void Material(Int_t& kmat, const char* name, Double_t a,
68 Double_t z, Double_t dens, Double_t radl, Double_t absl,
69 Double_t* buf, Int_t nwbuf) override
70 {
71 Warning("Material", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
72 }
74 void Mixture(Int_t& kmat, const char* name, Float_t* a,
75 Float_t* z, Double_t dens, Int_t nlmat, Float_t* wmat) override
76 {
77 Warning("Mixture", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
78 }
80 void Mixture(Int_t& kmat, const char* name, Double_t* a,
81 Double_t* z, Double_t dens, Int_t nlmat, Double_t* wmat) override
82 {
83 Warning("Mixture", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
84 }
86 void Medium(Int_t& kmed, const char* name, Int_t nmat,
87 Int_t isvol, Int_t ifield, Double_t fieldm, Double_t tmaxfd,
88 Double_t stemax, Double_t deemax, Double_t epsil,
89 Double_t stmin, Float_t* ubuf, Int_t nbuf) override
90 {
91 Warning("Medium", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
92 }
94 void Medium(Int_t& kmed, const char* name, Int_t nmat,
95 Int_t isvol, Int_t ifield, Double_t fieldm, Double_t tmaxfd,
96 Double_t stemax, Double_t deemax, Double_t epsil,
97 Double_t stmin, Double_t* ubuf, Int_t nbuf) override
98 {
99 Warning("Medium", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
100 }
102 void Matrix(Int_t& krot, Double_t thetaX, Double_t phiX,
103 Double_t thetaY, Double_t phiY, Double_t thetaZ,
104 Double_t phiZ) override
105 {
106 Warning("Matrix", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
107 }
109 void Gstpar(Int_t itmed, const char* param, Double_t parval) override
110 {
111 Warning("Gstpar", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
112 }
114 //
115 // functions from GGEOM
116 // ------------------------------------------------
117 //
119 Int_t Gsvolu(const char* name, const char* shape, Int_t nmed,
120 Float_t* upar, Int_t np) override
121 {
122 Warning("Gsvolu", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
123 return -1;
124 }
126 Int_t Gsvolu(const char* name, const char* shape, Int_t nmed,
127 Double_t* upar, Int_t np) override
128 {
129 Warning("Gsvolu", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
130 return -1;
131 }
133 void Gsdvn(const char* name, const char* mother, Int_t ndiv,
134 Int_t iaxis) override
135 {
136 Warning("Gsdvn", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
137 }
139 void Gsdvn2(const char* name, const char* mother, Int_t ndiv,
140 Int_t iaxis, Double_t c0i, Int_t numed) override
141 {
142 Warning("Gsdvn2", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
143 }
145 void Gsdvt(const char* name, const char* mother, Double_t step,
146 Int_t iaxis, Int_t numed, Int_t ndvmx) override
147 {
148 Warning("Gsdvt", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
149 }
151 void Gsdvt2(const char* name, const char* mother, Double_t step,
152 Int_t iaxis, Double_t c0, Int_t numed, Int_t ndvmx) override
153 {
154 Warning("Gsdvt2", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
155 }
157 void Gsord(const char* name, Int_t iax) override
158 {
159 Warning("Gsord", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
160 }
162 void Gspos(const char* name, Int_t nr, const char* mother,
163 Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Int_t irot,
164 const char* konly = "ONLY") override
165 {
166 Warning("Gspos", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
167 }
169 void Gsposp(const char* name, Int_t nr, const char* mother,
170 Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Int_t irot,
171 const char* konly, Float_t* upar, Int_t np) override
172 {
173 Warning("Gsposp", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
174 }
176 void Gsposp(const char* name, Int_t nr, const char* mother,
177 Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Int_t irot,
178 const char* konly, Double_t* upar, Int_t np) override
179 {
180 Warning("Gsposp", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
181 }
183 void Gsbool(const char* onlyVolName, const char* manyVolName) override
184 {
185 Warning("Gsbool", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
186 }
188 //
189 // functions for definition of surfaces
190 // and material properties for optical physics
191 // ------------------------------------------------
192 //
194 void SetCerenkov(Int_t itmed, Int_t npckov, Float_t* ppckov, Float_t* absco, Float_t* effic, Float_t* rindex, Bool_t aspline = false, Bool_t rspline = false) override
195 {
196 Warning("SetCerenkov", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
197 }
199 void SetCerenkov(Int_t itmed, Int_t npckov, Double_t* ppckov, Double_t* absco, Double_t* effic, Double_t* rindex, Bool_t aspline = false, Bool_t rspline = false) override
200 {
201 Warning("SetCerenkov", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
202 }
204 void DefineOpSurface(const char* name,
205 EMCOpSurfaceModel model,
206 EMCOpSurfaceType surfaceType,
207 EMCOpSurfaceFinish surfaceFinish,
208 Double_t sigmaAlpha) override
209 {
210 Warning("DefineOpSurface", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
211 }
213 void SetBorderSurface(const char* name,
214 const char* vol1Name, int vol1CopyNo,
215 const char* vol2Name, int vol2CopyNo,
216 const char* opSurfaceName) override
217 {
218 Warning("SetBorderSurface", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
219 }
221 void SetSkinSurface(const char* name,
222 const char* volName,
223 const char* opSurfaceName) override
224 {
225 Warning("SetSkinSurface", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
226 }
228 void SetMaterialProperty(Int_t itmed, const char* propertyName, Int_t np, Double_t* pp, Double_t* values, Bool_t createNewKey = false, Bool_t spline = false) override
229 {
230 Warning("SetMaterialProperty", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
231 }
232 void SetMaterialProperty(Int_t itmed, const char* propertyName, Double_t value) override
233 {
234 Warning("SetMaterialProperty", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
235 }
236 void SetMaterialProperty(const char* surfaceName, const char* propertyName, Int_t np, Double_t* pp, Double_t* values, Bool_t createNewKey = false, Bool_t spline = false) override
237 {
238 Warning("SetMaterialProperty", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
239 }
241 //
242 // functions for access to geometry
243 // ------------------------------------------------
244 //
246 Bool_t GetTransformation(const TString& volumePath,
247 TGeoHMatrix& matrix) override
248 {
249 Warning("GetTransformation", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
250 return kFALSE;
251 }
253 Bool_t GetShape(const TString& volumePath,
254 TString& shapeType, TArrayD& par) override
255 {
256 Warning("GetShape", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
257 return kFALSE;
258 }
260 Bool_t GetMaterial(Int_t imat, TString& name,
261 Double_t& a, Double_t& z, Double_t& density,
262 Double_t& radl, Double_t& inter, TArrayD& par) override
263 {
264 Warning("GetMaterial", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
265 return kFALSE;
266 }
268 Bool_t GetMaterial(const TString& volumeName,
269 TString& name, Int_t& imat,
270 Double_t& a, Double_t& z, Double_t& density,
271 Double_t& radl, Double_t& inter, TArrayD& par) override
272 {
273 Warning("GetMaterial", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
274 return kFALSE;
275 }
277 Bool_t GetMedium(const TString& volumeName,
278 TString& name, Int_t& imed,
279 Int_t& nmat, Int_t& isvol, Int_t& ifield,
280 Double_t& fieldm, Double_t& tmaxfd, Double_t& stemax,
281 Double_t& deemax, Double_t& epsil, Double_t& stmin,
282 TArrayD& par) override
283 {
284 Warning("GetMedium", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
285 return kFALSE;
286 }
288 void WriteEuclid(const char* filnam, const char* topvol,
289 Int_t number, Int_t nlevel) override
290 {
291 Warning("WriteEuclid", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
292 }
294 void SetRootGeometry() override {}
296 void SetUserParameters(Bool_t isUserParameters) override
297 {
298 Warning("SetUserParameters", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
299 }
301 //
302 // get methods
303 // ------------------------------------------------
304 //
306 Int_t VolId(const char* volName) const override
307 {
308 Warning("VolId", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
309 return -1;
310 }
312 const char* VolName(Int_t id) const override
313 {
314 Warning("VolName", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
315 return "";
316 }
318 Int_t MediumId(const char* mediumName) const override
319 {
320 Warning("MediumId", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
321 return -1;
322 }
324 Int_t NofVolumes() const override
325 {
326 Warning("NofVolumes", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
327 return -1;
328 }
330 Int_t VolId2Mate(Int_t id) const override
331 {
332 Warning("VolId2Mate", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
333 return -1;
334 }
336 Int_t NofVolDaughters(const char* volName) const override
337 {
338 Warning("NofVolDaughters", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
339 return -1;
340 }
342 const char* VolDaughterName(const char* volName, Int_t i) const override
343 {
344 Warning("VolDaughterName", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
345 return "";
346 }
348 Int_t VolDaughterCopyNo(const char* volName, Int_t i) const override
349 {
350 Warning("VolDaughterCopyNo", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
351 return -1;
352 }
354 //
355 // ------------------------------------------------
356 // methods for sensitive detectors
357 // ------------------------------------------------
358 //
360 // Set a sensitive detector to a volume
361 // - volName - the volume name
362 // - sd - the user sensitive detector
363 void SetSensitiveDetector(const TString& volName, TVirtualMCSensitiveDetector* sd) override
364 {
365 Warning("SetSensitiveDetector", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
366 }
368 // Get a sensitive detector of a volume
369 // - volName - the volume name
370 TVirtualMCSensitiveDetector* GetSensitiveDetector(const TString& volName) const override
371 {
372 Warning("GetSensitiveDetector", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
373 return nullptr;
374 }
376 // The scoring option:
377 // if true, scoring is performed only via user defined sensitive detectors and
378 // MCApplication::Stepping is not called
379 void SetExclusiveSDScoring(Bool_t exclusiveSDScoring) override
380 {
381 Warning("SetExclusiveSDScoring", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
382 }
384 //
385 // ------------------------------------------------
386 // methods for physics management
387 // ------------------------------------------------
388 //
390 //
391 // set methods
392 // ------------------------------------------------
393 //
395 Bool_t SetCut(const char* cutName, Double_t cutValue) override
396 {
397 Warning("SetCut", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
398 return kFALSE;
399 }
401 Bool_t SetProcess(const char* flagName, Int_t flagValue) override
402 {
403 Warning("SetProcess", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
404 return kFALSE;
405 }
407 Bool_t DefineParticle(Int_t pdg, const char* name,
408 TMCParticleType mcType,
409 Double_t mass, Double_t charge, Double_t lifetime) override
410 {
411 Warning("DefineParticle", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
412 return kFALSE;
413 }
415 Bool_t DefineParticle(Int_t pdg, const char* name,
416 TMCParticleType mcType,
417 Double_t mass, Double_t charge, Double_t lifetime,
418 const TString& pType, Double_t width,
419 Int_t iSpin, Int_t iParity, Int_t iConjugation,
420 Int_t iIsospin, Int_t iIsospinZ, Int_t gParity,
421 Int_t lepton, Int_t baryon,
422 Bool_t stable, Bool_t shortlived = kFALSE,
423 const TString& subType = "",
424 Int_t antiEncoding = 0, Double_t magMoment = 0.0,
425 Double_t excitation = 0.0) override
426 {
427 Warning("DefineParticle", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
428 return kFALSE;
429 }
431 Bool_t DefineIon(const char* name, Int_t Z, Int_t A,
432 Int_t Q, Double_t excEnergy, Double_t mass = 0.) override
433 {
434 Warning("DefineIon", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
435 return kFALSE;
436 }
438 Bool_t SetDecayMode(Int_t pdg, Float_t bratio[6], Int_t mode[6][3]) override
439 {
440 Warning("SetDecayMode", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
441 return kFALSE;
442 }
444 Double_t Xsec(char*, Double_t, Int_t, Int_t) override
445 {
446 Warning("Xsec", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
447 return -1.;
448 }
450 //
451 // particle table usage
452 // ------------------------------------------------
453 //
455 Int_t IdFromPDG(Int_t pdg) const override
456 {
457 Warning("IdFromPDG", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
458 return -1;
459 }
461 Int_t PDGFromId(Int_t id) const override
462 {
463 Warning("PDGFromId", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
464 return -1;
465 }
467 //
468 // get methods
469 // ------------------------------------------------
470 //
472 TString ParticleName(Int_t pdg) const override
473 {
474 Warning("ParticleName", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
475 return TString();
476 }
478 Double_t ParticleMass(Int_t pdg) const override
479 {
480 Warning("ParticleMass", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
481 return -1.;
482 }
484 Double_t ParticleCharge(Int_t pdg) const override
485 {
486 Warning("ParticleCharge", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
487 return -1.;
488 }
490 Double_t ParticleLifeTime(Int_t pdg) const override
491 {
492 Warning("ParticleLifeTime", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
493 return -1.;
494 }
496 TMCParticleType ParticleMCType(Int_t pdg) const override
497 {
498 Warning("ParticleMCType", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
499 return TMCParticleType();
500 }
501 //
502 // ------------------------------------------------
503 // methods for step management
504 // ------------------------------------------------
505 //
507 //
508 // action methods
509 // ------------------------------------------------
510 //
512 void StopTrack() override
513 {
514 Warning("StopTrack", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
515 }
517 void StopEvent() override
518 {
519 Warning("StopEvent", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
520 }
522 void StopRun() override
523 {
524 Warning("StopRun", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
525 }
527 //
528 // set methods
529 // ------------------------------------------------
530 //
532 void SetMaxStep(Double_t) override
533 {
534 Warning("SetMaxStep", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
535 }
537 void SetMaxNStep(Int_t) override
538 {
539 Warning("SetMaxNStep", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
540 }
542 void SetUserDecay(Int_t pdg) override
543 {
544 Warning("SetUserDecay", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
545 }
547 void ForceDecayTime(Float_t) override
548 {
549 Warning("ForceDecayTime", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
550 }
552 //
553 // tracking volume(s)
554 // ------------------------------------------------
555 //
557 Int_t CurrentVolID(Int_t& copyNo) const override
558 {
559 Warning("CurrentVolID", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
560 return -1;
561 }
563 Int_t CurrentVolOffID(Int_t off, Int_t& copyNo) const override
564 {
565 Warning("CurrentVolOffID", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
566 return -1;
567 }
569 const char* CurrentVolName() const override
570 {
571 Warning("CurrentVolName", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
572 return "";
573 }
575 const char* CurrentVolOffName(Int_t off) const override
576 {
577 Warning("CurrentVolOffName", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
578 return "";
579 }
581 const char* CurrentVolPath() override
582 {
583 Warning("CurrentVolPath", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
584 return "";
585 }
588 Double_t& x, Double_t& y, Double_t& z) const override
589 {
590 Warning("CurrentBoundaryNormal", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
591 return kFALSE;
592 }
595 Float_t& dens, Float_t& radl, Float_t& absl) const override
596 {
597 Warning("CurrentMaterial", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
598 return -1;
599 }
601 Int_t CurrentMedium() const override
602 {
603 Warning("CurrentMedium", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
604 return -1;
605 }
607 Int_t CurrentEvent() const override
608 {
609 Warning("CurrentEvent", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
610 return -1;
611 }
613 void Gmtod(Float_t* xm, Float_t* xd, Int_t iflag) override
614 {
615 Warning("Gmtod", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
616 }
618 void Gmtod(Double_t* xm, Double_t* xd, Int_t iflag) override
619 {
620 Warning("Gmtod", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
621 }
623 void Gdtom(Float_t* xd, Float_t* xm, Int_t iflag) override
624 {
625 Warning("Gdtom", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
626 }
628 void Gdtom(Double_t* xd, Double_t* xm, Int_t iflag) override
629 {
630 Warning("Gdtom", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
631 }
633 Double_t MaxStep() const override
634 {
635 Warning("MaxStep", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
636 return -1.;
637 }
639 Int_t GetMaxNStep() const override
640 {
641 Warning("GetMaxNStep", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
642 return -1;
643 }
645 //
646 // get methods
647 // tracking particle
648 // dynamic properties
649 // ------------------------------------------------
650 //
652 void TrackPosition(TLorentzVector& position) const override
653 {
654 Warning("TrackPosition", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
655 }
657 void TrackPosition(Double_t& x, Double_t& y, Double_t& z) const override
658 {
659 Warning("TrackPosition", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
660 }
662 void TrackPosition(Float_t& x, Float_t& y, Float_t& z) const override
663 {
664 Warning("TrackPosition", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
665 }
667 void TrackMomentum(TLorentzVector& momentum) const override
668 {
669 Warning("TrackMomentum", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
670 }
672 void TrackMomentum(Double_t& px, Double_t& py, Double_t& pz, Double_t& etot) const override
673 {
674 Warning("TrackMomentum", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
675 }
677 void TrackMomentum(Float_t& px, Float_t& py, Float_t& pz, Float_t& etot) const override
678 {
679 Warning("TrackMomentum", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
680 }
682 Double_t TrackStep() const override
683 {
684 Warning("TrackStep", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
685 return -1.;
686 }
688 Double_t TrackLength() const override
689 {
690 Warning("TrackLength", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
691 return -1.;
692 }
694 Double_t TrackTime() const override
695 {
696 Warning("TrackTime", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
697 return -1.;
698 }
700 Double_t Edep() const override
701 {
702 Warning("Edep", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
703 return -1.;
704 }
706 Double_t NIELEdep() const override
707 {
708 Warning("NIELEdep", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
709 return -1.;
710 }
712 Int_t StepNumber() const override
713 {
714 Warning("StepNumber", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
715 return -1;
716 }
718 Double_t TrackWeight() const override
719 {
720 Warning("TrackWeight", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
721 return -1.;
722 }
724 void TrackPolarization(Double_t& polX, Double_t& polY, Double_t& polZ) const override
725 {
726 Warning("TrackPolarization", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
727 }
729 void TrackPolarization(TVector3& pol) const override
730 {
731 Warning("TrackPolarization", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
732 }
734 //
735 // get methods
736 // tracking particle
737 // static properties
738 // ------------------------------------------------
739 //
741 Int_t TrackPid() const override
742 {
743 Warning("TrackPid", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
744 return -1;
745 }
747 Double_t TrackCharge() const override
748 {
749 Warning("TrackCharge", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
750 return -1.;
751 }
753 Double_t TrackMass() const override
754 {
755 Warning("TrackMass", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
756 return -1.;
757 }
759 Double_t Etot() const override
760 {
761 Warning("Etot", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
762 return -1.;
763 }
765 //
766 // get methods - track status
767 // ------------------------------------------------
768 //
770 Bool_t IsNewTrack() const override
771 {
772 Warning("IsNewTrack", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
773 return kFALSE;
774 }
776 Bool_t IsTrackInside() const override
777 {
778 Warning("IsTrackInside", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
779 return kFALSE;
780 }
782 Bool_t IsTrackEntering() const override
783 {
784 Warning("IsTrackEntering", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
785 return kFALSE;
786 }
788 Bool_t IsTrackExiting() const override
789 {
790 Warning("IsTrackExiting", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
791 return kFALSE;
792 }
794 Bool_t IsTrackOut() const override
795 {
796 Warning("IsTrackOut", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
797 return kFALSE;
798 }
800 Bool_t IsTrackDisappeared() const override
801 {
802 Warning("IsTrackDisappeared", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
803 return kFALSE;
804 }
806 Bool_t IsTrackStop() const override
807 {
808 Warning("IsTrackStop", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
809 return kFALSE;
810 }
812 Bool_t IsTrackAlive() const override
813 {
814 Warning("IsTrackAlive", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
815 return kFALSE;
816 }
818 //
819 // get methods - secondaries
820 // ------------------------------------------------
821 //
823 Int_t NSecondaries() const override
824 {
825 Warning("NSecondaries", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
826 return -1;
827 }
829 void GetSecondary(Int_t isec, Int_t& particleId,
830 TLorentzVector& position, TLorentzVector& momentum) override
831 {
832 Warning("GetSecondary", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
833 }
835 TMCProcess ProdProcess(Int_t isec) const override
836 {
837 Warning("ProdProcess", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
838 return TMCProcess();
839 }
841 Int_t StepProcesses(TArrayI& proc) const override
842 {
843 Warning("StepProcesses", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
844 return -1;
845 }
847 Bool_t SecondariesAreOrdered() const override
848 {
849 Warning("SecondariesAreOrdered", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
850 return kFALSE;
851 }
853 //
854 // ------------------------------------------------
855 // Control methods
856 // ------------------------------------------------
857 //
859 void Init() override
860 {
861 fApplication->InitGeometry();
862 Warning("Init", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
863 }
865 void BuildPhysics() override
866 {
867 Warning("BuildPhysics", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
868 }
870 void ProcessEvent(Int_t eventId) override
871 {
872 processEventImpl();
873 }
875 void ProcessEvent(Int_t eventId, Bool_t isInterruptible) override
876 {
877 Warning("ProcessEvent", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
878 }
880 void ProcessEvent() override
881 {
882 processEventImpl();
883 }
885 void InterruptTrack() override
886 {
887 Info("InterruptTrack", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
888 }
890 Bool_t ProcessRun(Int_t nevent) override
891 {
892 if (nevent <= 0) {
893 return kFALSE;
894 }
896 for (Int_t i = 0; i < nevent; i++) {
898 }
899 return kTRUE;
900 }
902 void TerminateRun() override
903 {
904 Warning("TerminateRun", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
905 }
907 void InitLego() override
908 {
909 Warning("InitLego", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
910 }
912 void SetCollectTracks(Bool_t collectTracks) override
913 {
914 Warning("SetCollectTracks", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
915 }
917 Bool_t IsCollectTracks() const override
918 {
919 Warning("IsCollectTracks", "Not implemented in this trivial engine");
920 return kFALSE;
921 }
923 Bool_t IsMT() const override { return kFALSE; }
925 private:
927 O2TrivialMCEngine& operator=(O2TrivialMCEngine const&);
928 void processEventImpl()
929 {
930 auto stack = GetStack();
931 if (!TMCManager::Instance()) {
932 fApplication->GeneratePrimaries();
933 }
934 Int_t nPopped{};
935 Int_t itrack;
936 fApplication->BeginEvent();
937 while (true) {
938 if (!stack->PopNextTrack(itrack)) {
939 break;
940 }
941 nPopped++;
942 fApplication->BeginPrimary();
943 fApplication->PreTrack();
944 fApplication->PostTrack();
945 fApplication->FinishPrimary();
946 }
947 fApplication->FinishEvent();
948 Info("processEventImpl", "Popped %d primaries", nPopped);
949 }
952} // namespace mc
954} // namespace o2
int16_t charge
Definition RawEventData.h:5
int32_t i
uint32_t stack
Definition RawData.h:1
Definition A.h:16
const char * CurrentVolPath() override
Double_t TrackStep() const override
Int_t NSecondaries() const override
void SetUserParameters(Bool_t isUserParameters) override
void Matrix(Int_t &krot, Double_t thetaX, Double_t phiX, Double_t thetaY, Double_t phiY, Double_t thetaZ, Double_t phiZ) override
const char * VolName(Int_t id) const override
Int_t StepNumber() const override
void SetCerenkov(Int_t itmed, Int_t npckov, Double_t *ppckov, Double_t *absco, Double_t *effic, Double_t *rindex, Bool_t aspline=false, Bool_t rspline=false) override
void SetCerenkov(Int_t itmed, Int_t npckov, Float_t *ppckov, Float_t *absco, Float_t *effic, Float_t *rindex, Bool_t aspline=false, Bool_t rspline=false) override
void SetSkinSurface(const char *name, const char *volName, const char *opSurfaceName) override
Double_t ParticleMass(Int_t pdg) const override
Int_t CurrentMedium() const override
void TrackMomentum(TLorentzVector &momentum) const override
Double_t NIELEdep() const override
TString ParticleName(Int_t pdg) const override
Double_t TrackLength() const override
Int_t NofVolumes() const override
Bool_t IsNewTrack() const override
Int_t GetMaxNStep() const override
void SetMaterialProperty(const char *surfaceName, const char *propertyName, Int_t np, Double_t *pp, Double_t *values, Bool_t createNewKey=false, Bool_t spline=false) override
Int_t CurrentVolID(Int_t &copyNo) const override
void Gstpar(Int_t itmed, const char *param, Double_t parval) override
Int_t VolId2Mate(Int_t id) const override
void Gdtom(Double_t *xd, Double_t *xm, Int_t iflag) override
void Mixture(Int_t &kmat, const char *name, Double_t *a, Double_t *z, Double_t dens, Int_t nlmat, Double_t *wmat) override
Bool_t IsTrackExiting() const override
void Gsdvt(const char *name, const char *mother, Double_t step, Int_t iaxis, Int_t numed, Int_t ndvmx) override
void TrackPosition(Float_t &x, Float_t &y, Float_t &z) const override
Int_t MediumId(const char *mediumName) const override
Bool_t ProcessRun(Int_t nevent) override
void TrackMomentum(Float_t &px, Float_t &py, Float_t &pz, Float_t &etot) const override
void ForceDecayTime(Float_t) override
Double_t ParticleCharge(Int_t pdg) const override
Int_t CurrentMaterial(Float_t &a, Float_t &z, Float_t &dens, Float_t &radl, Float_t &absl) const override
Bool_t GetMaterial(const TString &volumeName, TString &name, Int_t &imat, Double_t &a, Double_t &z, Double_t &density, Double_t &radl, Double_t &inter, TArrayD &par) override
TMCParticleType ParticleMCType(Int_t pdg) const override
~O2TrivialMCEngine() override=default
For now just default destructor.
Bool_t GetTransformation(const TString &volumePath, TGeoHMatrix &matrix) override
Bool_t GetShape(const TString &volumePath, TString &shapeType, TArrayD &par) override
void SetMaxNStep(Int_t) override
Bool_t IsTrackDisappeared() const override
Bool_t SetProcess(const char *flagName, Int_t flagValue) override
void DefineOpSurface(const char *name, EMCOpSurfaceModel model, EMCOpSurfaceType surfaceType, EMCOpSurfaceFinish surfaceFinish, Double_t sigmaAlpha) override
Double_t MaxStep() const override
void ProcessEvent(Int_t eventId) override
void Gsposp(const char *name, Int_t nr, const char *mother, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Int_t irot, const char *konly, Double_t *upar, Int_t np) override
Int_t TrackPid() const override
Bool_t IsTrackOut() const override
Int_t CurrentEvent() const override
Bool_t CurrentBoundaryNormal(Double_t &x, Double_t &y, Double_t &z) const override
const char * CurrentVolOffName(Int_t off) const override
void Material(Int_t &kmat, const char *name, Double_t a, Double_t z, Double_t dens, Double_t radl, Double_t absl, Double_t *buf, Int_t nwbuf) override
Int_t StepProcesses(TArrayI &proc) const override
void Gsdvt2(const char *name, const char *mother, Double_t step, Int_t iaxis, Double_t c0, Int_t numed, Int_t ndvmx) override
void SetBorderSurface(const char *name, const char *vol1Name, int vol1CopyNo, const char *vol2Name, int vol2CopyNo, const char *opSurfaceName) override
const char * VolDaughterName(const char *volName, Int_t i) const override
Bool_t SecondariesAreOrdered() const override
void Gdtom(Float_t *xd, Float_t *xm, Int_t iflag) override
void Gmtod(Double_t *xm, Double_t *xd, Int_t iflag) override
void TrackMomentum(Double_t &px, Double_t &py, Double_t &pz, Double_t &etot) const override
Bool_t SetCut(const char *cutName, Double_t cutValue) override
void SetMaterialProperty(Int_t itmed, const char *propertyName, Int_t np, Double_t *pp, Double_t *values, Bool_t createNewKey=false, Bool_t spline=false) override
TVirtualMCSensitiveDetector * GetSensitiveDetector(const TString &volName) const override
void SetExclusiveSDScoring(Bool_t exclusiveSDScoring) override
Bool_t IsTrackStop() const override
Bool_t DefineIon(const char *name, Int_t Z, Int_t A, Int_t Q, Double_t excEnergy, Double_t mass=0.) override
Int_t IdFromPDG(Int_t pdg) const override
void Medium(Int_t &kmed, const char *name, Int_t nmat, Int_t isvol, Int_t ifield, Double_t fieldm, Double_t tmaxfd, Double_t stemax, Double_t deemax, Double_t epsil, Double_t stmin, Double_t *ubuf, Int_t nbuf) override
const char * CurrentVolName() const override
void Gsdvn(const char *name, const char *mother, Int_t ndiv, Int_t iaxis) override
void Mixture(Int_t &kmat, const char *name, Float_t *a, Float_t *z, Double_t dens, Int_t nlmat, Float_t *wmat) override
Int_t VolDaughterCopyNo(const char *volName, Int_t i) const override
void SetCollectTracks(Bool_t collectTracks) override
Int_t VolId(const char *volName) const override
void Gspos(const char *name, Int_t nr, const char *mother, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Int_t irot, const char *konly="ONLY") override
Double_t TrackCharge() const override
Bool_t IsMT() const override
Bool_t IsRootGeometrySupported() const override
void Medium(Int_t &kmed, const char *name, Int_t nmat, Int_t isvol, Int_t ifield, Double_t fieldm, Double_t tmaxfd, Double_t stemax, Double_t deemax, Double_t epsil, Double_t stmin, Float_t *ubuf, Int_t nbuf) override
Bool_t IsTrackInside() const override
void TrackPosition(TLorentzVector &position) const override
Int_t Gsvolu(const char *name, const char *shape, Int_t nmed, Float_t *upar, Int_t np) override
void TrackPolarization(TVector3 &pol) const override
void ProcessEvent(Int_t eventId, Bool_t isInterruptible) override
Double_t Edep() const override
Bool_t GetMedium(const TString &volumeName, TString &name, Int_t &imed, Int_t &nmat, Int_t &isvol, Int_t &ifield, Double_t &fieldm, Double_t &tmaxfd, Double_t &stemax, Double_t &deemax, Double_t &epsil, Double_t &stmin, TArrayD &par) override
Int_t Gsvolu(const char *name, const char *shape, Int_t nmed, Double_t *upar, Int_t np) override
Int_t NofVolDaughters(const char *volName) const override
void Material(Int_t &kmat, const char *name, Double_t a, Double_t z, Double_t dens, Double_t radl, Double_t absl, Float_t *buf, Int_t nwbuf) override
Bool_t IsCollectTracks() const override
Double_t ParticleLifeTime(Int_t pdg) const override
Bool_t DefineParticle(Int_t pdg, const char *name, TMCParticleType mcType, Double_t mass, Double_t charge, Double_t lifetime, const TString &pType, Double_t width, Int_t iSpin, Int_t iParity, Int_t iConjugation, Int_t iIsospin, Int_t iIsospinZ, Int_t gParity, Int_t lepton, Int_t baryon, Bool_t stable, Bool_t shortlived=kFALSE, const TString &subType="", Int_t antiEncoding=0, Double_t magMoment=0.0, Double_t excitation=0.0) override
Int_t CurrentVolOffID(Int_t off, Int_t &copyNo) const override
TMCProcess ProdProcess(Int_t isec) const override
void Gsdvn2(const char *name, const char *mother, Int_t ndiv, Int_t iaxis, Double_t c0i, Int_t numed) override
void Gmtod(Float_t *xm, Float_t *xd, Int_t iflag) override
void TrackPosition(Double_t &x, Double_t &y, Double_t &z) const override
void Gsbool(const char *onlyVolName, const char *manyVolName) override
Double_t Etot() const override
Bool_t GetMaterial(Int_t imat, TString &name, Double_t &a, Double_t &z, Double_t &density, Double_t &radl, Double_t &inter, TArrayD &par) override
Double_t TrackTime() const override
Double_t TrackWeight() const override
Double_t Xsec(char *, Double_t, Int_t, Int_t) override
Double_t TrackMass() const override
Int_t PDGFromId(Int_t id) const override
void SetMaterialProperty(Int_t itmed, const char *propertyName, Double_t value) override
Bool_t IsTrackEntering() const override
void TrackPolarization(Double_t &polX, Double_t &polY, Double_t &polZ) const override
Bool_t DefineParticle(Int_t pdg, const char *name, TMCParticleType mcType, Double_t mass, Double_t charge, Double_t lifetime) override
void Gsord(const char *name, Int_t iax) override
void GetSecondary(Int_t isec, Int_t &particleId, TLorentzVector &position, TLorentzVector &momentum) override
Bool_t IsTrackAlive() const override
void SetUserDecay(Int_t pdg) override
Bool_t SetDecayMode(Int_t pdg, Float_t bratio[6], Int_t mode[6][3]) override
void WriteEuclid(const char *filnam, const char *topvol, Int_t number, Int_t nlevel) override
void Gsposp(const char *name, Int_t nr, const char *mother, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Int_t irot, const char *konly, Float_t *upar, Int_t np) override
void SetMaxStep(Double_t) override
void SetSensitiveDetector(const TString &volName, TVirtualMCSensitiveDetector *sd) override
GLint GLenum GLint x
Definition glcorearb.h:403
GLenum mode
Definition glcorearb.h:266
GLuint const GLchar * name
Definition glcorearb.h:781
GLint GLsizei width
Definition glcorearb.h:270
GLsizei const GLfloat * value
Definition glcorearb.h:819
GLenum GLsizei GLsizei GLint * values
Definition glcorearb.h:1576
GLenum GLfloat param
Definition glcorearb.h:271
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean a
Definition glcorearb.h:1233
GLenum GLuint GLenum GLsizei const GLchar * buf
Definition glcorearb.h:2514
GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble z
Definition glcorearb.h:843
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...