No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
2// See for details of the copyright holders.
3// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
5// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
6// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
8// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
9// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
10// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
14#include <iomanip>
15#include <TMath.h>
16#include <TStopwatch.h>
18#include "Framework/Logger.h"
24using namespace o2::fwdalign;
30 : fSize(0),
31 fPrecon(0),
32 fMatrix(nullptr),
33 fRHS(nullptr),
34 fPVecY(nullptr),
35 fPVecR1(nullptr),
36 fPVecR2(nullptr),
37 fPVecV(nullptr),
38 fPVecW(nullptr),
39 fPVecW1(nullptr),
40 fPVecW2(nullptr),
41 fPvv(nullptr),
42 fPvz(nullptr),
43 fPhh(nullptr),
44 fDiagLU(nullptr),
45 fMatL(nullptr),
46 fMatU(nullptr),
47 fMatBD(nullptr)
53 : TObject(src),
54 fSize(src.fSize),
55 fPrecon(src.fPrecon),
56 fMatrix(src.fMatrix),
57 fRHS(src.fRHS),
58 fPVecY(nullptr),
59 fPVecR1(nullptr),
60 fPVecR2(nullptr),
61 fPVecV(nullptr),
62 fPVecW(nullptr),
63 fPVecW1(nullptr),
64 fPVecW2(nullptr),
65 fPvv(nullptr),
66 fPvz(nullptr),
67 fPhh(nullptr),
68 fDiagLU(nullptr),
69 fMatL(nullptr),
70 fMatU(nullptr),
71 fMatBD(nullptr)
76MinResSolve::MinResSolve(const MatrixSq* mat, const TVectorD* rhs)
77 : fSize(mat->GetSize()),
78 fPrecon(0),
79 fMatrix((MatrixSq*)mat),
80 fRHS((double*)rhs->GetMatrixArray()),
81 fPVecY(nullptr),
82 fPVecR1(nullptr),
83 fPVecR2(nullptr),
84 fPVecV(nullptr),
85 fPVecW(nullptr),
86 fPVecW1(nullptr),
87 fPVecW2(nullptr),
88 fPvv(nullptr),
89 fPvz(nullptr),
90 fPhh(nullptr),
91 fDiagLU(nullptr),
92 fMatL(nullptr),
93 fMatU(nullptr),
94 fMatBD(nullptr)
99MinResSolve::MinResSolve(const MatrixSq* mat, const double* rhs)
100 : fSize(mat->GetSize()),
101 fPrecon(0),
102 fMatrix((MatrixSq*)mat),
103 fRHS((double*)rhs),
104 fPVecY(nullptr),
105 fPVecR1(nullptr),
106 fPVecR2(nullptr),
107 fPVecV(nullptr),
108 fPVecW(nullptr),
109 fPVecW1(nullptr),
110 fPVecW2(nullptr),
111 fPvv(nullptr),
112 fPvz(nullptr),
113 fPhh(nullptr),
114 fDiagLU(nullptr),
115 fMatL(nullptr),
116 fMatU(nullptr),
117 fMatBD(nullptr)
130 if (this != &src) {
131 fSize = src.fSize;
132 fPrecon = src.fPrecon;
133 fMatrix = src.fMatrix;
134 fRHS = src.fRHS;
135 }
136 return *this;
142 fPrecon = prec;
144 if (fPrecon >= kPreconBD && fPrecon < kPreconILU0) { // band diagonal decomposition
145 return BuildPreconBD(fPrecon - kPreconBD); // with halfbandwidth + diagonal = fPrecon
146 }
149 if (fMatrix->InheritsFrom("MatrixSparse")) {
151 } else {
153 }
154 }
156 return -1;
159//________________________________ FGMRES METHODS ________________________________
160Bool_t MinResSolve::SolveFGMRES(TVectorD& VecSol, Int_t precon, int itnlim, double rtol, int nkrylov)
162 // solve by fgmres
163 return SolveFGMRES(VecSol.GetMatrixArray(), precon, itnlim, rtol, nkrylov);
167Bool_t MinResSolve::SolveFGMRES(double* VecSol, Int_t precon, int itnlim, double rtol, int nkrylov)
169 // Adapted from Y.Saad fgmrs.c of ITSOL_1 package by Y.Saad:
170 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
171 | *** Preconditioned FGMRES ***
172 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------
173 | This is a simple version of the ARMS preconditioned FGMRES algorithm.
174 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------
175 | Y. S. Dec. 2000. -- Apr. 2008
176 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------
177 | VecSol = real vector of length n containing an initial guess to the
178 | precon = precondtioner id (0 = no precon)
179 | itnlim = max n of iterations
180 | rtol = tolerance for stopping iteration
181 | nkrylov = N of Krylov vectors to store
182 +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
183 int l;
184 double status = kTRUE;
185 double t, beta, eps1 = 0;
186 const double epsmac = 2.22E-16;
188 LOG(info) << "Solution by FGMRes: Preconditioner #" << precon
189 << " Max.iter.: " << itnlim
190 << std::scientific << std::setprecision(3) << " Tol.: " << rtol
191 << "NKrylov: " << nkrylov;
193 int its = 0;
194 if (nkrylov < 10) {
195 LOG(info) << "Changing N Krylov vectors from " << nkrylov << " 10";
196 nkrylov = 10;
197 }
199 if (precon > 0) {
200 if (precon >= kPreconsTot) {
201 LOG(warning) << "Unknown preconditioner identifier " << precon << ", ignore";
202 } else {
203 if (BuildPrecon(precon) < 0) {
204 ClearAux();
205 LOG(error) << "FGMRES failed to build the preconditioner";
206 return kFALSE;
207 }
208 }
209 }
211 if (!InitAuxFGMRES(nkrylov)) {
212 return kFALSE;
213 }
215 for (l = fSize; l--;) {
216 VecSol[l] = 0;
217 }
219 //-------------------- outer loop starts here
220 TStopwatch timer;
221 timer.Start();
222 while (1) {
224 //-------------------- compute initial residual vector
225 fMatrix->MultiplyByVec(VecSol, fPvv[0]);
226 for (l = fSize; l--;) {
227 fPvv[0][l] = fRHS[l] - fPvv[0][l]; // fPvv[0]= initial residual
228 }
229 beta = 0;
230 for (l = fSize; l--;) {
231 beta += fPvv[0][l] * fPvv[0][l];
232 }
233 beta = TMath::Sqrt(beta);
235 if (beta < epsmac) {
236 break; // success?
237 }
238 t = 1.0 / beta;
239 //-------------------- normalize: fPvv[0] = fPvv[0] / beta
240 for (l = fSize; l--;) {
241 fPvv[0][l] *= t;
242 }
243 if (its == 0) {
244 eps1 = rtol * beta;
245 }
247 // ** initialize 1-st term of rhs of hessenberg system
248 fPVecV[0] = beta;
249 int i = -1;
250 do {
251 i++;
252 its++;
253 int i1 = i + 1;
255 // (Right) Preconditioning Operation z_{j} = M^{-1} v_{j}
257 if (precon > 0) {
258 ApplyPrecon(fPvv[i], fPvz[i]);
259 } else {
260 for (l = fSize; l--;) {
261 fPvz[i][l] = fPvv[i][l];
262 }
263 }
265 //-------------------- matvec operation w = A z_{j} = A M^{-1} v_{j}
268 // modified gram - schmidt...
269 // h_{i,j} = (w,v_{i})
270 // w = w - h_{i,j} v_{i}
272 for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
273 for (t = 0, l = fSize; l--;) {
274 t += fPvv[j][l] * fPvv[i1][l];
275 }
276 fPhh[i][j] = t;
277 for (l = fSize; l--;) {
278 fPvv[i1][l] -= t * fPvv[j][l];
279 }
280 }
281 // -------------------- h_{j+1,j} = ||w||_{2}
282 for (t = 0, l = fSize; l--;) {
283 t += fPvv[i1][l] * fPvv[i1][l];
284 }
285 t = TMath::Sqrt(t);
286 fPhh[i][i1] = t;
287 if (t > 0) {
288 for (t = 1. / t, l = 0; l < fSize; l++) {
289 fPvv[i1][l] *= t; // v_{j+1} = w / h_{j+1,j}
290 }
291 }
292 // done with modified gram schimdt and arnoldi step
293 // now update factorization of fPhh
294 //
295 // perform previous transformations on i-th column of h
297 for (l = 1; l <= i; l++) {
298 int l1 = l - 1;
299 t = fPhh[i][l1];
300 fPhh[i][l1] = fPVecR1[l1] * t + fPVecR2[l1] * fPhh[i][l];
301 fPhh[i][l] = -fPVecR2[l1] * t + fPVecR1[l1] * fPhh[i][l];
302 }
303 double gam = TMath::Sqrt(fPhh[i][i] * fPhh[i][i] + fPhh[i][i1] * fPhh[i][i1]);
305 // if gamma is zero then any small value will do...
306 // will affect only residual estimate
307 if (gam < epsmac) {
308 gam = epsmac;
309 }
310 // get next plane rotation
311 fPVecR1[i] = fPhh[i][i] / gam;
312 fPVecR2[i] = fPhh[i][i1] / gam;
313 fPVecV[i1] = -fPVecR2[i] * fPVecV[i];
314 fPVecV[i] *= fPVecR1[i];
316 // determine residual norm and test for convergence
317 fPhh[i][i] = fPVecR1[i] * fPhh[i][i] + fPVecR2[i] * fPhh[i][i1];
318 beta = TMath::Abs(fPVecV[i1]);
319 //
320 } while ((i < nkrylov - 1) && (beta > eps1) && (its < itnlim));
321 //
322 // now compute solution. 1st, solve upper triangular system
323 fPVecV[i] = fPVecV[i] / fPhh[i][i];
324 for (int j = 1; j <= i; j++) {
325 int k = i - j;
326 for (t = fPVecV[k], l = k + 1; l <= i; l++) {
327 t -= fPhh[l][k] * fPVecV[l];
328 }
329 fPVecV[k] = t / fPhh[k][k];
330 }
331 // -------------------- linear combination of v[i]'s to get sol.
332 for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
333 for (t = fPVecV[j], l = 0; l < fSize; l++) {
334 VecSol[l] += t * fPvz[j][l];
335 }
336 }
337 // -------------------- restart outer loop if needed
339 if (beta <= eps1) {
340 timer.Stop();
341 LOG(info) << "FGMRES converged in " << its
342 << " iterations, CPU time: "
343 << std::setprecision(1) << timer.CpuTime() << " sec";
344 break; // success
345 }
347 if (its >= itnlim) {
348 timer.Stop();
349 LOG(error) << itnlim << " iterations limit exceeded, CPU time: "
350 << std::setprecision(1) << timer.CpuTime() << " sec";
351 status = kFALSE;
352 break;
353 }
354 }
356 ClearAux();
357 return status;
360//________________________________ MINRES METHODS ________________________________
361Bool_t MinResSolve::SolveMinRes(TVectorD& VecSol, Int_t precon, int itnlim, double rtol)
363 // solve by minres
364 return SolveMinRes(VecSol.GetMatrixArray(), precon, itnlim, rtol);
368Bool_t MinResSolve::SolveMinRes(double* VecSol, Int_t precon, int itnlim, double rtol)
370 /*
371 Adapted from author's Fortran code:
372 Michael A. Saunders
374 MINRES is an implementation of the algorithm described in the following reference:
375 C. C. Paige and M. A. Saunders (1975),
376 Solution of sparse indefinite systems of linear equations,
377 SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 12(4), pp. 617-629.
379 */
380 if (!fMatrix->IsSymmetric()) {
381 LOG(error) << "MinRes cannot solve asymmetric matrices, use FGMRes instead";
382 return kFALSE;
383 }
385 ClearAux();
386 const double eps = 2.22E-16;
387 double beta1;
389 if (precon > 0) {
390 if (precon >= kPreconsTot) {
391 LOG(warning) << "Unknown preconditioner identifier "
392 << precon << ", ignore";
393 } else {
394 if (BuildPrecon(precon) < 0) {
395 ClearAux();
396 LOG(error) << "MinRes failed to build the preconditioner";
397 return kFALSE;
398 }
399 }
400 }
401 LOG(info) << "Solution by MinRes: Preconditioner #" << precon
402 << " Max.iter.: " << itnlim << " Tol.: "
403 << std::scientific << std::setprecision(3) << rtol;
405 // ------------------------ initialization ---------------------->>>>
406 memset(VecSol, 0, fSize * sizeof(double));
407 int status = 0, itn = 0;
408 double normA = 0;
409 double condA = 0;
410 double ynorm = 0;
411 double rnorm = 0;
412 double gam, gmax = 1, gmin = 1, gbar, oldeps, epsa, epsx, epsr, diag, delta, phi, denom, z;
414 if (!InitAuxMinRes()) {
415 return kFALSE;
416 }
418 memset(VecSol, 0, fSize * sizeof(double));
420 // ------------ init aux -------------------------<<<<
421 // Set up y and v for the first Lanczos vector v1.
422 // y = beta1 P' v1, where P = C**(-1). v is really P' v1.
424 for (int i = fSize; i--;) {
425 fPVecY[i] = fPVecR1[i] = fRHS[i];
426 }
428 if (precon > 0) {
430 }
431 beta1 = 0;
432 for (int i = fSize; i--;) {
433 beta1 += fRHS[i] * fPVecY[i];
434 }
436 if (beta1 < 0) {
437 LOG(error) << "Preconditioner is indefinite (init) ("
438 << std::scientific << std::setprecision(3) << beta1 << ").";
439 ClearAux();
440 status = 7;
441 return kFALSE;
442 }
444 if (beta1 < eps) {
445 LOG(warning) << "RHS is zero or is the nullspace of the Preconditioner: Solution is {0}";
446 ClearAux();
447 return kTRUE;
448 }
450 beta1 = TMath::Sqrt(beta1); // Normalize y to get v1 later.
452 // See if Msolve is symmetric. //RS: Skept
453 // See if Aprod is symmetric. //RS: Skept
455 double oldb = 0;
456 double beta = beta1;
457 double dbar = 0;
458 double epsln = 0;
459 double qrnorm = beta1;
460 double phibar = beta1;
461 double rhs1 = beta1;
462 double rhs2 = 0;
463 double tnorm2 = 0;
464 double ynorm2 = 0;
465 double cs = -1;
466 double sn = 0;
467 for (int i = fSize; i--;) {
468 fPVecR2[i] = fPVecR1[i];
469 }
471 TStopwatch timer;
472 timer.Start();
473 while (status == 0) { //----------------- Main iteration loop ---------------------->>>>
475 itn++;
476 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
477 Obtain quantities for the next Lanczos vector vk+1, k = 1, 2,...
478 The general iteration is similar to the case k = 1 with v0 = 0:
479 p1 = Operator * v1 - beta1 * v0,
480 alpha1 = v1'p1,
481 q2 = p2 - alpha1 * v1,
482 beta2^2 = q2'q2,
483 v2 = (1/beta2) q2.
484 Again, y = betak P vk, where P = C**(-1).
485 .... more description needed.
486 -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
488 double s = 1. / beta; // Normalize previous vector (in y).
489 for (int i = fSize; i--;) {
490 fPVecV[i] = s * fPVecY[i]; // v = vk if P = I
491 }
492 fMatrix->MultiplyByVec(fPVecV, fPVecY); // APROD (VecV, VecY);
494 if (itn >= 2) {
495 double btrat = beta / oldb;
496 for (int i = fSize; i--;) {
497 fPVecY[i] -= btrat * fPVecR1[i];
498 }
499 }
500 double alfa = 0;
501 for (int i = fSize; i--;) {
502 alfa += fPVecV[i] * fPVecY[i]; // alphak
503 }
504 double alf2bt = alfa / beta;
505 for (int i = fSize; i--;) {
506 fPVecY[i] -= alf2bt * fPVecR2[i];
507 fPVecR1[i] = fPVecR2[i];
508 fPVecR2[i] = fPVecY[i];
509 }
511 if (precon > 0) {
513 }
515 oldb = beta; // oldb = betak
516 beta = 0;
517 for (int i = fSize; i--;) {
518 beta += fPVecR2[i] * fPVecY[i]; // beta = betak+1^2
519 }
520 if (beta < 0) {
521 LOG(error) << "Preconditioner is indefinite ("
522 << std::scientific << std::setprecision(3) << beta << ").";
523 status = 7;
524 break;
525 }
527 beta = TMath::Sqrt(beta); // beta = betak+1
528 tnorm2 += alfa * alfa + oldb * oldb + beta * beta;
530 if (itn == 1) { // Initialize a few things.
531 if (beta / beta1 <= 10.0 * eps) {
532 status = 0; //-1 //????? beta2 = 0 or ~ 0, terminate later.
533 LOG(info) << "RHS is eigenvector";
534 }
535 // !tnorm2 = alfa**2
536 gmax = TMath::Abs(alfa); // alpha1
537 gmin = gmax; // alpha1
538 }
540 /*
541 Apply previous rotation Qk-1 to get
542 [deltak epslnk+1] = [cs sn][dbark 0 ]
543 [gbar k dbar k+1] [sn -cs][alfak betak+1].
544 */
546 oldeps = epsln;
547 delta = cs * dbar + sn * alfa; // delta1 = 0 deltak
548 gbar = sn * dbar - cs * alfa; // gbar 1 = alfa1 gbar k
549 epsln = sn * beta; // epsln2 = 0 epslnk+1
550 dbar = -cs * beta; // dbar 2 = beta2 dbar k+1
552 // Compute the next plane rotation Qk
554 gam = TMath::Sqrt(gbar * gbar + beta * beta); // gammak
555 cs = gbar / gam; // ck
556 sn = beta / gam; // sk
557 phi = cs * phibar; // phik
558 phibar = sn * phibar; // phibark+1
560 // Update x.
561 denom = 1. / gam;
563 for (int i = fSize; i--;) {
564 fPVecW1[i] = fPVecW2[i];
565 fPVecW2[i] = fPVecW[i];
566 fPVecW[i] = denom * (fPVecV[i] - oldeps * fPVecW1[i] - delta * fPVecW2[i]);
567 VecSol[i] += phi * fPVecW[i];
568 }
570 // Go round again.
572 gmax = TMath::Max(gmax, gam);
573 gmin = TMath::Min(gmin, gam);
574 z = rhs1 / gam;
575 ynorm2 += z * z;
576 rhs1 = rhs2 - delta * z;
577 rhs2 = -epsln * z;
579 // Estimate various norms and test for convergence.
580 normA = TMath::Sqrt(tnorm2);
581 ynorm = TMath::Sqrt(ynorm2);
582 epsa = normA * eps;
583 epsx = normA * ynorm * eps;
584 epsr = normA * ynorm * rtol;
585 diag = gbar;
586 if (diag == 0) {
587 diag = epsa;
588 }
589 //
590 qrnorm = phibar;
591 rnorm = qrnorm;
592 /*
593 Estimate cond(A).
594 In this version we look at the diagonals of R in the
595 factorization of the lower Hessenberg matrix, Q * H = R,
596 where H is the tridiagonal matrix from Lanczos with one
597 extra row, beta(k+1) e_k^T.
598 */
599 condA = gmax / gmin;
601 // See if any of the stopping criteria are satisfied.
602 // In rare cases, istop is already -1 from above (Abar = const*I).
604 LOG(debug) << Form("#%5d |qnrm: %+.2e Anrm:%+.2e Cnd:%+.2e Rnrm:%+.2e Ynrm:%+.2e EpsR:%+.2e EpsX:%+.2e Beta1:%+.2e",
605 itn, qrnorm, normA, condA, rnorm, ynorm, epsr, epsx, beta1);
607 if (status == 0) {
608 if (itn >= itnlim) {
609 status = 5;
610 LOG(error) << itnlim << " iterations limit exceeded";
611 }
612 if (condA >= 0.1 / eps) {
613 status = 4;
614 LOG(error) << "Matrix condition number "
615 << std::scientific << std::setprecision(3) << condA
616 << " exceeds limit "
617 << std::scientific << std::setprecision(3) << 0.1 / eps;
618 }
619 if (epsx >= beta1) {
620 status = 3;
621 LOG(warning) << "Approximate convergence";
622 }
623 if (qrnorm <= epsx) {
624 status = 2;
625 LOG(info) << "Converged within machine precision";
626 }
627 if (qrnorm <= epsr) {
628 status = 1;
629 LOG(info) << "Converged";
630 }
631 }
633 } //----------------- Main iteration loop ----------------------<<<
635 ClearAux();
637 timer.Stop();
638 LOG(info) << Form(
639 "Exit from MinRes: CPU time: %.2f sec\n"
640 "Status : %2d\n"
641 "Iterations: %4d\n"
642 "Norm : %+e\n"
643 "Condition : %+e\n"
644 "Res.Norm : %+e\n"
645 "Sol.Norm : %+e",
646 timer.CpuTime(), status, itn, normA, condA, rnorm, ynorm);
648 return status >= 0 && status <= 3;
652void MinResSolve::ApplyPrecon(const TVectorD& vecRHS, TVectorD& vecOut) const
654 // apply precond.
655 ApplyPrecon(vecRHS.GetMatrixArray(), vecOut.GetMatrixArray());
659void MinResSolve::ApplyPrecon(const double* vecRHS, double* vecOut) const
661 if (fPrecon >= kPreconBD && fPrecon < kPreconILU0) { // band diagonal decomposition
662 fMatBD->Solve(vecRHS, vecOut);
663 // return;
664 }
666 else if (fPrecon >= kPreconILU0 && fPrecon <= kPreconILU10) {
668 for (int i = 0; i < fSize; i++) { // Block L solve
669 vecOut[i] = vecRHS[i];
670 VectorSparse& rowLi = *fMatL->GetRow(i);
671 int n = rowLi.GetNElems();
672 for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
673 vecOut[i] -= vecOut[rowLi.GetIndex(j)] * rowLi.GetElem(j);
674 }
675 }
677 for (int i = fSize; i--;) { // Block -- U solve
678 VectorSparse& rowUi = *fMatU->GetRow(i);
679 int n = rowUi.GetNElems();
680 for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
681 vecOut[i] -= vecOut[rowUi.GetIndex(j)] * rowUi.GetElem(j);
682 }
683 vecOut[i] *= fDiagLU[i];
684 }
685 }
691 fPVecY = new double[fSize];
692 fPVecR1 = new double[fSize];
693 fPVecR2 = new double[fSize];
694 fPVecV = new double[fSize];
695 fPVecW = new double[fSize];
696 fPVecW1 = new double[fSize];
697 fPVecW2 = new double[fSize];
699 for (int i = fSize; i--;) {
700 fPVecY[i] = fPVecR1[i] = fPVecR2[i] = fPVecV[i] = fPVecW[i] = fPVecW1[i] = fPVecW2[i] = 0.0;
701 }
702 return kTRUE;
706Bool_t MinResSolve::InitAuxFGMRES(int nkrylov)
708 fPvv = new double*[nkrylov + 1];
709 fPvz = new double*[nkrylov];
710 for (int i = 0; i <= nkrylov; i++) {
711 fPvv[i] = new double[fSize];
712 }
713 fPhh = new double*[nkrylov];
714 for (int i = 0; i < nkrylov; i++) {
715 fPhh[i] = new double[i + 2];
716 fPvz[i] = new double[fSize];
717 }
719 fPVecR1 = new double[nkrylov];
720 fPVecR2 = new double[nkrylov];
721 fPVecV = new double[nkrylov + 1];
723 return kTRUE;
729 if (fPVecY) {
730 delete[] fPVecY;
731 }
732 fPVecY = nullptr;
733 if (fPVecR1) {
734 delete[] fPVecR1;
735 }
736 fPVecR1 = nullptr;
737 if (fPVecR2) {
738 delete[] fPVecR2;
739 }
740 fPVecR2 = nullptr;
741 if (fPVecV) {
742 delete[] fPVecV;
743 }
744 fPVecV = nullptr;
745 if (fPVecW) {
746 delete[] fPVecW;
747 }
748 fPVecW = nullptr;
749 if (fPVecW1) {
750 delete[] fPVecW1;
751 }
752 fPVecW1 = nullptr;
753 if (fPVecW2) {
754 delete[] fPVecW2;
755 }
756 fPVecW2 = nullptr;
757 if (fDiagLU) {
758 delete[] fDiagLU;
759 }
760 fDiagLU = nullptr;
761 if (fMatL) {
762 delete fMatL;
763 }
764 fMatL = nullptr;
765 if (fMatU) {
766 delete fMatU;
767 }
768 fMatU = nullptr;
769 if (fMatBD) {
770 delete fMatBD;
771 }
772 fMatBD = nullptr;
776Int_t MinResSolve::BuildPreconBD(Int_t hwidth)
778 LOG(info) << "Building Band-Diagonal preconditioner of half-width = "
779 << hwidth;
780 fMatBD = new SymBDMatrix(fMatrix->GetSize(), hwidth);
782 // fill the band-diagonal part of the matrix
783 if (fMatrix->InheritsFrom("MatrixSparse")) {
784 for (int ir = fMatrix->GetSize(); ir--;) {
785 int jmin = TMath::Max(0, ir - hwidth);
786 VectorSparse& irow = *((MatrixSparse*)fMatrix)->GetRow(ir);
787 for (int j = irow.GetNElems(); j--;) {
788 int jind = irow.GetIndex(j);
789 if (jind < jmin) {
790 break;
791 }
792 (*fMatBD)(ir, jind) = irow.GetElem(j);
793 }
794 }
795 } else {
796 for (int ir = fMatrix->GetSize(); ir--;) {
797 int jmin = TMath::Max(0, ir - hwidth);
798 for (int jr = jmin; jr <= ir; jr++) {
799 (*fMatBD)(ir, jr) = fMatrix->Query(ir, jr);
800 }
801 }
802 }
806 return 0;
812 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
813 * ILUK preconditioner
814 * incomplete LU factorization with level of fill dropping
815 * Adapted from iluk.c of ITSOL_1 package by Y.Saad:
816 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
818 LOG(info) << "Building ILU" << lofM << " preconditioner";
820 TStopwatch sw;
821 sw.Start();
822 fMatL = new MatrixSparse(fSize);
823 fMatU = new MatrixSparse(fSize);
824 fMatL->SetSymmetric(kFALSE);
825 fMatU->SetSymmetric(kFALSE);
826 fDiagLU = new Double_t[fSize];
829 // symbolic factorization to calculate level of fill index arrays
830 if (PreconILUKsymb(lofM) < 0) {
831 ClearAux();
832 return -1;
833 }
835 Int_t* jw = new Int_t[fSize];
836 for (int j = fSize; j--;) {
837 jw[j] = -1; // set indicator array jw to -1
838 }
839 for (int i = 0; i < fSize; i++) { // beginning of main loop
840 if ((i % int(0.1 * fSize)) == 0) {
841 LOG(info) << "BuildPrecon: row " << i << " of " << fSize;
842 sw.Stop();
843 sw.Print();
844 sw.Start(kFALSE);
845 }
846 /* setup array jw[], and initial i-th row */
847 VectorSparse& rowLi = *fMatL->GetRow(i);
848 VectorSparse& rowUi = *fMatU->GetRow(i);
849 VectorSparse& rowM = *matrix->GetRow(i);
850 //
851 for (int j = rowLi.GetNElems(); j--;) { // initialize L part
852 int col = rowLi.GetIndex(j);
853 jw[col] = j;
854 rowLi.GetElem(j) = 0.; // do we need this ?
855 }
856 jw[i] = i;
857 fDiagLU[i] = 0; // initialize diagonal
858 //
859 for (int j = rowUi.GetNElems(); j--;) { // initialize U part
860 int col = rowUi.GetIndex(j);
861 jw[col] = j;
862 rowUi.GetElem(j) = 0;
863 }
864 // copy row from csmat into L,U D
865 for (int j = rowM.GetNElems(); j--;) { // L and D part
866 if (MatrixSq::IsZero(rowM.GetElem(j))) {
867 continue;
868 }
869 int col = rowM.GetIndex(j); // (the original matrix stores only lower triangle)
870 if (col < i) {
871 rowLi.GetElem(jw[col]) = rowM.GetElem(j);
872 } else {
873 if (col == i) {
874 fDiagLU[i] = rowM.GetElem(j);
875 } else {
876 rowUi.GetElem(jw[col]) = rowM.GetElem(j);
877 }
878 }
879 }
880 if (matrix->IsSymmetric()) {
881 for (int col = i + 1; col < fSize; col++) { // part of the row I on the right of diagonal is stored as
882 double vl = matrix->Query(col, i); // the lower part of the column I
883 if (MatrixSq::IsZero(vl)) {
884 continue;
885 }
886 rowUi.GetElem(jw[col]) = vl;
887 }
888 }
890 // eliminate previous rows
891 for (int j = 0; j < rowLi.GetNElems(); j++) {
892 int jrow = rowLi.GetIndex(j);
893 // get the multiplier for row to be eliminated (jrow)
894 rowLi.GetElem(j) *= fDiagLU[jrow];
895 //
896 // combine current row and row jrow
897 VectorSparse& rowUj = *fMatU->GetRow(jrow);
898 for (int k = 0; k < rowUj.GetNElems(); k++) {
899 int col = rowUj.GetIndex(k);
900 int jpos = jw[col];
901 if (jpos == -1) {
902 continue;
903 }
904 if (col < i) {
905 rowLi.GetElem(jpos) -= rowLi.GetElem(j) * rowUj.GetElem(k);
906 } else {
907 if (col == i) {
908 fDiagLU[i] -= rowLi.GetElem(j) * rowUj.GetElem(k);
909 } else {
910 rowUi.GetElem(jpos) -= rowLi.GetElem(j) * rowUj.GetElem(k);
911 }
912 }
913 }
914 }
915 // reset double-pointer to -1 ( U-part)
916 for (int j = rowLi.GetNElems(); j--;) {
917 jw[rowLi.GetIndex(j)] = -1;
918 }
919 jw[i] = -1;
920 for (int j = rowUi.GetNElems(); j--;) {
921 jw[rowUi.GetIndex(j)] = -1;
922 }
924 if (MatrixSq::IsZero(fDiagLU[i])) {
925 LOG(fatal) << "Fatal error in ILIk: Zero diagonal found...";
926 delete[] jw;
927 return -1;
928 }
929 fDiagLU[i] = 1.0 / fDiagLU[i];
930 }
932 delete[] jw;
934 sw.Stop();
935 LOG(info) << "ILU" << lofM << "preconditioner OK, CPU time: "
936 << std::setprecision(1) << sw.CpuTime() << " sec";
937 LOG(info) << "Densities: M " << matrix->GetDensity()
938 << " L " << fMatL->GetDensity()
939 << " U " << fMatU->GetDensity();
941 return 0;
947 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
948 * ILUK preconditioner
949 * incomplete LU factorization with level of fill dropping
950 * Adapted from iluk.c of ITSOL_1 package by Y.Saad:
951 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
953 TStopwatch sw;
954 sw.Start();
955 LOG(info) << "Building ILU" << lofM
956 << " preconditioner for dense matrix";
958 fMatL = new MatrixSparse(fSize);
959 fMatU = new MatrixSparse(fSize);
960 fMatL->SetSymmetric(kFALSE);
961 fMatU->SetSymmetric(kFALSE);
962 fDiagLU = new Double_t[fSize];
964 // symbolic factorization to calculate level of fill index arrays
965 if (PreconILUKsymbDense(lofM) < 0) {
966 ClearAux();
967 return -1;
968 }
970 Int_t* jw = new Int_t[fSize];
971 for (int j = fSize; j--;) {
972 jw[j] = -1; // set indicator array jw to -1
973 }
974 for (int i = 0; i < fSize; i++) { // beginning of main loop
975 /* setup array jw[], and initial i-th row */
976 VectorSparse& rowLi = *fMatL->GetRow(i);
977 VectorSparse& rowUi = *fMatU->GetRow(i);
979 for (int j = rowLi.GetNElems(); j--;) { // initialize L part
980 int col = rowLi.GetIndex(j);
981 jw[col] = j;
982 rowLi.GetElem(j) = 0.; // do we need this ?
983 }
984 jw[i] = i;
985 fDiagLU[i] = 0; // initialize diagonal
987 for (int j = rowUi.GetNElems(); j--;) { // initialize U part
988 int col = rowUi.GetIndex(j);
989 jw[col] = j;
990 rowUi.GetElem(j) = 0;
991 }
992 // copy row from csmat into L,U D
993 for (int j = fSize; j--;) { // L and D part
994 double vl = fMatrix->Query(i, j);
995 if (MatrixSq::IsZero(vl)) {
996 continue;
997 }
998 if (j < i) {
999 rowLi.GetElem(jw[j]) = vl;
1000 } else {
1001 if (j == i) {
1002 fDiagLU[i] = vl;
1003 } else {
1004 rowUi.GetElem(jw[j]) = vl;
1005 }
1006 }
1007 }
1008 // eliminate previous rows
1009 for (int j = 0; j < rowLi.GetNElems(); j++) {
1010 int jrow = rowLi.GetIndex(j);
1011 // get the multiplier for row to be eliminated (jrow)
1012 rowLi.GetElem(j) *= fDiagLU[jrow];
1014 // combine current row and row jrow
1015 VectorSparse& rowUj = *fMatU->GetRow(jrow);
1016 for (int k = 0; k < rowUj.GetNElems(); k++) {
1017 int col = rowUj.GetIndex(k);
1018 int jpos = jw[col];
1019 if (jpos == -1) {
1020 continue;
1021 }
1022 if (col < i) {
1023 rowLi.GetElem(jpos) -= rowLi.GetElem(j) * rowUj.GetElem(k);
1024 } else {
1025 if (col == i) {
1026 fDiagLU[i] -= rowLi.GetElem(j) * rowUj.GetElem(k);
1027 } else {
1028 rowUi.GetElem(jpos) -= rowLi.GetElem(j) * rowUj.GetElem(k);
1029 }
1030 }
1031 }
1032 }
1033 // reset double-pointer to -1 ( U-part)
1034 for (int j = rowLi.GetNElems(); j--;) {
1035 jw[rowLi.GetIndex(j)] = -1;
1036 }
1037 jw[i] = -1;
1038 for (int j = rowUi.GetNElems(); j--;) {
1039 jw[rowUi.GetIndex(j)] = -1;
1040 }
1042 if (MatrixSq::IsZero(fDiagLU[i])) {
1043 LOG(fatal) << "Fatal error in ILIk: Zero diagonal found...";
1044 delete[] jw;
1045 return -1;
1046 }
1047 fDiagLU[i] = 1.0 / fDiagLU[i];
1048 }
1050 delete[] jw;
1052 sw.Stop();
1053 LOG(info) << "ILU" << lofM << " dense preconditioner OK, CPU time: "
1054 << std::setprecision(1) << sw.CpuTime()
1055 << " sec";
1056 /*
1057 LOG(info) << "Densities: M " << matrix->GetDensity()
1058 << " L " << fMatL->GetDensity()
1059 << " U " << fMatU->GetDensity();
1060 */
1061 return 0;
1067 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1068 * ILUK preconditioner
1069 * incomplete LU factorization with level of fill dropping
1070 * Adapted from iluk.c: lofC of ITSOL_1 package by Y.Saad:
1071 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1073 TStopwatch sw;
1074 LOG(info) << "PreconILUKsymb >>";
1075 MatrixSparse* matrix = (MatrixSparse*)fMatrix;
1076 sw.Start();
1078 UChar_t **ulvl = nullptr, *levls = nullptr;
1079 UShort_t* jbuf = nullptr;
1080 Int_t* iw = nullptr;
1081 ulvl = new UChar_t*[fSize]; // stores lev-fils for U part of ILU factorization
1082 levls = new UChar_t[fSize];
1083 jbuf = new UShort_t[fSize];
1084 iw = new Int_t[fSize];
1086 for (int j = fSize; j--;) {
1087 iw[j] = -1; // initialize iw
1088 }
1089 for (int i = 0; i < fSize; i++) {
1090 int incl = 0;
1091 int incu = i;
1092 VectorSparse& row = *matrix->GetRow(i);
1094 // assign lof = 0 for matrix elements
1095 for (int j = 0; j < row.GetNElems(); j++) {
1096 int col = row.GetIndex(j);
1097 if (MatrixSq::IsZero(row.GetElem(j))) {
1098 continue; // !!!! matrix is sparse but sometimes 0 appears
1099 }
1100 if (col < i) { // L-part
1101 jbuf[incl] = col;
1102 levls[incl] = 0;
1103 iw[col] = incl++;
1104 } else if (col > i) { // This works only for general matrix
1105 jbuf[incu] = col;
1106 levls[incu] = 0;
1107 iw[col] = incu++;
1108 }
1109 }
1110 if (matrix->IsSymmetric()) {
1111 for (int col = i + 1; col < fSize; col++) { // U-part of symmetric matrix
1112 if (MatrixSq::IsZero(matrix->Query(col, i))) {
1113 continue; // Due to the symmetry == matrix(i,col)
1114 }
1115 jbuf[incu] = col;
1116 levls[incu] = 0;
1117 iw[col] = incu++;
1118 }
1119 }
1120 // symbolic k,i,j Gaussian elimination
1121 int jpiv = -1;
1122 while (++jpiv < incl) {
1123 int k = jbuf[jpiv]; // select leftmost pivot
1124 int kmin = k;
1125 int jmin = jpiv;
1126 for (int j = jpiv + 1; j < incl; j++) {
1127 if (jbuf[j] < kmin) {
1128 kmin = jbuf[j];
1129 jmin = j;
1130 }
1131 }
1133 // ------------------------------------ swap
1134 if (jmin != jpiv) {
1135 jbuf[jpiv] = kmin;
1136 jbuf[jmin] = k;
1137 iw[kmin] = jpiv;
1138 iw[k] = jmin;
1139 int tj = levls[jpiv];
1140 levls[jpiv] = levls[jmin];
1141 levls[jmin] = tj;
1142 k = kmin;
1143 }
1144 // ------------------------------------ symbolic linear combinaiton of rows
1145 VectorSparse& rowU = *fMatU->GetRow(k);
1146 for (int j = 0; j < rowU.GetNElems(); j++) {
1147 int col = rowU.GetIndex(j);
1148 int it = ulvl[k][j] + levls[jpiv] + 1;
1149 if (it > lofM) {
1150 continue;
1151 }
1152 int ip = iw[col];
1153 if (ip == -1) {
1154 if (col < i) {
1155 jbuf[incl] = col;
1156 levls[incl] = it;
1157 iw[col] = incl++;
1158 } else if (col > i) {
1159 jbuf[incu] = col;
1160 levls[incu] = it;
1161 iw[col] = incu++;
1162 }
1163 } else {
1164 levls[ip] = TMath::Min(levls[ip], it);
1165 }
1166 }
1167 } // end - while loop
1169 // reset iw
1170 for (int j = 0; j < incl; j++) {
1171 iw[jbuf[j]] = -1;
1172 }
1173 for (int j = i; j < incu; j++) {
1174 iw[jbuf[j]] = -1;
1175 }
1177 // copy L-part
1178 VectorSparse& rowLi = *fMatL->GetRow(i);
1179 rowLi.ReSize(incl);
1180 if (incl > 0) {
1181 memcpy(rowLi.GetIndices(), jbuf, sizeof(UShort_t) * incl);
1182 }
1183 // copy U-part
1184 int k = incu - i;
1185 VectorSparse& rowUi = *fMatU->GetRow(i);
1186 rowUi.ReSize(k);
1187 if (k > 0) {
1188 memcpy(rowUi.GetIndices(), jbuf + i, sizeof(UShort_t) * k);
1189 ulvl[i] = new UChar_t[k]; // update matrix of levels
1190 memcpy(ulvl[i], levls + i, k * sizeof(UChar_t));
1191 }
1192 }
1194 // free temp space and leave
1195 delete[] levls;
1196 delete[] jbuf;
1197 for (int i = fSize; i--;) {
1198 if (fMatU->GetRow(i)->GetNElems()) {
1199 delete[] ulvl[i];
1200 }
1201 }
1202 delete[] ulvl;
1203 delete[] iw;
1205 fMatL->SortIndices();
1206 fMatU->SortIndices();
1207 sw.Stop();
1208 sw.Print();
1209 LOG(info) << "PreconILUKsymb <<";
1210 return 0;
1216 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1217 * ILUK preconditioner
1218 * incomplete LU factorization with level of fill dropping
1219 * Adapted from iluk.c: lofC of ITSOL_1 package by Y.Saad:
1220 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1221 //
1222 UChar_t **ulvl = nullptr, *levls = nullptr;
1223 UShort_t* jbuf = nullptr;
1224 Int_t* iw = nullptr;
1225 ulvl = new UChar_t*[fSize]; // stores lev-fils for U part of ILU factorization
1226 levls = new UChar_t[fSize];
1227 jbuf = new UShort_t[fSize];
1228 iw = new Int_t[fSize];
1230 for (int j = fSize; j--;) {
1231 iw[j] = -1; // initialize iw
1232 }
1233 for (int i = 0; i < fSize; i++) {
1234 int incl = 0;
1235 int incu = i;
1237 // assign lof = 0 for matrix elements
1238 for (int j = 0; j < fSize; j++) {
1239 if (MatrixSq::IsZero(fMatrix->Query(i, j))) {
1240 continue;
1241 }
1242 if (j < i) { // L-part
1243 jbuf[incl] = j;
1244 levls[incl] = 0;
1245 iw[j] = incl++;
1246 } else if (j > i) { // This works only for general matrix
1247 jbuf[incu] = j;
1248 levls[incu] = 0;
1249 iw[j] = incu++;
1250 }
1251 }
1253 // symbolic k,i,j Gaussian elimination
1254 int jpiv = -1;
1255 while (++jpiv < incl) {
1256 int k = jbuf[jpiv]; // select leftmost pivot
1257 int kmin = k;
1258 int jmin = jpiv;
1259 for (int j = jpiv + 1; j < incl; j++) {
1260 if (jbuf[j] < kmin) {
1261 kmin = jbuf[j];
1262 jmin = j;
1263 }
1264 }
1266 // ------------------------------------ swap
1267 if (jmin != jpiv) {
1268 jbuf[jpiv] = kmin;
1269 jbuf[jmin] = k;
1270 iw[kmin] = jpiv;
1271 iw[k] = jmin;
1272 int tj = levls[jpiv];
1273 levls[jpiv] = levls[jmin];
1274 levls[jmin] = tj;
1275 k = kmin;
1276 }
1277 // ------------------------------------ symbolic linear combinaiton of rows
1278 VectorSparse& rowU = *fMatU->GetRow(k);
1279 for (int j = 0; j < rowU.GetNElems(); j++) {
1280 int col = rowU.GetIndex(j);
1281 int it = ulvl[k][j] + levls[jpiv] + 1;
1282 if (it > lofM) {
1283 continue;
1284 }
1285 int ip = iw[col];
1286 if (ip == -1) {
1287 if (col < i) {
1288 jbuf[incl] = col;
1289 levls[incl] = it;
1290 iw[col] = incl++;
1291 } else if (col > i) {
1292 jbuf[incu] = col;
1293 levls[incu] = it;
1294 iw[col] = incu++;
1295 }
1296 } else {
1297 levls[ip] = TMath::Min(levls[ip], it);
1298 }
1299 }
1300 } // end - while loop
1302 // reset iw
1303 for (int j = 0; j < incl; j++) {
1304 iw[jbuf[j]] = -1;
1305 }
1306 for (int j = i; j < incu; j++) {
1307 iw[jbuf[j]] = -1;
1308 }
1310 // copy L-part
1311 VectorSparse& rowLi = *fMatL->GetRow(i);
1312 rowLi.ReSize(incl);
1313 if (incl > 0) {
1314 memcpy(rowLi.GetIndices(), jbuf, sizeof(UShort_t) * incl);
1315 }
1316 // copy U-part
1317 int k = incu - i;
1318 VectorSparse& rowUi = *fMatU->GetRow(i);
1319 rowUi.ReSize(k);
1320 if (k > 0) {
1321 memcpy(rowUi.GetIndices(), jbuf + i, sizeof(UShort_t) * k);
1322 ulvl[i] = new UChar_t[k]; // update matrix of levels
1323 memcpy(ulvl[i], levls + i, k * sizeof(UChar_t));
1324 }
1325 }
1327 // free temp space and leave
1328 delete[] levls;
1329 delete[] jbuf;
1330 for (int i = fSize; i--;) {
1331 if (fMatU->GetRow(i)->GetNElems()) {
1332 delete[] ulvl[i];
1333 }
1334 }
1335 delete[] ulvl;
1336 delete[] iw;
1338 fMatL->SortIndices();
1339 fMatU->SortIndices();
1340 return 0;
int32_t i
Sparse matrix class (from AliROOT), used as a global matrix for MillePede2.
Abstract class (from AliROOT) for square matrix used for millepede2 operation.
General class (from AliROOT) for solving large system of linear equations.
uint32_t j
Definition RawData.h:0
uint32_t col
Definition RawData.h:4
Symmetric Band Diagonal matrix (from AliROOT) with half band width W (+1 for diagonal)
std::ostringstream debug
void SortIndices(Bool_t valuesToo=kFALSE)
sort columns in increasing order. Used to fix the matrix after ILUk decompostion
Float_t GetDensity() const override
get fraction of non-zero elements
VectorSparse * GetRow(Int_t ir) const
static Bool_t IsZero(Double_t x, Double_t thresh=1e-64)
Definition MatrixSq.h:134
Bool_t IsSymmetric() const override
Definition MatrixSq.h:64
virtual Int_t GetSize() const
Definition MatrixSq.h:39
virtual Double_t Query(Int_t rown, Int_t coln) const
Definition MatrixSq.h:44
virtual void MultiplyByVec(const Double_t *vecIn, Double_t *vecOut) const
fill vecOut by matrix * vecIn (vector should be of the same size as the matrix)
Definition MatrixSq.cxx:46
void SetSymmetric(Bool_t v=kTRUE)
Definition MatrixSq.h:65
for solving large system of linear equations
Definition MinResSolve.h:37
default constructor
Int_t BuildPreconBD(Int_t hwidth)
build Band-Diagonal preconditioner
MatrixSq * fMatrix
matrix defining the equations
void ApplyPrecon(const TVectorD &vecRHS, TVectorD &vecOut) const
apply precond.
Int_t BuildPreconILUKDense(Int_t lofM)
ILUK preconditioner.
MinResSolve & operator=(const MinResSolve &rhs)
assignment op.
Bool_t InitAuxFGMRES(int nkrylov)
init auxiliary space for fgmres
Int_t fPrecon
preconditioner type
Int_t PreconILUKsymb(Int_t lofM)
ILUK preconditioner.
Double_t * fPVecY
aux. space
Int_t BuildPreconILUK(Int_t lofM)
ILUK preconditioner.
void ClearAux()
clear aux. space
Int_t BuildPrecon(Int_t val=0)
preconditioner building
~MinResSolve() override
Double_t * fRHS
right hand side
Int_t fSize
dimension of the input matrix
Int_t PreconILUKsymbDense(Int_t lofM)
ILUK preconditioner.
Bool_t InitAuxMinRes()
init auxiliary space for MinRes
Bool_t SolveMinRes(Double_t *VecSol, Int_t precon=0, int itnlim=2000, double rtol=1e-12)
MINRES method (for symmetric matrices)
Bool_t SolveFGMRES(Double_t *VecSol, Int_t precon=0, int itnlim=2000, double rtol=1e-12, int nkrylov=60)
FGMRES method (for general symmetric matrices)
Symmetric Matrix Class.
Definition SymBDMatrix.h:33
void Solve(Double_t *rhs)
solve matrix equation
void DecomposeLDLT()
decomposition to L Diag L^T
UShort_t * GetIndices() const
Double_t & GetElem(Int_t i) const
UShort_t & GetIndex(Int_t i)
void ReSize(Int_t sz, Bool_t copy=kFALSE)
change the size
GLdouble n
Definition glcorearb.h:1982
GLenum src
Definition glcorearb.h:1767
GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble z
Definition glcorearb.h:843
LOG(info)<< "Compressed in "<< sw.CpuTime()<< " s"
o2::InteractionRecord ir(0, 0)
TStopwatch sw
std::vector< int > row