42 stream <<
"\nEMCal::SimParam.mA = " <<
43 stream <<
"\nEMCal::SimParam.mB = " <<
#define O2ParamImpl(classname)
EMCal simulation parameters.
Float_t mPinNoise
Electronics noise in EMC, APD.
Bool_t mSimulateNoiseDigits
simulate noise digits
void PrintStream(std::ostream &stream) const
Float_t mB
Slope Digitizition parameters.
Bool_t mSimulateTimeResponse
simulate time response
Float_t mGainFluctuations
correct fMeanPhotonElectron by the gain fluctuations
Float_t mA
Pedestal parameter.
Float_t mLiveTime
EMCal live time (ns)
Float_t mTimeResponseTau
Raw time response function tau parameter.
unsigned int mTimeWindowStart
The start of the time window.
Float_t mPreTriggerTime
EMCal pre-trigger time (ns)
Float_t mSignalDelay
Signal delay time (ns)
Int_t mDigitThreshold
Threshold for storing digits in EMC.
number of channels in EC section ADC
Float_t mTimeResponsePower
Raw time response function power parameter.
bool mSimulateL1Phase
Simulate L1 phase.
Bool_t mDisablePileup
disable pileup simulation
Float_t mECPrimThreshold
To store primary if EC Shower Elos > threshold.
Float_t mBusyTime
EMCal busy time (ns)
Float_t mPinNoiseTRU
Electronics noise in EMC, TRU, normalised by fastOr.
Float_t mTimeResponseThreshold
Raw time response function energy threshold.
Double_t getTimeResolution(Double_t energy) const
Int_t mSwapPhase
BC phase swap similar to data.
Float_t mTimeResolutionPar0
Time resolution of FEE electronics.
Int_t mMeanPhotonElectron
number of photon electrons per GeV deposited energy
Float_t mTimeResolutionPar1
Time resolution of FEE electronics.
Bool_t mSmearEnergy
do time and energy smearing
Float_t mPinNoiseLG
Electronics noise in EMC, APD, Low Gain.
Float_t mThresholdLZERO
ADC threshold for peak finding in the LZEROElectronics.
Bool_t mRemoveDigitsBelowThreshold
remove digits below threshold
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const Cell &cell)
Stream operator for EMCAL cell.