General class for alignment with large number of degrees of freedom, adapted from AliROOT.
static constexpr Int_t getNChips()
void setChi2CutFactor(const double value)
TString mMilleRecordsFileName
output file name when saving the Mille records
virtual ~Aligner()
void setAllowedVariationDeltaX(const double value)
void setChi2CutNStdDev(const Int_t value)
double mResCutInitial
Cut on residual on first iteration.
static o2::itsmft::ChipMappingMFT mChipMapping
MFT chip <-> ladder, layer, disk, half mapping.
void setAllowedVariationDeltaY(const double value)
std::vector< int > mGlobalParameterStatus
vector of effective degrees of freedom, used to fix detectors, parameters, etc.
void setResidualCut(const Double_t value)
static constexpr int mNumberOfSensors
Total number of sensors (detection elements) in the MFT.
TString mMilleConstraintsRecFileName
output file name when saving the records of the constraints
static constexpr int mFreeParId
static constexpr int mNDofPerSensor
translation in global x, y, z, and rotation Rz around global z-axis
double mResCut
Cut on residual for other iterations.
bool mIsInitDone
boolean to follow the initialisation status
void setResidualCutInitial(const Double_t value)
double mStartFac
Initial value for chi2 cut, used to reject outliers i.e. bad tracks with sum(chi2) > Chi2DoFLim(fNStd...
static constexpr int mNumberOfGlobalParam
Number of alignment (= global) parameters.
virtual void init()=0
init Millipede (will be overriden in derived classes)
int getNDofPerSensor() const
return the number of DOF per sensor
void setAllowedVariationDeltaZ(const double value)
void setAllowedVariationDeltaRz(const double value)
std::array< double, mNDofPerSensor > mAllowVar
"Encouraged" variation for degrees of freedom {dx, dy, dRz, dz}
static constexpr int mNumberOfTrackParam
Number of track (= local) parameters (X0, Tx, Y0, Ty)
static constexpr int mFixedParId
int mChi2CutNStdDev
Number of standard deviations for chi2 cut.
GLsizei const GLfloat * value
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...