100 Int_t
getObjectType(UInt_t uniqueID)
const {
return ((uniqueID >> 16) & 0x7) - 1; };
103 Int_t
getHalfID(UInt_t uniqueID)
const {
return ((uniqueID >> 14) & 0x3) - 1; };
106 Int_t
getDiskID(UInt_t uniqueID)
const {
return ((uniqueID >> 11) & 0x7) - 1; };
109 Int_t
getPlaneID(UInt_t uniqueID)
const {
return ((uniqueID >> 9) & 0x3) - 1; };
112 Int_t
getLadderID(UInt_t uniqueID)
const {
return ((uniqueID >> 3) & 0x3F) - 1; };
115 Int_t
getSensorID(UInt_t uniqueID)
const {
return (uniqueID & 0x7) - 1; };
118 Int_t chip = -1)
139 Int_t mSensorVolumeID;
static const Double_t sChipThickness
CMOS chip thickness.
static const Double_t sCapacitorDy
static const Double_t sHoleShift1
void setSensorVolumeID(Int_t val)
Set the TGeo ID of the volume describing the sensors.
UInt_t getObjectID(ObjectTypes type, Int_t half=-1, Int_t disk=-1, Int_t plane=-1, Int_t ladder=-1, Int_t chip=-1) const
Returns the object Unique ID.
static const Double_t sEpsilon
static const Double_t sVarnishThickness
static const Double_t sShiftDDGNDline
static const Double_t sSensorTopOffset
Offset of sensor compare to ladder top edge.
Int_t getDiskNSensors(Int_t diskId) const
Returns the number of sensors on the entire disk (top+bottom)
static const Double_t sSensorSideOffset
Offset of sensor compare to ladder edge (close to the beam pipe)
static const Double_t sGlueRohacellCarbonThickness
Int_t getSensorID(UInt_t uniqueID) const
Returns Sensor ID based on Unique ID provided.
Int_t getDetElemLocalID(Int_t detElem) const
Returns the local ID of the sensor on the disk.
Int_t getDiskID(UInt_t uniqueID) const
Returns Half-Disk ID based on Unique ID provided.
static const Double_t sFlexThickness
Flex Thickness.
static const Double_t sLineWidth
static const Double_t sConnectorLength
static const Double_t sKaptonGlueThickness
Int_t getLadderID(UInt_t uniqueID) const
Returns Ladder ID based on Unique ID provided.
Int_t getSensorVolumeID() const
Returns TGeo ID of the volume describing the sensors.
static const Double_t sConnectorOffset
Int_t getHalfID(UInt_t uniqueID) const
Returns Half-MFT ID based on Unique ID provided.
static const Double_t sGlueThickness
static const Int_t sGrooves
static const Double_t sKaptonThickness
static Geometry * instance()
Singleton access.
static const Double_t sCapacitorDz
static const Double_t sConnectorWidth
Segmentation * getSegmentation() const
Returns pointer to the segmentation.
static const Double_t sClearance
static const Double_t sSensorInterspace
Interspace between 2 sensors on a ladder.
static const Double_t sConnectorHeight
static const Double_t sGlueEdge
Int_t getObjectType(UInt_t uniqueID) const
Returns Object type based on Unique ID provided.
static TGeoHMatrix sTransMFT2ITS
transformation due to the different conventions
static const Double_t sSensorThickness
CMOS sensor part thickness.
static const Double_t sFlexHeight
Flex Height.
static const Double_t sConnectorThickness
static const Double_t sRadiusHole1
static const Double_t sKaptonOnCarbonThickness
static const Double_t sShiftline
static const Double_t sLadderOffsetToEnd
Offset of sensor compare to ladder connector edge.
static const Double_t sRadiusHole2
static const Double_t sHoleShift2
Int_t getPlaneID(UInt_t uniqueID) const
Returns Half-Disk plane (side) ID based on Unique ID provided.
static const Double_t sCapacitorDx
static const Double_t sAluThickness
GLint GLint GLsizei GLint GLenum GLenum type
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...