No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
2// See for details of the copyright holders.
3// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
5// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
6// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
8// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
9// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
10// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
18#include <fairlogger/Logger.h>
19#include <fstream> // std::ifstream
21using namespace o2::phos;
25 mHistos = std::make_unique<ETCalibHistos>();
26 mBuffer = std::make_unique<RingBuffer>();
27 mGeom = Geometry::GetInstance();
31 mRunStartTime = other.mRunStartTime;
32 mBuffer = std::make_unique<RingBuffer>();
33 mEvBC = other.mEvBC;
34 mEvOrbit = other.mEvOrbit;
35 mEvent = 0;
36 mPtMin = other.mPtMin;
37 mEminHGTime = other.mEminHGTime;
38 mEminLGTime = other.mEminLGTime;
39 mFillDigitsTree = other.mFillDigitsTree;
40 mDigits.clear();
41 mHistos = std::make_unique<ETCalibHistos>();
46 LOG(info) << "Collected " << mDigits.size() << " CalibDigits";
49void PHOSEnergySlot::fill(const gsl::span<const Cluster>& clusters, const gsl::span<const CluElement>& cluelements, const gsl::span<const TriggerRecord>& cluTR)
51 // Scan current list of clusters
52 // Fill time, non-linearity and mgg histograms
53 // Fill list of re-calibraiable digits
54 if (mFillDigitsTree) {
55 mDigits.clear();
56 }
57 for (auto& tr : cluTR) {
59 if (mFillDigitsTree) {
60 // Mark new event
61 // First goes new event marker + BC (16 bit), next word orbit (32 bit)
62 EventHeader h = {0};
63 h.mMarker = 16383;
64 h.mBC = tr.getBCData().bc;
65 mDigits.push_back(h.mDataWord);
66 mDigits.push_back(tr.getBCData().orbit);
67 }
68 mEvBC = tr.getBCData().bc;
70 int firstCluInEvent = tr.getFirstEntry();
71 int lastCluInEvent = firstCluInEvent + tr.getNumberOfObjects();
73 // event is good if a) 2 and more clusters; b) at least one cluster with E>1.5 GeV
74 const float minCluE = 1.5;
75 bool good = false;
76 for (int i = firstCluInEvent; i < lastCluInEvent; i++) {
77 const Cluster& clu = clusters[i];
78 if (checkCluster(clu) && clu.getEnergy() > minCluE) {
79 good = true;
80 break;
81 }
82 }
83 good &= (lastCluInEvent - firstCluInEvent > 1);
84 if (!good) {
85 continue;
86 }
88 mBuffer->startNewEvent(); // mark stored clusters to be used for Mixing
89 for (int i = firstCluInEvent; i < lastCluInEvent; i++) {
90 const Cluster& clu = clusters[i];
91 if (clu.getEnergy() < mClusterEmin) { // There was problem in unfolding and cluster parameters not calculated
92 continue;
93 }
94 fillTimeMassHisto(clu, cluelements);
96 if (!mFillDigitsTree) {
97 continue;
98 }
100 uint32_t firstCE = clu.getFirstCluEl();
101 uint32_t lastCE = clu.getLastCluEl();
102 for (uint32_t idig = firstCE; idig < lastCE; idig++) {
103 const CluElement& ce = cluelements[idig];
104 // if ( < mDigitEmin) {
105 // continue;
106 // }
107 short absId = ce.absId;
108 // Fill cells from cluster for next iterations
109 short adcCounts = / mCalibParams->getGain(absId);
110 // Need to chale LG gain too to fit dynamic range
111 if (!ce.isHG) {
112 adcCounts /= mCalibParams->getHGLGRatio(absId);
113 }
114 CalibDigit d = {0};
115 d.mAddress = absId;
116 d.mAdcAmp = adcCounts;
117 d.mHgLg = ce.isHG;
118 d.mCluster = (i - firstCluInEvent) % kMaxCluInEvent;
119 mDigits.push_back(d.mDataWord);
120 if (i - firstCluInEvent > kMaxCluInEvent) {
121 // Normally this is not critical as indexes are used "locally", i.e. are compared to previous/next
122 LOG(important) << "Too many clusters per event:" << i - firstCluInEvent << ", apply more strict selection; clusters with same indexes will appear";
123 }
124 }
125 }
126 }
130 mHistos->reset();
131 mDigits.clear();
134void PHOSEnergySlot::fillTimeMassHisto(const Cluster& clu, const gsl::span<const CluElement>& cluelements)
136 // Fill time distributions only for cells in cluster
137 uint32_t firstCE = clu.getFirstCluEl();
138 uint32_t lastCE = clu.getLastCluEl();
140 short absIdMax = 0;
141 float maxE = 0.;
142 for (uint32_t idig = firstCE; idig < lastCE; idig++) {
143 const CluElement& ce = cluelements[idig];
144 short absId = ce.absId;
145 if ( > maxE) {
146 maxE =;
147 absIdMax = absId;
148 }
149 if (ce.isHG) {
150 if ( > mEminHGTime) {
151 mHistos->fill(ETCalibHistos::kTimeHGPerCell, absId, ce.time);
152 char relid[3];
153 Geometry::absToRelNumbering(absId, relid);
154 int ddl = (relid[0] - 1) * 4 + (relid[1] - 1) / 16 - 2;
155 mHistos->fill(ETCalibHistos::kTimeDDL, int(ddl * 4 + mEvBC % 4), ce.time);
156 }
157 if (mBadMap->isChannelGood(absId)) {
158 mHistos->fill(ETCalibHistos::kTimeHGSlewing, ce.time,;
159 }
160 } else {
161 if ( > mEminLGTime) {
162 mHistos->fill(ETCalibHistos::kTimeLGPerCell, absId, ce.time);
163 }
164 if (!mBadMap->isChannelGood(absId)) {
165 mHistos->fill(ETCalibHistos::kTimeLGSlewing, ce.time,;
166 }
167 }
168 }
170 // Real and Mixed inv mass distributions
171 // prepare TLorentsVector
172 float posX, posZ;
173 clu.getLocalPosition(posX, posZ);
175 // Correction for the depth of the shower starting point (TDR p 127)
176 const float para = 0.925;
177 const float parb = 6.52;
178 float depth = para * TMath::Log(clu.getEnergy()) + parb;
179 posX -= posX * depth / 460.;
180 posZ -= posZ * depth / 460.;
182 TVector3 vec3;
183 mGeom->local2Global(clu.module(), posX, posZ, vec3);
184 // float e = clu.getEnergy();
185 float e = Nonlinearity(clu.getCoreEnergy());
186 // Non-perp inc., nonlin
187 vec3 *= e / vec3.Mag();
188 TLorentzVector v(vec3.X(), vec3.Y(), vec3.Z(), e);
189 // Fill calibration histograms for all cells, even bad, but partners in inv, mass should be good
190 bool isGood = checkCluster(clu);
191 for (short ip = mBuffer->size(); ip--;) {
192 const TLorentzVector& vp = mBuffer->getEntry(ip);
193 TLorentzVector sum = v + vp;
194 if (mBuffer->isCurrentEvent(ip)) { // same (real) event
195 if (isGood) {
196 mHistos->fill(ETCalibHistos::kReInvMassNonlin, e, sum.M());
197 }
198 if (sum.Pt() > mPtMin) {
199 mHistos->fill(ETCalibHistos::kReInvMassPerCell, absIdMax, sum.M());
200 }
201 } else { // Mixed
202 if (isGood) {
203 mHistos->fill(ETCalibHistos::kMiInvMassNonlin, e, sum.M());
204 }
205 if (sum.Pt() > mPtMin) {
206 mHistos->fill(ETCalibHistos::kMiInvMassPerCell, absIdMax, sum.M());
207 }
208 }
209 }
211 // Add to list ot partners only if cluster is good
212 if (isGood && e > 0.2) {
213 mBuffer->addEntry(v);
214 }
217bool PHOSEnergySlot::checkCluster(const Cluster& clu)
219 // First check BadMap
220 float posX, posZ;
221 clu.getLocalPosition(posX, posZ);
222 short absId;
223 Geometry::relPosToAbsId(clu.module(), posX, posZ, absId);
224 if (!mBadMap->isChannelGood(absId)) {
225 return false;
226 }
228 return (clu.getEnergy() > 0.3 && clu.getMultiplicity() > 1);
230float PHOSEnergySlot::Nonlinearity(float en)
232 // Correct for non-linearity
233 const double a = 9.34913e-01;
234 const double b = 2.33e-03;
235 const double c = -8.10e-05;
236 const double d = 3.2e-02;
237 const double f = -8.0e-03;
238 const double g = 1.e-01;
239 const double h = 2.e-01;
240 const double k = -1.48e-04;
241 const double l = 0.194;
242 const double m = 0.0025;
244 return en * (a + b * en + c * en * en + d / en + f / ((en - g) * (en - g) + h) + k / ((en - l) * (en - l) + m));
253 // create final histos
254 mHistos = std::make_unique<ETCalibHistos>();
259 // Extract results for the single slot
260 es* c = slot.getContainer();
261 LOG(debug) << "Finalize slot " << slot.getTFStart() << " <= TF <= " << slot.getTFEnd();
262 // Add histos
263 mHistos->merge(c->getCollectedHistos());
268 auto& cont = getSlots();
269 auto& slot = front ? cont.emplace_front(tstart, tend) : cont.emplace_back(tstart, tend);
270 slot.setContainer(std::make_unique<es>());
271 slot.getContainer()->setFillDigitsTree(mFillDigitsTree);
272 slot.getContainer()->setBadMap(mBadMap);
273 slot.getContainer()->setCalibration(mCalibParams);
274 slot.getContainer()->setCuts(mPtMin, mEminHGTime, mEminLGTime, mDigitEmin, mClusterEmin);
275 return slot;
278bool PHOSEnergyCalibrator::process(uint64_t tf, const gsl::span<const Cluster>& clusters,
279 const gsl::span<const CluElement>& cluelements,
280 const gsl::span<const TriggerRecord>& cluTR,
281 std::vector<uint32_t>& outputDigits)
283 // process current TF
284 // First receive bad map and calibration if not received yet
285 auto& slotTF = getSlotForTF(tf);
286 slotTF.getContainer()->setRunStartTime(tf);
287 slotTF.getContainer()->fill(clusters, cluelements, cluTR);
288 // Add collected Digits
289 if (mFillDigitsTree) {
290 auto tmpD = slotTF.getContainer()->getCollectedDigits();
291 outputDigits.insert(outputDigits.end(), tmpD.begin(), tmpD.end());
292 }
293 return true;
Utils and constants for calibration and related workflows.
int32_t i
uint32_t c
Definition RawData.h:2
std::ostringstream debug
Class for time synchronization of RawReader instances.
TFType getTFEnd() const
Definition TimeSlot.h:47
const Container * getContainer() const
Definition TimeSlot.h:53
TFType getTFStart() const
Definition TimeSlot.h:46
bool isChannelGood(short channelID) const
Get the status of a certain cell.
float getHGLGRatio(short cellID) const
Get High Gain to Low Gain ratio calibration coefficients.
Definition CalibParams.h:69
float getGain(short cellID) const
Get High Gain energy calibration coefficients.
Definition CalibParams.h:53
Contains PHOS cluster parameters.
Definition Cluster.h:39
float getEnergy() const
Definition Cluster.h:56
uint32_t getFirstCluEl() const
Definition Cluster.h:104
int getMultiplicity() const
Definition Cluster.h:86
char module() const
Definition Cluster.h:92
void getLocalPosition(float &posX, float &posZ) const
Definition Cluster.h:76
uint32_t getLastCluEl() const
Definition Cluster.h:105
float getCoreEnergy() const
Definition Cluster.h:59
static void relPosToAbsId(char module, float x, float z, short &absId)
Definition Geometry.cxx:220
void local2Global(char module, float x, float z, TVector3 &globaPos) const
Definition Geometry.cxx:234
static bool absToRelNumbering(short absId, char *relid)
Definition Geometry.cxx:65
static Geometry * GetInstance()
Definition Geometry.h:63
bool process(uint64_t tf, const gsl::span< const Cluster > &clusters, const gsl::span< const CluElement > &cluelements, const gsl::span< const TriggerRecord > &cluTR, std::vector< uint32_t > &outputDigits)
Slot & emplaceNewSlot(bool front, TFType tstart, TFType tend) final
static constexpr short kMaxCluInEvent
maximal number of clusters per event to separate digits from them (7 bits in digit map)
void fill(const gsl::span< const Cluster > &clusters, const gsl::span< const CluElement > &cluelements, const gsl::span< const TriggerRecord > &cluTR)
float sum(float s, o2::dcs::DataPointValue v)
Definition dcs-ccdb.cxx:39
const GLfloat * m
Definition glcorearb.h:4066
const GLdouble * v
Definition glcorearb.h:832
GLdouble f
Definition glcorearb.h:310
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean b
Definition glcorearb.h:1233
GLboolean GLboolean g
Definition glcorearb.h:1233
GLint GLint GLsizei GLsizei GLsizei depth
Definition glcorearb.h:470
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean a
Definition glcorearb.h:1233
std::unique_ptr< GPUReconstructionTimeframe > tf
VectorOfTObjectPtrs other
LOG(info)<< "Compressed in "<< sw.CpuTime()<< " s"
Cluster clu
std::vector< Cluster > clusters
uint32_t mHgLg
Bit 24: LG/HG.
uint32_t mCluster
Bits 25-32: index of cluster in event.
uint32_t mAddress
Bits 0 - 13: Hardware address.
uint32_t mAdcAmp
Bits 14 - 23: ADC counts.