No Matches
EventTimeMaker.h File Reference

Definition of the TOF event time maker. More...

#include "TRandom.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "ReconstructionDataFormats/PID.h"
#include "Framework/Logger.h"
#include "CommonUtils/ConfigurableParam.h"
#include "CommonUtils/ConfigurableParamHelper.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  o2::tof::EventTimeTOFParams
struct  o2::tof::eventTimeContainer
struct  o2::tof::eventTimeTrack
struct  o2::tof::eventTimeTrackTest


namespace  o2
 a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete objects
namespace  o2::tof


void o2::tof::generateEvTimeTracks (std::vector< eventTimeTrackTest > &tracks, int ntracks, float evTime=0.0)
template<typename trackType >
bool o2::tof::filterDummy (const trackType &tr)
void o2::tof::computeEvTime (const std::vector< eventTimeTrack > &tracks, const std::vector< int > &trkIndex, eventTimeContainer &evtime)
void o2::tof::computeEvTimeFast (const std::vector< eventTimeTrack > &tracks, const std::vector< int > &trkIndex, eventTimeContainer &evtime)
int o2::tof::getStartTimeInSet (const std::vector< eventTimeTrack > &tracks, std::vector< int > &trackInSet, unsigned long &bestComb, double refT0=0)
int o2::tof::getStartTimeInSetFast (const std::vector< eventTimeTrack > &tracks, std::vector< int > &trackInSet, unsigned long &bestComb)
template<typename trackTypeContainer , typename trackType , bool(*)(const trackType &) trackFilter>
eventTimeContainer o2::tof::evTimeMaker (const trackTypeContainer &tracks, const float &diamond=6.0, bool isFast=false)
template<typename trackTypeContainer , typename trackType , bool(*)(const trackType &) trackFilter, template< typename T, o2::track::PID::ID > typename response, typename responseParametersType >
eventTimeContainer o2::tof::evTimeMakerFromParam (const trackTypeContainer &tracks, const responseParametersType &responseParameters, const float &diamond=6.0, bool isFast=false)

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