No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
2// See for details of the copyright holders.
3// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
5// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
6// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
8// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
9// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
10// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
13 * Copyright (C) 2014 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH *
14 * *
15 * This software is distributed under the terms of the *
16 * GNU Lesser General Public Licence version 3 (LGPL) version 3, *
17 * copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE" *
18 ********************************************************************************/
20// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
21// ----- main responsible: Sandro Wenzel ( -----
22// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
26#include <DetectorsPassive/Magnet.h>
27#include <TGeoCompositeShape.h>
28#include <TGeoManager.h>
29#include <TGeoMatrix.h>
30#include <TGeoMedium.h>
31#include <TGeoPgon.h>
32#include <TGeoVolume.h>
33#include <TGeoXtru.h>
34#ifdef NDEBUG
35#undef NDEBUG
37#include <cassert>
39using namespace o2::passive;
41Magnet::~Magnet() = default;
43Magnet::Magnet() : PassiveBase("MAG", "") {}
44Magnet::Magnet(const char* name, const char* Title) : PassiveBase(name, Title) {}
45Magnet::Magnet(const Magnet& rhs) = default;
47Magnet& Magnet::operator=(const Magnet& rhs)
49 // self assignment
50 if (this == &rhs) {
51 return *this;
52 }
54 // base class assignment
55 PassiveBase::operator=(rhs);
57 return *this;
63 //
64 // Create materials for L3 magnet
65 //
66 Int_t isxfld = 2.;
67 Float_t sxmgmx = 10.;
69 Float_t epsil, stmin, deemax, tmaxfd, stemax;
71 // --- Define the various materials for GEANT ---
72 // Steel
73 Float_t asteel[4] = {55.847, 51.9961, 58.6934, 28.0855};
74 Float_t zsteel[4] = {26., 24., 28., 14.};
75 Float_t wsteel[4] = {.715, .18, .1, .005};
76 Float_t aAir[4] = {12.0107, 14.0067, 15.9994, 39.948};
77 Float_t zAir[4] = {6., 7., 8., 18.};
78 Float_t wAir[4] = {0.000124, 0.755267, 0.231781, 0.012827};
79 Float_t dAir = 1.20479E-3;
80 Float_t aWater[2] = {1.00794, 15.9994};
81 Float_t zWater[2] = {1., 8.};
82 Float_t wWater[2] = {0.111894, 0.888106};
84 // Aluminum
85 matmgr.Material("MAG", 9, "Al0$", 26.98, 13., 2.7, 8.9, 37.2);
86 matmgr.Material("MAG", 29, "Al1$", 26.98, 13., 2.7, 8.9, 37.2);
88 // Stainless Steel
89 matmgr.Mixture("MAG", 19, "STAINLESS STEEL1", asteel, zsteel, 7.88, 4, wsteel);
90 matmgr.Mixture("MAG", 39, "STAINLESS STEEL2", asteel, zsteel, 7.88, 4, wsteel);
91 matmgr.Mixture("MAG", 59, "STAINLESS STEEL3", asteel, zsteel, 7.88, 4, wsteel);
93 // Iron
94 matmgr.Material("MAG", 10, "Fe0$", 55.85, 26., 7.87, 1.76, 17.1);
95 matmgr.Material("MAG", 30, "Fe1$", 55.85, 26., 7.87, 1.76, 17.1);
97 // Air
98 matmgr.Mixture("MAG", 15, "AIR0$", aAir, zAir, dAir, 4, wAir);
99 matmgr.Mixture("MAG", 35, "AIR1$", aAir, zAir, dAir, 4, wAir);
101 // Water
102 matmgr.Mixture("MAG", 16, "WATER", aWater, zWater, 1., 2, wWater);
104 // ****************
105 // Defines tracking media parameters.
106 // Les valeurs sont commentees pour laisser le defaut
107 // a GEANT (version 3-21, page CONS200), f.m.
108 epsil = .001; // Tracking precision,
109 stemax = -1.; // Maximum displacement for multiple scat
110 tmaxfd = -20.; // Maximum angle due to field deflection
111 deemax = -.3; // Maximum fractional energy loss, DLS
112 stmin = -.8;
113 // ***************
115 // IRON
116 matmgr.Medium("MAG", 10, "FE_C0", 10, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin);
117 matmgr.Medium("MAG", 30, "FE_C1", 30, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin);
120 matmgr.Medium("MAG", 9, "ALU_C0", 9, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin);
121 matmgr.Medium("MAG", 29, "ALU_C1", 29, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin);
123 // AIR
124 matmgr.Medium("MAG", 15, "AIR_C0", 15, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin);
125 matmgr.Medium("MAG", 35, "AIR_C1", 35, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin);
127 // Steel
128 matmgr.Medium("MAG", 19, "ST_C0", 19, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin);
129 matmgr.Medium("MAG", 39, "ST_C1", 39, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin);
130 matmgr.Medium("MAG", 59, "ST_C3", 59, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin);
131 // WATER
132 matmgr.Medium("MAG", 16, "WATER", 16, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin);
139 // Octagon
140 const Int_t kNSides = 8;
141 const Float_t kStartAngle = 22.5; // deg
142 const Float_t kFullAngle = 360.0; // deg
143 // Mother volume
144 const Float_t kRBMotherInner = 600.00; // cm
145 const Float_t kRBMotherOuter = 790.50; // cm
146 const Float_t kLBMother = 706.00; // cm
147 // Yoke
148 const Float_t kRYokeInner = 703.50; // cm
149 const Float_t kRYokeOuter = 790.50; // cm
150 const Float_t kLYoke = 620.00; // cm
151 // Coil
152 const Float_t kRCoilInner = 593.00; // cm
153 const Float_t kRCoilOuter = 682.00; // cm
154 const Float_t kLCoil = 588.00; // cm
155 // Cooling
156 const Float_t kRCoolingOuter = 1.70; // cm
157 const Float_t kRCoolingInner = 1.00; // cm
158 // Thermal Shield
159 const Float_t kRThermalShieldInner = 566.00; // cm
160 const Float_t kRThermalShieldOuter = 571.00; // cm
161 // Crown
162 const Float_t kRCrownInner = 600.00; // cm
163 const Float_t kRCrownOuter = 785.50; // cm
164 const Float_t kLCrown1 = 605.00; // cm
165 const Float_t kLCrown2 = 620.00; // cm
166 const Float_t kLCrown3 = 706.00; // cm
167 // Door
168 const Float_t kRDoorOuter = 600.00; // cm
169 const Float_t kRPlugInner = 183.50; // cm
170 const Float_t kLDoor1 = 615.50; // cm
171 const Float_t kLDoor2 = 714.60; // cm
172 //
173 const Float_t kDegRad = TMath::Pi() / 180.;
175 //
176 // Top volume
177 TGeoVolume* top = gGeoManager->GetVolume("barrel");
178 assert(top);
180 // Media
182 auto medAir = matmgr.getTGeoMedium("MAG_AIR_C1");
183 auto medAlu = matmgr.getTGeoMedium("MAG_ALU_C1");
184 auto medAluI = matmgr.getTGeoMedium("MAG_ALU_C0");
185 auto medSteel = matmgr.getTGeoMedium("MAG_ST_C1");
186 auto medWater = matmgr.getTGeoMedium("MAG_WATER");
187 //
188 // Offset between LHC and LEP axis
189 Float_t os = -30.;
191 //
192 // Define Barrel Mother
193 //
194 TGeoPgon* shBMother = new TGeoPgon(kStartAngle, kFullAngle, kNSides, 2);
195 shBMother->DefineSection(0, -kLBMother, kRBMotherInner, kRBMotherOuter);
196 shBMother->DefineSection(1, kLBMother, kRBMotherInner, kRBMotherOuter);
197 //
198 TGeoVolumeAssembly* voBMother = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("L3BM");
199 //
200 // Define Thermal Shield
201 //
202 // Only one layer
203 // This can be improved: replace by (protection - shield - insulation) !
204 //
205 TGeoPgon* shThermSh = new TGeoPgon(kStartAngle, kFullAngle, kNSides, 2);
206 shThermSh->DefineSection(0, -kLCoil, kRThermalShieldInner, kRThermalShieldOuter);
207 shThermSh->DefineSection(1, kLCoil, kRThermalShieldInner, kRThermalShieldOuter);
208 //
209 TGeoVolume* voThermSh = new TGeoVolume("L3TS", shThermSh, medAluI);
210 voBMother->AddNode(voThermSh, 1, new TGeoTranslation(0., 0., 0.));
211 //
212 // Define Coils and cooling circuits
213 //
214 TGeoPgon* shCoilMother = new TGeoPgon(kStartAngle, kFullAngle, kNSides, 2);
215 shCoilMother->DefineSection(0, -kLCoil, kRCoilInner - 2. * kRCoolingOuter, kRCoilOuter + 2. * kRCoolingOuter);
216 shCoilMother->DefineSection(1, kLCoil, kRCoilInner - 2. * kRCoolingOuter, kRCoilOuter + 2. * kRCoolingOuter);
217 //
218 // Coils
219 TGeoVolume* voCoilMother = new TGeoVolume("L3CM", shCoilMother, medAir);
220 voBMother->AddNode(voCoilMother, 1, new TGeoTranslation(0., 0., 0.));
221 // Divide into the 168 turns
222 TGeoVolume* voCoilTurn = voCoilMother->Divide("L3CD", 3, 168, 0., 0.);
223 TGeoPgon* shCoils = new TGeoPgon(kStartAngle, kFullAngle, kNSides, 2);
224 shCoils->DefineSection(0, -3., kRCoilInner, kRCoilOuter);
225 shCoils->DefineSection(1, 3., kRCoilInner, kRCoilOuter);
226 //
227 TGeoVolume* voCoils = new TGeoVolume("L3C0", shCoils, medAlu);
228 voCoilTurn->AddNode(voCoils, 1, new TGeoTranslation(0., 0., 0.));
229 //
230 // Hexagonal Cooling circuits
231 //
232 const Float_t kRCC = kRCoolingOuter;
233 const Float_t kRCW = kRCoolingInner;
234 const Float_t kRCL = kRCC * TMath::Tan(30. / 180. * TMath::Pi());
235 const Float_t kRWL = kRCW * TMath::Tan(30. / 180. * TMath::Pi());
236 // Outer Circuits
237 //
238 // Pipe
239 TGeoPgon* shCoolingPipeO = new TGeoPgon(kStartAngle, kFullAngle, kNSides, 4);
240 shCoolingPipeO->DefineSection(0, -kRCC, kRCoilOuter + kRCC, kRCoilOuter + kRCC + 0.01);
241 shCoolingPipeO->DefineSection(1, -kRCL, kRCoilOuter, kRCoilOuter + 2. * kRCC);
242 shCoolingPipeO->DefineSection(2, kRCL, kRCoilOuter, kRCoilOuter + 2. * kRCC);
243 shCoolingPipeO->DefineSection(3, kRCC, kRCoilOuter + kRCC, kRCoilOuter + kRCC + 0.01);
244 //
245 TGeoVolume* voCoolingPipeO = new TGeoVolume("L3CCO", shCoolingPipeO, medAlu);
246 voCoilTurn->AddNode(voCoolingPipeO, 1, new TGeoTranslation(0., 0., 0.));
247 //
248 TGeoPgon* shCoolingWaterO = new TGeoPgon(kStartAngle, kFullAngle, kNSides, 4);
249 shCoolingWaterO->DefineSection(0, -kRCW, kRCoilOuter + kRCC, kRCoilOuter + kRCC + 0.01);
250 shCoolingWaterO->DefineSection(1, -kRWL, kRCoilOuter + (kRCC - kRCW), kRCoilOuter + kRCC + kRCW);
251 shCoolingWaterO->DefineSection(2, kRWL, kRCoilOuter + (kRCC - kRCW), kRCoilOuter + kRCC + kRCW);
252 shCoolingWaterO->DefineSection(3, kRCW, kRCoilOuter + kRCC, kRCoilOuter + kRCC + 0.01);
253 //
254 TGeoVolume* voCoolingWaterO = new TGeoVolume("L3CWO", shCoolingWaterO, medWater);
255 voCoolingPipeO->AddNode(voCoolingWaterO, 1, new TGeoTranslation(0., 0., 0.));
257 // Inner Circuits
258 //
259 // Pipe
260 TGeoPgon* shCoolingPipeI = new TGeoPgon(kStartAngle, kFullAngle, kNSides, 4);
261 shCoolingPipeI->DefineSection(0, -kRCC, kRCoilInner - kRCC, kRCoilInner - kRCC + 0.01);
262 shCoolingPipeI->DefineSection(1, -kRCL, kRCoilInner - 2. * kRCC, kRCoilInner);
263 shCoolingPipeI->DefineSection(2, kRCL, kRCoilInner - 2. * kRCC, kRCoilInner);
264 shCoolingPipeI->DefineSection(3, kRCC, kRCoilInner - kRCC, kRCoilInner - kRCC + 0.01);
265 //
266 TGeoVolume* voCoolingPipeI = new TGeoVolume("L3CCI", shCoolingPipeI, medAlu);
267 voCoilTurn->AddNode(voCoolingPipeI, 1, new TGeoTranslation(0., 0., 0.));
268 //
269 TGeoPgon* shCoolingWaterI = new TGeoPgon(kStartAngle, kFullAngle, kNSides, 4);
270 shCoolingWaterI->DefineSection(0, -kRCW, kRCoilInner - kRCC, kRCoilInner - kRCC + 0.01);
271 shCoolingWaterI->DefineSection(1, -kRWL, kRCoilInner - kRCC - kRCW, kRCoilInner - (kRCC - kRCW));
272 shCoolingWaterI->DefineSection(2, kRWL, kRCoilInner - kRCC - kRCW, kRCoilInner - (kRCC - kRCW));
273 shCoolingWaterI->DefineSection(3, kRCW, kRCoilInner - kRCC, kRCoilInner - kRCC + 0.01);
274 //
275 TGeoVolume* voCoolingWaterI = new TGeoVolume("L3CWI", shCoolingWaterI, medWater);
276 voCoolingPipeI->AddNode(voCoolingWaterI, 1, new TGeoTranslation(0., 0., 0.));
278 //
279 // Define Yoke
280 //
281 TGeoPgon* shYoke = new TGeoPgon(kStartAngle, kFullAngle, kNSides, 2);
282 shYoke->DefineSection(0, -kLYoke, kRYokeInner, kRYokeOuter);
283 shYoke->DefineSection(1, +kLYoke, kRYokeInner, kRYokeOuter);
284 //
285 TGeoVolume* voYoke = new TGeoVolume("L3YO", shYoke, medSteel);
286 voBMother->AddNode(voYoke, 1, new TGeoTranslation(0., 0., 0.));
288 //
289 // Define Crown
290 //
291 TGeoPgon* shCrown = new TGeoPgon(kStartAngle, kFullAngle, kNSides, 4);
292 shCrown->DefineSection(0, kLCrown1, kRCrownInner, kRYokeInner);
293 shCrown->DefineSection(1, kLCrown2, kRCrownInner, kRYokeInner);
294 shCrown->DefineSection(2, kLCrown2, kRCrownInner, kRCrownOuter);
295 shCrown->DefineSection(3, kLCrown3, kRCrownInner, kRCrownOuter);
296 //
297 TGeoVolume* voCrown = new TGeoVolume("L3CR", shCrown, medSteel);
299 //
300 // Door including "Plug"
301 //
302 Float_t slo = 2. * kRDoorOuter * TMath::Tan(22.5 * kDegRad);
303 Float_t sli = 2. * kRPlugInner * TMath::Tan(22.5 * kDegRad);
304 Double_t xpol1[12], xpol2[12], ypol1[12], ypol2[12];
306 xpol1[0] = 2.;
307 ypol1[0] = kRDoorOuter;
308 xpol1[1] = slo / 2.;
309 ypol1[1] = kRDoorOuter;
310 xpol1[2] = kRDoorOuter;
311 ypol1[2] = slo / 2.;
312 xpol1[3] = kRDoorOuter;
313 ypol1[3] = -slo / 2.;
314 xpol1[4] = slo / 2.;
315 ypol1[4] = -kRDoorOuter;
316 xpol1[5] = 2.;
317 ypol1[5] = -kRDoorOuter;
318 xpol1[6] = 2.;
319 ypol1[6] = -kRPlugInner - os;
320 xpol1[7] = sli / 2.;
321 ypol1[7] = -kRPlugInner - os;
322 xpol1[8] = kRPlugInner;
323 ypol1[8] = -sli / 2. - os;
324 xpol1[9] = kRPlugInner;
325 ypol1[9] = sli / 2. - os;
326 xpol1[10] = sli / 2.;
327 ypol1[10] = kRPlugInner - os;
328 xpol1[11] = 2.;
329 ypol1[11] = kRPlugInner - os;
331 TGeoXtru* shL3DoorR = new TGeoXtru(2);
332 shL3DoorR->DefinePolygon(12, xpol1, ypol1);
333 shL3DoorR->DefineSection(0, kLDoor1);
334 shL3DoorR->DefineSection(1, kLDoor2);
335 TGeoVolume* voL3DoorR = new TGeoVolume("L3DoorR", shL3DoorR, medSteel);
337 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
338 xpol2[i] = -xpol1[11 - i];
339 ypol2[i] = ypol1[11 - i];
340 }
342 TGeoXtru* shL3DoorL = new TGeoXtru(2);
343 shL3DoorL->DefinePolygon(12, xpol2, ypol2);
344 shL3DoorL->DefineSection(0, kLDoor1);
345 shL3DoorL->DefineSection(1, kLDoor2);
346 TGeoVolume* voL3DoorL = new TGeoVolume("L3DoorL", shL3DoorL, medSteel);
347 //
348 // Plug support plate
349 //
350 Float_t ro = kRPlugInner + 50.;
351 slo = 2. * ro * TMath::Tan(22.5 * kDegRad);
353 xpol1[0] = 2.;
354 ypol1[0] = ro - os;
355 xpol1[1] = slo / 2.;
356 ypol1[1] = ro - os;
357 xpol1[2] = ro;
358 ypol1[2] = slo / 2. - os;
359 xpol1[3] = ro;
360 ypol1[3] = -slo / 2. - os;
361 xpol1[4] = slo / 2.;
362 ypol1[4] = -ro - os;
363 xpol1[5] = 2.;
364 ypol1[5] = -ro - os;
366 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
367 xpol2[i] = -xpol1[11 - i];
368 ypol2[i] = ypol1[11 - i];
369 }
371 TGeoXtru* shL3PlugSPR = new TGeoXtru(2);
372 shL3PlugSPR->DefinePolygon(12, xpol1, ypol1);
373 shL3PlugSPR->DefineSection(0, kLDoor1 - 10.);
374 shL3PlugSPR->DefineSection(1, kLDoor1);
375 TGeoVolume* voL3PlugSPR = new TGeoVolume("L3PlugSPR", shL3PlugSPR, medSteel);
377 TGeoXtru* shL3PlugSPL = new TGeoXtru(2);
378 shL3PlugSPL->DefinePolygon(12, xpol2, ypol2);
379 shL3PlugSPL->DefineSection(0, kLDoor1 - 10.);
380 shL3PlugSPL->DefineSection(1, kLDoor1);
381 TGeoVolume* voL3PlugSPL = new TGeoVolume("L3PlugSPL", shL3PlugSPL, medSteel);
383 // Position crown and door
384 TGeoRotation* rotxz = new TGeoRotation("rotxz", 90., 0., 90., 90., 180., 0.);
386 TGeoVolumeAssembly* l3 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("L3MO");
387 voBMother->AddNode(voCrown, 1, new TGeoTranslation(0., 0., 0.));
388 voBMother->AddNode(voCrown, 2, new TGeoCombiTrans(0., 0., 0., rotxz));
389 l3->AddNode(voBMother, 1, new TGeoTranslation(0., 0., 0.));
390 l3->AddNode(voL3DoorR, 1, new TGeoTranslation(0., 0., 0.));
391 l3->AddNode(voL3DoorR, 2, new TGeoCombiTrans(0., 0., 0., rotxz));
392 l3->AddNode(voL3DoorL, 1, new TGeoTranslation(0., 0., 0.));
393 l3->AddNode(voL3DoorL, 2, new TGeoCombiTrans(0., 0., 0., rotxz));
394 l3->AddNode(voL3PlugSPR, 1, new TGeoTranslation(0., 0., 0.));
395 l3->AddNode(voL3PlugSPR, 2, new TGeoCombiTrans(0., 0., 0., rotxz));
396 l3->AddNode(voL3PlugSPL, 1, new TGeoTranslation(0., 0., 0.));
397 l3->AddNode(voL3PlugSPL, 2, new TGeoCombiTrans(0., 0., 0., rotxz));
398 top->AddNode(l3, 1, new TGeoTranslation(0., 0., 0.));
401FairModule* Magnet::CloneModule() const { return new Magnet(*this); }
Definition of the Detector class.
int32_t i
static void initFieldTrackingParams(int &mode, float &maxfield)
Definition Detector.cxx:143
static MaterialManager & Instance()
void createMaterials()
Definition Magnet.cxx:60
void ConstructGeometry() override
Definition Magnet.cxx:135
FairModule * CloneModule() const override
Clone this object (used in MT mode only)
Definition Magnet.cxx:401
a common base class for passive modules - implementing generic functions
Definition PassiveBase.h:24
GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble top
Definition glcorearb.h:4077
GLuint const GLchar * name
Definition glcorearb.h:781